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    1、 书店在哪里?-Its here. 在这儿。我们经常会去的地方 英语表达playground操场classroom教室kindergarten幼儿园sea大海swimming pool游泳池beach海滩street街道bookshop书店garden花园bus stop车站park公园zoo动物园farm农场shop商店-Hello,where are you going? 嗨,你要去哪里?-Im going to the park. 我正要去公园。-Lets go together. 我们一起去吧。-Thats great. 好呀!How many-How many lions can y

    2、ou see?你能看到多少只狮子?-I can see two. 我能看到2只。-How many pandas are there?有多少只熊猫在这里?-There are six. 有6只。这一课让我们进入数字的世界先是 1 101 one 2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten Happy New Year!【课文内容】Kim:新年快乐!Tom:What does Kim want for a new year present? Kim想要什么作为新年礼物?She wants a doll. 她想要一个娃娃。What

    3、 has she got then? 那她后来得到了什么?Shes got a mirror. 她得到了一面镜子。【单词时间】camera照相机mirror镜子jacket 夹克 toy car 玩具车doll娃娃watch手表【唱唱跳跳】If Youre Happy and You Know It 如果你感到快乐If youre happy and you know it,clap your hands.如果感到快乐,你就拍拍手。re happy and you know it,and you really want to show it.如果你感到快乐,而且你很想表现出来。Verse2:S

    4、tampyour feet.Verse3:Nodyour head.Verse4:Shout“Hooray”. 【一起来造句】go bike-riding 去骑车 go swimming 去游泳 go skating 去溜冰watch TV 看电视 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏play football 踢足球例句e.g.What do you like to do on New Years Day? 新年那天你想干什么?I like to go bike-riding. 我想去骑车。Unit 1 School is fun

    5、.What can you see?你能看到什么?I can see a big book.我看到了一本很大的书。eraser橡皮擦pencil铅笔pencil-case 铅笔盒bag书包pen 钢笔ruler尺子blackboard黑板 book 书本big大small小Hello!Welcome to our school.Please come with me. 你好。欢迎来到我们的学校。请跟着我来。This is our swimming pool. 这是我们的游泳池。School is fun,school is fun.Drawing,singing and we are Numb

    6、er One.School is fun,school is fun.Reading,writing and we are Number One.Dancing,running,jumping and swimming. 跳舞,唱歌,跳高和游泳。We are Number One.We are Number One. 我们是第一名!Unit 2 Classroom OlympicsOne,two,three,four,. 1 2 3 4.Hop!Hop! 跳!跳!One,two,three,four,five,. 1 2 3 4 5.Up!Up!Down! 上!上!下!Jump and tou

    7、ch! 跳起来!碰!Catch and count!Catch and count! 抛接球!数数!Kick and stop! 踢球停在那儿!paint绘画catch抓hop跳count计数run跑bounce弹draw画touch碰football足球 badminton羽毛球baseball排球 basketball篮球Draw a picture.Bounce the ball. 画一幅画。拍球。Hop to the blackboard. 跳到黑板处。Touch the table and count the numbers. 碰桌子然后数数。Run to the window. 跑

    8、到窗那儿。Unit 3 You and IYou and I.You and I.You canand I canwrite. 你和我。你会画画,我会写字。He and she.He and she.He can dance and she can read.他和她。他会跳舞,他会阅读。We and you.We and you.We canskateand you canpaint.我们和你们。我们会滑冰,你们会涂颜色。It and they.It and they.It can talk and they can play.它和他们。它会聊天,他们会玩。【语法】这课我们主要是学习人称代词(

    9、主格),人称代词在英语中分为第一人称, 第二人称和第三人称,并且各有单复数之分。第一人称:单数I 我复数we我们第二人称:you你you你们第三人称:he他 she她 it它they他们【举例说明】Mary and I wea boy hea girl shea dog ittwo boys theytwo girls they unit 4 They are my friends.Mum,Dad,they are myfriends. 妈妈,爸爸,他们是我的朋友。 你们好!Im Nick.Shes Pat and hes Tom.We are all friends.你好!我是Nick。她是

