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    1、8、可惜你不能做我的诗我不能做你的梦。But you cant be my poem I cant be your dream.9、经常在梦里出现的人大多都遥不可及。Often appear in the dream, people are far away.10、安慰我的人很多,但站出来为我说话的人一个也没有。Comfort me a lot, but the people who stand up for me dont have one.11、有种爱,是你只看我一眼,我却为此心跳一个早上。There is a kind of love, is you only look at me, I

    2、 have a heart for this morning.12、全世界都可以不懂,如果你也不懂,我还有什么话可说。The whole world can not understand, if you do not understand, I have something to say.13、我知道你还在乎我,这就够了,我等你玩累了那一天。I know you still care about me, this is enough, I wait for you to play tired that day.14、有没有一个人看透我的逞强在乎硪的忧伤。There is no one see

    3、through me to care about my sorrow.15、如果方向错了,停下来就是前进。If the direction is wrong, stop is to go forward.16、女人谁不愿意青春永驻,但我愿意用来换一个疼我的你。A woman who is not willing to youth, but I would like to change a pain in my you.17、我释怀不了的那些回忆,最终成为枷锁无法逃离。I cant forget those memories, eventually become unable to escape

    4、 the shackles.18、太爱的人分手后做不了朋友,泪流干了还洗不掉那些温柔。So love cant be friends after breaking up, tears drained also washed away the tender.19、你依然保持着说早安晚安的习惯,只是我很久都没有再听过。Do you still keep the habit of saying good morning good night, but I havent heard.20、我知道成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。I know that maturity is not the he

    5、art of the old, is still around laughing tears.21、现在这年头,只有不伤手的立白。哪有不分手的恋爱。Now this year, not only hurt the hand stand. Where does not break up the love.22、你是喜欢我,还是喜欢我爸妈制造我的过程。You like me, or like my parents made my process.23、原谅我镇定自若百毒不侵,只因我身后空无一人。Forgive me calm impenetrable, because behind me is e

    6、mpty.24、或许,总有那么一天,望着别人想起你,借着别人忘掉你。Maybe, there is always such a day, looking at the others think of you, by others to forget you.25、已经学会用微笑掩饰伤口,一个人默默承担一切。Has learned to use a smile to cover up the wound, a person silently bear all.26、毕竟大海里不可能只住着一只鱼,也难怪蓝天上有很多云。After all, it is impossible to live in t

    7、he sea only a fish, no wonder there are a lot of clouds on the blue sky.27、我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。I have passed your heart, not I dont want to stay, but you would not shelter.28、有些事,不想发生却不得不接受;有些人,不想失去却不得不放手。Some things, dont want to happen but have to accept; some people, dont want to lose but hav

    8、e to let go.29、你辜负了一个深爱你的,就会遇到一个伤你最深的。You failed to live up to a love you, you will encounter a hurt you the most.30、其实有些东西我再去珍惜又有何用难道我抱紧就会不落空?In fact, some of the things I cherish what I hold will not fail?31、我的演技一定特别好,我难过都没人知道。My acting must be particularly good, I am sad that no one knows.32、总有一个

    9、人,一直住在心底,却告别在生活里。There is always a person, has lived in the bottom of my heart, but said goodbye in life.33、好朋友只是朋友,还是朋友,不能够占有。A good friend is a friend, a friend, not a friend.34、我曾经也喜欢过一个人,喜欢到再也看不见别人。I also like a person, like to no longer see others.35、我从没有真正拥有过你,却好像失去了你一万次。I never really had you

    10、, but it seems to have lost you ten thousand times.36、是不是我喜欢的人都约好了不喜欢我。Is not my favorite people are about good do not like me.37、你是我终生求医不得的隐疾,始于一见钟情,终于挫骨扬灰。You are my lifelong doctor not high, began at the first sight, finally be turned to dust.38、就像巷子里的野猫,给过再多甜头,也只是匆匆而过似路人。Like the alley cats, gav

    11、e more sweetness, just like a passer-by.39、我怕我的义无反顾最后把我伤得血肉模糊。Im afraid I finally hurt me badly mutilated.40、我的关心不过是你眼中卑微的讨好,她的笑瞬间融化了你所有高傲。My care is just your eyes of the humble please, her smile instantly melted all your pride.41、别人的童话永远都是浪漫的,而我的童话却永远都是凄凉的。Other peoples fairy tales are always roma

    12、ntic, but my fairy tales are always bleak.42、在乎我的人不多,但只有你们几个就温暖我的心。I dont care much about me, but only you can warm my heart.43、老子每条说说都是写给你看的,全世界都有动静就你没反应。I wrote every word you see, the whole world there is something that you do not react.44、我们的执着,一定会上演一段唯美的浪漫。Our persistent, will be staged a beaut

    13、iful romantic.45、只怕我这一路以来的牺牲,换得被时光淹没的代价,没能被你记得。m afraid this way since the sacrifice, for by the time the price was not drowned, you remember.46、他说过一直爱我到永久,可他怀里的人却不是我。He said that he has been in love with me forever, but he is not my.47、退后一步是孤独,往前一步是幸福。Step back is lonely, step forward is happiness.

