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    英语人教版七年级下册Unit 3 SectionB 1a1e.docx

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    英语人教版七年级下册Unit 3 SectionB 1a1e.docx

    1、英语人教版七年级下册Unit 3 SectionB 1a1eUnit 3 How do you get to school?Section A (1a-2e) 学案学习目标知识目标:1.能掌握以下单词: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, far, minute, kilometer, new, every, every day 能掌握以下句型: How do you get to school? I ride my bike. How does Mary get to school?

    2、 She takes the subway. 2. Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式)take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .3. how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式。how far, how long 引导的特殊疑问句。4. 复习基数词及时间的表示方法。能力目标:学会谈论出行方式,充分提高学生在听说读写四个方面的能力。情感目标:学习交通知识交通法规,懂得在日常生活中的必须遵守的规章制度,有助于引起他们学习英语的兴趣以及培养他们用英语表达日常生活的习惯。预习导学知

    3、识清单一、根据汉语写出相对应的英语单词。交通_ 地铁_ 索道_ 公交车_ 自行车_ 火车_ 出租车_ 飞机_ 摩托车_ 小船_ 轮船_ 汽车_ 吉普车_ 骑_ 乘坐_ 开车_ 走_ 二、翻译下列短语。骑自行车_ 到达_ 多远_ 乘地铁_ 过河_ 在和之间_实现_ 考虑_ 步行_三、按下列要求写句子。1. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.(改为一般疑问句)_the bus ride usually _about 25 minutes? 2. Jack has to go to the doctor. (对划线部分提问)_does Jack

    4、_to_? 3. They can make bread.(改为一般疑问句)_they _ bread? 4. Li Lei is ten years old. Lin Tao is twelve years old.(合并为一句)Li Lei is_ _Lin Tao. 5. Our bikes are not the same as theirs.(改为同义句)Our bikes are_ _theirs. 合作探究知识详解1. It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费某人某些时间去做某事例如:It took the people a lot of time

    5、 to get to the mountain.人们花了很多时间才到了那座大山。It takes me twenty minutes to get to school on foot every morning.每天早晨我步行到学校要花费二十分钟。It will take three hours to finish the work.完成那项工作需要花费三个小时。2. 动词take还有其他词义;例如:1) 得到;获得You have to take it as you find it.对这个你只得将就些算了。2) 拿;握住;抓住The mother took her child by the

    6、hand.母亲拉着孩子的手。3) 取走,拿走Take this shopping home.把这件买的东西拿回家。The foods here are all free - take any you like.这里的食品都是免费的,你们随便吃吧。Who has taken my chocolate?谁拿了我的巧克力?4) 乘,坐,搭(车、船)Shall we go by bus or take a cab?我们是乘公共汽车去还是乘出租汽车去?to take a bus to work乘公共汽车上班5) 吃;喝;服用;吸入Take your medicine. 把药服下。6) 进行;作;为to

    7、take a walk 散步If you dont take / get more exercise youll get fat.你如果不多锻炼就会发胖。The state government has decided to take a 50% cut of oil profits.州政府决定抽取石油利润的百分之五十。We must take a long hard look at their suggestion.他们的建议我们要好好研究一番。to take a look around在附近看看7) 测出,量出Take your temperature.量一量你的体温。8) 减掉,去掉If

    8、 you take 4 from 10, you have 6.十减去四剩六。9) 懂得;了解Did you take my point?你懂我的意思吗?10) 攻读,修(课)Did you take history at school?你在学校上过历史课吗?11) 吸引;着迷He is really taken by the little dog.他对这只小狗着了迷。12) 持续,花费(时间)Just a minute, it wont take me long to change.等一下,我很快就可以换好衣服。This new pain-killer doesnt take long to

    9、 act on the pain.这种新止痛药不需要很长时间就能发挥止痛作用。13) 照相,拍照This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures.这次他设法爬进了基特罗火山口,以便能拍到照片,测量温度。I had my picture taken this morning. 今天早晨我照了相。2. 观察下列几组句子总结乘坐交通工具的表达方式。1)I often take a bus to school.2) Its

    10、difficult to take a train home in spring festival (春节).3) Because its difficult to get a train ticket in spring festival, lets go home by plane.4) My father often goes to work by car.5) There is a heavy fog (雾) in Beijing, we cant go there by air.6) How can you go to the South Pole? We can go there

    11、only by sea.7) My home is near my school, so I usually walk to school.8) My mother either rides to work or drives to work.总结:表示“乘坐交通工具”有以下几种方法“takethe/a交通工具名称(地点名词)”意为“乘去某地”。“动词walk, ride, drive, fly等to地点名词”,意为“步行/骑自行车/开车/坐飞机去某地”。“by交通工具名词”意为“乘”。“on/ in限定词交通工具名词(单数前用a, an, the修饰)”,用以表达具体的交通方式。训练巩固同步

    12、测试一、选出一个最佳答案。( ) 1. The MP5 _ be Kittys. Look! Her name is on it.A. may B. must C. cant D. neednt( ) 2. They decide to walk to the library, _ its far from here.A. so B. because C. but D. although ( ) 3. Mr. Zhang lives near a _. He often goes swimming there in the summer.A. stop B. town C. mountain

    13、D. river( ) 4. There are over nineteen _students in Sonias school. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of ( ) 5. Bob _ his bicycle to school every day. A. walks B. finds C. gets D. rides ( ) 6. My grandpa is _. I have to look after him in the hospital. A. active B. healthy C. ill D. ang

