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    1、如:(6) .1 will meet my_ father. Whose father will you meet?6、对 年龄提问用how old。(7) .The man over there is sixty . How old is the man over there?7、对哪一个提问用which。(8) .She likes the new skirt. Which skirt does she like?8、对颜色提问用what color。(9) .Her blouse is white. What color is her blouse?9、对职业”提问用what。(10)

    2、.His mother is a teacher. What is his mother=What does his mother do?=What his mother job?10、对 次数提问用how many times。(11) .He has been to England twice . How many times has he been to England?11、对数量提问用how many(表示可数)或how much(表示不可数/价格)。(12) .There are fifty stude nts in Class 1. How many stude nts are

    3、there in Class 1?(13) .She spent ten yuan on the book. How much did she spend on the book?12、对方式、方法”或感觉如何”提问用how。(14) .We come to school on foot . How do you come to school?(15) .She is feeling much better now. How is she feeling now?13、对原因”提问用why。(16) .He didn tcome here because he was ill yesterda

    4、y. Why didn t he come here?(17) To catch the early bus ,she gets up early. Why -does she get up early?14、对 做什么提问用 whatdo /doing/done 。 如:(18) .They are going to visit the factory next week. What are they going to do next week?(19) .You are looking at the blackboard . What are you doing?(20) .They ha

    5、ve seen the film . What have they done?15、 对一段时间提问用how long。女口(21) .We have stayed here for six years. How long have you stayed here?(22) .He has worked in Beijing since 1980 . How long has he worked in Beijing?16、 对 频度提问用how often。(23) .She is late for school once a week . How often is she late for

    6、 school?(24) .We sometimes get up at 10:00. How often do you get up at 10:00?17、对 将来的一段时间”提问用how soon。(25) .Lucy will be back in four days . How soon will Lucy be back?18、对 高度提问用how tall(表示人)或how high(表示物)。(26) .The man is two metres tall. How tall is the man?(27) .The hill is 300 metres high. How h

    7、igh is the hill?19、对 长度” 宽度提问,用how long, how wide 。(28) .The desk is four metres long. How long is the desk?(29) .The river is one hundred metres wide. How wide is the river?20、对 星期几提问用what day。(30) .Today is Friday . What day is today?21、对 日期提问用whatthe date。(31) . Yesterday was July 1, 1995 . t Wha

    8、t was the date yesterday?t How far is it from your home to school?22、对距离提问用how far。(32) .lt 300 metres from my ho me to school.23、 对 号码提问用what size。(33) .I want size 42 shoes. t What size shoes do you want?(34) .She bought a size 68 blouse last week. t What size blouse did she buy last week?24、 对 天气

    9、状况提问用 “ What the weather like?=How the weather ? ”。(35) .Today is rainy . t What is the weather like today?25、对天气的温度提问用:What temperature is it today?How many degrees is it today?What is the temperature today?补充1: “ How +形容词+. ? ”与“ Whats the +名词+ of . ? ”,对重量、长度、高度、宽度、深度、速度、面积等提问,二者意思相同。eg: How heav

    10、y is that basket of apples? = Whats the weight of that basket of apples?【注意】 与what句式转换时,how 后的形容词 heavy, wide, high, tall, deep, long, fast,large等,须分别转换成对应的名词: weight, width, height, depth, length, speed, size 等。其中 How tall are you?=Whats your height? How heavy/how big/ how tall/ how high/ how large

    11、 等可依据形容词的意思译为多.?。”How high is the big mountain?s the height of the mountain?How large is your new house?s the sizet of your new house?补充 2: What.sb.look like?=What is sb like? 对人物相貌,长相提问。 She is kind and friendly.What does Sandy look like?=What is Sandy like?补充3: What do you think of ?=How do you li

    12、ke.? 问你对事物进行评价或者看法。 The film is very attrctive and inteesting.What do you thi nk of the film?=How do you like the film?补充 4: What s the matter with.? s wr问某人t怎么了,哪里不舒服。eg: I have a headache and sore throat.What s the matter with you? s wrong with you?专项练习I .对画线部分提问,完成下列句子。1. They bought a new bike y

    13、esterday.2.She is a nurse .3.She is my teacher.4.He bought the red one .5t took me twenty minutes to get to school .6.1 am look ing for my sister .7.1 get up at six .8.She is from Shanghai.9.1 went to school late because I got up late.10. It is windy today.11. I am gett ing on well with it.12. My ba

    14、g is red and blue.13. This is Li Hua s book.14. I like maths best.15. They are five yuan .16. She washes her teeth twice a day .17. He will be back in four days .18. I didn t come to class yesterday because I was ill .19. The watch is seven ty-two yua n .20. I have a bad cold .21.1 have lived in Sha