    14、48、寂寞是听见某个熟悉名字,不小心想起某些故事。Loneliness is heard a familiar name, do not think of some of the stories.49、开不了口的是,我还爱你;掩盖不住的是,我还想你。Can not open the mouth is, I still love you; cover up not to live is, I still want you.50、其实,单身挺好,和谁暧昧都不需要解释。In fact, single good, and who are not ambiguous need to explain.51

    15、、一直不承认自己是孤独的,直到我发现床底的烟头。Has not admitted he is alone, until I found the bed of the cigarette.52、别希望别期望别盼望别奢望别指望。Dont hope dont expect dont expect.53、明明都知道那都是谎言,可是我还是会被感动。Clearly know that all is a lie, but I still can be moved.54、从一哭就有人哄,到现在的再苦也要忍着笑。From a cry to someone to coax, now hard to have to

    16、 endure to smile.55、那些说着永不分离的人,早已散落在天涯了。Those who say never separated, already scattered on the horizon.56、最值得我骄傲的是,在歇斯底里的痛过后还能没心没肺的笑。Most of my pride, after hysterical pain but also my smile.57、我也曾经很用心,只是后来失了热情。I have been very carefully, but later lost enthusiasm.58、我就像一张便利贴,用完就丢开、永远消失在你的生命里。I lik

    17、e a sticky, used to leave, forever in your life.59、你不是我的,所以你怎样动人,在我看来都带着点迷人的残忍。You are not me, so how you are moving, in my eyes with a little charming cruel.60、你可以选择爱我或者不爱我,而我只能选择爱你或者更加爱你。You can choose to love me or not, but I can only choose to love you or love you more.61、逝去的年华,流水般度过,逝去的永远不再回来。T

    18、he passing of time, like the flowing water, lost forever no longer come back.62、想见你可以有一万个理由,见到你却发现缺少了一个见你的身份。See you can have ten thousand reasons, to see you have found a lack of identity to see you.63、爱本是泡沫怪我没有看破才如此难过。Love is the bubble blame me for not so sad to see.64、幸福是回到家后敲门,而不是伸手去摸那冰冷的钥匙。Hap

    19、piness is to come home and knock on the door, rather than reach out and touch the cold key.65、很多时候,你必须学会一个人去承受所有的委屈与心酸。Most of the time, you must learn a person to bear all the grievances and sad.66、有没有这样的时候,听见某人的名字,心就忍不住的痛。There is no such a time, hear a persons name, the heart can not help but pai

    20、n.67、我就是被你伤的死去活来然后哄几句又好的烂好人。I was injured by you and half alive coax a few words and good right.68、我不知道自己曾经在执着什么,但我知道,我一直都在为难自己。t know what Ive been in, but I know, Ive always been in a dilemma.69、我故意站在最耀眼的地方你却故意视而不见。I deliberately stood in the most dazzling place you deliberately turn a blind eye.7

    21、0、岁月带走的是记忆,但回忆会越来越清晰。Years away is the memory, but the memories will become more and more clear.71、被在乎的人忽略,会难过,而更难过的是还要装作根本不在乎。The people who care about are ignored, will be sad, but more sad is to pretend not to care.72、人累了就休息,心累了就淡定。丢了自己,只能慢慢捡回来。People are tired, rest, the heart is tired, calm. Lo

    22、st their own, only to slowly pick back.73、一些伤口之所以总会痛,那是因为你总是去摸。Some wounds are always painful, because you always go to touch.74、缘分是本书,翻的不经意会错过,读得太认真会流泪。Fate is the book, turn the casual will miss, read too seriously will shed tears.75、你说我眼里有片孤海,其实那只不过是你离开时留下的阴霾。You said my eyes have a lonely sea, i

    23、n fact, it is only when you leave the shadow.76、她只喝酒不说话,眼泪掉了也不擦。She only drinks and does not speak, the tear has not rubbed.77、人,一定不要太过于懒散随意,一旦成为习惯,那么就会付出代价。People, must not be too lazy to be casual, once become a habit, then it will pay the price.78、我们爱的太容易,不知道失去的结局。We love too easy, do not know the outcome of the loss.79、你的世界里有我,但不只有我;我的世界里没有你,却只想有你。You have me in the world, but not only me; my world without you, but just want to have you.80、你若即若离像风像雾从未让我看清和靠近。You will never let me neither friendly nor aloof like fog and close to see.


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