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    1、这个工具用起来顺手。( handy ) This tool is very handy.我只是顺便说说(conveniently)I just mentioned this by passing.顺应,顺应历史潮流 ( to comply with; to conform to ) to conform to the historical trend of the time. 献丑 to show oneself up ; to make a fool of oneself 尾巴翘上了天 to be very cocky. 打开窗子说亮话 to put all the cards on the

    2、 table 班门弄斧 to teach ones grandmother to suck eggs; to show off ones proficiency with an axe before Lu Ban the master carpenter. 拖后腿 to form an obstacle 思想见面 to have a frank exchange of ideas; to bring out ones ideas for discussion 好说歹说 to use all means of persuasion 说不过去 to have no excuse 说话走火(说漏了嘴

    3、) to go too far in what one says; to shoot off ones mouth 思想僵化 a rigid way of thinking 强词夺理 to chop logic to defend oneself; 不管三七二十一 no matter what you will say /do 硬着头皮 to braze it out 硬道理 an essential criterion ; ( 发展才是硬道理 Development is the first important / fundamental policy. ) 硬功夫 masterly ski

    4、lls ;硬汉子 a man of iron 一个巴掌拍不响 It takes two to make a quarrel. 耳边风 like water off a ducks back 眼高手低 to have grandiose aims but puny abilities 配套改革coordinated reform;配套措施supporting measures;配套资金counterpart funds;配套工程 auxiliary projects 半路出家 to switch to a job is not trained for 吃力不讨好 to do a thankles

    5、s job 磨洋工 to be slacking 脱胎换骨 to turn on a new leaf 审议 examine and approve 到位(已经落实, 准备好)to be ready;actually received; 开拓进取 to work with a pioneering spirit 民办教师 community- sponsored teachers 转正 to convert the status of to 汇率并轨 a unified exchange rate 假冒伪劣商品 fake and poor quality commodities 落实到人 to

    6、 be carried out down to individuals 高档建筑the construction of more expensive/ high-grade housing projects; 廉洁自律to encourage officials to be honest and disciplined 扫黄 the campaign against pornography; to fight against pornography 调动积极性 to arouse the enthusiasm of 树立市场观念,增强竞争意识 to increase awareness con

    7、cerning the market and competitiveness 企业形象 the reputation of an enterprise 旧瓶装新酒 new wine in old bottles 捡了芝麻丢了西瓜 to concentrate on minor matters to the neglect of major ones 说俏皮话 to make witty remarks 说三道四 to make carping comments 七八成新 almost new 人怕出名猪怕壮 Great honors are great burdens. 棋逢对手,将逢良才 D

    8、iamond cut diamond 覆水难收 Things done cant be undone. 醉翁之意不在酒.Many kiss the baby for the nurses sake. 谋事在人,成事在天 Man propose, God dispose. 三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮 Two heads are better than one; The cleverness of three cobblers combined equals that of Zhuguo Liang the master mind. 锦上添花 It is like gilding the lily

    9、. 权益之计 Act on expediency 顺其自然 Let Nature take care of it. 一会生,二回熟 First time strangers, second time friends. 唇亡齿寒 When the lips are lost, the teeth will suffer. 厨师多了烧坏汤 Too many cooks spoil the broth. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒 Rome was not built in a day. 无风不起浪 There is no smoke without fire. 吃一堑,长一智 A fall into t

    10、he pit, a gain in your wit. 忠言逆耳利于行 Unpleasant advice is a good medicine. 家丑不可外扬 Wash your dirty linen at home 鹤蚌相争,渔翁得利 Two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it. 识时务者为俊杰 Whosoever understands the times is a great man. 能者多劳 All lay loads on a willing horse. 路遥知马力,日久见人心 A long road t

    11、ests a horses strength and a long task proves a mans heart. 宁为鸡口,毋为牛后 Better to be the head of an ass than the tail of a horse 因噎废食 Cut off ones nose to spite his face 束紧腰带 to tighten ones belt 应酬 to participate in social activities 小小意思,不成敬意 This is my token of appreciation. 请多关照I would appreciate

    12、your support;care in the future. 萝卜白菜,各有所爱 There is no accounting for tastes. The taste differs.Exercises:So said, so done. To add fuel to the fireHaste makes waste. To be on the thin iceBetter be envied than pitied. To praise to the skiesAlthough the sun shine, leave not your cloak at home.So the w

    13、orld wags. To search the needle in the seaOne can not be in two places at once.No weal without woe. To follow yesterdays mapLittle chips light great fires. To chart a new courseLike knows like. To be stretched to the limitIt is a poor mouse that has only one hole.Dreams are lies. Do not teach fish t

    14、o swim.One mans meat is another mans poison.We never know the worth of water till the well is dry. A blessing in disguise. Love me, love my dog.Every dog has his day. Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cutting wood. Seeing is believing. Well begun is half done.Time flies never to be reca

    15、lled.Deal with a man as he deals with you.Look before you leap.A good beginning makes a good ending.Time and tide wait for no man.Strike while the iron is hot.Kill two birds with one stone.East or west,home is best.Equal pay for equal work.Put the cart before the horse.Pride goes before a fall. Know