    15、n ghai for three years.22.She is tall and thi n.23. There is a little milk in the bottle.24.1 came here by train.25. They are watching TV.26. He does some homework everyday.27.1 like spring best.28.The girl on the red bike is Wang Fang.29.1 d like some milk and a piece of bread.30. m is twenty years

    16、 old.31. There are five empty bottles on the floor.32. The factory is about half an hour s walk from here.33. My birthday is on December 24th.34. You can ask me for help.35. She is 45kg.36. It is Mon day today.37. The students went camping last week.38. They were drawing a horse when I came in . the

    17、y when I came in ?39. She is 162cm tall.40. I think the film is very interesting.41. It is November 22th today.42. She gets up early to catch up the early bus.43. I have bee n to Beiji ng twice.44. I m going to visit my grandpa next Sun day.45. My favorite food is Sandwich.Keys:1. What did they buy

    18、yesterday?2. What does she do?/What is she?3. Who is she?4. Which one did he buy?5. How long did it take you to get to school?6. Who are you looki ng?7. Whe n do you get up?8. Where is she from?/Where does she come from?9. Why did you go to school late?10. How is the weather today?/What s the weathe

    19、r like today?11. How are you gett ing on with it?12. What color is your bag?13. Whose book is this?14. Which subject do you like best?15. How much are they?16. How ofte n does she brush her teeth?17. How soon will he be back?18. Why didn t you come to school yesterday?19. How much is the watch?20. W

    20、hat 21. How long have you lived in Shanghai?22. What s she like?/What does she look like?23. How much milk is there in the bottle?24. How did you come here?25. What are they doing?26. What does he do everyday?27. Which season do you like best?28. Which girl is WangFang?29. What would you like?30. Ho

    21、w old is Jim?31. How many empty bottles are there on the floor?32. How far is it from here to the factory ?33. When is your birthday?34. Whom can I ask for help?35. How heavy is she?36. What day is it today?37. What did the students do last week?38. What were doing39. How tall is she?40. How do you

    22、like the film?/What do you thi nk of the film?41. What s the date is it today?42. Why does she get up early?43. How many times have you been to Beijing?44. What are you going to do n ext Sun day?45. What is your favorite food?强化练习1. The network in this office will be ready in less than five minutes.

    23、 (对戈U线部分提问 ) will the n etwork in this office be ready?2. It cost Paul one thousand yuan to get his car fixed yesterday.(对戈U线部分提问 ) did it cost Paul to get his car fixed yesterday?3. There was heavy snow and wi ndy weather this wi nter in Bost on. (对戈 U线部分提问 ) and was there heavy snow and windy weat

    24、her?4. They we nt to the supermarket to buy some food for the pic nic yesterday.( 对戈 U线部分提问 ) they go to the supermarket yesterday?5. We will be able to stay in the Magic Hotel in August 2040.( 对划线部分提问) we be able to stay in August 2040?6. My good friend writes to his parents twice a month.(对划线部分提问)

    25、 does your good friend write to his pare nts?7. The Whites have bee n in their new flat for four mon ths.(对划线部分提问) have the White bee n in their new flat?8. Jim and his two friends went cycli ng along the lake yesterday after noon.( 对划线部分提问 ) Jim and his two friends do yesterday after noon?9. Two pl

    26、us six is eight.(对划线部分提问) is two plus six?10. Theyll follow Susans advice to arrange the celebration party.(对划线部分提问) advice they follow to arrange the celebrati on party?11. The magazine beside the TV is about how to protect the environment.(对划线部分提问) is about how to protect the en vir onment?12. It

    27、s about ten minuteswalk from may home to 就划线部分提问 is it from my home to my school?13. The fisherman s wife shouted at him angf对划线部分提问) the fisherman s wife shout at him ?14. The Greeks managed to capture the city of Troy through a trick.(对划线部分提问) the Greeks man age to capture the city of Troy?15. Mis

    28、s Green has taught in the west of China since 2000.(对划线部分提问) has Miss Green taught in the west of China?16. Helen s son is of average height and looks a bit fattef对戈U线部分提问 ) does Helen s son look ?17. British families nowadays recycle about 22% of their waste.(对划线部分提问) of their waste do British families recycle no wadays?18. At the age of five, my little son weighed 25 kilograms.( 对划线部分提问) did your little son weigh at the age of five?19. He nry Ford inven ted the world s first assembly l in 对r划线部分提问) Henry Ford invent the world s first assembly line?20.


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