    14、ry ( ) 7. Look, Steve! You are so dirty. Go to _ quickly.OK, Mom.A. sleep B. shower C. send D. eat( ) 8. _ does your mother usually go to the museum, Tony?She takes the subway. A. Where B. What C. How D. Why二、完成下列句子。 1. Ten years ago, Gloria and her family lived in a _ (城镇).2. It is two _(公里) from m

    15、y home to the center of the city.3. There are _(九十个) students in the dining hall. 4. Cathys mother always _(ride) a bike to work. 5. Yesterday, John _(take) the taxi to his school. 6. It took Peter about forty _(minute) to walk to his office. 7. Brad will get off the bus after four _(stop). 8. Hecto

    16、r is always _(worry) about his study. 三、阅读理解Do you like traveling (旅行)? How do you usually get to the place you want to visit? There are many ways of traveling. For most people, maybe the most popular way is by train. You can see the beautiful sights when youre sitting on the train.In the old days,

    17、traveling by train was not fast. And there were no air conditioners (空调设备) on the train. So some people didnt like taking trains. Today trains are much faster than before, and most trains have air conditioners. Many years ago, it was not easy to have dinner on the train. But now there are dining car

    18、s (餐车).You can eat the food you like on the way.Taking trains is very interesting and comfortable (舒适的). Now more and more people like taking trains. What will trains be like in 100 years time? Its hard to say.根据短文内容判断下列说法正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Many people like taking trains when they are traveling.( ) 2.

    19、People didnt like taking trains in the old days because it was expensive.( ) 3. All the trains have air conditioners today.( ) 4. Its easy to buy food on the train today.( ) 5. Today the train is a very popular means of transportation.参考答案自我评价预习导学1.transportation,subway,ropeway,bus,bike,train,taxi,p

    20、lane,motorbike,boat,ship, car ,jeep, ride, take, drive, walk 2. ride a bike ,arrive in/at, how far, by subway, cross the river, betweenand, come true,think about, on foot3. 句型转换 1. Does, take 2. What, have, do 3. Can, make 4. younger than 5. different from 训练巩固 一、BDDA DCBC二、1. town 2. kilometers 3.

    21、ninety 4. rides 5. took 6. minutes 7. stops 8. worrying 三、TFFTT 自问自答1. 我学到了什么知识?效果如何?2. 我该如何在生活中运用这些语言技能与知识?Section A (Grammar focus-3c)学案学习目标知识目标:1. 能掌握以下单词: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, far, minute, kilometer, new, every, every day 能掌握以下句型: How do you ge

    22、t to school? I ride my bike. How does Mary get to school? She takes the subway. 2. Talk about how to get to places (谈论出行方式)take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike /walk .3. how引导的特殊疑问句,表示乘坐何种交通工具的方式。how far, how long 引导的特殊疑问句。4. 复习基数词及时间的表示方法。能力目标:学会谈论出行方式,充分提高学生在听说读写四个方面的能力。情感目标:学习交通知识交通法规,

    23、懂得在日常生活中的必须遵守的规章制度,有助于引起他们学习英语的兴趣以及培养他们用英语表达日常生活的习惯。预习导学知识清单一、根据汉语写出相对应的英语单词。60_ 70_ 分钟_80_ 90_ 千米_100_ 新的_ 每一个_二、翻译下列短语。多远_ 多久_ 乘地铁_ 到达_ 到校 _ 乘火车_ 三、按下列要求写句子。1. My school is 10 kilometers from my home.( 对划线部分提问)_ ?2. It takes me ten minutes to get there.(对划线部分提问)_?3. 你家离超市多远?_ _ is your home from t

    24、he supermarket?4. 你每天到学校需要多长时间?_ _ does it _ you _ _ _ school every day?5. The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _the bus ride usually _? 合作探究知识详解take 构成的常用词组构成常用的重要词组: 1. take away 拿走 Tom takes the knife away from the little boy. 汤姆从小男孩手里把刀拿走了。 2. take care (=be careful=look ou

    25、t) Take care! The car is coming! 小心!车来了! 3. take (good) care of (好好)照顾,照料 I can take care of the baby all by myself. 我自己能照顾这个小孩。 4. take down 取下来 Take down the picture and put up the map of the world. 摘下这张图画,挂上一幅世界地图。 5. take out 拿出 Please take out a piece of paper and write down your names on it, O

    26、K? 拿出一张纸,在上面写下你们的名字,好吗? 6. take off脱下;飞机(等起飞) Sorry! You have to take off your shoes before getting into the computer room. 对不起,在进入微机室之前,先要把你的鞋子脱掉。 The plane is going to take off soon. 飞机马上就要起飞了。 7. take ones temperature 量体温 Mingming is ill. The doctor is taking his temperature now. 明明生病了,大夫正在给他量体温。

    27、训练巩固同步测试一、选出一个最佳答案。( ) 1. Miss Evans lives far from the company, so she usually _ the subway to work.A. rides B. by C. takes D. on ( ) 2. “By water” means _.A. on boat B. by a boat C. taking boat D. by boat ( ) 3. Do you usually go to school _ bus or _ foot?A. by; by B. by; on C. on; by D. on; on (

    28、) 4. _ is it from Beijing to New York? More than 30000 miles.A. How far B. How long C. How often D. How much ( ) 5. How far is it from the bank to the post office? Its _.A. five minutes walk B. an hour form here C. three kilometers far D. about one hundred meters( ) 6. It will _ you about 13 hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.A. spend B. take C. use D. pay ( ) 7. Excuse me, sir. _ is it to the nearest hotel? About 15 minutes walk along this road.A. How much B. How soon C. How long D. How far ( ) 8. _ is the Confucian Temple


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