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    1、 (11) 谁来都行,由我来对付。/兵来将挡,谁来我都不怕。(12) 我死也不干。(不能译:那怕这样能救我的命也不干)(13) 理论固然重要,实践更重要。(注意不定代词要译实)(14)学英语,光学语法是不行的。(15)“exaggerate”一词可以引出较广的含义,不能照字面理解为“被夸张了”,而应译为“他大发雷霞,未免小题大做”。(16) 不能译为“我盼望遇到一个更老的人”(这样译不通顺),应译为“我拜读过大作。没有想到你这么年轻有为,(我原来以为你是一个老人呢)。(17) 每次出差回来,这儿都叫我感到耳目一新,精神一爽。(显然不能译成“使我成为一个新人”。)(18) 他妈是他的两倍”或“他

    2、妈赛过他两个人”等,都会含混不清。应根据对其深层意思的理解译为“可是这个家里是他妈妈说了算(或他妈妈当家),他们说,他连他妈妈的一半也顶不上”(他那样的人,两个也比不过他妈妈)。(19) 如果将主语译成“他和她”就显得不顺。后半句如译成“他们各自与另一个人结婚了”则不够清楚。全句宜译成:“他们再次相逢时,一个已经娶妻,一个也已经再嫁了”。(20) 会去参加招待会的,那怕交几个新朋友也好。(这里不能理解为“只是为了”)Free translation(P6) (1) Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。 分析如

    3、果直译,很可能是这样:“昨夜我听见他把他的猪赶到市场。”这样就闹出了大笑话。“To drive his pigs to market”在此就是一个“假朋友”,不小心就会上当。(2) He is being a good boy now他现在正在是一个好孩子。 分析这就叫做硬译,使译文读者不知所云。应改译为:“他现在正乖着呢。”(3) Justice has long arms天网恢恢,疏而不漏。 分析翻译思路是:法律的权力和威力是“鞭”长可及的,是无边的。或译为:罪犯难逃天罗地网 (4)关于增税的谈论激怒了许多选民。分析原文表层信息:关于增税的谈论对选民来说是一面红旗(红旗对中文读者来说意味着

    4、革命)。 原文深层信息:a red flag是令人生气的事物,源于西班牙的斗牛民俗。斗牛场上,人们用红布来激怒牛。译文表层表达:关于增税的谈论激怒了许多选民。(5) Will a duck swim? 当然喽!或译成:还用说吗! (6) They parted enemies他们不欢而散,成了仇敌。分析译文如保持原文外形而译为“他们分手敌人”或者“他们作为敌人而分手”,那么“可读性”就较差,不如打破原文形式,译成上面那句比较流畅的汉语。 “意译法”的核心是灵活变通。但灵活变通是有根有据地灵活变通,不是置原文于不顾地乱译一气。吕叔湘先生曾经举了一个很典型的乱译例句。原文是这样:(7)(A)理解正

    5、确Literal translation and free translation(2)赏析译文基本属于直译,但其中把couch potatoes译为“窝在沙发里长时间地看电视”,确实是传神的意译,把原文的深层信息用形象生动的译文传达了出来。一个“potato”既指人,又隐含“坐在沙发里的静态及时间之长”。如译为:“沙发土豆”或“坐在沙发里的人”就会形存神失。5Foreignization and Domestication归化和异化翻译界有名的东西风之争就是一例。东风在中国人的概念中是和煦温暖的,代表着春天和美好事物。李商隐无题诗云:“相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。”东风是该是催开百花的使

    6、者,所以才有百花残而怨东风之感慨。有英译法为: Its difficult for us to meet and hard to part; The east wind is too weak to revive flowers dead. (许渊冲中诗英韵探胜) 这种译法在西方人眼中无疑失去了那种淡淡幽怨之韵。因为缘于英国的地理位置,东风在英国人的眼中是凛冽的刺骨寒风,而西风采温煦、和暖。这样的直译扭曲了中文的文化意境。 英国诗人John Mansfield也有一首Ode to the West Wind (这是暖风哟,西风哟也吹来了水仙。余光中 译) 对于中国读者来说,此译文中的西风无疑是

