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    1、Validity Status:Valid颁布机关:最高人民法院颁布时间:实施时间:效力状态:有效Text正文Purchase and sale contract is the most fundamental, common and important transaction form in the real-world economics.With a view to ensuring the correct application of the relevant provisions one purchase and sale contract in Chapter 9 of theCo

    2、ntract Lawby peoples courts in the trial of civil and commercial cases, and improving the operability of rules on purchase and sale contracts, the Supreme Peoples Court drafted the Interpretations on the Application of Law in the Trials of Cases Involving Disputes over Purchase and Sale Contracts (D

    3、raft for Comments).With a view to further improving these judicial interpretations, ensuring that these judicial interpretations may better accommodate the needs of courts in the trials of cases in the real economic world, and further protecting the lawful rights and interests of parties to purchase

    4、 and sale contracts, the Supreme Peoples Court hereby publicly solicits opinions from the society on these judicial interpretations through , www.chinacourt.org and the Peoples Court Daily.Opinions offered by people from all walks of life will be appreciated. Please send your valuable opinions to ci

    5、villaw9 prior to December 31, 2011.s Courts Interpretations on the Application of Law in the Trials of Cases Involving Disputes over Purchase and Sale Contracts(Draft for Comments prepared in November 2011)In order to ensure the appropriate trials of cases involving disputes over purchase and sale c

    6、ontracts, these Interpretations are hereby formulated in accordance with the provisions of the General Principles of Civil Law of the Peoples Republic of China, theContract Law of the Peoples Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as Contract Law), theProperty Law of the PeopleProperty LawCivil P

    7、rocedure Law of the Peopleand other relevant laws, in light of trial practices.1. Existence and validity of purchase and sale contracts买卖合同是现实经济生活中最基本、最常见、也最重要的交易形式。为了保障人民法院在民商事审判工作中正确适用合同法第九章关于买卖合同的相关规定,提高买卖合同法则的可操作性,最高人民法院专门起草了关于审理买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释(征求意见稿)。为了进一步完善该司法解释,使该司法解释更符合市场交易实际和审判实践的要求,更好地保护

    8、各方当事人的合法权益,现通过最高人民法院网、中国法院网、人民法院报等向社会公开征求意见。欢迎社会各界人士踊跃提出宝贵意见,意见请发送至邮箱civillaw9截止日期为12月31日。最高人民法院关于审理买卖合同纠纷案件适用法律问题的解释(2011年11月征求意见稿)为正确审理买卖合同纠纷案件,根据中华人民共和国民法通则、中华人民共和国合同法(以下简称合同法)、中华人民共和国物权法(以下简称物权法)、中华人民共和国民事诉讼法等法律的规定,结合审判实践,制定本解释。一、买卖合同的成立及效力Article 1 If the parties involved do not have a written

    9、contract, while one party claims the existence of a purchase and sale contract relationship between the parties on the strength of goods delivery note, receipt note, final statement, invoices or other evidence, a peoples court shall decide whether or not the contract exists in light of the transacti

    10、on modes, transaction practices and other relevant evidence.Where one party concerned claims the existence of a purchase and sale contract relationship on the strength of the final statement confirmation letter, creditors rights confirmation letter or other letters or vouchers which do not record th

    11、e name of creditor the peoples court shall uphold such claim, unless there is incontestable evidence to the contrary.第一条当事人之间没有书面合同,一方以送货单、收货单、结算单、发票等主张存在买卖合同关系的,人民法院应当结合当事人之间的交易方式、交易习惯以及相关证据,对买卖合同是否成立作出认定。对账确认函、债权确认书等函件、凭证没有记载债权人名称,当事人一方以此证明存在买卖合同关系的,人民法院应予支持,但有相反证据足以推翻的除外。Article 2 Where the parti

    12、es involved signed a subscription letter, purchase order, reservation letter, letter of intent, memorandum or other forms of pre-contract, and agreed to enter into a purchase and sale contract within a certain period, if one party fails to perform the obligation of signing the purchase and sale cont

    13、ract and the other party demands the delinquent party to assume the liability for breach of pre-contract, or demands the termination of the pre-contract and claims damages against the delinquent party, the peoples court shall uphold such claims.第二条当事人签订认购书、订购书、预订书、意向书、备忘录等预约合同,约定在将来一定期限内订立买卖合同,一方不履行

    14、订立买卖合同的义务,对方请求其承担预约合同的违约责任或者要求解除预约合同并主张损害赔偿的,人民法院应予支持。Article 3 If one party to a contract claims the invalidity of the contract on the ground that the seller is not entitled to or has no right of disposition of the subject matter at the time of execution of the contract, the peoples court shall not

    15、 uphold such claim.In the case that a seller cannot transfer the subject matters ownership because the seller has not gained the ownership or right of disposition of the subject matter, if the buyer demands the seller to assume the liability for breach of contract, or demands the termination of the

