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    1、实习医生格蕾第八季片头片尾独白中英文对照S08E01片头神仙眷侣也会劳燕分飞,刚刚还耳鬓厮磨,转眼间,形同陌路。男女双方各有说法,你们的和们的。不过两种说法都有相同的起因,皆因两人坠入爱河。Even good marriages fail.One minute youre standing on soild groung, The next minute youre not.And theres always two versions.Yours and theirs. Both versions start the same way, though both start with two p

    2、eople failing in love.片尾你够不够勇敢?你的婚姻触礁了,你能否力挽狂澜?当大地分崩离析时,你的世界也随之飘摇零落,也许你只是需要一点信心,还要坚信自己一定能挺过来,也许你只需咬牙坚持。不管怎么样,永远不要放弃。Do you have what it takes? If your marriage is in trouble, can you weather the storm? W hen the ground gives way, and your world collapses, Maybe you just need to have faith, And trust

    3、 that you can survive this together. Maybe you just need to hold on tight. And no matter what, Dont let go.S08E02片头我母亲离开我父亲的时候,她没有提前知会他,也没有说把我也带走了,直到我们到了另一个地方才通知他。在当时,这叫家庭矛盾。如今,这就是赤裸裸的绑架。When my mother left my father, she didnt tell him she was leaving, and taking me with her, until wed landed on th

    4、e other side of the country. In those days, it was called family troubles. Today itd be called kidnappin*尾你以为只有真爱才会让你心动到心碎,你把全部生命都交给它,让它点亮你的人生或是毁掉你的未来。但是从此,你便成为了一个母亲。You think that true love is the only thing that can crush your heart The thing that will take your life, and light it up or destroy it

    5、. Then you become a mother.S08E03片头我们工作着,学习着,准备着,月复一月,年复一年,只为了那一天,晋升的那一天。下台的那一天。You work, you study, you prepare, months and years leading to one day, The day when you step up. The day when you step down.片尾有时,他发生在转瞬之间。我们晋升,我们成为领导,前途似锦。我们看到前路,便踏上旅程。即使全然不知,路,通向何方。Sometimes it happens in an instant. We

    6、 step up, we become a leader. We se a path forward. We see a path, and we take it. Even when we have no idea where were going.S08E04片头男性和女性大脑存在一些显著的差异,女性大脑拥有更大的海马区,因此,她们拥有更强的记忆力。男性大脑拥有更广阔的顶叶皮层,这有利于他们抵御攻击。面对挑战,男性大脑的反应和女性截然不同,女人们天生就擅长用语言交流,用各种细节交谈、各种移情。而男人们不太擅长。但这不意味着我们在感情方面有缺陷,我们也会倾诉我们的情感,只是绝大多数时候我们真

    7、的不愿说出来。There are distinct differences between male and female brains. Female brains have a larger hippocampus, which usually makes them better at retention and memory. Male brains have a bigger parietal cortex, which helps when fending off an attack. Male brains confront challenges differently than

    8、female brains. Wamen are hardwired to communicate with language, detail, Empathy, Men, not so much.It doesnt mean that were any less capable of emotion. We can talk about our feelings, Its just that most of the time wed really rather not.片尾做个爷们,人们总这么说。但这到底意味着什么?是力量吗?是牺牲吗?是胜利吗?也许比这简单得多。你得知道,什么时候该不那么爷

    9、们,真正的爷们有时得抛下自傲,接受失败,然后仅仅是重新开始。Be a man, People say it all the time But what does that even mean? Is it about strength?Is it about sacrifice? Is it about winning? Maybe its simpler than that. You have to know when not to man up. Sometimes it takes a real man to set his ego aside, admit defeat. And si

    10、mply start all over again.S08E05片头人体天生就能修复损伤,无法拥有之时,就会渐渐适应,然附骨之毒,恐难自愈。华佗妙手,方能回春。The human body is designed to compensate for loss,. It adapts, so it no longer needs the thing it cant have. But sometimes a loss is too great, and the body cant compensate on its own, Thats when surgeons get involved.片尾

