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    1、 Send my greeting to all your family.5. friend b. friendly adv. friendship n.friend : We are good friends. friendly: She is friendly to everyone. friendship: Friendship is important to us.6. foot n. feet n. foot: He is a five-foot-tall boy. feet: I am about five feet four inches tall.7. Europe n. Eu

    2、ropean adj. Europe: I like to travel in Europe. European : France is a European country.8. post n.&v. postal adj. poster n. postman n. post: The post office is over there. Would you please post a letter for me? poster: There is a poster on the blackboard. postman: I want to be a postman. postal : I

    3、know my schools postal code.9. arrive v. arrival n. arrive: Shes arrived in shanghai. arrival: The captain apologized for the late arrival of this flight. 10. sign v. signature n. sign: Sign your name here, please. signature: I couldnt read his signature.11 weight n. weigh v. weight: Whats your weig

    4、ht?weigh : I weigh 50kg.12.use v. useful adj. useless adj. used adj. use: Can I use your pen?useful: The tool is useful.useless: The new machine is useless.used: I used to walk to school.13. wait v. waiter n. waitress n. wait : Im waiting for the bus to come.waiter: There are 6 waiters in the restau

    5、rant.waitress: The waitress is kind to the customers. .14.call v. & n. called adj. call : Ill make a phone call to him at the weekend. Ill call you later. called: I have a brother called Edwin.15.him himself his he him: Please give this present to him.himself: He finished the homework by himself.his

    6、: To his joy, he passed the exam. he: I spoke to Ben before he left.16. good better bestgood: He is a good boy.better: Im better at maths than he.best: Try your best, and youll win.17. true adj. truly adv. truth n. true: Is it true that Tom is leaving ? truly: We are truly thankful to you for your h

    7、elp. truth: Please tell me the truth.18.own v. & adj. owner n. own: He owns a car. He has a car of his own. owner: I am the owner of this house.19.favor n. favourite adj. favor: Can you do me a favor? favorite: Who is your favorite singer?20.old older oldest elder elderly old: This house is quite ol

    8、d. older: This book is older than that one. oldest: This book is the oldest book in the library. elder: I have an elder brother. elderly: He is an elderly man. 21.bore v. bored adj. boring adj. bore: These old jokes bore me. bored: Im bored because there is nothing to do at home. boring: I dont like

    9、 the film because it is boring. 22.care n. careful adj. carefully adv. careless adj. carelessly adv. carelessness n. care: I dont care what you do . careful Be careful of the knife. Its very sharp. carefully Please listen carefully. careless It was careless of you to go out without locking the door.

    10、 carelessness Because of his carelessness, he lost his life.23. engineer n. engine n. engineering n. engineer: My father works as an electronic engineer. engine: He started the engine and drove the car away. engineering electrical engineering 电机工程学 24. ambition n. ambitious adj. ambition : My ambiti

    11、on is to be an architect. ambitious Im not ambitious and Im satisfied with my life now. 25. happy adj. happiness n. happily adv. unhappy adj. unhappily adv. happy: Im happy because I have a good day happiness: I wish you happiness. unhappy : Im unhappy because I have a bad dayunhappily: I go to scho

    12、ol unhappily happily: I go to park happily26. discuss v. discussion n. discussion: Lets have a discussion discuss: I will discuss the problem with my friend next week27. luck n. lucky adj. luckily adv. unlucky adj. unluckily adv.luck (n.) eg. Good luck!lucky (adj.) eg. He is lucky to win the first p

    13、rize.luckily (adv.) eg. Luckily, I passed the exam.unlucky (adj.) eg. 13 is an unlucky number in western countries.unluckily (adv.) eg. Unluckily, I forgot to bring some money.28. busy adj. busily adv. Business n. businessman n. businesswoman n. busy (adj.) eg. He is busy doing his homework. He is b

    14、usy with his homework.business (n.) eg. She stearted a business two years ago.eg. The manager will go on business next week.busily (adv.) eg. She is writing something busily.businessman (n.) eg. He is a businessman.businesswoman (n.) eg. She is a businesswoman.29. sell v. seller n. sale n. sales n.

    15、salesman n. be sold out v. sell The book sells well. 销量不错 seller He is a book seller. sale The book is on sale. sales He is responsible for sales.30. account n. accountant n. count v. countless adj. account n.账户 How much money have I got left in my account? accountant n. He is an accountant. count v

    16、. The teacher counted the children as they got on the bus. countless adj. Ive tried to telephone him countless times.31.manager n. manage v. management n.manager: My father is a managermanage : My father manages two companiesmanagement :Our class needs good management32.succeed v. success n. success

    17、ful adj. successfully. adv. succeed I succeeded in passing the exam.successful He is a successful mansuccess Hard work is the key to success.successfully She finishes her work successfully33.responsible adj. responsibly adv. irresponsible adj. responsibility n. responsible adj. The school is respons

    18、ible for the safety of the children. responsibly adv. Please behave responsibly while I am out. irresponsible adj. You cant trust him. He is an irresponsible man. responsibility n. I refuse to take any responsibility if anything goes wrong. 34.usually adv. usual adj. unusual adj. usually adv. My mot

    19、her usually drives me to school . usual adj. Its usual for her to work at weekends. He is late for school as usual. 和往常一样unusual adv. What an unusual hat he wears ! 35. noise n. noisy adj. noisily adv. noise n. Dont make any noise. Your father is sleeping. noisy adj. We live on a very noisy road. no

    20、isily adv. The clock goes noisily .36.assist v. assist sb in/with sth assist sb.to do sth. assistant n. assist sb. in doing sth.assistance n. financial assistance 经济援助assistant: The manager has two assistantsassist: She shouted for help but nobody came to assist her 37. tour n. v. tourism n. tourist

    21、 n. a tour guide 一个导游tour: We wil go on a three-day tour of shanghai tourism: Tourism is very important to our economy.(经济)tourist: The tourists like taking photos38. fail v. failure n. fail v. He failed to pass the exam. failure n. His failure to pass the exam made me unhappy. 39. two n. twice n .

    22、second n. secondly adv. secondary adj. two He has two brothers. twice I have been to Beijing twice. second I am the second student to get to school . secondly First, I think it is too expensive and secondly we dont really need it. secondary He goes to a secondary school. 40. turn v. n. turning n. re

    23、turn v. turn. He turned the page and started the next chapter. You cant both play on the computer at the same time. Youll have to take turns.轮流 turning n. Take the third turning on the right. 在第三个路口向右拐。 return v. He will return home in two hours. 41. able adj. abler adj. ably adv. ability n. enable

    24、v. unable adj. able adj. He is able to swim across the river. abler He is abler than me to do the work. ably adv. He finished doing the work ably. ability n. He has the ability to make a decision. enable v. The new law has enabled more women to return to work.42. music n. musical adj. musician n. mu

    25、sic n. The music sounds good. musical adj. The violin is a musical instrument. musician n. Mozart is one of the greatest musicians.43. strange adj. stranger n. strangely adv. strangeness n. strange adj. It is strange for him to get to school late. stranger n. I saw two strangers walking in the corri

    26、dor outside our classroom. strangely adv. The street were strangely quiet. 44. crowd n. crowded adj. crowd n. The crowd were noisy. There were crowds of people waiting outside the cinema. crowded adj. The shop was crowded with Christmas shoppers.45. hurry n. v. hurried adj. hurriedly adv. hurry n. v. He hurried to an ice-cream shop and called 110. He went to school in a hurry. hurried adj. We had a hurried meal tonight in order to see the football match. hurriedly adv. He went to school hurriedly. 46. rob v. robber n. robbery n. rob v. He robbed


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