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    1、be动词变复数否定句一般疑问句练习一、用be动词填空。I a boy. He Jim.We here. The book new.Your book new. My mother a worker.His cat beautiful. You are tall. 二、把下列(名词)单词变成复数 1.goose_2.box_ 3.wife_ 4. potato_ 5. sheep_ 6.monkey_ 7.stomach_ 8. hand_ 9.baby_ 10. man_ 11.cat_ 12.thief_ 13.student_ 14. fish_ 15. foot_ 1.Shes from

    2、 Japan. (变一般疑问句) _?2.Tom is from the U.K. (变一般疑问句) _?3.This is Lucys pen pal. (变一般疑问句) _?4.Those are his parents. (变一般疑问句) _?5.Singapore is a very interesting country. (变一般疑问句) _?6.There are many countries in the world. (变一般疑问句) _?7.Pandas are very cute. (变一般疑问句) _?1.His favourite subject is math. (

    3、变一般疑问句) _?2.Im 14 years old. (变一般疑问句) _?3.Its rainy(多雨的) in August. (变一般疑问句) _?4.Her favourite food is hot dog. (变一般疑问句) _?5.The post office is next to the bank. (变一般疑问句) _?6.My birthday is in November. (变一般疑问句) _?1.Shes from Japan. (变否定句) _?3.His brother is a teacher. (变否定句) _?4.This is Lucys pen p

    4、al. (变否定句) _?5.Those are his parents. (变否定句) _?6.There are many countries in the world. (变否定句) _?7.Pandas are very cute. (变否定句) _?8. I like English very much. (变否定句) _ _?9. Jim lives in Tokyo. (变否定句) _?10.I want to see the pandas. (变否定句) _?11. He comes from Japan. (变否定句) _?12. Lucy has a brother. (变

    5、否定句) _?13. I want to go to Changchun with my friends. (变否定句) _?14. They want to go shopping on the weekend. (变否定句) _? 15.She likes to play with her friends. (变否定句) _7.Im 14 years old. (变 否 定 句) _?11.Its rainy(多雨的) in August. (变否定句) _?12.Her favourite food is hot dog. (变否定句) _?13.The post office is n

    6、ext to the bank. (变否定句) _?14.The ruler is on the table. (变否定句) _?15.The bank is across from the park. (变否定句) _?16.The pay phone is on CENTER ST. (变否定句) _?18.Lingling is very quiet. (变否定句) _ _?20.My birthday is in November. (变否定句) _?1.Shes from Japan. (提问) _?2.Tom is from the U.K. (提问) _?3.His brothe

    7、r is a teacher. (提问) _?4.I like pandas because theyre cute. (提问) _?5.Tom is my teacher . (提问) _?6.My shoes are 20 yuan . (提问) _?7.There are many countries in the world. (提问) _?8.This is a pen . (提问) _?9.His favourite subject is math. (提问) _?10.Im 14 years old. (提问) _?11.His birthday is in September.

    8、 (提问) _?12.Her favourite food is hot dog. (提问) _?13.The post office is next to the bank. (提问) _?14.The ruler is on the table. (提问) _?15.The bank is across from the park. (提问) _?16.The pay phone is on CENTER ST. (提问) _?17.My house is on a busy street. (提问) _?18.Lingling is very quiet. (提问) _?19.My na

    9、me is Andy. (提问) _?20.My birthday is in November. (提问) _?非BE动词练习题1.He goes to school by bus. (变一般疑问句) _?2.I want to see films. (变一般疑问句) _?3.Tom has a beautiful sister. (变一般疑问句) _?4.I get up at 7 oclock. (变一般疑问句) _?5.I like English very much. (变一般疑问句) _?6.Jim lives in Tokyo. (变一般疑问句) _?7. Jim wants t

    10、o see the pandas. (变一般疑问句) _?8. He comes from Japan. (变一般疑问句) _ _?9. Lucy has a brother. (变一般疑问句) _? 10. I want to go to Changchun with my friends. (变 一 般 疑 问 句) _?11. They want to go shopping on the weekend. (变一般疑问句) _?12.She likes to play with her friends. (变一般疑问句) _? 13. Tom often watches TV in t

    11、he evening. (变一般疑问句) _ _?14.Koala sleeps during the day. (变一般疑问句) _?15.Koalas get up and eat leaves at night. (变一般疑问句) _?16.They want to go shopping this afternoon. (变一般疑问句) _?17.Tom wants to do homework now. (变一般疑问句) _?18. I need many pens. (变一般疑问句) _?19. Elephant likes to eat grass. (变一般疑问句) _?20.

    12、 Lucy likes apples. (变一般疑问句) _?1. I like English very much. (提问) _?2. Jim lives in Tokyo. (提问) _?3.I want to see the pandas. (提问) _?4. He comes from Japan. (提问) _?5. Lucy has a brother. (提问) _?6. I want to go to Changchun with my friends. (提问) _?7. They want to go shopping on the weekend. (提问) _? 8.

    13、She likes to play with her friends. (提问) _? 9. I like English because its interesting. (提问) _?10.Koala sleeps during the day. (提问) _?11.Koalas get up and eat leaves at night. (提问) _?12.They want to go shopping this afternoon. (提问) _?13.I like pandas because theyre cute. (提问) _?14. Lucy wants to watch TV in the evening. (提问) _?15. I need many pens. (提问) _?16. He usually relaxes 20 hours a day. (提问) _?17. Elephant likes to eat grass. (提问) _?18. I have a relaxing holiday this summer.(提问) _?19. Lucy likes dolphins. (提问) _?20. Jim wants to see the pandas. (提问) _?上一页 1. -1-1-1-1-1-1-1. -1下一页


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