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    1、最新牛津深圳版九年级英语下册能力训练附答案九年级英语下册能力训练II 完形填空(10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后每小题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)Winter was coming, and birds had flown far to the south, where the air was warm and they could find berries(浆果)to eat. One little bird had _21_ its wing and could not fly with the others. It stayed at the c

    2、old world of snow_22_.The forest looked warm, and it made its way to the trees to_24_ help. It came to a birch-tree(桦树),an oak and a willow, but they all_24_it.The poor little bird did not know _25_to do. It began to fly away, though its wings were not strong. Before it had gone far, a voice was hea

    3、rd. Little bird, it said, where are you going? In fact, I do not know, answered the bird_26_. I am very cold. Come right here, then, said the friendly spruce-tree(云杉),You can live on my warmest branch all_27_if you choose. The bird flew into the tree happily. At night, the wind came. May I_28_ every

    4、 leaf in the forest away? asked the wind. No, said the frost king. “The tree that has been_29_ to the little bird with the broken wing may keep the leaves. This is why the leaves of the spruce are_30_ green. ( ) 21. A. defeated B. broken C. spread D. offered ( ) 22. A. alone B. quickly C. secretly D

    5、. mainly ( ) 23. A. ask for B. leave for C. know about D. rely on ( ) 24. A. allowed B. accepted C. changed D. refused ( ) 25. A. when B. how C. why D. what ( ) 26. A. properly B. sadly C. extremely D. widely ( ) 27. A. autumn B. spring C. summer D. winter ( ) 28. A. blow B. require C. suffer D. cou

    6、nt ( ) 29. A. unknown B. odd C. kind D. suitable ( ) 30. A. always B. never C. often D. seldomIII.阅读理解(35分) i.阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的 A.B.C.D四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共25小题,小题1分)AJennie looked out of the car window. She had to wait for her father to help her. Before the accident, she used to be able to jump out herself.

    7、Now she had to be pushed everywhere in a wheel chair. When they were in the house, the family sat down together at the kitchen table. Mom got a snack for them. Jennie was happy to be home at last. It was much better to be here than in the hospital. We know how hard it is for you to get used to the w

    8、heel chair. School will not be easy when you go back either, said her father. We thought you might like to have a special friend to help you get around. What do you think of having a service dog to help you? How could a dag help me? asked Jennie. A dog could help open doors for you or pick up things

    9、 you drop. It could even help pull your wheel chair. A service dog could go to school with you every day to help you, so you could do your work, said her father. Jennie thought about it. She had been afraid to go back to school. Maybe if she had a dog, she would not feel so bored.( ) 31. From the fi

    10、rst paragraph, we can know that_. A. Jennies father didnt want to help her B. Jennie had an accident C. Jennies family like eating fruit D. Jennies house is big( ) 32. Why was Jennie happy to be back home? A. It was much better at home than at the hospital. B. She would meet her friends. C. She was

    11、going to school. D. She could meet her parents.( ) 33. What did Jennie have to get used to after the accident?A. A car. B. The new school.C. Her parents. D. The wheel chair.( ) 34. What may help Jennie in her fathers mind?A. A nice teacher B. A friend.C. A service dog. D. A pet cat.( ) 35. Which of

    12、the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Jennie agreed to have a dog. B. Jennie didnt need to go to school. C. It was easy for Jennie to use the wheel chair. D. Jennie always hoped to go back to school,BTrevor loves his sandbox. It is built like a playhouse, but instead of having solid wal

    13、ls it is made of window screens. He can even play on rainy days and never gets wet. The only time when he cant play in it is at night and on cold days. It was a nice day. Trevor was playing with a new toy tractor (拖拉机) he had received at Christmas. Today he was going to act as a farmer. Trevor made

    14、sandy fields and pretended to plow the sand with the tractor to plant crops. It was interesting to pile (堆) the sand and use his toy trucks to move it around. The morning soon passed by, and before he realized it, his mother was calling him to come in and eat lunch. What are we having for lunch toda

    15、y? asked Trevor. I have the bread to make sandwiches, said Mom. Could I eat while I was playing in the sandbox? asked Trevor. I think you should stay in our house to have lunch, unless you want to get sand in your mouth and between your teeth, said Mom. That will be pretty bad. Sand wont make my san

    16、dwich taste better. But I can eat the crops I just planted, answered Trevor.( ) 36. When couldnt Trevor play in his sandbox? A. On rainy days. B. On hot days. C. At night. D. After school.( ) 37. Trevor pretended to be a _. A. farmer B. teacher C. mother D. doctor ( ) 38. The underlined word plow me

    17、ans “_ A. put on B. dig and turn over C. look at D. cut down ( ) 39. Where did Trevor want to eat his sandwiches? A. In their house. B. In his sandbox. C. At school. D. On the playground. ( ) 40. The writer wrote the passage to _. A. encourage us to be a farmer B. teach us how to make sandwiches C.