    16、ledge is power.Failure is the mother of success.Dont judge a person by the clothes he wears.Dont count your chickens before they are hatched.Learn to walk before you run.Its easy to be wise after the event.As you make your bed, so you must lie in it.All that glitters is not gold.Many hands make ligh

    17、t work.Nothing is too difficult if you put your heart into it.Like father, like son. Easier said than done. The first step is the hardest. Who knows most says least. Dont put off till tomorrow what should be done today.Walls have ears. What is done by night appears by day. When a man is going down-h

    18、ill, everyone will give him a push. When one will not, two cannot quarrel. When poverty comes in at the door, love flies out at the window. When the cat is away, the mice will play.When wine sinks, words swim. Where theres life theres hope. Sweet or not, it is water from home;Whether related to me o

    19、r not, you are from my home.In the heavens we shall be as twin birds flying side by side;On earth, trees with their branches intertwined.A true man does not invite obvious disaster, the best way out is to leave now.If you are in the right, you can travel anywhere in the world;If you are in the wrong

    20、, you cant take a step.As you sow, so you reap. to fit your appetite to the dishes.Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet. To weed through the old to bring forth the new.对外经济贸易常用术语及翻译 主要价格术语:离岸价(FOB),英语为Free on Board,指商品由卖方运送到码头并装船完毕的价格。按照价格规定,货物的投保手续和保险费由买方负责办理和负责。成本加保险及运费价(CIF),英语为Cos

    21、t, Insurance and Freight,有时也称为到岸价。成本加运费价(C&F)英语为Cost and Freight,现在新的国际代号为CFR。成本加保险,运费,佣金价(CIFC)英语为,Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission. 询盘,发盘主要术语:实盘(Firm Offer)是卖方提供的有关商品的报价,在规定的时间内此价格不能由卖方随意更改。虚盘(Non-firm Offer)也是卖方提供的有关商品的报价,但没有有效期,没有约束力。还盘(Counter-offer)是买方在卖方报价后,认为不合适而提出的建议价。 主要包装术语:中性包装(Ne

    22、utral Packing):指商品的包装不注明生产国名,地名,厂名,及原有商标和牌号的商品包装。外包装(Outer Packing):运输包装(Packing for Shipment)。内包装(Inner packing):销售包装(Market Packing)。 主要汇款术语:信汇(M / T, Mail Transfer),是一种信函付款方式。电汇(T / T, Telegraphic Transfer),是一种电报付款方式。票汇(D / D, Demand Draft),是一种汇票付款方式。 主要信用证术语:不可撤销信用证(Irrevocable L / C),指国际贸易中广泛使用

    23、的一种信用证,在规定的有效期内开证银行不的单方修改和撤销。可撤销信用证(Revocable L / C),没有保障,所以很少使用。即期信用证(Sight L / C),只有在一定规定内的受益人才可以。远期信用证(Usance L / C),同上。 常用词语翻译:一般报价 quotation; 报价,发盘;offer, to make an offer还盘 to make a counter-offer; 重新报价 to renew an offer撤回报价 to withdraw an offer; 试购 a trial order随市场变动的报价 an offer subject to ma

    24、rket fluctuation不受约束的报价 an offer without engagement样货订购a sample order; 订购合同purchase contract现货goods in stock; 缺货goods in sort supply顾客client, customer; 展销 sales exhibition商品交易会commodity fair; 没有现货to be out of stock向。订购。to place an order with for 有效期为(一月)to be valid ( good, open ) for one month批发价who

    25、lesale price; 零售价retail price国际/ 国内市场价international / home market price 进口/ 出口价import / export price; 标价tag price买入价purchase price; 卖出价sale price单位价unit price; 净价net price优惠价favorable price; 收盘价closing price最低限价floor price; 最高限价ceiling price期货价forward price; 现货价spot price公议价convention price; 暂定价prov

    26、isional price最低价bottom price; 成本价cost price价格猛涨/ 跌a sharp rise / fall in price增加价码mark up; 减少价码mark down市场销售marketing; 市场波动market fluctuation市场预测market forecast; 繁荣prosperous; 景气boom;稳定steady; 衰退recession; 萧条depression;停滞stagnation; 反复不定erratic;活跃active旺季peak season; 淡季slack season, off season 月末大减价

    27、EOM (end of month) sale岁末大减价 year end sale 供货紧张 Supply is tight供需平衡 coordination of supply and demand装运ship / dispatch 发货deliver / delivery;发货人shipper; 收货人consignee即期转运prompt shipment; 远期装运forward shipment装载量loading capacity; 提货单bill of lading (B/L)限期装运timed shipment; 分期装运partial shipment开证行issuing

    28、/ opening bank; 承兑行accepting bank汇票draft / bill of exchange; 信用证letter of credit(L/C)汇付,汇款remittance; 付现cash payment付款交单document against payments (D/P) 承兑交单document against acceptance(D/A)立即付款immediate payment;延期付款deferred /delayed payment见票即付payable at sight; 拒付to dishonor付款方法mode of payment;定期付款payment on term分期付款payment by installments现金付款payment by cash / by ready cash


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