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    1、Lesson15 Fiftypenceworthoftrouble 五十便士的麻烦,Worthy adj.,be worthy of sth/of being done;be worthy to be doneThe problem is worthy of discussion.The problem is worthy of being discussed.The problem is worthy to be discussed.,worth 英音:w:形容词 a.,Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.任何值得做的事就值得

    2、做好。The house is worth a lot of money.这栋房子值很多钱。That novel is not worth reading.那部小说不值得一读。,名词 n.U,1.价值This research project is of great worth.这一研究项目很有价值。2.值一定金额的数量He keeps in the safe$3 million worth of diamonds.他在保险箱里放着值三百万元的钻石。,Appreciate v.欣赏,感激,-Thepoemistoodifficultformetoappreciate.-Iappreciatey

    3、ourhelp.=bethankful/grateful tosb.-thankful=grateful(adj.感激的,感谢的)I am afraid you have not appreciated the urgency of the matter.体会,领会,察知+(that),appreciate 表“感激”时有两种结构:appreciate+(动)名词appreciate+it+if(或when)从句如。她提出愿意帮助时,我们确实很感激。(误)We really appreciated when she offered to help.(正)We really appreciate

    4、d her offering to help.(正)We really appreciated it when she offered to help.,appreciative adj.感激的,赏识的。我感激你的帮助:I am appreciative of your help.=I appreciate your help very much.,thrifty adj.节约的,economical adj.节约的,经济的He was thrifty in the use of time.She is a thrifty housekeeper.Mr.Thompson is so thrif

    5、ty that he is able to save more than half of his weekly salary.汤普生先生是如此节俭,以致他能省下超过一半的周薪。,We will bring in a measure to be thrifty with raw materials.我们要提出一项节约原材料的措施。Be thrifty with grainEconomical,The coin was bounced.,同义词:jump(跳跃),leap(跃),hop(单足跳),spring(弹跳;n.弹簧),skip(跳跃;略过)bounce back:弹回。回升,恢复。,Th

    6、e football bounced off the goalpost.足球击中球门柱弹了出去。The ball bounced off the wall.球从墙壁上反弹回来。,Pave the way for=make possible,The agreement paved the way for a lasting peace.,stick(stuck,stuck),You must stick to your idea.Stick the stamp on the envelop.,Stick around:等在旁边,留下等待。Stick around,Ill right back.留

    7、在这别走,我就回来。Stick at 继续努力做,坚持干。If we stick at it,we should finish the job today.如果我们坚持干,今天就可以把这件事干完。,Stick by 忠于,对真心。He friends stuck by him when he was in trouble.他遇到麻烦时朋友们仍然忠于他。坚持,维护(原则)等。Stick by ones principles 坚持原则。Stick out(把)坚持到底突出,显眼:Her red hair sticks out in the crowd.她的红发在人群中很显眼。,Stick out

    8、for 坚持要求:They are sticking out for higher wages.他们坚持要求提高工资。,Stick to 粘贴在上:Wet clothes stuck to my skin.湿衣服贴在我的皮肤上。紧跟,紧随:Youll be all right if you stick to the main road.你只要顺着大陆走,就不会有问题。坚持,忠于,信守:stick to ones opinion 坚持己见,stick together:团结一致,互相支持:Theyve stuck together all these years.这些年来特们一直互相支持。,St

    9、ick up for:支持,为辩护。He always stuck up for his sister when people insulted her.妹妹受到欺侮时,他总是保护她。,stick with:紧随:If you dont want to get lost,you d better stick with me.如果你不想迷路就紧随着我吧。继续从事:Lets stick with the original arrangements.我们还是按原来的计划做吧。I will stick with you.=be faithful to you,brigade n.旅,(消防)队,fir

    10、e brigade:消防队=fire department=fire station,wanted,We reward the person with 9 million dollars for catching the criminal.We offer a reward of 9 million dollars for catching the criminal.,TEXT,Childrenalwaysappreciatesmallgiftsofmoney.=Childrenalwaysappreciate pocketmoney assmall gifts.孩子们总是喜欢得到些零花钱-H

    11、usbandsalwaysappreciatesmallgiftsof beermoney.,providearegularsupplyof,providesth forsb/providesb withsth 为某人提供某物-The villagers provided a regular supply of food for the soldiers.=The villagers provided the soldiers with a regular supply of food,Cut the supply of Cut off the supply of Supply sb with