    11、在事情之初,我们总满怀希望,似乎只能赢得这个世界,却无法承受失去。他们说不能接受失去,是一种病态的表现,可能是真的。但有时侯,只有这样,才能坚持活下来。Were so hopeful at the beginning of things. It see*ike theres only a world to be gained. Not lost. They say the inability to accept loss is a form of insanity. Its probably true. But sometimes, Its the only way to stay alive

    12、.S08E06片头孩子的世界,简单明了。哭一声就是饿了,哭两声就是累了。长大后事情才变得纷繁错杂。我们掩饰感情,划分界限,叶无从知晓他人的真实想法和感受。不知不觉中,我们成为伪装高手。As babies, we were easy. One cry meant you were hungry. Another, you were tried. Its only as adults that we become difficult. We start to hide our feelings, put up walls. It gets to the point where we never r

    13、eally know how anyone thinks or feels. Without meaning to, we become masters of disguise.片尾说出心中所想,并非易事。有时逼不得已,才会直抒胸臆。有时最好保留想法,装聋作哑。即使可玩全盘托出,也要守口如瓶,保守秘密,用其他方式获取快乐。Its not always easy to speak your mind. Sometimes you need to be forced to do it. Sometimes its better to just keep things to yourself, th

    14、ough. Play dumb.S08E07片头外科医生不能偷懒。因为风险太高了。一旦我们不再努力,后果不堪设想,难以预料。我们要相信,一切都会好的。Surgeons cant be lazy. The risks are too great. The second we stop pushing ourselves, something terrible happens, something we never see comin*尾我们可能无法百战百胜,但我们毫不懈怠。把握机会,寻求突破,不顾后果。有时,会三振出局。但有时,也能搞个本垒打。So we may not always be wi

    15、nners. But were not lazy. We take chances. We go for broke. We swing for the fences. And sometim es,yeah, we strike out. But sometimes, you get a homs run.S08E08片头假设身处手术室,正在修复腔静脉,突然间情况恶化,于是你切开缝合,突发事件手到病除。可惜人生很多问题,不是手术刀可以解决的。也许,可以拿刀试试。但我敢相信,别人会以为你要谋杀,Say youre in the O.R, repairing a vena cava, when

    16、suddenly, everything goes to hell. So you cut this, suture that, and soon that crappy situation is a thing of the past. Too bad you cant meet all of lifes challenges with a surgical scalpel. I mean, you could try.片尾事态会瞬时急转直下,这让人不免胆寒。有时付出沉重代价,才能懂得什么值得珍视。有时你会发现自己越发坚强越发明智,准备就绪应对下一次灾难。有时如此,但并非时时尽然。Its a

    17、 little bit horrifying just how quickly everything can fall to crap. Sometimes it takes a huge loss to remind you of what you care about the most. Sometimes you find yourself becoming stronger as a result, wiser, better equipped to deal with the next big disaster that comes along. Sometimes, but not

    18、 always.Were so hopeful at the beginning of things. It see*ike theres only a world to be gained. Not lost. They say the inability to accept loss is a form of insanity. Its probably true. But sometimes, Its the only way to stay alive.S08E09I had a terrible day.We say it all the time.A fight with the

    19、boss,the stomach flu,traffic.Thats what we describe as terrible when nothing terrible is happening.These are the things we beg for.A root canal. An I.R.S. audit. Coffee spilled on our clothes.When the really terrible things happen, we start begging a god we dont believe in to bring back the little h

    20、orrors and take away this.It seems quaint now, doesnt it?The flood in the kitchen, the poison oak, the fight that leavesyou shaking with rage?Would it have helped if we could see what else was coming?Would we have known that these were the bestmoments of our lives?S08E09片头“我今天过得糟透了。”我们常把这句话挂在嘴边。老板刁难

    21、、肠胃炎症、交通拥堵但相比人命攸关,这些又何足挂齿?I had a terrible day.We say it all the time.A fight with the boss, the stomach flu, traffic.Thats what we describe as terrible when nothing terrible is happenin*尾有些事避之不及,我们去祈求发生。补牙手术,税务审计,咖啡倾洒一身。当真正的悲剧发生时,我们会转而祈求上苍,用无伤大雅的小意外,换走难以承受的一切。有些事或许别有一番情趣。厨房到处汪洋一片,误触毒蔓痛痒难忍,让你浑身颤抖的凶怒

