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    1、每小题听一遍。(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. Which does Joan like ? A B C ( )2.What was Jack doing at this time yesterday ? A B C ( )3.What can the man take for the trip ?A B C ( )4. Who is the woman going to see ? A B C ( )5.What can they do on the weekends ? A B C B.听对话:回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在

    2、答卷相应的位置上。每段对话听两遍。(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5 分) 听第一段对话回答第6 小题 。 ( )6. What does Alice want to be? A. A teacher. B. A singer. C. A doctor. 听第二段对话回答第7 小题 。 ( )7. Which animal does Tom like best? A. The panda . B. The elephant. C. The tiger. 听第三段对话回答第8 小题 。 ( )8. What happened to Jenny yesterday? A. A car hit her

    3、. B. She fell down. C. She had a fever. 听下面一段对话回答第9-10小题 。 ( )9. What are they talking about ? A. The school meet . B. The school party . C. The school trip . ( )10. Where will they meet ? A. At Bobs house . B. At the school gate . C. At the bus stop . C.听独白: 在每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能完成句子的最佳选项,并将其字母编号填写在答卷

    4、相应的位置上。独白听两遍。(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5 分) ( )11. Peters hobby is collecting _. A. newspapers B. stamps C. coins ( )12. Bob feels _ when he is riding a bike. A. excited B. relaxed C. tired ( )13. Nick likes reading books about _. A. medicine B. science C. history ( )14. Betty is fond of _. A. ne w clothes B.

    5、music C. drawing ( )15. Ellen thinks _ makes her healthy. A. walking B. running C. swimming D. 听填信息。 (本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5 分) 你将听到的是一段有关How to keep fit 的几个建议,请根据所听内容完成下面的信息卡。请将答案填写在答卷相应的位置上。短文听两遍。 Advice on how to keep fit First We must have enough sleep, or we may get 16 . Second We shouldnt eat too muc

    6、h meat or 17 . Third We should drink something healthy such as 18 and juice . Fourth Try to be happy, and you will feel 19 . Finally We need to do 20 often . 二.单项填空:从每小题四个选项中,选出一个填入空白处的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置上。(本题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 21. “Dont tell it to anybody else,” Jackie said to me in a low _.

    7、A. sound B. noise C. voice D. shout ( ) 22. You eat too much salt . Its _ unhealthy eating habit . Please give it up . A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( ) 23. Tomorrow we will have a soccer game. We must do _ best to win the game. A. us B. our C. we D. ours ( ) 24. Our school basketball team won the first p

    8、lace. I was _ excited that I couldnt get to sleep last night . A. too B. very C. quite D. so ( ) 25. I dont think the computer is _ than the mobile phone. A. useful B. more useful C. much useful D. the most useful ( ) 26. Could you please _ me your dictionary? Sure. Here you are. A. make B. buy C. l

    9、end D. borrow ( ) 27. Children _ play on the busy street. Its too dangerous. A. should B. need C. wont D. mustnt ( ) 28. I went to bed too late last night. I didnt _ early this morning. A. wake up B. stay up C. build up D. ring up ( ) 29. Fred used to _ books after supper, but now he enjoys _ _. A.

    10、read; walk B. reading; walk C. read; walking D. reading; walking ( ) 30. If you want to keep your teeth healthy, youd better brush them _ twice a day. A. at least B. at once C. at first D. for example ( ) 31. Listen! So meone is playing the violin. _ sweet the music is ! A. What B. What a C. How D.

    11、How a ( ) 32. The winter of the v illage is really cold , but John _ likes living there. A. certainly B. still C. however D. never ( ) 33.All the students except Tom _ watching a movie at that time. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( ) 34. We will go on a trip this weekend. Really? _ A. What a pity! B. H

    12、ow terrible! C. Ha ve a great time! D. Im sorry to hear that ! ( ) 35. The radio says it will rain hard next week. _ Farmers need water to plant rice. A. I dont think so. B. I hope so. C. Im afraid not. D. I hope not. 三.完形填空:通读短文后,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置上。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) Last Fri

    13、day evening, I worked late in my office. I kept working for about 12 hours to 36 some important work. When I was on my way home in my car, I felt really hungry and 37 . Suddenly(突然地), I found an old man 38 by the side of the street in front. He looked terrible because he was badly hurt. I stopped my

    14、 car and looked 39 . But I found no other people or cars. I sat in my car and 40 if I should help him . I was afraid that the man thought I was the troublemaker(肇事者), then what should do? He may be 41 if I couldnt save him in time(及时). 42 , I got out and ran to help the man. As we know, 43 was the m

    15、ost important. I called 110 and 120. The man was saved and the police caught the driver who caused the accident soon. One shouldnt only think of himsel f. 44 will have problems, so helping others is helping 45 . ( ) 36. A. find B. finish C. change D. invent ( ) 37. A. fit B. sorry C. glad D. tired (

