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    环境工程外文文献及翻译 水处理文档格式.docx

    1、这些氧化沟由于在结构和运行上存在差异,因此各具特点。本文将主要介绍Carrousel氧化沟的的结构、机理、存在的问题及其最新发展。2、Carrousel氧化沟的结构Carrousel氧化沟是1967年由荷兰的DHV公司开发研制。在原Carrouse氧化沟的基础上DHV公司和其在美国的专利特许公司EIMCO又发明了Carrousel 2000系统,实现了更高要求的生物脱氮和除磷功能。至今世界上已有850多座Carrousel氧化沟和Carrousel 2000系统正在运行。Carrousel氧化沟使用定向控制的曝气和搅动装置,向混合液传递水平速度,从而使被搅动的混合液在氧化沟闭合渠道内循环流动。

    2、因此氧化沟具有特殊的水力学流态,既有完全混合式反应器的特点,又有推流式反应器的特点,沟内存在明显的溶解氧浓度梯度。氧化沟断面为矩形或梯形,平面形状多为椭圆形,沟内水深一般为2.54.5m,宽深比为2:1,亦有水深达7m的,沟内水流平均流速为0.3m/s。氧化沟的曝气混合设备有表面、曝气转刷或转盘,射流曝气池、导管式曝气器和提升管曝气机等,近年来配合使用的还有水下推动器。3、Carrousel氧化沟的机理3.1 Carrousel氧化沟处理污水的机理最初的普通Carrousel氧化沟的工艺中污水直接与回流污泥一起进入氧化沟系统。表面曝气机使混合液中溶解氧DO的浓度增加到大23mg/L。在这种充分

    3、掺氧的条件下,微生物得到足够的溶解氧来去除BOD;同时,氮也被氧化成硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐,此时,混合液处于有氧状态,在曝气机下游,水流由曝气去的湍流状态变成之后的平流状态,水流维持在最小流速,保证活性污泥处于悬浮状态(平均流速大于0.3m/s)。微生物的氧化过程消耗了水中溶解氧,直到DO值降为0,混合液呈缺氧状态。经过缺氧区的反硝化作用,混合液进入有氧区,完成一次循环。该系统中,BOD降解是一个连续过程,硝化作用和反硝化作用发生在同一池中。由于结构的限制,这种氧化沟虽然可以有效去除BOD,但除磷脱氮的能力有限。3.2 Carrousel氧化沟除磷脱氮的影响因素 影响Carrousel氧化沟除磷夫人

    4、因素主要是污泥龄、硝酸盐浓度及基质浓度。研究表明,当污泥龄为810d时活性污泥中最大磷含量为其干污泥量的4%,为异养菌质量的11%,但当污泥龄超过15d时污泥中最大含磷量明显下降,反而达不到最大除磷效果。因此,一味延长污泥龄是没有必要的,宜在815天范围内选用。同时,高硝酸盐浓度和低基质浓度不利于除磷过程。4、Carrousel氧化沟存在的问题及解决办法 尽管Carrousel氧化沟具有出水水质好、抗冲击负荷能力强、除磷脱氮效率高、污泥易稳定、能耗省、便于自动化控制等优点。但是,在实际的运行过程中,仍存在一系列问题。4.1污泥膨胀问题 当废水中的碳水化合物较多,N、P含量不平衡,PH值偏低,氧


    6、PH值过低,可投加石灰调节;漂白粉和液氯,能抑制丝状菌繁殖,控制结合水性污泥膨胀。4.2泡沫问题 由于进水中带有大量油脂,处理系统不能完全有效地将其除去,部分油脂富集于污泥中,经转刷充氧搅拌,产生大量泡沫;泥龄偏长,污泥老化,也易产生泡沫。用表面喷淋水或除沫剂去除泡沫,常用除沫剂有机油、煤油、硅油,投加量为0.51.5mg/L。通过增加曝气池污泥浓度或适当减少曝气量,也能有效控制泡沫产生。当废水中含表面活性物质较多时,易预先用泡沫分离或其他方法去除。另外也可考虑增设一套除油装置。但最重要的是要加强水源管理,减少含油过高废水及其有毒废水的进入。4.3污泥上浮问题 当废水中含油量过大,整个系统泥质

