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    1、 too much . 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。1. You should take more (锻炼). Dont always sit at the table busy doing your (练习). 2. There are lots of (土豆) in the basket. 3. Ive heard of (两条) news about Han Hans new magazine. 4. Look! The cat is running after two (老鼠). 5. When autumn comes, the (叶子) on the tree turn yell

    2、ow. 【指点迷津】 名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词有单数和复数之分。二、名词所有格 . 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。1. Where have you been, Tim? Ive been to (亨利的家). 2. Are they going to have a picnic on (儿童节)?3. This is (汤姆和蒂姆的房间). The twin brothers like it very much. 4. My home isnt far from here. Its only (十五分钟的) walk. 5. My brother has

    3、 lots of friends. Mr Black is a friend of (我弟弟的). . 单项选择 ( ) 1. When we saw the film 2012, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my seat was between . A. Ted and Ben B. Teds and Ben D. Teds and Bens C. Ted and Bens( ) 2. Do you know whose pen it is? Sorry, I dont know. Maybe its . A. Kate B. Kat

    4、es C. Kates D. Kates( ) 3. He is very tired. He needs . A. a night rest B. a rest night C. a nights rest D. a rest of night ( ) 4. Today is September 10th. Its Day. Lets go and buy some flowers for our teachers. A. Teacher B. TeachersC. the Teachers D. Teachers 英语中,名词所有格表示名词之间的所属关系,有两种表示形式,一种是s所有格,一

    5、种是of所有格。代词 一、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词 . 从括号内选择合适的词填空。1. Mr Wang will teach English this term. (us, we, ourselves) 2. You can go and ask the teacher . (himself, him, he) 3. My watch is old, but is new. (he, his; himself) 4. Who is knocking at the door? is me. (He, It, She) 5. He bought me a very nice present f

    6、or . (you and me, me and you) 6. This is my coat. Where is ? (your, yours) Its over there, on the bed. 7. Mr Smith is a friend of . (hers, her) 8. Help to some fruit, children. (yourself, yourselves, you) ( ) 1. No one taught . She learnt all by . A. she; her B. her; herself C. her; her D. herself;

    7、herself ( ) 2. Wheres my books? Oh, sorry, I have taken by mistake. A. yours B. his C. hers D. mine ( ) 3. have been good friends for more than ten years. A. He, you and I B. I, you and he C. I, he and you D. You, he and I ( ) 4. They are too busy to help us finish the work. Lets do it . A. herself

    8、B. myself C. ourselves D. itself ( ) 5. Is this camera? No, is in the bag. A. your; mine B. yours; my C. your; my D. yours; mine 1. 几个人称代词并用时,他们的顺序是:单数形式(二、三、一)you, he and I;复数形式(一、二、三)we, you and they。2. 名词性物主代词常用来避免和前面已提及的名词重复,相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”。3. 反身代词常用于by oneself, enjoy oneself, hurt oneself, tal

    9、k to oneself, help oneself to , teach oneself, lose oneself等固定词组中。二、指示代词 . 用this, that, those, these填空。1. The spring in Qingdao is much more beautiful than in Harbin. 2. He was ill. is why he didnt go to school. 3. The students in our school are more active than in Xinhua Middle School. 4. Hello. is

    10、 Mr Green speaking. . 将下列汉语句子翻译成英语。1. 莫斯科的天气比北京冷。2. 看!天空中那是什么? 1. 指示代词的用法:单数 复数 用法1 用法2 this these 近指 指下文将要提及的事 that those 远指 指前面刚刚提过的事 2. 打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方。三、疑问代词 . 用适当的疑问代词填空。1. Can you tell me book it is?2. is your father? He is a teacher. 3. is the man in the car? Hes my brother. 4. do you

    11、 like better, spring or winter?( ) 1. Hello, Kate. advice do you take to answer the questions? Mikes. A. Whose B. Whom C. What D. Where ( ) 2. The songs the singer sang were very popular in our school. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose ( ) 3. He wants to know hell give a talk on Monday. A. with who B

