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    1、宾语从句,需用陈述语序,排除A、C,看语境可知,发生在过去,用过去时态,选择B。4I wonder _.She always cares much about others.Ahow does Jane get on so well with her classmatesBwhy Jane is generally liked by all the other classmatesCif Jane is popular with her classmates我想知道为什么其他同学都喜欢简。她总是非常关心其他人。Ahow does Jane get on so well with her cla

    2、ssmates简怎么和她的同学相处得这么好,宾语从句应使用陈述语序,可排除A;Bwhy Jane is generally liked by all the other classmates为什么其他同学都喜欢简;Cif Jane is popular with her classmates简是否受同学的欢迎。根据She always cares much about others.可知此处询问她为什么被其他同学喜欢,可排除C。故选B。5We are going to visit Mary. She has been ill for a week. Could you tell me _?Im

    3、 not sure. Maybe we can help her with math first.Ahow can we make her happyBhow we can help her with the lessonsCwhen we will go to her homeDwhere she lives我们打算去看望玛丽,她病了一个星期了。你能告诉我我们怎样才能帮助她学习功课吗?我不确定,也许我们可以先帮她学数学。考查宾语从句。根据Could you tell me _?可知本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述语序,A选项是疑问语序,所以排除。根据答语Im not sure. Maybe

    4、 we can help her with math first.可知上文是问“怎样才能帮助她学习功课”,how“怎样”,而when是对时间的提问,where是对地点的提问,所以排除C、D选项;故答案选B。6Mike was not listening carefully, so he failed to hear .Awhat the teacher said Bhow the teacher saidCwhat did the teacher say Dhow did the teacher say本题考查:宾语从句。选项分析:what the teacher said是宾语从句,做hea

    5、r的宾语,须用陈述语序。综合分析前后句, 可知此处填what the teacher said最合适,完整句意为:Mike was not listening carefully, so he failed to hear what the teacher said .迈克没有认真听讲,所以他没能听到老师在说什么。正确答案为:A7What a lovely toy race car! Could you tell me ?Awhy did you get it Bwhen will you get itCwhere you got it Dhow will you get it试题分析:-多么

    6、可爱的玩具赛车呀!你能告诉我你什么时间买的吗?根据语意,车已经买来了,这个动作过去了,要用一般过去时。又根据宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序的原则。故选C。考点:8Hi, Simon. I hear that youve just come back from Korea. Im calling to ask_.Ahow did you visit the city Bhow many days youve spent thereCwhich hotel you stayed in Korea Dhow you found the popular local food【答案】D嗨,西蒙。我听说你刚

    7、从韩国回来。我打电话来是想问一下你对当地受欢迎的食物感觉如何。ask后是宾语从句,宾语从句是陈述语序,排除A;根据前文可知,西蒙已从韩国返回,而B选项是现在完成时(表示说话时还在韩国),故排除B;C项中,stayed是不及物动词,其宾语是名词hotel,那么此时stayed后应加介词at,排除C。D项中,found是find的过去式,意为“认为”。故选D。9- Could you tell me ?- Certainly. In half an hour.Awhen will the train to Chengdu leave Bwhen the train to Chengdu leftC

    8、when would the train to Chengdu leave Dwhen the train to Chengdu will leave你能告诉我到成都的火车什么时候离开吗?当然可以,半小时后。句中所缺的是宾语从句,要用陈述语序,而且根据题意要用一般将来时,故选D。10- Could you please tell me ?- Next Monday.Awhen did you leave for Beijing Bwhen you left for BeijingCwhen will you leave for Beijing Dwhen you will leave for

    9、Beijing-请你告诉我你什么时候动身去北京好吗?-下周一。when did you leave for Beijing你什么时候动身去的北京;when you left for Beijing你什么时候去的北京;when will you leave for Beijing你什么时候去北京;when you will leave for Beijing你什么时候去北京。根据句子结构可知,该空是宾语从句,从句中用陈述语序,故先排除A和C;再根据下面的回答Next Monday可知,这里表示的是将来,故应选D。11Gina, Id like to visit Alan tomorrow. Co