    7、个让人迷惑的意象, 与整诗抒情的怀乡基调不符,显得形容突兀。而在英国的文化环境下则恰到好处。刘宓庆文化翻译论纲一书中指出“译文实际是原文+原文文化背景+译文+译文文化背景+原作者的气质和风格+译者的气质和风格的混合体。” Unit 2 2.Word (P9-10) This car is very heavy on oil.这部车耗油量很大。The snow is falling heavier tonight than last night.今晚的雪下得比昨晚大。He is a media heavy.他是新闻界重要人物。There was a heavy fragrance of flow

    8、ers and lemon trees.那里传来了浓郁的柠檬树和花的香味。This is a heavy news to everyone that there will be a war next century.下个世纪将有一场战争,这对每个人来说都是一个令人忧虑的消息。His father is a heavy drinker.他父亲酒瘾极大。After school, she went home with a heavy heart.放学后,她心情沉重地回家了。This dessert is not bad, but a little heavy.这种甜点心还不错,就是有点腻。He i

    9、s so heavy that he needs extra-large shirts.他太胖了,需要穿特大号的衬衫。3.1 Subject (P14)1. We built a house. 2. The house was built in the western compound (courtyard)/ The western compound witnessed/saw the building of another house.3. Another house was built last year/Last year witnessed the building of anoth

    10、er house.4. 同25. The best learner will be given a reward./ Whoever learns (Those who learn)best will be given a reward.6. “15” is an odd number. (even number偶数)7. Jumping and running help our digestion.8. We use chopsticks when we have meals./ Chopsticks are used for eating meals./ Having meals requ

    11、ires the use of chopsticks.9.The members of the Presidium are sitting on the platform./ The platform is occupied by the members of the Presidium.10. Our financial resources are limited, but expenses limitless.11. To empty ones purse to help people in need is a virtue./ It is a virtue for one to empt

    12、y his purse to help people in need.12. To be scolded and to be beaten (punished) is to be loved.(Scolding means loving, beating means affection). It will be strange (impossible) for a life without scolding and beating. 13. As for his business, you neednt worry too much.14. Wisdom/cleverness doesnt n

    13、ecessarily mean success.15. Exact calculation depends on a calm mind.16. It doesnt matter to be slow, but it is easy to make mistakes to be fast./ Being slow is no problem, while being fast may result in mistakes.17. Where are we now? Where is it? Where am I?18. There is no meeting today.19. It is v

    14、ery exciting in the village./ The village witnesses an exciting scene.20. There is plenty of meat in the kitchen; there are strong horses in the stable. But people looks hungry, and there are people who starved to death in the field. 21. It is ok (all right) for me (one person) to do it./ Let me do

    15、it, it is enough.22. It is impossible for him to believe what you said/your words.23. It is not strange that sometimes cats are more fierce than dogs./It sometimes happens that cats are more fierce than dogs. /That cats are sometimes more fierce than dogs does happen( in our life).24. Small shops do

    16、t the way.25. There are many people in the street.26. From outside the window came a gust of laughter.27. (You should) take one step and look around before taking another.28. As you sow, so will you reap.29. Be quiet.30. One learns as long as one lives./ We learn as long as we live.31. With a knowle

    17、dge of natural sciences, one can go anywhere in the world./If one has a knowledge of natural sciences, he /she can go anywhere in the world. /Whoever has (Those who have) a knowledge of natural sciences can go anywhere in the world.32. The man is stubborn.33. Many high buildings were built.3.2 Predi

    18、cate (P15)1. I know that. 2. Who said/did that?3. I feel very hot. 4. The melon is very sweet.5. This pair of shoes is small and worn-out.6. He is a good guy. 7. The girl has big eyes.8. Each one gets one copy./one for each.9. The boy is 16 years old.10. We like/value old friends just as we like/val

