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    1、型号规格 油位、密封 绝缘 Model Oil level, seal Insulation3母线支架制作安装Bus support fabrication and installation规格 安装尺寸 防腐 Spec. Dimension Anti-corrosion4母线安装检查 Bus installation排列、相色 弯曲倍率 伸缩节 Arrangement, color Curve radius Expansion joint5连接螺栓、垫圈检查Bolt and washer inspection规格 热镀锌 露出长度 Spec. Galvanization Left lengt

    2、h6母线接触面Bus contact area inspection光洁平整 搪锡 电力复合脂 Smooth. Enam. Polymer7硬母线焊接检查Rigid bus welding inspection焊工合格证号 Weldor No.8软母线、组合母线安装Flexible and combine bus installation2、母线接触面连接紧密检测: Bus contact. Tightness inspection螺栓规格 ( mm) Bolt spec.实测力矩值Actual( N.m ) torque实测力矩值( N.m) Actual torque最小值 Min.最大值

    3、 Max.3、软母线弛度:Flexible bus sag inspection软母线名称 Flexible bus name设计弛度( mm )Design sag实测弛度( mm ) Actual sag4、母线相同、对地最小距离检测:Bus phase and phase to earth min. Distance measure母线类别 Bus type主母线 Main分支母线Branch实测最小相间距离( mm) Min. Phase to phase distance实测最小对地距离Min. Phase to earth distance备注:Remarks结论:Conclusi

    4、on技术负责人Check施工人Operator表 H-422蓄电池充(放)电记录 Storage battery charging/Discharging record型号Model出厂日期 Manuf. Date电压 VoltageV容量 capacityAh电池总数 Number of battery电解液Electrolyte电解液化验单或合格证号 Electrolyte report or certification No.蒸馏水化验单或合格证号 Distilled water report or certification No.注入时电解液温度 Electrolyte temp.

    5、at filling电解液比重Specific gravity of electrolyte开始注入时间 Filling start time结束时间 End time初充电 First charging充电开始时间 Charging start time单独补充充电的电池编号 Separately charged cell No.放电Discharging放电开始时间 Discharge start time放电电流 Discharge current放电容量 Discharging capacity为额定容量的 %(换算到 25时)% of rated capacity ( at 25)充

    6、(放)电特性曲线图: (充放电记录见附表) Charging/Discharging characteristic curve施工人 Operator表 H-423蓄电池充(放)电 记录附表 Attached table for storage battery charging/Discharging recordSection名称Name型号 Model出厂日期 Manufacture date容量Capacity时间 Time充(放)电 电压( V) Charge/Discharge voltage充(放)电 电流( A) Charge/Discharge currentNoUDT日期表

    7、H-424Mo记录 ction record电机抽芯检查 or loose-core inspe Unit 工号:位号 Tag. No.检查日期 Inspection DateType额定容量 Rated capacitykW额定电压 Rated voltage额定电流 Rated currentA接法Connection绝缘等级 Insulation class转速 Rotation speedr/min转子结构 Rotor structure防爆等级 Explosion proof class出厂编号 Manufacturer No.制造厂 Manufacturer防护等级 Prevent

    8、ion class检查内容 Installation contents标记 Mark备注 Remark铁芯轴颈无伤痕锈蚀No Damage & corrosion on surface of core shaft滑环和换向器无伤痕、锈蚀 corrosion on surface of commutator and slip-ring绕组绝缘层完好,绑线无松动Winding insulation coating and fixing inspection绕组连接正确,焊接良好Winding connection and welding inspection绕组电阻检测合格Winding resi

    9、stance inspection定子槽楔无断裂凸出及松动,端部槽楔牢固Stator slot wedge inspection转子平衡块紧固,平衡螺丝锁车Rotor balance block and bolt fixing inspection风扇完好,方向正确Fan inspection磁极及铁轭固定良好Magnetic pole and hub fixing inspection励磁绕组紧固Exciter winding fixing inspection鼠笼式电机转子导电条和端环焊接良好,浇铸无裂纹 Rotor conductor and end link of squirrel-c

    10、age motor轴承滚动体与内、外圈转动灵活无松动、卡涩Bearing rotating flexibility inspection加入轴承内的润滑脂已填满内部空间的三分之二 Internal space of bearing is filled with lubrication grease电机机部清洁无杂物Motor internal cleanliness inspection表 H-425电机干燥记录 Motor drying record干燥日期 Drying Date型号 Type定子电压 Stator voltage转子电压 Rotor voltage定子电流 Stator

    11、current转子电流 Rotor current接线转速Rotation speed干燥方法简述Brief discription of drying method干燥开始时间 Drying start time年月日时分干燥结束时间 Drying end time干燥过程最高温度 Max. drying temp.定子 Stator转子 干燥后绝缘电阻及吸收比Insulation resistance and absorptance after drying.测试部位 Test position定子对地 Stator to earth转子对地 Rotor to earth电机温度() Mo

    12、tor temperatureR15 (M)R60(M)K( M) (M )表 H-426电机干燥记录附表 Attached table for motor drying record时间Time温度() Temp.定子绝缘电阻 (M) Stator ins. resistance转子绝缘电阻 (M) Rotor ins. resistance干燥电流(A) Drying current备注Remark测温点位置: nTemp. measure position1. ;2. ;3. ;4. ;5. ;6. ;表 H-427电机Motor记录record试车 test run电机名称或 位号Mo

    13、tor name or tag. No.额定数据 Rated data试车记录数据 Test run record data环境 温度 () Envi-ro nment temp.试车 日期 Date容量 (kW) Capa -city电压 (V)Vol-t age电流 (A) Curr.绝缘 等级 Ins. class绝缘 电阻 (M)Ins.resis.Vol-ta ge空载 电流 (V) Vol-t age负载 电流 (A) No-Lo ad curr.电机 温度 (A)Motor temp.轴承温度() Bearing temp.前Front后Rear表 H-428架空线路施工记录 O

    14、verhead line stringing record线路名称 Line name线路电压线数 Line number线路长度 Length线路起点 Start place线路终点 End place施工记录Stringing record电杆型号、规格及数量 Pole model, spec. Quantity拉线材料及组数Stay material and quantity导线型号及规格 Line model and spec.路灯型号及数量Road lamp model and quantity绝缘子型号及规格 Insulator model and spec.路灯线型号及规格 Road line model and spec.弛度Sag耐张杆号(号一号) Anchor pole (No. No.)实测驰度( mm ) Real sag环境温度() Environment temp.对地、交叉跨越距离测量:Line to earth and to cross-over objects distance measurement跨越杆号 号一号 Cross-over pole No.-N0.被跨越物名称 Cross-over obje


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