    10、uld you tell me ?Sorry, I dont know his address, either.Awhere does he live Bwhere he lives Cwhere he lived Dwhere did he live-Gina,我明天想去看望Alan,你能告诉我他住在哪里吗?-对不起,我也不知道他的地址。where does he live他住在哪里,是疑问句;where he lives他住在哪里,陈述句语序;where he lived一般过去时;where did he live疑问句,一般过去时。根据句子结构可知,这里考查宾语从句,从句中应用陈述语序

    11、,故排除A和D。could这里表示语气委婉,并非表示过去。根据句意可知,这里说的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,故选B。12Mum, summer holiday is coming. I wonder .How about Qinling Wild Zoo?Awhere can we go Bwhere we can goChow we can go Dhow we can go妈妈,暑假就要来了。我想知道我们可以去哪。秦岭野生动物园怎么样?根据How about Qinling Wild Zoo?可知要去某地玩,故排除CD两项。位于动词wonder后作宾语从句的次序为:疑问词+主语+谓语。考查

    12、宾语从句的用法。13-Could you describe_?-Yes. I was calling and didnt notice the light turned red.Awhy did the accident happen Bwhen did the accident happenChow the accident happened Dwhere the accident happened-你能描述一下事故是如何发生的吗?-可以,我正在打电话,没注意到交通灯变红了。本题主要考查宾语从句语序及疑问词辨析。宾语从句中语序用陈述句语序,故排除A和B。根据下文可知,此处询问事故是怎么样发生

    13、的。14Peter knew .Awhether he has finished reading the bookBwhy the boy had so many questionsCthere were 12 months in a yearDwhen will they leave for Paris考查宾语从句,句意:皮特知道了为什么这个男孩有如此多的问题根据Peter knew可知,考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序,当主句是一般过去时态,宾语从句应该用过去的某一时态,所以选项AD时态不对;C选项叙述的是客观真理,应该用一般现在时态,故选B15I didnt know .Awhen

    14、 would the train arrive Bwhere could I get the bookCwhat has been done Dwho left the message句意:我不知道谁留的言。根据句意可知,这里考查的是宾语从句,从句中应该使用陈述语序,故A和B不对;这个题干中谓语动词部分didnt know 使用的是一般过去时态,故宾语从句中也应该用过去时态,故C不对,它是现在完成时。16 May Day is coming up. Have you decided _? Im planning to go on a trip to Hangzhou.Awhen youre g

    15、oing to spend itBhow often are you going to spend itCwhere youre going to spend itDhow are you going to spend it五一到来了。你决定你要去哪过五一吗?我打算去杭州旅行。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,B和D是疑问句语序,可知排除;根据回答“我打算去杭州旅行”可知问句是“你决定你要去哪过五一吗?”问句的地点,不是时间,故选C。17-Its so careless of you to make a spelling mistake again.-Sorry. I couldnt remember

    16、.Awhen I learnt the wordBif I have learnt the wordCwhere should I put the silent tDin which class did you teach the word【分析】你是那么的粗心又一次犯了拼写错误。-对不起,我没能记住什么时间学过这个单词。宾语从句要用陈述句语序。C. where should I put the silent 语序错误;D. in which class did you teach the word语序错误。A. when I learnt the word什么时间学的这个单词;根据主句一般过

    17、去时态,所以从句用过去的某个时态,B. if I have learnt the word是否学过这个单词,现在完成时态;所以B时态不对。故选A。18 Excuse me, could you tell me ? Sorry, sir. I wasnt there at that time yesterday.Ahow the accident happens Bhow does the accident happenChow the accident happened Dhow did the accident happen抱歉,打扰一下,你能告诉我事故是怎么发生的吗?不好意思,先生。昨天这

    18、个时候我不在那里。根据英语语法,宾语从句的语序应为陈述句的语序,B、D选项可排除。根据答句的yesterday提示,事故发生在昨天,故宾语从句的谓语也应用过去式,即happened,故应选C。19The light in Davids room is still on. Do you know _?Maybe at 12 0clock again.Awhat he is doing Bwhy he stays up. so lateCif he is busy studying Dwhen he will stop working戴维房间里的灯还亮着。你知道他什么时候会停止工作吗?也许还得12

