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    1、11.He_(shoot)at the bird with a gun,but he failed to kill it.12.Liu Qian is a famous_(magic)and he is famous all over Asia.13.He didnt want his brother to find his wallet.So he_(hide)it under the bed.14.Which do you prefer,Chinese food or_(west)food?15.My brother was_(bear)in Nanjing in 2004.16.They

    2、 got_(marry)many years ago.同义句转换1.How do you like the movie?_do you_ _ the movie?2.The teacher seemed angry._ _ _ the teacher was angry.3.They got married three months ago.They_ _ _for three months.4.The old man lived in the countryside for over five years.The old man lived in the countryside for_ _

    3、five years.5.He is so young that he cant take care of himself.He is_young_take care of himself.6.The panda is kind of cute.The panda is_ _ _cute.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.去年我第一次去了上海。Last year I went to Shanghai_ _ _ _.2.从前,有一个喜欢马的国王。_ _ _ _,there was a king who loved horses.3.你同意我的观点吗?Do you_ _me?4.他们去年结婚了。T

    4、hey_ _last year.5.水沸腾时能变成水蒸气。When water boils,it can_ _steam.6.休息了一会,他们继续开车。After resting for a while,they_ _.7.他花了很长时间才写完那篇文章。_ _him a long time_ _writing the passage. B根据句意及首字母提示写出单词1.The man iss_but he thinks he is clever.2.If youc_in the exam,you will be punished.3.My uncle is my auntsh_.4.She h

    5、as a beautifulv_and she sings very well.5.Itsb_of the man to jump into the river and save the girl.6.The_(丝绸)shirt is very comfortable and Id like to buy it.7.She spent the_(全部的)evening finishing the task.8.There is a big_(石头)in the middle of the garden.9.Who dropped the cup onto the_(地面)?10.The roo

    6、m is empty.Theres nothing_(在里面).根据句意和汉语提示完成句子,每空一词1.我太紧张了,以至于无法入睡。I was too nervous to_ _.2.你妈妈要多久才回来?How soon will your mother_ _?3.不要吵醒那个婴儿。Dont_ _the baby.4.多好的建议啊! _great advice!5.天气不冷的时候,我们开着窗户睡觉。We _ _the windows open_it is cold. 人教版八年级下七单元 A根据首字母和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1.The swimming pool is two metersd_

    7、. 2.The camel is an animal which can live in the3.The _ (人口) of China may increase fast because of the two-child policy (政策).4.China is in the east ofA_.5.Firefighters wear special coats and helmets(头盔)top_themselves from heat and falling ceilings.6.They arent interested in modern history.They are i

    8、nterested ina_history.7.The area of the pattern is about five_(平方)meters.8.The cat jumped over the_(墙)and went away.9.Lots of_(旅行者)visit the Great Wall every day.10.The room is about five meters_(宽的).11.The snow is about six centimeters_(厚的).12.His writings_(包括)some poems and novels.13.If you dont g

    9、ive up,you will_(成功)one day.14.We enjoy the beauty of_(大自然).15.They dropped their net to the floor of the_(海洋).根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词1.这所学校招收外国学生。The school_ _foreign students.2.你的房间和我的一样大。Your room is_ _ _mine.3.世界上最高的人是谁?Who is_ _ _in the world?4.他是中国最有名的作家之一。He is_ _ _ _ _ _in China.5.我的苹果比你的大得多。My ap

    10、ple is_ _than yours.6.这是我曾经看过的最有趣的电影。This is_ _ _ _ that I have ever seen.7.当你到达山顶,你会发现吸入空气很困难。When you reach the top of the mountain, youll find it difficult _ _air.8.据我们所知,他是我们学校个子最高的男孩。_ _ _ we know,he is the tallest boy in our school.9.当我们到达山顶的时,空气变得更加稀薄。The air got thinner_ _ _ to the top of th

    11、e mountain.10.一个主要原因就是我没有记住这些单词。_ _ _ _ _ is that I didnt remember these words. B根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词1.The panda lives on_(竹子).2.They did some_(研究)on the endangered animals.3.There are some_(野生的)animals living in the forest.4.The local_(政府)took some measures to protect the environment.5.They went to the

    12、 supermarket to buy some_(油).6.I thought about what she had said and stayed_(醒着的)all night.7.I want to know the_(weigh)of the vegetables.8.My sister couldnt get to sleep.She was still_(wake).9.The boys were running in_(excite).10.He died after a long_(ill).11.Wild animals which are now in danger nee

    13、d our _ (protect).1.那个婴儿出生时重八磅。The baby weighed eight pounds_ _.2.她跌倒了,摔断了腿。She_ _and broke her leg.3.政府让我们砍倒这些树。The government told us to_ _the trees.4.下周将会有一场篮球比赛。_ _ _a basketball match next week.5.将来会有更多树吗?Will there be more trees_ _ _?6.你能照顾一下我的宠物狗吗?Can you_ _ _ my pet dog?7.吃完蛋糕之后,他们开始跳舞。After

    14、 they ate the cake,they_ _dance.8.我还需要三名助手。I need_ _helpers.9.有大约两百只熊猫居住在这里。There are 200 pandas_ _ _ here.10.他变得如此受欢迎,以至于许多人想和他拍照。He became_ _ _lots of people wanted to take photos with him.句型转换,每空一词1.The mountain isabout1,243metershigh. _ _ is the mountain?2.He is not as tall as Mike.(改为同义句)Mike i

    15、s_ _him.3.The baby panda was about 15 cm long when it was born.(改为同义句)The baby panda was about 15 cm long_ _.复习1. Many _ (tourist) want to go to Mount Huang every year.2.The Yellow River is the _ (long) river in China.3.What a pity! Sue lost the game because the _ (weigh) of her shoes made it diffic

    16、ult for her to run fast.4.I couldnt get to sleep.I was still_(wake).5.The garden is six meters in_(wide).6. The two boys come from _ (Asian).7.To our_(excite),the boy won first place in the competition.8.They have many pets,_(include)three cats.9.The invention of the computer is a great_(achieve).10.Many_(nature)materials are becoming fewer and fewer.4


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