    10、 Pat ,他是 Tom。我们都是朋友。Welcome!Come and watch TV or you can play withtoys. 欢迎!过来看电视吧或者你们去玩玩具。Thanks! 谢谢!This is Nick.Hes my friend.这是Nick。他是我的朋友。This is May.She这是May。她是我的朋友。This is Tom.He这是Tom。This is Linda.She这是Linda。Nick,May,Tom,Linda,they are all my friends.Nick,May,Tom,Linda,他们都是我的朋友。当你的朋友们到你家里做客时,

    11、你要怎么把他们介绍给你的爸爸妈妈,现在学会了吗?学过的内容一定要在日常生活中使用哦 Unit 5 I like dogs.【课文内容】Tell me please.What animals do you like? 请告诉我,你喜欢什么动物?I like cats. 我喜欢小猫。I like dogs. 我喜欢小狗。I like ducks. 我喜欢小鸭子。I like turtles. 我喜欢小海龟。I like rabbits. 我喜欢小兔子。【单词时间】cat猫 spider蜘蛛rabbit兔子 parrot鹦鹉snake蛇 mouse老鼠dog狗 turtle海龟【唱唱跳跳】小动物的叫

    12、声各不同Horses neigh(马) and cats meow(猫).Hens cluck(公鸡) and dogs bow-wow(狗).Ducks quack(鸭子) and sheep baa(羊).Pigs oink(猪) and cows moo(奶牛).unit 6 Do you like oranges?Do you like oranges? 你喜欢橙子吗?Yes,I do. 嗯,我喜欢。Do you like pineapples? 你喜欢菠萝吗?No,I dont. 不,我不喜欢。banana香蕉orange橙子peach桃子 pear梨apple苹果 pineappl

    13、e菠萝lemon柠檬mango芒果【读读演演】Do you like apples? 你喜欢苹果吗?Yes,I do. 是,我喜欢。Take one,please. 请拿一个吧。Thank you!Do you like lemons? 你喜欢柠檬吗?Im sorry. 对不起。Thank you just thesame. 谢谢你。Unit7 Whats Bobby doing?1.What 波比在干什么?Hes taking abath. 他在洗澡。What time is it? 现在几点?Its 8 pm. 8点。2.This is Bobbys house.You can see a

    14、bathroom,aliving room,akitchen,adining-roomand twobedrooms. 这是波比的房子。你可以看到一间浴室,一间客厅,一间厨房,一间饭厅和两间卧室。【单词配对】1.bedroom 卧室 a.You can sleep here.2.bathroom 浴室 b.You can wash your face and brush your teeth here.3.dining-room 饭厅 c. You can eat your meals here.4.living room 客厅 d.You can watch TV or do yourhom

    15、eworkhere.This is my bedroom,bedroom,bedroom. 这是我的卧室。I sleep in the bedroom,bedroom. 我在卧室睡觉。This is my bathroom,bathroom,bathroom. 这是我的浴室。I wash in the bathroom,bathroom. 我在浴室洗漱。This is our dining-room,dining-room,dining-room. 这是我们的饭厅。I eat in the dining-room,dining-room. 我在饭厅吃饭。This is our living r

    16、oom,living room,living room. 这是我们的客厅。I play in the living room,livingroom. 我在客厅玩。Unit8 Whats in the pizza?I like to eat a pizza with some onions. 我喜欢吃里面有洋葱的匹萨carrots胡萝卜peas豌豆onions洋葱beans豆patatoes土豆tomatoes番茄sausages香肠【实用句型】Whats in your bag? 你包里有什么?There is a pencil-case and some books. 有一个铅笔盒和一些书。

