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    英语介词辨析练习题及答案 2Word格式文档下载.docx

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    英语介词辨析练习题及答案 2Word格式文档下载.docx

    1、Classical music, because it has _ lasting value and folk music with _ strong local colour. / Ba; the Cthe ; / Da;5Look, the young woman who is playing _ guitar is _ university teacher.Athe ; an B/; an Cthe; a D/ ;6-Yesterday I watched _ one-hour documentary about _ African elephant.-How did you feel

    2、 after watching it?Aa, a Ba, an Can, an Dan, a7Lang Lang is _ great pianist. He started to play the piano when still _ pupil.Aa; the Bthe; a Ca; a Dthe; the二、选择题8Jeffrey always remained calm and mastered his own feelings. No wonder he is a _.Asomebody Banybody Cnobody Deveryone9My parents have made

    3、_ a habit to go out for a walk around Xuanwu Lake.Athis Bit Cthat Done10Tickets for Friday.Sorry, weve got _ left.Anone Bnothing Cno Dno one11He was the strong silent type.Yes. He thought _ better to say nothing.Ait Bits Cits Ditself12Which would you like to choose for your PE entrance exam, basketb

    4、all or volleyball?_. I prefer football.ABoth BEither CNone DNeither13Could you tell me how many classes you have on Friday afternoon?_. We can take part in activities in any club we like.ANone BNothing CNeither DEither三、选择题14A factory will be built for the _ of this type of new energy car.Aposition

    5、Bpopulation Cproduction Dpronunciation15My sister has no sense of _. She always gets lost in the city streets.Ashame Bduty Cdirection Dhumour16The number of the people who use Huawei _ is getting larger and larger.Aproducts Bcustomers Ccultures Dhistories17With the _ of the computer, museums today a

    6、re different from what they used to be.Ainvitation Bintroduction Ccommunication Dpronunciation18Whats your mother?She is a _ in a company.Anurse Bfarmer Cdoctor Dmanager19Mr. Zhang is an excellent Chinese teacher. He has over 20 years teaching _.Aexperience Bprogress Cinformation Dknowledge20A _ is

    7、a person who is travelling or visiting a place.Astranger Btourist Cguide Dcustomer21Could you give me a few _ on how to spend the coming summer holiday?-OK. Let me see.Ahobbies Bknowledge Csuggestions Dinformation四、选择题22After a busy days work, listening to soft music can make me feel _.Arelaxed Bner

    8、vous Cblue Dexcited23Peter has good grades in all his subjects, but he never shows off.I agree. He is very_.Ahumorous Borganized Cmodest Dgenerous24 What do you think of those doctors in Wuhan, Ma Lin?How brave they are! Theyve tried their best to keep patients _.Alive Balive Cliving Dlively25 Sorry

    9、, I cant afford to go abroad. What about having a country travel with a little_ price?Acheaper Bhigher Clower Dless五、选择题26Thanks for looking after me _ my illness, Millie.Dont mention it. Thats what friends are for.Athrough Bamong Cwith Dacross27The chopsticks are _ wood.Amade of Bmade from Cmade in

    10、 Dmade with28My mum searched _ the messy books and found my pencil was under a Harry Potter.Aas Bacross Cthrough Dfor六、选择题29My father always tells me to _ any possible challenge myself instead of giving up easily!Atake away Btake off Ctake up Dtake on30The person who _ a new idea of how to work out

    11、the puzzle will be given a(n) _.Akeeps up with; praise Bcomes up with; prize Cends up with; price Dputs up with; award31Excuse me, sir, but smoking is not allowed in hospital.Sorry, I didnt see the sign. Ill _ my cigarette.Aput in Bput up Cput out Dput on32A society cannot be successful if it _ trad

    12、ition, but it cannot be successful either if we do something to stop progress.Atakes away Bthrows away Cgets away Dputs away33A survey about why teenagers like bilibili so much was _ here last week.Ataken out Bcarried out Cturned out Dworked out34What happened, Martin?Last night, someone _ my house

    13、and stole many valuable things.Abroke into Bbroke down Cturned into Dturned down35I know how busy you must be and naturally I wouldnt want to _ too much of your time.Atake on Btake away Ctake up Dtake off36Whos going to _ the children while you are away?Dont worry. My mum will come.Alook at Blook ar

    14、ound Clook after Dlook like37How terrible the disaster is! Many people lose their homes and most of them are badly hurt.Im sure things are going to _ fine because the soldiers, the most lovely people, are trying to help them.Afind out Bturn out Crun out Dput out七、选择题38Suzy described every detail of

