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    1、C. would the residents be permitted D. the residents had been permitted6. Only when I left my parents for Italy _how much I loved them AI realized BI had realized Chad I realized Ddid I realize7. Not until the motorbike looked almost new repairing and cleaning it.08陕西A. he stopped B. did he stop C.

    2、stopped he D. he did stop8. If Joes wife wont go to the party_. A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will9. - How was the televised debate last night? - Super! Rarely _ so much media attention. A. a debate attracted B. did a debate attract C. a debate did attract D. a

    3、ttracted a debate10. I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom _ so lonely as now. A. have I felt B. I had felt C. I have felt D. Had I felt11. My room gets very cold at night. _. A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does12. Little _ that we were watching

    4、 his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business. A. he realized B. be didnt realize C. didnt he realize D. did he realize13. that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere. A. So successful her business was B. So successful was her businessC. So her business was successf

    5、ul D. So was her successful business14. Did Linda see the traffic accident? No, no sooner _ than it happened. A. had she gone B. she had gone C. has she gone D. she has gone15. Just in front of our house _ with a history of 1,000 years. A. does a tall tree stand B. stands a tall tree C. a tall tree

    6、is standing D. a tall tree stands16. -Its burning hot today, isnt it? -Yes. _yesterday. A. So was it B. So it was C. So it is D. So is it17. So difficult it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.A. I did find B. did I find C. I have found D. have I found18. I reminded you not

    7、to forget the appointment. .A. So you did B. So I do not C. So did you D. So do I19. Never in my wildest dreams these people are living in such poor conditions AI could imagine Bcould I imagine CI couldnt imagine Dcouldnt I imagine20. At the foot of the mountain _. A. a village lie B. lies a village

    8、 C. does a village lie D. lying a village21. Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _with my progress. A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied22. Only then_ how much damage had been caused. A. she real

    9、ized B. she had realized C. had she realized D. did she realize23. Mary never does any reading in the evening, _. Aso does John BJohn does too CJohn doesnt too Dnor does John24. They have a good knowledge of English but little _they know about German. A. have B. did C. had D. do25. Never before _ in

    10、 greater need of modern public transport than it is today. A. has this city been B. this city has been C. was this city D. this city was26. Well. I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast._. ASo it is BSo is it CSo does it DSo it does27. In the dark forests _, some

    11、large enough to hold several English towns. Astand many lakes Blie many lakes Cmany lakes lie Dmany lakes stand28. _ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A. so curious the couple was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple were D. The c

    12、ouple was such curious29. Only after my friend cameAdid the computer repair Bhe repaired the computerCwas the computer repaired Dthe computer was repaired30. Father ,you promised! Well, .But it was you who didnt keep your word first. Aso was I Bso did I Cso I was Dso I did31. Maggie had a wonderful

    13、time at the party. _, and so did I A. So she had B. So had she C. So she did D. So did she32. I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible! _.A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me33. _ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picn

    14、ic in the forest. A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bring C. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring34. Maybe you have been to many countries, but nowhere else_ such a beautiful palace. A. can you find B. you could find C. you can find D. could you find35. Of the making of good

    15、books there is no end; neither_ any end to their influence on mans lives. A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there36. I failed in the final examination last term and only then_ the importance of studies. A.I realized B.I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize37. The old couple have

    16、 been married for 40 years and never once with each other. A. they had quarreled B. they have quarreled C. have they quarreled D. had they quarreled38. Only when your identity has been checked,. A. you are allowed in B. you will be allowed in C. will you allow in D. will you be allowed in39. Only in

    17、 this way to make improvement in the operating system.A. you can hope B. you did hope C. can you hope D. did you hope40. You forgot your purse when you went out. Good heavens,_.A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did41. Since you have repaired my TV set, is no need for me to buy a new one. i

    18、t there this that42. Not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it. A. the teacher himself is;all his students are B. the teacher himself is;are all his studentsC. is the teacher himself;are all his students D. is the teacher himself;all his students are43. So difficult_ it

    19、 to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well.A.I have felt B. have I felt C.I did feel D. did I feel44. What would have happened_, as far as the river bank? 01 A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk fartherC. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther

    20、45. Only when the war was over_ to his hometown.A. did the young soldier return B. the young soldier returnedC. returned the young soldier D. the young soldier did return46. _can you expect to get a pay rise. AWith hard work BAlthough work hard COnly with hard work DNow that he works hard47. Not a s

    21、ingle song at yesterdays party.A. she sang B. sang she C. did she sing D. she did sing48. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _ so happy!A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt49. -It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night. -My God!A. So d

    22、id I B. So I did C. So were you D. So did you50. Little _ about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care倒装句高考题答案1-5CBACC 6-10DBBBA 11-15CDBAB 16-20ABABB 21-25DDDDA 26-30ABBCD31-35. CBBAC 36-40. DCDCB 41-45. BDDCA 46-50. CCDB A 3


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