    18、warn us the danger of sand. D. tell us a story about a boyCBurley Council Recycling Centers The amount of waste we produce is increasing all the time and so is the cost of disposal. By bringing your waste to one of the councils recycling centers you can do your bit for the environment. This is where

    19、 they are.GlassClothesPaperCansPlasticFoilWer- ringtonStreetCom-munityCentreCivicHallCarParkWestonSports HallMillen-niumSquareChellSuper-marketGlass: Please put only clean bottles and jars into the recycling banks. Coloured glass needs to be taken to the Millennium Square or Chell Supermarket collec

    20、tion points Do not bring mirrors and broken jars and bottles to the recycling centers.Paper: Yes: newspapers, magazines, white telephone books, letters, leaflets. No: brown paper, cardboard, envelopes with plastic windows, all greeting cards. ( ) 41. Which centre should people take glass, paper and

    21、cans to? A. Werrington Street. B. Civic Hall Car Park. C. Millennium Square. D. Chell Supermarket.( ) 42. Where should you bring your used clothes? A. Community Centre. B. Civic Hall Car Park. C. Millennium Square. D. Weston Sports Hall.( ) 43. Which paper item is not suitable for recycling? A. Whit

    22、e telephone books. B. Leaflets. C. Birthday cards. D. Magazines.( ) 44. The underlined word disposal means“_. A. production B. clean-up C. pollution D. use( ) 45. This leaflet aims to_. A. explain why people should protect the environment B. warn about the cost of recycling C. tell the public about

    23、the environment D, tell people to bring the waste to recycling centersDRohn and Nikolai may have the worlds best job. The brothers work at the Happy Trails Kennel in Alaska. They help train 20 puppies (小狗) a year. We dont have to do it. We like to, says Nikolai. The puppies grow up to run in the Idi

    24、tarod. It is a yearly dogsled race(狗拉雪橇大赛). The race on March l follows an old path. Dog teams race on this path to bring medicine to sick kids. The owner of the puppies is Martin Buser, He is a professional dogsled racer. He has won the Iditarod twice. Buser wants the puppies to stay at his doghous

    25、e. He knows the human touch will make dogs feel better. But the puppies need to accept the special training and care from the two brothers. Nikolai and Rohn run around with the puppies for hours every day. Race dogs need to have their feet checked after running. The boys rub(摩擦)each dogs feet to mak

    26、e them get used to it. The puppies start training with a sled when theyre about 9 months old. Which puppy is the very best? someone asks. We dont really have a favorite puppy, says Nikolai. “We like them all.( ) 46. Which of the following is TRUE about the Iditarod according to the passage? A. It is

    27、 held every two years. B. It is a race that takes place on May l. C. It is a race to bring toys to sick kids.D. Its the name of a dogsled race. ( ) 47. Who is the owner of the puppies?A. Alaska. B. Martin Buser.C. Rohn. D. Nikolai. ( ) 48. What makes dogs feel better according to the passage? A. Hea

    28、lthy dog food. B. The human touch. C. Running.D. Competing with other dogs.( ) 49. The fourth paragraph mainly tells us A. how Nikolai and Rohns feed the puppies . B. how Nikolai and Rohn train the puppies C. why Nikolai and Rohn rub the dogs feetD. how long to train the puppies( ) 50. The writer wr

    29、ote the passage to _. A. introduce two brothers work to us B. introduce some dog races to us C. show us what puppies look likeD. encourage us to work for sick kidsEThe fast challenge to find a good job is the interview. The key to a good interview itself is good preparation. Before an interview, mak

    30、e full use of the websites and articles to learn about the company. Prepare a statement that shows why you want the job and why you are well qualified to be chosen.Be in good time for the interview. Dont arrive too early or too late. If you are really early, you can go for a drink. Before the interv

    31、iew starts, you should switch off your mobile phone or anything else that might make a noise. If you are nervous about the interview, take two or three slow and deep breaths to calm yourself.As you are introduced to the interviewers, shake their hands firmly, look them in the eye, and say that you are pleased to meet them. These


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