    12、 sth,Withsomechildren,smallsumsgoa longway.,此句暗含:with other children,small sums cant go a long way.goalongway 维持很久-Themoneywehavewillgoalongway.goalongwaytowards 对.大有帮助-Thiswillgoalongwaytowardsovercoming thedifficulty.(overcome vt.战胜,克服),For(介词):关于,对于.来说,考虑到.的事实-TheweatherisquitewarmforNovember.-Fo

    13、rhim,thiswillbeanentirelynewhobby.With(介词):在某一方面(多用于二者的比较)-Withsomepeople,pleasureismoreimportantthanwork.-Somepeoplemayacceptthatexcuse,butitwontworkwithme.,exchange,Exchange A for BTrade A for BDo A in return for BDo A in exchange for BHe bought his girlfriend a necklace in exchange for her love.-

    14、The little boy exchanged his pen for candy.(candy n.糖果,冰糖),Pence 便士(penny,pennies都是pence的复数:)afiftypence 一个五十便士的硬币fiftypennies 五十便士的硬币,Rattle-snake 响尾蛇,rattle vt.(拟声词)叮当作响=tinkle(vi,vt(使)发玎玲声,(使)发出玎当声)roar 呼啸(重点突出老虎、狮子等大动物的吼叫声)-The car roar by me./Listen,a lion is roaring.shoutat 大喊大叫=barkatslam v.砰

    15、地关上,砰地放下,fillup 装满 policy,1up:表示方向upto(表示到达目的地)-Sheranuptohim.她跑到他面前。Towards(表示朝某个方向)-Sherantowardshim.她向他跑去。2表示沿着,走向更远的地方(侧重强调距离更远了)-Theywalkedupthestreet.他们沿着街道走远了。-Theychildrenrunupthegardenpathtogreettheir father.,3系动词+up(表示消费、摧毁、彻底、光、用完)-Drinkupyourwhisky./Eatupyourvegetable.-Finishitup.完成它/bur

    16、nup烧光/useup用光4表示积存,从少到多,积小成多-Wemustlayupsomeboiledfoodforthewinter.Lay up贮存=storeup储藏,holdup,gatherup收集起,5表示从河的下游到上游,河流入口处以上到源头的某一点-TheyaresailinguptheThames.他们正沿着泰晤士河而上。-Thehouseisuptheriver.这个房子在河的上游。6动词+up(表示包起来、封住、盖住)-buttonup扣上纽扣(-button your coat up 把外衣的纽扣扣上)-wrapup 包裹起来(wrap up the shoes with

    17、 newspaper 用报纸把鞋子包起来)-lockup 锁起来(lock the house up 用锁把房子锁起来)-fastenup 拴紧,钉牢,锁牢/save up 储蓄,贮存-wash up 洗涤餐具,洗手洗脸,把冲上岸/doup 重新整修,包好,fiftypenceisa smallprice to pay=fiftypenceisnotmuchtopay,a smallprice=notmuchmoney 并不是很多-Forhim twothousanddollarsisa smallprice topayforit.-Forme fivehundredYuanisnotasma

    18、llpricetopay forabicycle.,findtheirwaythere=reach 抵达,到达,找到自己的去处,find ones way into/to-Riversfindtheirwaytothesea.-Howdidsuchafoolishstatementfinditswayintoprint?这样愚蠢的话怎么会被印出来了?-Allmybookshavealreadyfoundtheirway there.,what引导的插入语,Whatismoreimportant.更重要的是/Whatisworse.更糟糕的是Whatismore.更有甚者/Whatisrare.

    19、更罕见的是-He went to the meeting,and what is worse,insisted on speaking.-He is an interesting speaker,and what is more important,he knows his subject thoroughly.,Smoking,which may be a pleasure with some people,is a serious source of discomfort for some others.Only about one out of ten inventions will f

    20、inally find its way on the shelf in the shops.He offered a reward of 20000 dollars for his missing son.The leaves are rattling in the spring breeze.A rattle-snake will bite its own tail when it is cornered.,Nowadays,computers have found their way to the common households in China.I advised him to study medicine.Instead(of doing so)he chose English as his major.,感谢您的关注,


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