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    EEC三年级英语下册 Lesson6 What time is it教案2Word文档下载推荐.docx

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    EEC三年级英语下册 Lesson6 What time is it教案2Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、(教学重点)ItsIts time to sleep.Difficult Points(教学难点)What time is it?Teaching Methods(教学方法)Dialoge teaching methodPicture teaching methodInstruments(教具)recorder, number cardsTeaching Steps(教学步骤).The Teaching Leading(教学导入):1.Greetings(打招呼):T: Hello.Boys and girls. Can you sing “Little Tutu Rabbit.”?(T &

    2、S sing together.)2.Have a revision(复习): Words: muchmanywantskirtshirtcoatpantssocksshoes(spell)3.The Leading Words(导语): T: who can tell me what is this?(pick out a clock picture) S:.The Teaching Presentation(教学展开):1.T:OK. Now, open your books to page70 and listen to it. 2.T:Do you see the clock? (S:

    3、.) Now, I am the clock. Who can tell me what time is it?)3.T : To write the sentence on the blackboard. Ask S to read it one by one.4. To study the word “ time” 5.T: What time is it ? 教师可以提示学生回答,说出时间的表达方法。 Smart! Can you tell me what time do you sleep?6. To teach” sleep” Do you know its meaning? Goo

    4、d!7. T: Can you tell me the time ? Ask S to speak the time.Its .8.T: Oh, you are all wrong.Its ten thirty. To study the word” thirty”.9. Practice to speak the time. Youre flying.10. T:Now lets practice to say “ What time is it?” ( To write.) Are you clear?11.Create a situation:Dialoge play. (Ex :pag

    5、e70)Content: A: What time is it? B: Its ten thirty. Its late. Its time to sleep. All right.12.To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge. 13.To show “What time is it?” “Its time to sleep.” 14.Listen and repeat : page70(Turn on the reorder)15.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words” time

    6、thirtylatesleepall right” two times. (2) Do the exercise book:.The Sum Up(总结): What ?(S: .)Homework: (1)To read after the tape about page70(2)The exercise book:The Blackboard Writing(板书) Lesson 6 What Time Is It?What Time Is It? Pictureclock Its ten thirty. Its time to sleep. Thinking After Class(课后

    7、反思)激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生在课堂学习中处于交际的教学的第一着力点。老师设计各种活动贯穿于整个课堂学生求知欲,表现于强,善于模仿乐于参加。然学生获得成就感,开展小组竞赛活动或竞争性的游戏。让他们有成就敢让学生学到真正的英语,让他们在语言实践活动中有用武之地。The Teaching PlanLesson 6 What Time Is It?two711.To grasp”Please turn off the light.” turnoffnight2.To bring up the ability of buying sth.1.How to ask the time and how

    8、to answer it.turn offDifference btween turn off and turn on.recorderCan you chant “What is this”? S chant together.) timethirtylatesleep(spell) What is this(that)? I think everyone 关灯before going to sleep. Do you know English ?OK. Now, open your books to page71 and listen to it. 2.To explans” Yes?(教

    9、师解释英语口语化的表达) Please turn off the light.”what does it mean?4. To practice this phrase. “ Turn off the light” (教师注意”turn”的发音。)5. T: Do you want to act it? ( Write it on the blackboard.) Yes! Now ,who can come English?S:. Very good!OK,read after me”turn on”.Read it one by one. .6. Practice the sentence

    10、s.7.Create a situation: First, listen to page71To practice it in pairs, then play the dialoge. 8.Do the listening exercises: page76 “Listen and act”9.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words” turnoffnight ” two times. (1)To read after the tape about page71 Lesson 6 What time is it?turn on教材为

    11、我们提供了很好的听、说、读、写训练内容,通过听听、说说、唱唱、做做,先培养语感,培养兴趣,然后进入开课以前,我就上节课所说内容,采用师师问答、生生问答、小组问答等多种形式进行复习,这一方法不仅有效的复习了上节课或以前所学的内容,而且为新授内容做了铺垫,起到了承上启下的作用。字母教学。让学生在快乐中学习英语,在知识中获得成功感。three72-731. To grasp”Can I have the soap? ”2. To grasp the words: soapsurewater2.To bring up the ability to use the English knowledge i

