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    1、8Excuse me, I want to buy a birthday present for my younger sister.OK. We have new kinds of toys for girls. You can choose for her.Aone Bit Cthem Dthat三、选择题9Have you heard of a new technology about TV?Yes. Its “8K TV”. I believe that it will make a great _ to peoples life.Asurprise Bprogress Cdiffer

    2、ence Dchoice10The number of the people using Huawei _is getting larger and largerAcultures Bcustomers Chistories Dproducts四、选择题11Linda is practising the violin for an hour these days.I see. Itll make her _ enough to perform on stage tonight.Aactive Bhumorous Cconfident Dpatient12My little sister is

    3、_ and she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.Acreative Bwise Ccurious Dgenerous13Mr Zheng is so _that he has donated five million yuan to the schools in his hometown.Aenergetic Bpatient Chumorous Dgenerous五、选择题14 When will Mr. Smith arrive? _ September 6th.AAt BIn COn DFor15The eart

    4、hquake in Yaan took place _ two past eight _ the morning of April 20th. Yes, some people were still sleeping for it was weekend.Ain; on Bon; in Cat; in Dat; on16Everyone was touched _ words after they watched the film Hi, MOM 你好,李焕英directed by Jia Ling.Aunder Bacross Cbeyond Dagainst17The girl is _

    5、a singer _ everyone in her hometown.Awell known as; for Bwell known as; to Cwell-know as; to Dbest known for; for六、选择题18Sorry to _ your valuable time.Its OK.Atake off Btake up Ctake out Dtake in19I _ reading English every morning.Yes, English is very important and it _ the first language in England

    6、and some other countries.Aused to; is used by Bused to; is used asCam used to; is used as Dam used to; is used by七、选择题20Youve got an A in the maths test again. You _ be good at it.Acan Bmay Cmust Dshould八、选择题21“The Belt Road (一带一路) has improved the trade between China and other countries.” “So it ha

    7、s. _ exciting news for people all over the world!”AHow an BWhat an CHow DWhat22Do you know that people in quite _ few places in China witnessed on Sunday the most wonderful event of the year, an annular solar eclipse(金边日环食)?What _ exciting news! Its reported the whole eclipse lasted about three and

    8、a half hours. an Bthe; / Ca; / Dthe; an九、选择题23Millie, _ do you take the course in DIY?Every Saturday afternoon.Ahow long Bhow far Chow much Dhow often24一_do your parents take exercise, William?Less than three times a week.AHow long BHow much CHow soon DHow often25_ will Taizhou hold the 20th Sports

    9、Meeting of Jiangsu? _ next year.AHow long; until BHow soon; until CWhen; Not until DHow long; Not until26Hi, Amy._can the member of the Birdwatching Society visit the wetlands?Once a year, usually in spring.AHow often BHow many times CHow soon DHow long27_ will the project of Wuxi Metro Line 3 be co

    10、mpleted?It wont take long. Just in about three months.AHow long BHow far CHow soon DHow often28_ is it from Qingfeng Lake to Dongying TV Station, Tom? About 10 minutes walk.AHow soon BHow long CHow far DHow much十、选择题29Different kinds of robots_in the coming robot show in our city.Adisplay Bare displ

    11、ayed Cwill display Dwill be displayed十一、选择题30-Have you heard of the Chinese Zodiac Art Exhibition being held in the Palace Museum now?-Sure. Han Meilin, a veteran artist _ no less than 600 new artworks in it.Ais presenting Bhas presentedCwill present Dhas been presenting31At present more and more pe

    12、ople _ clothes online to save time and money.Abought Bhad boughtCwill buy Dare buying32I some courses at university,so I cant work full time at the momentAtake Bam taking Ctook Dhave taken33Joe, answer the phone for me. I _ how to make dumplings in the kitchen.Alearned Bam learning Chave learned Dle

    13、arn34Candy, could you please help me do the dishes?Sorry, Mom. I _ my homework.Ado Bdid Cam doing Dhave done十二、选择题35Can you tell me how to get to the park?_Thank you all the same.AShow me the map, please.BCertainly. Its opposite the museum.CSorry, I dont know. Im a stranger here.DSure. Turn right an

    14、d go along Rock Road.36 Wow, what a good smell! Can I have a piece of cake? _ANo way. BGood idea! CHeIp yourself. DWhat a pity!37 Could you please clean your room?_. Ill do it at once.AYes, sure BSorry, I cant CIt doesnt matter DHere you are十三、选择题38When Lily opened the door, she found her little cat

    15、 _ in bed.Alay Bto lie Clied Dlying39The construction of Subway Line 4 in Jinan has begun! Wonderful. It will be more convenient for people _ in the suburb to travel around.Alive Bliving Clived Dlives40 Baby, would you mind _ me cook the fish? Of course not. I cant wait _ it!Ahelp; taste Bhelping; t

    16、aste Chelp; to taste Dhelping; to taste41_ colorful pictures, he loaded a new software to help him.ACreate BCreated CTo create DCreating十四、选择题42I would be happier if you did more studying while you are free, but you _.Adont Bdidnt Cwouldnt Dwerent43Wars are disasters. A large number of people will l