    12、. with whom C. about whom D. about who 1. 基本用法: 所有格 宾格 主格 指人 who whom whose 指物 what / 指人或物 which / 2. 指“物”时,what指不定数目中的“哪一个,哪些,什么”,没有一定范围的界定,而which意为“哪一个”,指在一定范围内特指的人或物。四、不定代词 (一)some和any ( ) 1. Im thirsty. Can you give me water?t have . A. some; some B. some; any C. any; any D. any; some ( ) 2. The

    13、re are people in the park. are dancing, others are playing Taijiquan. A. many; some B. much;C. much; some D. many;. 用some或any填空。1. There arent students in the classroom. 2. When shall we meet next time? Make it day you like. Its all the same to me. 3. Would you like coffee? Yes, please. some常用于肯定句中,

    14、当说话者期望得到对方的肯定回答或表示请求建议时,可以用于疑问句中;any常用于否定句和疑问句中,当any意为“任何”时,可用于肯定句中。(二)a little, a few, few, little ( ) 1. Can you speak Chinese, Peter? Yes, but only . A. little B. few C. a little D. a few ( ) 2. You may go and ask him. He knows about Japanese. A. few B. few C. a little D. little ( ) 3. Lets go an

    15、d have a drink. Weve got time before the train leaves. A. a little B. little C. few D. a few ( ) 4. Theres still a little orange here, but people want to drink it. A. little B. a little C. a few D. few 1. 我们要离开几天。2. 很少有人活到一百岁。3. 我很少有时间读书。 修饰可数名词复数 修饰不可数名词 表示肯定 a few(有一些) a little(有一点儿) 表示否定 few(几乎没有

    16、) little(几乎没有) (三)both, either, neither, all, none ( ) 1. Which do you prefer, coffee or coke? , thanks. Id like only a cup of tea. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None ( ) 2. I like the cross talk very much. of the two actors are very funny. A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Either . 选词填空 1. Which of th

    17、e two shirts do you like? I like . (both, all) 2. There are a lot of books in my bag, but is mine. (none, neither) 3. of the students in my class want to take part in the trip. (All, Both) 都 其中一个 都不 两者 both either neither 三者(以上) all / none (四)other, the other, others, the others, another ( ) 1. Some

    18、 people like to stay at home on Sunday, but like to go to the park. A. another B. other C. others D. other one ( ) 2. He has two daughters. One is a nurse, is a worker. A. other B. others C. the other D. the others ( ) 3. Can I help you, sir? Yes. I dont like the coat. Would you like to show me one?

    19、A. another B. other C. the others D. others 1. On side of the street, there is a tall tree. (the other, others) 2. Do you have any questions, Tom? (other, another) 3. How many more oranges can I have? You can have one more. are for Tom. (The others, Others) another用于泛指三个以上的不定数目中的“另一个”,后面可接单数名词,也可省略后

    20、面的名词,用作代词。 other可用作形容词,修饰单、复数名词。 the other表示两者中特指的“另一个”或“另一部分”。 others表示泛指,意为“其他的人或物”,表示除去一部分以后的另一些,但不是剩下的 全体,有列举未尽的意味。 the others表示特指,意为“其他的人或物”,它指一定范围内除去一部分以后,剩下的全部的人或物。Key:名词 一、. 1-5 CBDCA . 1. exercise; exercises 2. potatoes 3. two pieces of 4. mice 5. leaves 二、. 1. Henrys 2. the ending of the s

    21、tory 3. Tom and Tims room 4. a map of China 5. my brother . 1-4 DBCB 一、. 1. us 2. himself 3. his 4. It 5. you and me 6. yours 7. hers 8. yourselves . 1-5 BADCA 二、. 1. that 2. That 3. those 4. This . 1. The weather in Moscow is colder than that in Beijing. 2. Look! Whats that in the sky?三、. 1. whose

    22、2. What 3. Who 4. Which . 1-3 AAB 四、(一). 1-2 BA . 1. any 2. any 3. some (二). 1-4 CCAD . 1. Were going to be away for a few days. 2. Few people live to be 100 years old. 3. I have very little time for reading. (三). 1-2 BA . 1. both 2. none 3. All (四). 1-3 CCA . 1. the other 2. other 3. The others What would you like to drink, my dear friends?) 3. ( much D. fishes;2. Are they going to have a picnic on (儿童节)?C. Ted and Bens D. Teds C. Kates D. K


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