    12、n their lives.1.Courtesy of how to ask the time and answer it.Can I have the soap?SureOf course.Lets chant “What time is it?” OK? timesleeplateturn offturn on(spell) Today, lets continue to listen what Jack and Tutu.OK. Now, open your books to page72-73 and listen to them. 2.T says who can turn on t

    13、he light? (Write “turn on”on the blackboard.) well done.Thank you. You are welcome.3.T: who can turn off the light? (Someone comes to the front.) T : Can you do it?( 指着一种水果。 Yes, I can. Did a good jop.Now,who can tell me 打开水龙头, English?4.To practice “Turn on the water.” Now ,lets practice the dialog

    14、e. First,lets study a new word. To study “ soap” Can I .No, I cant.6.Create a situation: In a bathroom(教师一块香皂摆放在桌子上。Eg. A: Can I on the water.7. Practice in pairs.8. Role-play.9.Listen and repeat : page72-7314.Do the writing exercises: (1) To write the words” soapsurewater” two times. (1)To read aft

    15、er the tape about page72-73 Lesson 6 What time Is It?Can I .No,I cant.为了更好地实施新英语课程标准,我们必须采用多种多样的教学方式来组织教学工作。对于我们小学阶段的英语教学来说,应该让学生在唱中学,在情景中说、在说中熟,在游戏中应用掌握。在平时的教学中,教师要多用英语组织教学,开辟英语语言环境,再配以大量的感性材料和电化教学手段,多给学生提供英语对话、表演、朗读的机会和时间,使学生在语境中学好英语,始终保持浓在新授课中,我把单词、句子规范地写在黑板上的四线格中。同时将认读训练贯穿在英语课堂教学中。不再是单纯的听说游戏。而是将

    16、游戏与听、说、认读教学相结合。如游戏“小组比赛听音拍词”,教师将所学的单词写在黑板上,然后请两组学生开展接力赛。Lesson 6 Listening and writing exercises.four74-79To go over the learned knowledge.2.To bring up the ability of asking the timerecorder, Some words of lesson5 Today well do some exercises about lesson6. Now, open your books to page74 and listen

    17、 to it. Listening exercises:1. Look and say Ask S to repeat after the tape.(thirty thirty-one thirty-two forty fifty sixty)2. So smart!A. Write the time.Ask sb. to answer .B. Listen and act.Ask S to listen and act.3. Review 6 Circle the correct picture.Listen to the tape and circle it.4. Fun with wo

    18、rds.write. What time is it?Ask S write them by theirselves. T chect tha answers.5. Do the the clock.T guid them to do . 6.Chant the text. 7.Do the workbook: (1)To recite lesson6turn off.改变原来机械的教学结构安排,根据学生年龄小,注意力集中时间短的特点,合理安排教学结构,使学生在老师“导演-指引”中学会在散发思维中学习,在娱乐演练中学习,在注意力有效集中中学习,使教学具有娱乐性,层次性,系统性,连贯性,实践性,

    19、开放性,创意性和艺术性,课堂教学由原来的学生不想说,不会说到现在的学生“思如泉涌”,满堂彩,教学的效果大大提高了。实物、图片、简笔画、幻灯片等是英语教学中常用的直观教具,除教师制作直观教具外,我发动学生自己制作教具、学具。如刚开始学字母时,就可让学生作字母卡片,以便进行同桌、分组、找朋友等多种形式的听说训练。单词教学、对话教学等都可以让学生自己动手做图片卡、单词卡、句型卡或头饰、道具。这样安排不仅有利于师生进行听说训练,而且也能促使学生动脑动手,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高课堂效率,教学效果非常好。Lesson 6 Writing exercises.fiveTo bring up the ablities of listening, speaking,reading and writing.Ask S love English.3.The Leading Word


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