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    1、 4) Why dont you break _ for a few minutes and have some coffee 5) When does school break _ 6) After harvest we break _ the soil with a tool pulled by two oxen. ( away from, down, in, off, up, up ) 3. bring up抚养,呕吐,提出 bring about造成 bring out拿出,出版 bring in引入,引进,挣钱 bring back使回想起 bring down使下降,使倒下 1)

    2、The shopkeeper brought his price _ to only five dollars. 2) The school has brought _ new foreign teachers to teach oral English. 3) The song brought _ happy memories of our schooldays. 4) Do you know what brought _ this misunderstanding 5) The kind old man agreed to bring _ the young orphan. 6) We d

    3、ecided to bring the matter _ at the next meeting. 7) The wind brought _ a lot of trees last night. 8) Next month they will bring _ a new edition of the book.( down, in, back, about, up, up, down, out )4. call on号召,拜访(某人) call at拜访、参观(某地) call for去叫某人, 要求, 需要 call up使回忆起, 征召入伍call in召集,请某人来 call out大

    4、喊,高叫 call off取消,不举行 1) Doctors are often called _ in the middle of the war. 2) Please wait for me at home. Ill call _ you at your house at seven tonight. 3) The trains calls _ several big cities between Beijing and Guangzhou. 4) He called her name _, but she didnt answer. 5) The sports meet was call

    5、ed _ on account of the rain. ( in, for, at, out, off)5. come about发生,出现 come down下跌,落,降,传下来 come in进来 come into (sight/being/existence/use/notice/effect) come on来临/ 快点 come out出版,结果是 come along一道来,赶快 come to达到 (an end/an agreement/a stop)苏醒,合计,总共是 come over走过来 come up发芽,走近 come across偶然碰到 come back回

    6、想起 come from来自,源自 1) I come _ the book I lent you last month. 2) How did it come _ that you both got lost I thought you had a map. 3) It suddenly came _ to me where I had seen the boy before. 4) Come _ now, or else we shall be late. 5) He came _ me like a tiger. 6) The price of petrol has come _ sin

    7、ce the beginning of this year. 7) The word came _ use many years ago. 8) When the examination result came _, he had already got a job. 9)The bill came _ over a thousand dollars. 10) I sowed the seeds over a month ago, but they havent come _ yet. ( for, about, back, on, at, down, into, out, to, up )6

    8、. cut across抄近路 cut down砍倒,削减 cut off切断,割掉,断绝关系 cut up连根拔除,切碎 through剪断,凿穿 cut out删(省)掉,戒掉 cut in插嘴 1) Dont cut _ this tree. It will be very shady in summer. 2) You must cut _ the number of cigarettes you smoke, or it will cause illness. 3) We decided to cut _ the moor(旷野) to the village. 4) Cutting

    9、 the tree _ means cutting the tree into pieces. 5) The electricity was cut _ when the lady refused to pay the bill. 6) We were having a pleasant conversation when Tom cut _.(down, down, across, up, off, in )7. die of (disease/hunger/grief/old age)死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因) die from死于(意外事故、情形) die away渐渐消逝 di

    10、e out绝种 die down(炉火)渐熄 die off逐一死去8. fall behind落后 fall over ones feet 跌跤 fall down掉下,跌倒 fall back撤退,后退 1) Babies often fall _ when they are learning to walk. 2) Our team seems to have fallen _ the others. 3) As soon as the enemies fell _, the people returned to their village. 4) She fell_ the bench

    11、 and had her leg broken.(down, behind, back, over ) 9. go in for从事,喜爱,参加 go through通过,经受 go over复习,检查 go up(价格)上涨,建造起来 go after追捕,追赶 go against违反 go ahead先行,开始吧,问吧,说吧 go away离开 go by时间过去 go down下沉,降低,(日、月)西沉 go on(with)继续进行 go with相配,陪同 go without没有,缺少 go out外出,熄灭 go all out全力以赴 go off爆炸,进行,变坏,断电,停止

    12、供应 go back on背约,食言 go beyond超出 1) Many new factories have gone _ in the past few years. 2) Rents have gone _ greatly recently. 3) Many years have gone _ since we first met. 4) Lets continue our journey until the sun goes _. 5) His actions went _ the will of the people, 6) I cant do it, for it goes _

    13、 my duty. 7) Over 100 students went _ this entrance examination. 8) The bomb went _ and killed ten people. 9) The buyer went _ the car carefully before reaching a decision. 10) This tie doesnt go _ my blue shirt. 11) If you think you can solve the problem, go _. 12) Many students went _ playing bask

