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    1、eksp?ti?z n.专门知识(或技能等),专长 Theres a great deal of knowledge and expertise in it.这里头大有学问。 125. eyebrow a?bra? n.眉毛 He raised a questioning eyebrow. 他探询地挑起了眉毛。 126. federation ?fed?re?n n.联合会,联盟 联邦 The organization emerged from a federation of six national agencies. 该组织由6个全国性机构联合而成。 127. fingerprint f?

    2、pr?nt n.指纹 vt.取指纹 They were photographed and had their fingerprints taken. 他们被拍了照,还被提取了指纹。 128. fireplace fa?ple?s n.C壁炉 There was a fire burning in the large fireplace. 大壁炉里火势正旺。 129. flaw fl? n.缺点 缺陷 The only flaw in his character seems to be a short temper.他性格中的唯一缺点好像就是脾气急。 130. footprint tpr?nt

    3、n.脚印 We followed the footprints of a deer in the snow. 我们追踪雪地里一头鹿的足迹。 131. foremost m?st a.最重要的 最前的 The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics. 首相是政界的首要人物。 132. foresight sa?t n.先见之明,远见 The failure is the result of their lack of foresight.这次失败是由于他们缺乏深谋远虑而导致的。 133. formulate mj?

    4、le? vt.制定,规划 确切表达 The contract was formulated in difficult legal language.该合同是用深奥的法律术语订立的。 134. forthcoming ?k? a.(事物)即将发生的 (需要时)现成的 (人)乐于提供消息的 The secretary at the reception was not very forthcoming.接待处的秘书不太主动相告。 135. freshman fre?n n.(AmE)(大学)一年级学生 I am a college freshman. 我是一名大学新生。 136. fright fr

    5、a?t n.惊吓 恐怖的经历 An untrained horse had taken fright at the sound of gunfire. 一匹未经训练的马听到枪响受了惊。 137. gadget d? n.小巧的机械(或工具),精巧装置 The gadget can be attached to any vertical surface. 这小玩意儿可以粘在任何垂直表面上。 138. geology d?il?i n.地质学 He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Jordan. 他是约旦大学的地质学客座

    6、教授。 139. gloom lu?m n.昏暗,阴暗 Dont let defeat fill you with gloom.别让失败使你灰心丧气。 140. gorgeous s a.令人愉快的 极其漂亮的 She has a reputation for brilliance. Also, she is gorgeous.她以才华出众而闻名。此外,她还非常漂亮。 141. gossip g?s?p n.流言蜚语 爱说长道短的人 We spoke, debated, gossiped into the night.我们交谈着,争论着,闲聊着,一直持续到晚上。 142. gravitatio

    7、n ?r?v?te? n.引力 We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation. 万有引力原理的发现应归功于牛顿。 143. grin gr? vi./n.咧嘴笑 He grins, delighted at the memory. 想到往事,他开心地咧嘴笑了起来。 144. guilt g?lt n.内疚,自责 罪过,罪行 责任 The guilt of the accused man was in doubt.被告的罪行有疑问。 145. gut g? n.消化道,肠道 (s)( pl. )(尤指动物的)内脏 (尤指大的)胃,肚子 (s)(pl.

    8、)勇气,胆量,决心 (常pl.)内心,直觉 (s)(pl.)核心,实质 vt.损毁 取出的内脏(以便烹饪) a.作定语 非理性的,本能的 It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing. 冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。 146. habitat h?b?t? n.(动植物的)生活环境,栖息地 The jungle is the natural habitat of wild animals and plants.丛林是野兽和植物的自然栖息地。 147. halfway ?h:fwe? a./ad.中间(的),半途(

    9、的) The car broke down on the halfway. 车在半路坏了。 148. handicap nd? vt.妨碍n.障碍 残障 Not speaking the language is a real handicap. 不会讲这种语言的确是一个障碍。 149. haunt h? vt.缠绕,烦扰 (鬼魂)常出没于 He would always be haunted by that scene in the park. 他永远无法摆脱公园里的那一幕。 150. haze he? n.薄雾,雾霾 vi.笼罩在薄雾中 The sun was surrounded by a

    10、 golden haze.太阳被一片金色烟霞笼罩。 151. heartfelt h?tfelt a.衷心的,真诚的 Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your concern and generosity.请接受我对你的关怀和慷慨的由衷谢意。 152. hectare hekte? n.公顷 A hectare is equal to 10 000 square metres. 一公顷等于一万平方米。 153. hereby ?ba? ad.(用于法律文件等)以此,特此 Words of mouth being no guarantee, a wri

    11、tten statement is hereby given. 空口无凭,立字为证。 154. heritage her? n.(文化)遗产,传统 The historic building is part of our cultural heritage.这座历史建筑是我们的文化遗产的一部分。 155. hijack/highjack ha?k vt.劫持(尤指飞机)“绑架”(人)用kidnap The plane was highjacked while on a flight to Delhi.该机在飞往德里的途中遭到劫持。 156. homosexual ?sek?u?l a.同性恋的

    12、 A fraud trial involving two homosexual lawyers was abandoned. 一桩涉及两名同性恋律师的欺诈案审判被撤销了。 157. hospitable h?sp?bl a.(人)好客的,殷勤的 (作物生长条件)适宜的,舒适的 The locals are hospitable and welcoming. 当地人热情好客。 158. hyphen n.连字符,连字号 The dash is longer than the hyphen. 破折号比连字符稍长点。 159. immigrate gre? vi.移居(入境) They immigrated to the United States from Hong Kong.他们从香港移居美国。 160. incentive ?nsent?v n.刺激,鼓励,动机 Our bonus payments for improved productivity provide an incentive to work harder.提高生产率便给予额外奖励,这一做法鼓励了大家更加努力地工作。


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