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    1、 Revision of the alphabet. -Whats this ? -Its V.-What color is it ? -Its red. / Its black and white.blue, green, red, yellow, black, white, color, and / pink, purple, orange, brown, grey Pronunciation of letters A,E,I,O,U(难点)22 能力目标 学会一些基本的学习策略,并运用这些策略提高运用英语的能力。 培养语用能力,让学生在用中感悟,把所学到的语言知识与生活实际结 合起来,使

    2、学习过程生活化。 培养英语思维能力和创新意识。 学会不断地发现问题,并用自己已有的知识水平和生活经历来解决实际问题。23 情感目标 培养学生积极,主动的学习心理状态,调动学生学习内驱力。 通过小组对话,讨论,课前准备和设计一系列的课堂活动,培养学生自 主学习、探究和乐于并善于与他人合作的精神。24 学习策略 交际策略:学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中去。 资源策略:学会利用一切可以利用的学习资源,如词典、音像资料、自 制教具、网络等来获取更多的学习信息。 认知能力:积极思考,及时反馈。 调控策略:在反思,顿悟和自醒中,不断调整自己的学习策略。25 课时安排 Period 1:

    3、Section A 2b, 2 a, 2c, 2d, 3 Period 2:Self Check3, SectionA1a, 1b, 1c, 4,Self Check2 Period 3:Self Check4, Section B 1a, 1b, Section A 5 Period 4:Section B 3a, 3b, 2, 4 Period 5:Self Check 1, Just for fun 三、教学设计Period 1 (Section A 2 b,2 a,2c, 2d, 3)Teaching aims(教学目标)学习英语字母S-Z。能在四线格里正确地书写S-Z的大、小写。能认

    4、读其印刷体和手写体的大小写形式(注意书写格式、笔划、笔顺合乎标准)。注意字母在字母表里的次序。Language points(语言点)要求掌握英语字母S-Z。 能听懂、会说big small letters.Difficulties(难点):对初学者来讲,小学的汉语拼音对学习英语字母有一定的干扰。引导学生仔细观察字母的大小写格式,避免书写错误,做到书写正确、美观。Teaching steps(教学步骤):教学设计说明Step Revision and warming-up A Guessing game Teacher shows a part of a letter and asks : “

    5、Whats this?” Get the students to answer the questions like this: “ I think its A / B.” Then show the whole of the letter to let the studentscheck whether theyre right or wrong. Step Presentation1. Focus attention on the picture in Activity 1a. Ask Students to find the capital letters in the picture

    6、to match the lower case letters. Then check the answers.2. Play the recording. Stop the tape after each letter and have students repeat. Check pronunciation and correct if necessary.3. Play the recording again. Have students repeat the eight letters in one set. Check pronunciation and correct if nec

    7、essary.Step Practice1. 2c: Students listen and write the number of the letters in the boxes according to the order in which they hear them. Then check the answers.2. 2d: The teacher demonstrate drawing the letters on the board. Demonstrate how students can use the lines in the book to assist them in

    8、 writing the letters. Move around the room checking on their work.Step Exploration 3: Ask students if they recognize any of the abbreviations, and know what they stand for. Have students discuss in groups. If necessary, provide some hints, such as asking where they have seen any of these logos befor

    9、e.Answers:S-小号 / M-中号 / L-大号 / XL-加大号UFO-不明飞行物 / CCTV-中央电视台UN-联合国 / MTV-音乐电视 / SARS-“非典”Step Homework(1) Listen to 2a and read it after the tape.(2) Copy the letters Ss-Zz and the letters in 3, write down the Chinese meaning and collect more such letters.(3) Make color letter cards.这一部分的Guessing gam

    10、e主要是为了让学生从不完整的画面中通过想象力,猜出其是什么字母,既复习学过的字母,又丰富学生的想象力。而“Whats this?Its ”既是前一单元的重点句型,也是下一课时使用频率较高的一个句型。我们在game的最后用同样的方式引出本堂课所要教授的新字母的小写形式。Step&Step 这两部分从听、说、读、写四个方面进行训练。听指听录音学字母,对初学者来说Ss、Xx和Yy这三个字母容易受数学老师的影响发音不准确,可能比较难读准,因此学生应仔细去听,老师应耐心纠正。通过听、说的过程使学生达到独地、正确地读出字母。写是指在听、说、读的基础上,能正确地书写字母。老师应向学生说明英语单词都由二十六个

    11、字母组成。每个英语字母都有印刷体和手写体两种形式,且都有大小写之分。先让学生认识四线三格,知道每个英语字母在四线三格中都有固定的位置。书写时注意笔顺正确。教师可边讲解边示范书写,学生可专门准备一个四线三格的英语草稿本在课堂上进行仿写。 这一部分并不一定要学生掌握这些缩略词的完整的拼法,主要是为了让学生了解到可以运用学过的大写字母来表示一些常见的缩略词或缩写形式。老师也可以补充一些常见的缩略词。这部分中的group work对于学生来说既是信息的输出又是信息的接收和整合过程。 要求学生做彩色字母卡片,为下一课时的重点句型Whats this?/Its A./What color is it?/I

    12、ts red.做好准备。鼓励学生用他们最喜欢的颜色及不同的字体。Period 2 (Self Check3, SectionA1a, 1b, 1c, 4, Self Check2)Teaching aims(教学目标)Ask and answer the questions about colors;Enlarge the Ss vocabulary about things and colors;Make similar dialogues.Language points要求掌握以下句式:(1)-What color is this?-Its red.(2) 要求掌握以下词汇:color,