    15、the accident just now.Her memory _ be completely back.Ashall Bneed Cmust Dcould39 What do you think of the show yesterday? Some of them were really good but others _ be better.Awill Bmust Cneed Dcan40You _ drive after drinking alcohol(酒). Its against the law.Amustnt Bneednt Ccouldnt Dwouldnt41You _

    16、be careful with the camera. It costs!Acan Bwill Cshould Dmay42Whos singing next door? Is it Miss Wang?It _ be her. Shes having the board meeting.Acant Bshouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt43The high school entrance examination is coming! Yes, our teacher tells us we _ be too careful while taking exams.Amustnt B

    17、shouldnt Cneednt Dcant八、选择题44_ great fun we have had in the junior middle school!AWhat BWhat a CHow DHow a45_great fun it is to be with the humorous girl!46-_ fine day it is today!-Yes. the sunshine is _ beautiful that Id like to go hiking with you.AHow; such BWhat a; very CHow; so DWhat a; so九、选择题4

    18、7 will she stay here? For .AHow soon, one hour and a half BHow long, one and a half hoursCHow soon, one and half hours DHow long, one hour and half48Millie, _ do you take the course in DIY?Every Saturday afternoon.Ahow long Bhow far Chow much Dhow often49_ does your father play tennis after work ?Ev

    19、ery Tuesday and Thursday.AHow often BHow soon CHow much DHow long十、选择题50Mr Li, could you please tell me _?Sorry, Im not sure. You can ask Miss Xiao.Awhere was Chinese Kung fu taught Bhow often the dragon boat race holdsCwhen did the ancient Silk Road start Dhow much the Chinese painting there is51Yo

    20、ur order _ if you fail to pay for it in 15 minutes on Meituan.Acancels Bis cancelled Cwill cancel Dwill be cancelled52The film Hi! Mom has received high praise since it _ on screen on February 12.Awas put Bis put Chas been put Dwill be put53A new railway station _ in my town next year.Abuilds Bbuilt

    21、 Cis built Dwill be built54My father works in Shanghai. It takes him much time to go home every month.Dont worry. Itll be easier and quicker after Taizhou High-Speed Rail Station _.Abuilds Bis built Cwill build Dwill be built55I saw several boxes of books at the gate of our school just now.They _ to

    22、 children in poor areas.Awere sent Bare sent Cwill be sent Dwere being sent十一、选择题56Have you moved into the new house?Not yet. It _.Ahas been built Bwas builtCis being built Dhad been built57While China _ an anti-terrorist security network, the nation still needs to prepare its people _ the war on te

    23、rror, therefore _ its powerful weapon.Aknits, to fight, to gather Bis knitting, fighting, gatheringCis knitting, to fight, gathering Dhas knitted, to fight, gathering58(2013湖南省部分重点中学5月联考)What are they up to?Its so noisy.Some students_a party.Ahave had Bare havingChad had Dwere having59I cant underst

    24、and why he _ so selfish. He isnt usually like that.Awas Bhad been Cis Dis being60If you _ stealing in the supermarket, youll be sent to the police station immediately.Acatch Bare catchingCwill be caught Dare caught61 Excuse me, can you show me the way to the nearest bus stop? Sorry. Im a stranger he

    25、re. I _ here until my guide arrives.Astand Bhave stoodCam standing Dwill stand62Joan,what _ in your hand?Look!Its a birthday gift for my grandma.Ahad you held Bare you holdingCdo you hold Dwill you hold63 Helen, how was your English competition on Monday? I have no idea, I _ for the result. I was to

    26、ld it would come out in two days.Awas waiting Bwaited Cwill wait Dam waiting十二、选择题64The dress is really nice, _it doesnt look good on me .Afor Bso Cbut Dor65I got up late yesterday, _ I had to take my breakfast with me on the bus.Aand Bbut Cor Dso66Follow the teachers instructions, _ you may get hur

    27、t when exercising.Aso Bor Cbut Dand十三、选择题67Do you know _ at this time last night?Sorry, I dont know.Awhat she is doing Bwhat she was doingCwhat is she doing Dwhat was she doing68Could you please tell me _?Next Thursday morning.Awhen we visited the Capital Museum Bwhen did we visit the Capital MuseumCwhen we will visit the Capital Museum Dwhen will we visit the Capital Museum69Could you tell me _ “the Father of


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