    7、变轻,在操作过程中不能很好控制其在二沉池的停留时间,易造成缺氧,产生污泥上浮;当曝气时间过长,在池中发生高度消化作用,使硝酸盐浓度过高,在二沉池易发生反硝化作用,产生氮气,使污泥上浮;另外,废水中含油量过大,污泥可能挟油上浮。 发生污泥上浮后应暂停停水,打碎或清除污泥,判明原因,调整操作。污泥沉降性差,可投加混凝剂或惰性物质,改善沉淀性;如进水负荷大应减少进水量;如污泥颗粒细小可降低曝气机转速;如发现反硝化,应减小曝气量,增大回流或排泥量;如发现污泥腐化,应加大曝气量,清除积泥,并设法改善内水力条件。4.4 流速不均及污泥沉积问题 在Carrousel氧化沟中,为了获得其他独特的混合和处理效果



    10、到了进一步的发展。目前,研究及应用较多的包括以下两种类型:微孔曝气型Carrousel2000系统、Carrousel3000系统。5.1 微孔曝气型Carrousel 2000系统 微孔曝气型Carrousel 2000系统采用微孔曝气(供养设备为鼓风机),微孔曝气器可产生大量直径为1mm左右的微小气泡,这大大提高了气泡的表面积,使得在池容积一定的情况下氧转移总量增大。根据目前鼓风机生产厂家的技术能力,池的有效水深最大可达8m,因此可根据不同的工艺要求选择合适的水深。传统氧化沟的推流是利用转刷、转碟或倒伞形表爆机实现的,其设备利用率低、动力消耗大。微孔曝气型Carrousel 2000系统则

    11、采用了水下推流的方式,即把潜水推进器叶轮产生的推动力直接作用于水体,在起推流作用的同时又可有效防止污泥的沉降。因此,采用潜水推进器既降低了动力消耗,又使污水得到了充分地混合。5.2 Carrousel 3000系统 Carrousel 3000系统是在Carrousel 2000系统前再加上一个生物选择区。该生物选择区是利用高有机负荷筛选菌种,抑制丝状菌的生长,提高各污染物的去除率,其后的工艺原理同Carrousel 2000系统。 Carrousel 3000系统的较大提高表现在:一是增加了池深,可达7.58m,同心圆式,池壁共用,减少了占地面积,降低造价同时提高了耐低温能力;而是曝气设备的

    12、巧妙设计,曝气机下装导流筒,抽吸缺氧的混合液,采用水下推进器解决流速问题;三是使用了先进的曝气控制器qute.四是采用一体化设计,从中心开始,包括以下环状连续工艺单元;进水井和用于回流活性污泥的分水器;分别由四部分组成的选择池和厌氧池。这之外是有三个曝气器和一个预反硝化的Carrousel 2000系统.五是圆型一体化的设计使得氧化沟不需要额外的管线,即可实现回流污泥在不同工艺单元的分配。6、结论Carrousel氧化沟由于具有良好的除磷脱氮能力、抗击负荷能力和运营管理方便等优点,已经得到了广泛的应用。但由于科技的发展和社会的进步,该工艺必将得到进一步的提高。作者认为:Carrousel氧化沟


    14、读性能,减少占地面积和工程造价。膜理论的应用、深池水条件和工艺性能的研究为降低工程造价、提高耐寒耐毒性能等提供了可能的方向。Oxidize the ditch craft in dirty water handle of application and developmentSummary: This text expatiated primarily the Carrousel oxidizes the construction, craft mechanism of the ditch and circulate the problem exsited in the process wit

    15、h the homologous the method of solution.Finally, introduce the Carrousel oxidize the latest research progress of the ditch and pointed out the future and main research direction.Key phrase: The Carrousel oxidizes the ditch divideds by the phosphor takes off the nitrogen construction mechanismApplica

    16、tion and Development of Carrousel Oxidation Ditch Process on Wastewater Treatment Abstract: The structure and the techniques of carrousel oxidation ditch process on nitrogen and phosphor removal are introduced in this paper. The problems inrunning and their corresponding resolvent are also pointed.