    19、点吧。根据答语Maybe at 12 0clock again.,可知问的是时间,故选D。20 Excuse me, could you tell me _? Theres an e-shop on the third floor. You can make it there.Ahow to arrive the e-shop Bhow can I go to the e-shopCwhere I can have my MP4 repaired Dwhich was the way to the e-shop 本题考查宾语从句,本句是一个宾语从句。宾语从句应该用陈述句语序,通过观察,BD都是

    20、疑问句语序,故排除;根据答语“在三楼有一个电子商店”,故上句不是去指定的商店,故排除A。所以本题选C。21Do you know ?Let me see. I remember it was on March 18th.Awhy did they move here Bwhy they moved hereCwhen did they move here Dwhen they moved here-你知道他们什么时候搬到这儿吗? -让我想想。我记得那是在三月十八日。在宾语从句中只能用陈述句语序,不能用疑问句语序。结合答语中I remember it was on March 18th可知该选D

    21、。22-Could you tell me _ this summer holiday? -Tibet.Awhen did you go Bwhere you will goCwhere will you go Dwhen you will go-你能告诉我这个暑假你将去哪里吗?-西藏。本题是含有疑问词的宾语从句,宾语从句应用陈述句的语序,又是将来的动作。所以选B。23(四川遂宁)Could you tell me _?At nine oclock , in ten minutes.Ahow will he leave Bwhen he has left Cwhy he is leaving

    22、Dwhen he will leave你可以告诉我他什么时候离开吗?在九点,十分钟过后。宾语从句需用陈述句语序,A项是疑问句语序,可排除A。B. when he has left他什么时候离开的;C. why he is leaving 他为什么要离开;D. when he will leave他将在何时离开。本题回答的是离开的时间,问句需用when提问。B是现在完成时态,强调已经发生或完成的动作;C是一般将来时态,描述将要发生的动作。根据回答:十分钟过后将要离开,可知用一般将来时态。24I never doubt _ this park is worth _.Awhether, visiti

    23、ng Bthat, a visit Cthat, travelling Dwhether, travel我从不怀疑这个公园值得参观。doubt 是动词,后面是做宾语的,所以是宾语从句,这里从句是陈述句,所以用that引导,故排除A,D。根据句意可知这个公园” 值得参观”,而不是值得旅游,故选B。25I dont remember_ the book yesterday.Awhere I put Bwhere did I putCwhere will I put Dwhere l will put英语宾语从句中一般为陈述语序。根据时间状语yesterday,昨天,可知从句中描述的是过去发生的动作

    24、,故从句中用一般过去时态。选B为倒装语序,故选A。宾语从句26Your head teacher has set up a We Chat group. Could you tell ?It is more convenient to communicate with our parents.Awhen it was set upBwhy did he set it upCwhat it is used forDhow did he set it up你的班主任已经建立了一个微信群。你能告诉我它是用来做什么的吗?它与我们的父母交流更方便了。根据Could you tell,可知本句考查了宾语从

    25、句的用法。在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项B, D是疑问句语序,排除掉;再根据It is more convenient to communicate with our parents.和我们的父母联系起来更方便了,可知这里谈论的是它的用途,提问的话应该用what it is used for.故答案选C。27Do you know _?Yes, of course. It will be hosted (举办) by Beijing and Zhangjiakou.Ahow will be the 2022 Winter OlympicBwhere will be the next Winter OlympicCwhen will be the next Winter OlympicDwhich city will host the 2022 Winter Olympic-你知道2022年冬奥会将在哪个城市举办吗?-是的,当然知道。它将由北京和张家口两个城市承办。A、B、C语序错误,疑问句语序把助动词will提前,be动词应放在句尾,例如,A选项的疑问句语序是 how will the 2022 Winter Olympic be,陈述句语序是how the 2022 Winter


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