    19、ue new clothes. /Old friends are as good as new clothes. 11. He is smelling of sweat. 12. He has a quick temper.13. During the Moon Festival every family eats moon cakes.14. The dish tastes salted.15. It hasnt rained for 2 months./It is 2 months since it rained last.16. The child has a good memory.1

    20、7. China is rich/abound in land areas and resources.18. What we owed to our party is far beyond the measure/cant be measured.19. The reeds on the wall are top-heavy, foot-light and root-shallow. The bamboo shoots in the hill are tongue-sharp, skin-thick, and stomach empty./ The reeds on the wall hav

    21、e heavy tops, light feet and shallow roots. The bamboo shoots in the hill have sharp tongues, thick skin, and hallow inside.20. This conduct is immoral.21. The problem remains to be solved by the labor union.22. Youre making a fuss about nothing./Youre raising a storm in a teacup.23. You scared me o

    22、ut of my senses. 24. It is not that I didnt understand, but that I didnt want to say anything.25. We must not only concern ourselves with personal affairs but the affairs of the state and the world.26. He often receives visitors and attends dinner parties.27. One of my friends lives in Hong Kong./ I

    23、 have a friend living in Hong Kong./ I have a friend who lives in Hong Kong. 28. Professor Li always stands there and gives his lectures./ Professor Li always stands there giving his lectures./ Professor Li always gives his lectures by standing in front of the classroom.29. Lets open the window and

    24、let in the fresh air./ Lets open the window to let in the fresh air.30. He often took his students to the factory for a visit/to visit the factory.31. Taking a dictionary, he began to prepare his lessons./ He took a dictionary and began to prepare his lessons.32. The children came running to greet u

    25、s.33. He is going to ask for leave to go home by air to see his relatives next week.34. He is going to fix an appointment over the phone to meet her for a talk.35. I remembered that he had been there.练习:I. 对于许多人来说,在当今计算机时代还需要由人来作翻译似乎不合情理。既然现代计算机能装入词典和语法,为什么不让计算机来作翻译呢?计算机是可以作一些非常简单的语际转换工作,条件是事前和事后都要进

    26、行大量的编辑。但是无论广告小册子还是抒情诗都绝不可能归结为计算机所要求的那种逻辑。计算机打印出来的译文常常是可以看懂的如果有关人员早就知道原文的大概。但是机器翻译出来的东西,其语言形式通常是不自然的,而且有时候简直令人不可思议。再者,仅仅修改程序或者增加规则也不会使译文有真正的改观。人的大脑不仅具有数字功能和模拟功能,而且还有内存价值系统,这个系统在语言成分分析上比起计算机来有着不可估量的优势。对于任何文体引人入胜、语义复杂的文本包括大多数值得在另一种语言中表达出来的东西,非得由人来进行翻译不可。IIPut the following passage into EnglishTranslati

    27、on means the conversion of an expression into another languageTo say plainly it is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original. From the above definition of translation we know that the original thought of the expression must be kept as exactly

    28、 as possible. Nothing should be added to or taken away from the original work. The duty of the translator is simply to change the vocabulary not the thought. In translation therefore, there are two essential elements: accuracy and expressiveness. Accuracy is the first requisite of translation. The t

    29、ranslator must stick to the authors idea. Words selected and sentences constructed must be of such nature as will convey the exact original thought. Expressiveness is to make the translation readily understood. In other words, the translator must express his authors idea as clearly and as forcibly a

    30、s he can by the medium he employs. Accuracy is to make the thought definite and exact; while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractiveII. (B)(C)(C)Unit 3 Translation Skills (1): DictionJudging from Different Contexts (P21) work (1)Yesterday we did a good days work. 昨天我们干了一整天的工作。

    31、 (2) They often work in the factories 他们经常在工厂劳动。 (3) It is a work of art 那是一件艺术品。(4) We have read through the works by Einstein 我们已经读完了爱因斯坦的著作。(5)There was no automobile works in Hefei in 1950s 五十年代合肥没有汽车制造厂。(6) The works of these watches are all home-produced and wear well这些表的机件都是国产的,并且耐磨。(7) If you push hard against something and move it,you


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