    22、争吵。如果我们预料到即将发生的悲剧,是否会把那些时刻,当作生命中的珍贵记忆。These are the things we beg for.A root canal. An I.R.S. audit. Coffee spilled on our clothes.When the really terrible things happen, we start begging a god we dont believe in to bring back the little horrors and take away this.It seems quaint now, doesnt it? The

    23、 flood in the kitchen, the poison oak, the fight that leavesyou shaking with rage?Would it have helped if we could see what else was coming? Would we have known that these were the bestmoments of our lives?S08E10片头飞来横祸的伤者,往往最难治愈。他们不仅要经历灾难一击,还要接受接踵而来的一切。离心力驱使下,他们在车里横冲直撞,冲撞挡风玻璃,脏腑翻江倒海,身体反复受损,到处伤痕累累。在灾

    24、难停止之前,无法预测伤害程度。 Victims of a sudden impact are some of the hardest to treat. Its not just the collision that injures them. Its everything after. The centrifugal force keeps them moving, tossing them from vehicles, throwing them through windshields, slamming their internal organs into the skeleton. T

    25、heir bodies are injured over and over again. So theres no way to know how much damage has actually been done, untile they stop.片尾天有不测风云,你无法未雨绸缪。你无法振作精神。灾难突如其来,一夜之间,你熟悉的生活一去不返。 You cant prepare for a sudden impact. You cant brace yourself. It just hits you out of nowhere. And suddenly. The life you k

    26、new before .Is over. Forever.S08E11 片头你可曾担纲主演,可曾独奏音乐?众人瞩目,满怀期盼,等你表演。压力徒增,紧张至极。手术室曾被称作手术剧场,二者确有共同之处:众人准备登台献艺,搭设布景,穿着戏服,佩戴面具,携带道具,一切必须排练娴熟,只为帷幕升起的那一刻。人说只有一种方法,能让你步入顶级殿堂 Have you ever had the starring role in a play, a sole in a recital? All eyes on you. Waiting for you to do what they came to see, fee

    27、ling the incredible pressure to preform. There was a time when they used to call operating rooms an operating theater. It still feels like one. Scores of people get ready for the show. The sets are arranged. There are costumes,makes, props. Everything has to be rehearsed, choreographed. All leading

    28、to moment when the curtain goes up. You know what they say Carnegie Hall? Theres only one way to get there. 片尾只愿人生是一场彩排,我们可以重新来过,可以不断练习,直至成功。然而人生如戏,即便能够彩排预练,也会意外不断,让人措手不及。 If only life was just a dress rehearsal, and we had time for do-overs. Wed be able to practice and prtice every moment, until we

    29、 got it right. Unfortunately, every day of our lives is its own performance. It see*ike even when we get the chance to rehearse and prepare and practice. Were still never quite ready for lifes grand moments.S08E12 片头“我们已经尽力了”。医生最不愿意对病人说这句话。放弃并非易事,所以我们倾力而为。对于医生来说,“无法治愈”的意思是“再努力一些”。 Theres nothing els

    30、e we can do for you. These are the last words a surgeon wants to tell a patient. Giving up doesnt come easy to us, so we do everything in our power not to. For surgeons, “lost cause” just means “try a little harder.” 片尾人们何时会认输?承认失败无可避免。总有一刻,一切太过沉重。当我们筋疲力尽,无从反抗,便只能放弃。这时我们才真正开始,于绝望处,寻找希望。When do you t

    31、hrow in the towel, admit that a lost cause is sometimes just that? There comes a point when it all becomes too much. When we get too tired to fight anymore. So we get up. Thats when the real work begins. To find hope where there seems to be absolutely none at all.S08E13 片头子女生养,皆有缘定。天意如此。领养的父母都会这么讲。不

    32、管怎样,我宁愿相信这话。但世间其他万物,却完全不可预测。若当初所说所为略微不同,会否彻底改变一切?若当初选择了另一种人生、另一个人,如今爱侣可能亦自陌路,如果我没有被如此抚养长大,如果我的母亲没有患病,如果我有个好爸爸,如果 The baby you have is the baby you were destined to have . It was meant to be. Thats what all the adoption people tell you. Anyway, I like to think its true. But everything else in the world seems so completely random. What if one little thing I said or did could have made it all fall


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