    13、red, black,white, blue, orange, green, yellow,and 补充pink, purple, brown, grey1)What color is it ?它是什么颜色?这是询问颜色的特殊疑问句。疑问词What 修饰 color , 因此,两个词要一起放在句首,不能分开,也不能错读成 “Whats color ?”回答时一定要具体落实到“颜色”上。2)Its red . 表颜色的形容词单独作表词时,不能用冠词 a 修饰。句中 be 与 red 连用构成系表结构,不能用冠词。e.g. Its black . Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Se

    14、lf Check 3: Fill in the missing letters. Then read out all the letters from a to z.2. Revise the 26 letters by using the color letter cards students made in the last period. Then can ask and answer like this: -Whats this/that ? -Its A/B.1. Use the color letters cards students made and present this d

    15、ialogue:-Whats this ? -Its S.-What color is it ? -Its red/black and white.2. 1a: Ss listen and repeat.3. Introduce some other words for colors in the same way as in step 1.1b: Read the names of the colors and have Ss repeat them. Then ask Ss to match the words with the colors.1c:Say the sample conve

    16、rsations. Have students repeat.Students then practice the conversations in pairs. Asstudents practice, move around the classroom to check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.Ask some pairs to act out their own conversations. Ask students to practice asking each other about other items the

    17、y know. They may do so using other English vocabulary(e.g. bedroom items) if they wish.(1) Listen to 1a, read and recite it. (2) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it. (3) Finish Self-check 2.(4) Section A 4: Color the picture.(5) Bring colored pens for the next period

    18、.1. 填所缺字母可事先把题目(Self Check3)印在纸上直接发给学生自己填写,也可以发空白纸给同桌仿照Self Check3的题型互相出题检测。2. 这部分的复习可以先同桌Pair work 然后同组 group work,并在每组选出同学们认为制作最精美的卡片若干。1. 老师可以利用这些卡片引出新句型2. 要特别注意What color不要误读为Whats color,Its red不要误为Its a red.3. 考虑到学生在制作卡片时可能会用到的各种颜色,所以增加了其他几个常见的颜色单词:orange, brown, purple, pink, grey,gold利用flash进

    19、一步从音、形、义等方面巩固关于颜色的单词学生再通过pair work口头操练目标语言将所学的目标语言运用到实际生活当中去1. 回家作业从听、说、读、写、练等方面进一步巩固本课时的目标语言2. 提醒(4)涂色时交叉的地方要特别注意颜色不能混在一起Period 3 (Self Check4 Section B 1a, 1b, Section A 5)1、继续学习有关颜色的对话。2、学会发现和绘画颜色,用各种可以调动学生积极性的活动来提高学生的活跃性,激发他们参与讨论的热情。同时可以对学生进行美育教育,从小培养他们对美的正确认识。1、要求掌握下列句型:Color it greencolor(Vt.)

    20、 Spell it ,please.2、巩固下列单词:color, spell, key, pen, ruler, quilt, jacket 补充下列单词:book, bag, desk, chairDifficulties(难点):Color 作为动词的用法。1. Self Check4: Ss work in pairs. Use colored pens to write down the letters your partner says.2. Check Homework in Period 2.3. Play a game“What color is it ?”Step List

    21、ening PracticeSection B 1a:Draw attention to the picture. Ask students if they can recognize the items in the picture.Play the recording twice. Students color in the items in the picture according to the conversation.Check the answers.Section B 1b:Focus attention on the sentences. Explain that the s

    22、tudents need to fill in the correct words for the color of each item.Play the recording again. The students write the correct color words.Section A 5:Use the items in Section B 1a to role play one round with two students as a model for the class like this : -Whats this in English ? -Its a key. -Spel

    23、l it, please . -K-E-Y. -What color is it ? -Its yellow.Get students into pairs. Have them practice the conversation here.Students then ask each other about other items around them. Use the conversation here as a model. Move around the classroom to check progress and help with pronunciation as needed

    24、.Encourage students to recycle the vocabulary they know from the first two units.Step Homework(1) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it. (2) Copy the conversations in Section A 5 and write down the Chinese meaning.(3) Colors can make colors.1. 利用Self Check4既复习了字母又巩固了颜色

    25、。2. 检查Section A4五环期的涂色后可补充2008北京奥运会标志的颜色。3. 利用有声flash动画激发学生学习兴趣,再次从音、形上巩固颜色复习第二单元的重点单词并提供关于颜色的听力练习关于颜色的单词落实到写上面1Section B 1a中的涂上黄色的key正好可以拿来导入Section A 5的对话,其他两样物品也可以以同样的方式来操练对话,所以在这里把Section A 5编排在Section B1a 1b的后面。2在学生操练的过程中除巩固已学单词:color, spell, key, pen, ruler, quilt, jacket外还可以补充部分学生常用的表示物体的名词:b

    26、ook, bag, desk, chair, etc.当学生碰到不会表达的物体时,也可以用“it”来代替。1. 为避免学生能读能说能背但不知说的读的背的是什么意思,抄写和翻译练习还是很有必要的。2. 要求学生回去观察打印机的彩色墨盒有几种颜色?为什么只有这几种颜色?Period 4 (Section B 3a, 3b, 2, 4)学习五个元音字母,并能根据这五个元音字母给26个字母归类。1将所学的26个字母按顺序朗读、默写2How to make colors.Yellow and red make orange.Blue and yellow make green.Red and blue make purple按音素划分字母:将所学的26个字母按顺序朗读、默写对初学者来说是比较容易做到的。但如果将26个字母按音素划分是比较难的事情。教师从一开始教字母时,就应该让学生在朗读时去感受不同字母之间所含有的相同元音音素。尤其是字母F,L,M,N及R的归类。1. Colors can make colors.2. 3a: Listen and repeat.Step PresentationT:A、E、I、O、U 这五个字母我们称它们为元音字母。Read and remember them A-E-I-O-U, A


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