    17、Carrots are orange. Apples are green. 胡萝卜是橘色的。苹果是绿色的。Bananas are yellow. Peaches are pink. 香蕉是黄色的。桃子是粉色的。Tomatoes are red.Coconuts are brown. 土豆是红的。椰子是棕色的。Grapes are purple and onions are white. 葡萄是紫色的。洋葱是白色的。Unit9 Dress for Childrens Day. s Childrens Day.What do you like to wear?今天是儿童节。你要穿什么?l like

    18、 skirts.I dont like trousers.我喜欢裙子,我不喜欢裤子。You can put on the blue dress.Its beautiful.你可以穿蓝色的裙子。它很漂亮。jacket 短外套glasses眼镜handbag手袋skirt裙子vest背心 shorts 短裤socks 袜子 T-shirt 短袖shirt 衬衫 caps 有前沿的帽子hats 帽子 trousers 长裤jeans 牛仔裤 blue dress 蓝裙子pink dress 粉红裙子shoes 鞋子What do you like to wear on Children儿童节你想穿什

    19、么衣服?d like to wear a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. 我要穿短裤和T恤。Unit10 What are they doing?What are the pets doing in the house? 宠物们在房子里做什么?I dont know.Lets ask our friends. 我不知道。让我们来问问我们的朋友。Thats a good idea. 好想法。Yes.嗯。What are the cows doing? 奶牛在做什么?Who can tell us,What are the cows doing? 谁能告诉我们“奶牛在做

    20、什么?”They are eating grass. 他们在吃草。They are doing.e.g. They are brushing their teeth. 他们在刷牙。1)brush teeth 刷牙2)read books 看书3)take a bath 洗澡4) play agame玩游戏5) havebreakfast吃早饭6) watch TV 看电视7) tell a story 讲故事8) playhide-and-seek玩捉迷藏9)climbthe tree 爬树10) play football 踢足球a rabbit 兔子 an elephant 大象a duc

    21、k 鸭子 ahen公鸡bee蜜蜂 a horse 马a sheep 羊 a snake 蛇a panda 熊猫 aspider蜘蛛a turtle 海龟 a cat 猫This is the duck I keep in the house.这是我养在家里的小鸭子。Keep in the house,keep in the house.养在家里。And wash its face in the morning.每天早上我都帮它洗脸。Unit 11 Where are you going?Hi,there!Where are you going? 嗨,这里!你们要去哪儿?We are going

    22、 Shanghai.What about you?我们要去上海。你呢?We are going to Kunming.我们要去昆明。bus公共汽车 car汽车 jeep吉普车 bike自行车train火车 boat小船 ship船,舰 plane飞机【实用句型】How are you going to the farm?/Shanghai?你要怎么去农场?m going there by bike.我骑自行车去。by plane 乘飞机 by train 乘火车by bus 坐公交车 by car 开汽车by ship 乘船 by bike 骑自行车on foot 走路你要去哪儿?m goin

    23、g to Dalian. 我要去大连。How are you going there?你怎么去那里?m going there by ship. 我乘船去。Unit 12 A song of oppositesThis is little and thats big. 这是小的,那是大的。【反义词】left左right右small 小 big 大little 小 big 大short短long长sad难过happy开心hot热cold冷tall高矮quick快slow慢young年轻old年老The dog is big and the cat is small.狗很大,猫很小。This ru

    24、ler is long and that is short.这把尺很长,那把很短。This is cold and that is hot.这很冷,那很热。This tree is short and that is tall.这棵树很短,那棵树很高。Unit 13 The big man and the little peoples this?这是什么?This is hair. 这是头发。This is an ear.这是一只耳朵。This is an eye.这是一个眼睛。This is an arm.这是一个手臂。This is a hand.这是一个手。This is a leg.这是一条腿。2.Hi!Whats that?哈,那是什么?s a nose.是鼻子。3.What那是什么?s a mouth.是嘴巴。4.Whats the body.是身体。5.WhatThis is a foot.这是脚。


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