    17、At last, The authorshowed the up to date research improvement and the mainly future research dire-ction. Key words: Carrousel; oxidation ditch; nitrogen and phosphor removal; structure;techniques1. ForewordOxidize the ditch( oxidation ditch) again a continuous circulation spirit pond( Continuous loo

    18、p reactor), is a live and dirty mire method a kind of to transform.Oxidizing the dirty water in ditch handles the craft be researched to manufacture by the hygiene engineering graduate school of Holland in the 50s of 20 centuries success.Since in 1954 at Dutch throw in the usage for the very first t

    19、ime.Because its a water fluid matter good, circulate the stability and manage convenience etc. technique characteristics, already at domestic and international and extensive application in live the dirty water to is dirty to manage aqueously with the industry1.Current application than oxidize extens

    20、ively the ditch type include:The ( Pasveer) oxidizes the ditch, the ( Carrousel) oxidizes the ditch, ( Orbal) oxidizes the ditch, the type of T oxidizes the ditch( three ditch types oxidize the ditch), the type of DE oxidizes the ditch to turn to oxidize the ditch with the integral whole.These oxidi

    21、ze the ditch because of the difference of esse in construction with circulating, therefore each characteristics2.This text will introduce construction, mechanism, existent problem and its latest developments that Carrousel oxidize ditches primarily.2. The Carrousel oxidizes the construction of the d

    22、itchThe Carrousel oxidize the ditch to be researched to manufacture by Dutch DHV company development in 1967.Oxidize the last the company of DHV in foundation of the ditch in the original Carrousel to permited specially the company EIMCO to invent again with its patent in the United States Carrousel

    23、 2000 system( see the figure ), realizes the living creature of the higher request takes off the nitrogen with divided by the function of .There has been in the world up to now more than 850 Carrousels oxidize the ditch with the Carrousel 2000 system are circulating3.From diagram therefore, the Carr

    24、ousel oxidizes the ditch the usage the spirit of that definite direction control with shake up the device, face to mix with the liquid deliver the level speed, from but make drive the liquid of admixture that shake up is in oxidize ditch shut match outlet circulate flow.Therefore oxidize the ditch h

    25、ave the special hydraulics flows the , current complete mix with the characteristics of the type reactor, have the characteristics that push the flow type reactor again, the ditch inside exsits obviously of deliquescence oxygen density steps degree.Oxidizing the ditch cross section is rectangle or t

    26、rapezoids, the flat surface shape is many for oval, the ditch internal water is deep general for 2.5 4.5 , the breadth is deep compare for 2:1, also have the deep water amount to 7 ms of, ditch inside average speed in water current is 0.3 ms/ s.Oxidize ditch spirit admixture equipments contain surfa

    27、ce spirit machine, the spirit of turn to brush or turn the dish and shoot to flow the spirit machine, pipe type spirit machine with promote take care of type spirit machine etc., match with in recent years usage still contain underwater push machine46.3. The Carrousel oxidizes the mechanism of the d

    28、itch3.1 The Carrousel oxidizes the ditch handles dirty and aqueous principleThe at the beginning common Carrousel oxidizes the dirty water in inside in craft of the ditch direct with dirty mire in reflux together enter oxidize the ditch system.The surface spirit machine makes fuse in the liquid of a

    29、dmixture the density of the oxygen DO increases about 2 the 3 mgs/ L.Under this kind of well the term of the oxygen , the microorganism gets the enough deliquescence oxygen comes and go to divided by the BOD;At the same time, the ammonia were too oxidized nitrate with second nitrate, this time, mix

    30、with the liquid be placed in the oxygen appearance.In the spirit machine downstream, after water current be become by the swift flow appearance of the spirit District of even flow the appearance, the water current maintains in the minimum current velocity, guaranteeing the live and dirty mire be pla

    31、ced in the floats the appearance.( average current velocity0.3 ms/ s)Oxidize microbially the process consumed to fuse the oxygen in the water, until the value of DO declines for zero, mixing with the liquid report the anoxia appearance.Versa nitric that turn the function through anoxia area, mix with the liquid enter to have the oxygen area, completing once circulating.That system inside, the BOD declines the solution is a continuous process, the nitric turns the function t


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