    17、ose their homes if a war .Abreaks out Bis broken out Cwill break out Dwill be broken out44- Honey, this is a present for your birthday.- Ah! A pair of shoes, well-known-brand Nike. I think it _ comfortable:Ais worn Bwears Cis wearing Dhas worn45The food cooked the day before yesterday _ bad. Throw i

    18、t away.Ais smelt terrible Bis smelt terribly Csmells terribly Dsmells terrible46 Where have you been these days?Ive just come back from Canada. I there for three weeks.Ahave stayed Bwill stay Cstay Dstayed47What a surprise to see you here! When _ you _ back here?Ado; get Bhave; got Cdid; get Dwill;

    19、get48Its reported that NASA _ a woman to the Moon in 2024!Asent Bsend Cis sending Dwill send49The newspaper has picked out some events that mattered to the world last year and _ our world for years to come.Ainfluence Binfluenced Cwill influence Dhave influenced十五、选择题50Have you found the information

    20、about famous scientists you can use for the report?Awhere Bwhich Cwhat Dwho【参考答案】*试卷处理标记,请不要删除1B解析:B【解析】句意:那时我们在史密斯家有一段多么美好的日子呀!第一空:time 在这指日子,时期。是可数名词所以用a,第二空:the+ Smiths,指史密斯一家,所以选B。2AA考查冠词。a big breakthrough一个大的突破;bring back to life使活泼, 使生动, 使苏醒,根据句意选A。3B【详解】泰国是一个亚洲国家,它是一个可以参观的好地方。a一个,修饰辅音音素开头的单数

    21、名词;an一个,修饰元音音素开头的单数名词;the那个,表示特指;D项是零冠词。Asian是元音音素开头,因此用不定冠词an修饰,故选B。4CC汤姆写的新闻报道真令人兴奋!我想我应该读给大家听。真的吗?多好的建议啊!a/ an一个,不定冠词,表示泛指;/零冠词;根据句意理解可知,第一空修饰的是名词report,是一个可数名词,所以需要用冠词修饰,而空格后的词exciting是一个元音音标开头的单词,所以应该用an,而第二空修饰的是名词advice,是一个不可数名词,不可数名词前不需要用冠词,所以这里填零冠词,故选C。【点睛】不定冠词用在单数可数名词,表示泛指或数量“一”。a/ an的用法要根据

    22、所修饰单词的发音来判断而不是字母。元音音标开头的单词用an,辅音音标开头的单词用a。比如:an apple,an important meeting,a useful book,a university5A在我们的家乡滨海,几乎所有的人都在努力工作,使它成为一个更好的地方。根据“better place”可知,是单数名词且better的首字母发音为辅音音素,结合句意,用冠词a表示泛指。故选A。6A令我惊讶的是,在经历了这么多困难抚养第一个孩子之后,达斯汀期盼他的第二个孩子将在三月份出生。考查序数词、冠词。使用序数词时前面要加定冠词the;序数词前用不定冠词,表示“又一”、“再一”;当序数词前有

    23、形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,序数词前不用 the;空格前有形容词性物主代词his;7C当我在新西兰学习时,我妈妈试着为我做一些不同的菜。考查不定代词和形容词的位置。something一些东西,一般用于肯定句及表示请求建议的疑问句中;anything也表示一些东西,用于否定句及疑问句中。题目所给的句子是一个肯定句,因此需用something,排除B/D;当形容词修饰不定代词时,要后置。故选C。8A打扰一下,我想给我妹妹买个生日礼物。好的。我们有新款的女孩玩具,你可以为她选一个。考查代词辨析。one一、一个,指代前文提到的非特指的一个,表示泛指;it它,指代前面提到的事物,即同名同物;th

    24、em他(她、它)们,人称代词宾格;that那、那个,指代前文提到的同名异物,表示特指。本题根据题意,可知是泛指新款玩具中的任意一个,所以应用one,故答案选A。9C你听说过电视的一项新技术吗?是的。这是“8 k电视”。我相信这会给人们的生活带来很大的不同。考查名词辨析,surprise惊喜;progress进步;difference差别;choice选择。固定短语:make a great difference“有很大差别;有很大的影响”,符合语境“给人们的生活带来很大的不同”。10DD使用华为产品的人数越来越多。考查名词辨析。cultures文化;customers顾客;histories历

    25、史;products产品。根据句意可知,空处是表达“使用华为产品的人”。故选D。11C琳达这些天练习小提琴一个小时。我知道了。这会让她有足够的信心在今晚的舞台上表演。考查形容词辨析。active积极的;humorous幽默的;confident自信的;patient耐心的。根据“to perform on stage tonight”可知,是上台有自信,故选C。12C我的妹妹很好奇,她总是向我询问各种各样奇怪的问题。creative创造性的,有创造力的;wise明智的;curious好奇的,求知欲强的;generous慷慨的。根据句中“she always asks me different kinds of strange questions.”可知她总是问我各种各样奇怪的问题,故可以推测出她是一个好奇的小孩。13B郑先生是如此的慷慨,以至于他捐了500万给他家乡的学校。energetic 精力充沛的;patient有耐心的;humorous 幽默的;generous 慷慨的。sothat引导的是结果状语从句,从句表示他捐了500万给家乡的学校,可知,空格处表示他是慷慨的,所以空格处填generous。14C史密斯先生什么时候到? 9月6日


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