    16、contract and claims damages against the seller, the people第三条当事人一方以出卖人在缔约时对标的物没有所有权或者处分权为由主张合同无效的,人民法院不予支持。出卖人因未取得所有权或者处分权致使标的物所有权不能转移,买受人要求出卖人承担违约责任或者要求解除合同并主张损害赔偿的,人民法院应予支持。Article 4 Peoples courts shall adhere to relevant provisions of theElectronic Signature Lawwhen determining the existence and

    17、 validity of an electronic transaction contract in accordance with theContract Law.第四条人民法院在按照合同法的规定认定电子交易合同的成立及效力的同时,亦应当遵守电子签名法的相关规定。2. Delivery of the subject matter and transfer of the ownership thereof二、交付标的物和转移所有权Article 5 In cases that parties to a contract do not stipulate clear provisions on

    18、the delivery of subject matter, and the delivery cannot be determined according to provisions of Articles 61 and 62 of theContract Law, peoples courts shall handle such cases according to the following principles:(1) If the seller delivers the subject matter to the doorstep of the buyer, the subject

    19、 matter shall be deemed to have been delivered when the buyer or any person designated by the buyer signs for the receipt of the subject matter;(2) If the seller consigns or sends the subject matter to the buy by post, the subject matter shall be deemed to have been delivered when the seller complet

    20、es the formalities for the consignment or posting at the place of consignment or posting; and(3) If the subject matter is an IT product that does not need to be delivered with a visible carrier, the subject matter shall be deemed to have been delivered when the buyer receives the IT product as speci

    21、fied in the contract or the document of ownership of the product.第五条当事人对标的物交付约定不明确,依照合同法第六十一条、第六十二条的规定仍不能确定的,人民法院应当按照下列原则处理:(一)出卖人送货上门的,买受人或者买受人指定的签收人签收即为交付。(二)出卖人代办托运或者代办邮寄的,出卖人在托运或者邮寄地点办理完托运或者邮寄手续即为交付。(三)标的物为无需以有形载体交付的信息产品的,买受人收到约定的信息产品或者权利凭证即为交付。Article 6 According toArticle 162of theContract Law

    22、, if a buyer refuses to accept the excessive part of a subject matter, and the seller does not have an agent at the place of receipt of the subject matter, the buyer shall keep the excessive part in custody for the seller.The seller shall bear the reasonable expenses actually incurred by the buyer d

    23、uring its custody of the excessive part, as well as the loss not caused by any intentional act or gross negligence of the buyer.第六条根据合同法第一百六十二条的规定,买受人拒绝接收多交部分标的物,出卖人在标的物接收地没有代理人的,买受人应当代为保管多交部分标的物。出卖人应当负担买受人在代为保管期间实际支出的合理费用,并承受非因买受人故意或者重大过失造成的损失。Article 7 The relevant documents and materials other th

    24、an the documents for taking delivery of the subject matter as prescribed inArticle 136mainly include insurance policy, warranty card, common invoice, special value-added tax (VAT) invoice, certificate of inspection, quality certificate, certificate of appraisal of quality, certificate of quality ins

    25、pection, quarantine certificate of imported or exported products, certificate of origin, instructions for use, packing list and etc.第七条合同法第一百三十六条规定的“提取标的物单证以外的有关单证和资料”,主要包括保险单、保修单、普通发票、增值税专用发票、产品合格证、质量保证书、质量鉴定书、品质检验证书、产品进出口检疫书、原产地证明书、使用说明书、装箱单等。Article 8 In the case that a seller argues the performa

    26、nce of obligation for the delivery of subject matter on the strength of special VAT invoice and tax deduction documents, if the buyer does not agree with the argument, the seller shall provide other evidence that fact the subject matter has been delivered.If a buyer argues the performance of obligat

    27、ion of payment on the strength of special VAT invoice and tax deduction documents, while the seller disagrees with the argument, the buyer shall provide other evidence to prove the fact on the completion of the payment.If a contract provides that common invoices shall be accepted as the certificate

    28、of payment or the parties thereto are used to take common invoices as the certificate of payment, and the buyer argues performance of obligation of payment on the strength of common invoices, the peoples court shall uphold such argument unless there is incontestable evidence to the contrary.第八条出卖人仅以

    29、增值税专用发票及税款抵扣资料证明其已履行交付标的物义务,买受人不认可的,出卖人应当提供其他证据证明交付标的物事实的存在。买受人仅以增值税专用发票及税款抵扣资料证明其已履行付款义务,出卖人不认可的,买受人应当提供其他证据证明付款事实的存在。合同约定或者当事人之间习惯以普通发票作为付款凭证,买受人以普通发票证明已经履行付款义务的,人民法院应予支持,但有相反证据足以推翻的除外。Article 9 In the case that a seller sign purchase and sale contracts regarding the same movable property with mor

    30、e than one buyer, where all buyers involved demand the performance of the signed contracts and all the contracts have taken effect, the peoples court shall handle the case in according to the following provisions:(1) If the buyer who has already accepted delivery of the subject matter in accordance with the law files a petition for the confirmation the tr


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