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    1、经典英文自荐信模板完整版经典英文自荐信模板经典英文自荐信模板英文自荐信范文一April 13,201XP.O. Box 36Tsinghua UniversitBeijing,China 100084Dear SirMadam:Your advertisement for a Netork Maintenane Engineer in the April 10 Student Dail interested me bXXuse the position that ou desribed sounds exatl like the kind of job I am seeking.Aording

    2、 to the advertisement ,our position requires top universit,Bahelor or above in Computer Siene or equivalent field and profiient in Windos NT4.0 and LINUX Sstem. I feel that I am petent to meet the requirements. I ill be graduating from Graduate Shool of Tsinghua Universit this ear ith a M.S. degree

    3、. M studies have inlude d ourses in puter ontrol and management and I designed a ontrol simulation sstem developed ith Mirosoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During m eduation, I have grasped the prinipals of m major and skills of pratie. Not onl have I passed CET-6, but more important I an muniate

    4、 ith others freel in English. M abilit to rite and speak English is out of question.I ould appreiate our time in revieing m enlosed resume and if there is an additional information ou require, please ontat me.I ould ele an opportunit to meet ith ou for a personal intervie.With man thanks,Wang Lin英文自

    5、荐信范文二April 13,201XRoom 212 Building 343Tsinghua Universit,Beijing 100084Ms. Yang:I as referred to ou b Mr. Zhang, a Partner ith our Beijing offie, ho informed me that the Shanghai offie of our pan is ativel seeking to hire qualit individuals for our Auditor Program.I have more than to ears of aounti

    6、ng experiene, inluding interning as an Auditor last ear ith the Beijing offie of CCCC. I ill be reeiving m MBA this Ma from Tsinghua Universit. I am onfident that m bination of pratial ork experiene and solid eduational experiene has prepared me for making an immediate ontribution to our pan. I unde

    7、rstand the level of professionalism and muniation required for long-term suess in the field. M bakground and professional approah to business ill provide our offie ith a highl produtive Auditor upon pletion of our development program.I ill be in the Shanghai area the eek of April 16. Please all me a

    8、t001216901 to arrange a onvenient time hen e ma meet to further disuss m bakground in relation to our needs. I look forard to meeting ou then.Sinerel,Cheng Dan英文自荐信范文三April 13,201XP.O. Box 36BIIT UniversitBeijing,China 100000Dear SirMadam:No and then orporations send out feelers for just the right t

    9、pe of reative person. This person must fit ver speifi riteria. Usuall, after all is said and done, the orporation ants a business person ho an manage, reate and muniate. A seasoned professional ho s been around for a hile.If ou ve been looking for this rare bination of business savv and design exper

    10、tise, m bakground might interest ou:Ten ears of orking experiene. Solid bakground in the management of reative up-and-ers.Kno ne tehnologies that sho instant profit, suh as CADCAM.This is but a brief summar of m abilities. And there is muh, muh more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in

    11、 hih ou ould be interested. Please ontat me if ou ould like to hear and see more.With man thanks,Huang Yan英文自荐信范文四April 13,201XP.O. Box 36BIIT UniversitBeijing,China 100000Dear SirMadam:Are ou searhing for a telemuniations manager ith expertise in projet management and team leadership?I speialize in

    12、 reating and implementing high-performane strategies that diretl impat groth and profitabilit of large telemuniations panies. In addition to m knoledge of business proesses, I also offer profiien in tele softare development and utting-edge tehnologies.I am reloating to Shenzhen and ould be intereste

    13、d in opportunities ith our firm. Currentl, I s erve as manager for BIT Compan s Information Industr Division. Briefl, some of m aplishments inlude:Developed a tool to trak and foreast prie,quantit,and revenue, hih enables lient to monitor business performaneImplemented a ustomized end-to-end testing

    14、 proess and SQL databaseM business aumen, tehnial expertise, and leadership apabilities have ontributed to a number of suessful projets. The enlosed resume outlines m redentials and aplishments in greater detail. I ould ele an opportunit to meet ith ou for a personal intervie.Sinerel,Gu Bin附送:经典英语演讲

    15、稿经典英语演讲稿第一篇:经典英语演讲稿:desperate houseivesdesperate houseives is an ameria tv series. i like athing it. the stor is about four omen. it tells the experiene beteen them, espeiall their famil and friendship. the all have advantages and disadvantages. in the groing up, the gain and lose a lot as ell as le

    16、arn muh. the bee mature at last. but the most important thing that i think i need to learnfrom them is keeping an optimisti mind, be kind-hearted and treasure everthing e on all the time. the have desperate one, but the live in the sunshine finall. mabe this is life.绝望的主妇是一部美国电视连续剧。我很喜欢看。讲的是四个女人的故事。

    17、说了她们之间的经历,特别是她们的家庭和友谊。她们都有优点和缺点。在成长的道路上,他们得到的很多,也失去了很多,同时也学会了很多。最后变得成熟了。但是,我觉得我要向她们学习的最重要的一点是保持乐观,善良的心态,珍惜我们所拥有的一切。她们都曾经绝望过,但最后她们还是活在了阳光下。也许这就是生活吧。第二篇:经典英语演讲稿 overe self-abasementeverone is sh hen the are oung, some people sh beause the think the are not good enough, so the are not onfident, the ill