    14、etball. (up, up, by, down, against, beyond, through, off, over, with, ahead, in for ) 10. get down下来,记下,使沮丧get down to致力于,专心于 get on进展,进步,穿上,上车 get off脱下,下车 get in收集,插(话) get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假 get over忘记,越过,克服,从疾病中恢复 get along with进展,相处 get up起床 get through打通电话,完成,通过 get round消息传开 get close to sth. 接近,几

    15、乎 get into (trouble) get to (know) get back取回,收回 get out 1) She spoke so fast that I couldnt get _ what he said. 2) We will find ways to get _ difficulties. 3) The story has got _, and everyone knows about it. 4) When I get _ with the report, Ill go to the cinema. 5) After a delicious meal the two m

    16、en got _ to business. 6) Dont always get _ a word when others are speaking. 7) It took me a long time to get _ such an unpleasant experience. (down, over, round, through, down, in, over)11. give away赠送,泄露,出卖 give out发出,疲劳,分发,公布 give off发出(光、热、气体) give in (to sb.) 屈服 give up放弃,让(座位) 1) His accent at

    17、last gave him _. 2) The liquid gave _ a strong smell. 3) The headmaster gave _ the names of the prize-winners. 4) The soldiers gave _ the town to the enemies. 5) Who will help me to give the books _t believe in those who give his friends _. 7) After a long walk, my strength gave _. (away, off, out,

    18、up, out, away, out)12. hand in交上,提交 hand out分发 hand down流传,遗传13. hang about闲逛 hang up挂电话14. hold back阻止,隐瞒 hold up举起,使停顿 hold on别挂电话,等,坚持 hold out持续,坚持,伸出 hold down控制,镇压 1) Im sure he is holding something _. 2) She managed to hold _ her emotion until her guests had left. Then she cried. 3) Tell him

    19、to hold _ a moment. Ill come soon. 4) Our food supply wont hold _ for more than a few days. 5) The train was held _ as a result of the floods. 6) These measures helped to hold _ the citys population. 7) Hold _ your left arm, please. (back, back, on, out, up, down, up)15. keep up (courage, English, s

    20、pirits)保持, keep up with跟上 keep off (grass)不接近,离开 keep away from避开,不接近,离远远的 keep out of keep to (rules, promise)坚持,遵守 keep on继续,坚持下来 keep back阻止,留下,隐瞒,扣下 keep from克制,阻止 1) The angry lady told the strangers to keep _ from her. 2) I can hardly keep _ my tears after hearing his words. 3) Only pride kept

    21、 her _ bursting into tears. 4) I can scarcely keep _ asking him what he has done. 5) Dont touch me, screamed the woman, Keep _! 6) Keep _ until you succeed. 7) Keep _ your courage, and youll succeed in the end. 8) The thick coat can keep the cold _. 9) Always try to keep _ the rules when you play a

    22、game. 10) I cant keep _ with everything youre doing. (away, back, from, from, off, on, up, out, to, up) 16. knock at/on敲 knock into撞到某人身上 knock down撞倒 knock out of把敲出 knock over撞倒 knock off停止工作,休息 1) The boxer soon knocked his opponent _.2) The office stuff knocks _ at six every day.3) Try knocking

    23、_ the window and see if there is anyone indoors.4) He was so absorbed in his book that he knocked _ the car parked there.(down, off, on, into)17. leave for离开前往 leave out删去,遗漏 leave behind遗留,忘记拿走 leave to留给,遗嘱赠于 leave over遗留,剩下,延期 1) Whose name has been left _ demanded the teacher. 2) When he died, h

    24、e left all his property _ his niece. 3) He suddenly realized that he had left his umbrella _. 4) Dont leave this matter _ until tomorrow. 5) Leave some meat _ for tomorrow. 6) Those are questions left _ by history. (out, to, behind, over, over, over)18. look up查找,向上看 look through翻阅,浏览 look on旁观 look

    25、 onas看作 look into调查 look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找 look out(for)当心 look about / around/round四下查看 look down upon瞧不起 look back upon回忆,回顾 look ab. up and down仔细打量某人look ab in the face/eyes直视某人 1) I spent two hours looking _ the students papers. 2)Look _! There is a big hole in front. 3) He took part in the game, and the rest of us just looked _ and cheered for him. 4) The old man looked _ upon the days of his youth


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