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    1、 DIs he crazy?2A:Wejust came back from PhoenixAnd we had the best vacation in years Im glad to hear itAOh,my goodness! B. How was it?COh,there you go againD. Good for you3A:I just cant stand this class any more! ItS required,and you have t0 sit in it in order t0 AWell,why not just drop out of it?BWh

    2、y, you can say that again!CWell,you might as well get used to itDWhy, I couldnt agree more !4A:I dont know about you,but I thought that Film was temfic The action was great,and so was the musicAJust the same BIm with you thereC. More or less DI sure do5A:Dan gave me a free ride home, but I paid for

    3、the gasYou know what they say, Atheres no free lunchB. dont bite off more than you can chewCone good turn deserves anotherDits who you know that countsSection B Dialogue Comprehension6Woman: Id rather not talk about itJust dont ask Man:Come onI think you need to let off some steam Question:What does

    4、 the man advise the woman to do? ATo talk to him about the problem BTo keep the secret CTo reduce the workload DTo have a good rest7Woman:Julies dress looks funnyThat style went out last yearOh,come on,as long as it looks good on herWhat does the man try to emphasize? AJulies dress is not outdated B

    5、Julies dress does not suit her CJulie should follow the fashion DJulie looks fine in that dress8Man:What kind of snacks do you prefer? Woman:Oh,Ive got a sweet tooth,you knowWhat does the woman probably like? ASandwich BHot dogs CIce cream DPotato chips,9Woman:Im tired of driving all the way to work

    6、 and back every dayIf only cars could drive themselves!Man:Well,some car manufacturers are working on themI guess you11 soon buy one if you can afford itQuestion:What does the man imply?AThe woman will be able to buy an intelligent carBCars that drive themselves may be very expensiveCHe is working w

    7、ith a car producer on intelligent carsDDriving to work is really a headache10Man:Annie,how does it not even cross your mind that you might want a future with someone?Woman:Its simpleI dont mind being married to my careerWhats Annies attitude towards her future? AShe will stay with someone unmarried

    8、BShe will live a simple life CShe will quit her job to get married DShe will fully focus on her jobPartVocabulary(20 minutes,10 points,0.5 for each)Section A11The news reports completely over1ooked the more profound political implications of the events Aneglected B. foresaw Cexplored D. assessed12.

    9、Teachers and nurses who deal with children are obliged to report cases of suspected child abuse to authoritiesAreminded Bexpected Ccompelled Drequested13. Your grade will be based in large part on the originality of your ideasA. creativity Bpopularity C. feasibility Dflexibility14We suspect there is

    10、 a quite deliberate attempt to sabotage the elections and undermine the electoral commissionA. conscious B. desperate C. clumsy D. intentional15So strange were the circumstances of my story that I can scarcely believe myself to have been a party to themAjust B. hardly Calmost Ddefinitely16Smoke part

    11、icles and other air pollutants are often trapped in the atmosphere,thus forming dirty fogAconstrained Bcaught Cconcealed D. concentrated17 Employees in chemical factories are entitled to receive extra pay for doing hazardous workA. poisonous Bdifficult C. dangerous Dharmful18. Curt Carlson,the wealt

    12、hiest man in Minnesota,owned a hotel and travel company with sales reaching in the neighborhood of $9 billionAprecisely Bmerely C. substantially Dapproximately19. The tendency of the human body to reject foreign matter is the main obstacle to successful organ transplantation Afactor Bconstituent Cba

    13、rrier Dbreak20. Whenever you need Tom,he is always there Whether it be an ear or a helping hand, so you can always 1ean on himAcount on B. benefit from Cstand for D. stick to21It without saying that consumers would be happier if prices were lower.Atakes Bappears Cmakes Dgoes22. The world economic re

    14、cession put an end to the steel market upturn that began in 2002 Airregular Billegal Cabrupt Dabsurd23Im about how you discovered my website,and am very glad if you enjoy itAmysterious B. furious Cserious D. curious24. The Labor Partys electoral strategy,based on an with other smaller parties,has pr