    18、 lo their heads before others. e all this emotion self-abasement, most people suffer suh emotion, e need to onquer it. for me, i as not onfident before, i alas think that other gus do ever thing better than me, until someda, i ath a book. the book sas ho to onquer self-abasement, i learn that the re

    19、ason h people feel not onfident, it is beause the haven t found their advantages. the book tells that everone is good at something, e are rong to pare other people s advantages ith our disadvantages. after i read the book, i understand h i not onfident, i should never pare ith others, i also have m

    20、merit, i should be proud of mself. let s raise our heads and be onfident.当我们年轻的时候,每个人都有害羞的时候,一些人害羞是因为他们觉得自己不够好,所以他们不够自信,会在别人面前低下头。我们把这类情感称为自卑,大部分人都有这种情绪,我们需要克服。对于我来说,我以前也不自信,总是觉得别人做什么都比我好,直到有一天,我一本书。这本书说的是如何克服自卑,我知道了人们为什么不自信,那是因为他们还没有发现自己的优点。书上说每个人都有擅长的东西,我们错在将我们的短处拿去比别人的长处。这本书后,我懂得了自己自卑的原因,我不应该和别人比

    21、,我也有闪光点,应该为自己自豪。让我们抬起头和自信起来吧。第三篇:经典英语演讲稿:do not lose ourageourage is ver important. everone needs it. e ill meet man diffiulties in our life and sometimes e ill fail, but e an t lose ourage. if e lose ourage, e an t do anthing, beause e don t dare to do anthing; e are afraid of failure. this is m hi

    22、nese teaher me in the first lass. i agree ith him. for example, e don t have the ourage to hands up to sa our anser, ho an e kno e are right or rong. i ill remember his ord forever, never lose ourage . 勇气是很重要的。每个人都需要勇气。我们在生活中会遇到很多困难,有时我们会失败,但是我们不能失去勇气。如果我们失去了勇气,我们将会一事无成,因为我们什么都不敢做;我们害怕失败。这是我的语文老师在第一

    23、节课的时候说的。我同意他的说法。例如,我们没有勇气举手说出我们的答案,我们怎么能知道我们的答案是对的还是错的呢。我会永远记住他的话, 永远不要失去勇气。 第四篇:经典英语演讲稿:m ideal jobdifferent people have different areer outlooks. some people ant to bee ivil servants; some people hope to start their on business; some people dream of being freelaners, and so on.hoever, m ideal job

    24、is teahing. firstl, i m told that teahers have a high ine. ith the high ine, i an open a training shool to help the hildren in poor families ith their eduation. seondl, teahers alas have summer and inter holidas, thus i ill have more free time to relax mself. more importantl, teahers are angels to s

    25、tudents, ho an pass on the knoledge to students as ell as help them develop their hobbies and interests. i an t imagine ho happ i ill feel hen i see m students bee elites.in order to be a qualified teaher, i should read more books to aquire more knoledge, and train m patiene and improve m muniation

    26、and handriting abilities.不同的人有着不同的职业愿景。有些人想要做公务员,有的人想自己创业,有的人梦想成为自由职业者等等。然而,我的理想是教书。首先,我被告知老师的工资很高。若有很高的工资,那我就能开个培训学校来帮助那些贫困家庭的孩子。第二,老师有着寒暑假两个长假期,如此我将有时间放松。更重要的是,对学生来说老师就是天使,传授孩子们知识帮助他们培养自己的兴趣爱好。我无法想象如果我的学生都成为人才,我会多么的开心。为了成为一名合格的老师,我会读更多的知识从中汲取更多知识,锻炼自己的耐心,提高自己的交际能力并提高自己的书写水平。第五篇:经典英语演讲稿:live in the

    27、 momentou oned the happiness that someone is hasing.just as me, i alas hattered to m oung sister to travel instead of orking in part-time. but she is alas begrudging that i have a full-time job and an finaniall support mself.atuall, e are the same to look for others happiness.during the ollege, e li

    28、ve relaxed, simple. in middle ages e are experiened, distint. in old ages e are tolerant, satisfied.no e are onfused, hesitated. not oung enough to depend on families, not old enough to ontrol our life.a friend ho graduated from a famous universit orks for a famous pan. this is reall the life i ish

    29、to have. but i alas ignored his uneas and tired orking situation.it s so bad that i fous on others ahievements. this is reall a aste of life.ho about ou? hoosing to be the supporter in other people s life, or being a leading ator in our life?你正拥有别人的幸福。拿我来说,每每唠叨我妹妹,希望她多去旅行,不要一味去兼职赚钱。但是她总是说羡慕我经济独立。事实上,我们都是一样,总在羡慕别人的幸福。大学期间,大家都悠然自得,活得简单。等到中年,我们经验丰富,思绪清晰。老年时期,我们活得宽容,知足。现在,我们困惑,举棋不定。不能依赖亲人,却也不能把握现有的生活。有一个朋友,毕业名牌大学,就职大公司。这就是我一直向往的生活。虽然我总是忽略他工作的不安与辛苦。我对自己太失望了,一味羡慕别人的成就。反而浪费了自己的生命。你呢?选择做别人生活里的配角,还是做自己生活里的主角?经典英语演讲稿


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