    16、 ) 38. A. lying B. talking C. smiling D. reading ( ) 39. A. up B. down C. back D. around ( ) 40. A. thought about B. talked about C. looked up D. gave up ( ) 41. A. in the sun B. in danger C. on time D. on the other hand ( ) 42. A. Badly B. Finally C. Really D. Carefully ( ) 43. A. chance B. money C

    17、. life D. heart ( ) 44. A. No one B. Nothing C. Everyone D. Everything ( ) 45. A. we B. us C. our D. ourselves 四. 阅读理解(本题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 阅读下列表格或短文内容,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案,并将其字母编号填写在答卷相应的位置上。 A Name & Icon(图标) Iqiyi Xunlei Douban Sina Website Founding time(创建时间) April, 2010 January,

    18、2003 September, 2004 December, 1998 Founder (创建者) Gong Yu Zou Shenglong & Cheng Hao Yang Bo Wang Zhidong Idea Let the whole world watch us. No one is faster than me. Join us more, and youll get more. All start with you. Feature (特征) Share movies. Download(下载)what you need. Make friends with others.

    19、Find everything you like, news, sports, stories and so on .( ) 46. If you want to share movies on the Internet, youd better visit _ . A. B. C. D. ( ) 47. Sina was founded in _ . A. April, 2010 B. January, 2003 C. September, 2004 D. December, 1998 ( ) 48. _ is the founder of Douban . A. Gong Yu B. Zo

    20、u Shenglong & Cheng Hao C. Yang Bo D. Wang Zhidong ( ) 49. The idea of Xunlei is _. A. let the whole world watch us B. no one is faster than me C. join us more, and youll get more D. all start with you ( ) 50. Which i s TRUE? A. Xunlei is older than Douban. B. Wang Zhidong founded Iqiyi in April, 20

    21、10. C. You can download what you need on Sina. D. You can make friends with others on Iqiyi. B Are you sad that you dont have a nice face? Are you w orried that you are not cleverer than your classmates? If so, reading the story of Beethoven(贝多芬) may help you. Beethoven was born in a small city in G

    22、ermany in 1770. His father was an actor and he always drank much. His mother was in bad health and she died when Beethoven was seventeen. They lived a poor life. Beethoven was a talented child in music. At that time people thought he was as clever as Mozart. His father wanted to make money from his

    23、talent, so he told him to practice and play all the time. If he didnt do that, his father would be angry with him and beat him. Beethoven was very short and ugly. He couldnt hear well from the age of 22 and later he heard nothing. He once fell in love with three girls, but they all left him for some

    24、 reasons at last. But all these didnt make him give up music. He kept writing music, and later he became a great musician. On a snowy day in 1827, Beethoven died of illness. His life was short , so he didnt leave much music. But people think he was one of the best musicians in the world. ( ) 51. Bee

    25、thoven came from a _ family in a small city in Germany. A. big B. happy C. modern D. poor ( ) 52. The underlined (划线的)word “talented ”means _ in Chinese . A. 笨拙的 B. 有天赋的 C. 不求上进的 D. 叛逆的 ( ) 53. Beethovens father told him to practice and play all the time because he wanted_ . A. his son to be a great

    26、 musician B. to make money C. to make him not drink too much like him D. to make his son beat him ( ) 54. Beethoven had hearing problems_ . A. as soon as he was born B. when his mother died C. when he was 22 D. after the three girls left him ( ) 55. What can we learn from the passage? A. Music can m

    27、ake us happy. B. Parents should be kind to their children. C. Listening to music is the best hobby for people. D. Be brave and never give up when we have problems. 五.单词拼写:根据句子意思并结合中文或音标提示,在横线上填上一个形式正确的单词。(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 56. Dont worry . You can find it _( 在某处 ) in your room . 57. Of all the veget

    28、ables, I like _( 西红柿 ) best . They are my favorite . 58. We cant go to school _ ( 没有 ) breakfast. Its bad for our health . 59. They say they are going to _ / dn / the school baseball team . 60. Practice makes _/ p:f kt / . Lets keep practicing and well win . 六. 完成句子:请根据句子意思和中文提示,用英语把下列句子补充完整。(本题共5小题

    29、,每小题2分, 共10分) 61. People like playing basketball _ (遍及)the world. 62. We should work as a team and we must help _ ( 彼此 ) . 63. The boys _(对.感兴趣)computer games , but its not good for their health. 64. I am free this afternoon .I want to _ ( 购物) with my mother . 65. They were talking at that time , so

    30、 no one heard me when I was _( 经过 ). 七.短文填空: ( 本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请认真阅读短文,并借助上下文,在空格里填上一个形式正确、意义相符的单词,使之合理通顺,请将答案填写在答卷相应的位置上。Fire is useful and important . You can use it to cook meals every day. But if you are not careful, accidents can 66 .The big fire can be very serious .Every year lots of people get hurt or 67 in fires. So knowing how to protect yourself in the fire is very important. When the fire happens, 68 most important thing is


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