    15、oved successfulAacquaintance B. integration Calliance D. intimacy 25The new aircraft will be to a test of temperatures of -65C and 120C Asuspended、Bsuppressed Csummoned Dsubjected26The money I got from teaching on the side was a useful to my ordinary incomeAprofit Bsupplement Csubsidy Dreplacement27

    16、Chinese people are now enjoying better dental health,as shown by the declining of tooth decayAtreatment B. incidence Cconsequence Dmisfortune28. Many countries have conservation programs to prevent certain of fish from becoming extinctAspecies Bsources C. numbers Dmembers29. Susan never took any coo

    17、kery courses;she learned cooking by useful tips from TV cookery programsA. picking up Bbringing up Cputting up Dpulling up30The President his deputy to act for him while he was abroad Apromoted Bsubstituted Cauthorized DdisplacedPart Reading Comprehension(45 minutes,30 points,1 for each)Passage One

    18、Until 1ast springNia Parker and the other kids in her neighborhood commuted to school on Bus 59But as fuel prices rose,the school district needed to find a way to cut its transportation COSTSSo the schools busing company redrew its route map, eliminating Nias bus altogetherNow Nia and her neighbors

    19、travel the half mile to school via a “walking school bus” - a group of kids,supervised by an adult or two,who make the walk together Like t11e rest of US,school districts are feeling pinched by rising fuel costsand finding new ways to adaptThe price of diesel fuel has gone up 34 percent in the past

    20、two wearsFor the typical American school district,bus bills total 5 percent of the budgetAs administrators look to trim,busing is an inviting target,since it doesnt affect classroom i11struction (or test scores)More than one third of American school administrators have eliminated bus stops or routes

    21、 in order to stay within budget Many parents are delighted to see their kids walking to school,partly because many did so themselves:according to a 1969 survey,nearly half of school kids walked or biked to school,compared with only 1 6 percent in 200 1Modern parents have been unwilling to let kids w

    22、alk to school for fear of traffic,crime or simple bullying,but with organized adult supervision,those concerns have diminished Schools and busing companies are finding other ways to saveIn rural areas where busing is a mustsome schools have even chosen four-day school weeksBusing companies instruct

    23、drivers to eliminate extra stops from routes and to turn off the engine while idlingThey are also using computer software to determine the most fuelefficient routes,which arent always the shortest ones There could be downsides,however,to the busing cutbacksIf every formerly bused student begins walk

    24、ing tO school,its an environmental win-but if too many of their parents decide to drive them instead,the overall carbon footprint can grow. Replacing buses with many more parentdriven cars can also increase safety risks:A 2002 report concluded students are 1 3 times safer on a school bus than in a p

    25、assenger car,since buses have fewer accidents and withstand them better due to their sizeAnd some students complain about the long morning hikes,particularly when the route contains a really big hill3 1The“walking school bus .A . does not consume fuel Baims to keep children fit C. seldom causes traf

    26、fic jams Dis popular with school kids32In America the responsibility for busing kids to school lies with . Aindividual schools B. school districts Cteachers D. parents33As regards walking to sch001modem parents seem much concerned with the Atime spent on the way B. changes in the route Ckids physica

    27、l strength D. safety of their children34To save money, some schools choose to . Atake the shortest routes B. shorten the school week Cgive drivers better training D. use fuelefficient buses35Busing cutbacks may eventually lead to .A. fiercer competition among bus companiesB. more students taking pub

    28、lic transportationC. an increase in carbon dioxide emissionsD. a decrease in the safety of school buses36Which of the following best describes the authors attitude towards busing cutbacks?AFavorableB. CriticalCObjectiveD. IndifferentPassage Two People are living longer than ever,but for some reason,

    29、women are living longer than menA baby boy born in the United States in 2003 Can expect to live to be about 73, a baby girl,about 79This is indeed a wide gap,and no one really knows why it existsThe greater longevity(长寿) of women,however,has been known for centuriesIt was,for example,described in th

    30、e seventeenth centuryHowever, the difference was smallerthenthe gap is growing A number of reasons have been proposed to account for the differencesThe gap is greatest In industrialized societies,So it has been suggested that women are 1ess susceptible to work strains that may raise the risk of heart disease and alcoholismSociologists also tell US that women are encouraged to be less adventurous than men (and this may be why they are more careful drivers,involve


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