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    1、2The American young people in 1960s were a generation of rebellion . They found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didnt trust the adult world that didnt belong to them and refused to take their beliefs and values . Many young people took acti

    2、ve part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and live

    3、d a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life . 3 Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didnt do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathi

    4、ldas school and two of them had been dead . When the doctor arrived at Olsons home , he wanted to examine Mthildas throat first . But no matter how he coaxed ,She wouldnt open her mouth . So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth . But Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order t

    5、o protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make sure whether she had diphtheria or not , so that he could treat her in time . Letting Mathilda s father hold her wrists he tried his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. This story made us can think such a

    6、question that something in life cant only depend on self willingness . Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary . 4 The need for laws on euthanasia cant be dodged for much longer . Euthanasia is a taboo in most countries . In these countries doctors can only practise it secretly . Bu

    7、t it is openly practiced in some countries , such as Holland . Right now more and more countries are going over the arguments about legalizing euthanasia . When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there is no hope of curing it , why do we let him polong the throes ?Why cant we practis

    8、e euthanasia to stop the throes ?But if we legalize euthanasia , there will be a danger Someone may use it for killing . All in all , euthanasia is question we cant dodge . 5The American women made great contributions to the nations development , but they received different forms of prejudices becau

    9、se of their sex . In politics , they did all the tedious details that made the differene between victory and defeat on election day and seldom had the chance to reach a better position , while the men reaped the rewards . In economy , most women did the lower-paying and dead end jobs and they were p

    10、aid less than the men for the same job . Many American people didnt admit it was prejudice against women . They said it was only a different division of labour in society . Even many women were content with their roles as second-class citizens . So the author said it was a long painful struggle for

    11、the women to get real equality .6When I knew Magpie got a scholarship of a California University and could go to the Fine Arts School to study , I was very pleased for him . I knew he wanted to become a poet all the time. I also knew he had a good talent . It was a very good chance for him . So I we

    12、nt back to Crow Creek to tell him about the good news and let him fill out some papers . But I didnt find him at his home . His wife said they had not been together for a while and only heard he was in Chamberlain . Then I went for Salina and asked her to help me find Magpie . Salina said Magpie had

    13、 changed a lot since he was taken into prison . She thought he was not interested in going to the university of white people . But I said Magpie had a right to know this news and make the decision whether to go or not by himself . She agreed and took me to his good friend , Elgie . But when I could

    14、really see Magpie at last , he had been shot by the police . 7Miss Brill was an English who lived in a coastal city in France . She was old and poor . She would go to the park on every Sunday afternoon . She always sat on the same bench , listening people around her talk , or watching other peoples

    15、lives in front of her . She suddenly had a feeling on that Sunday afternoon . She felt the life was like a play and she was one part of the community . She had a part in the performance . At this time , the feeling of loneliness began to escape her . But just at this time she heard a couple of young

    16、 people talk about her with contempt . Even the young man asked her to leave in a low voice . The short feeling of happiness disappeared . she went home with a broken heart . 8Man created language . It was mans way of communicating with his fellow man . The difference between oral and written langua

    17、ge was that oral language could take the human voice to infuse it with the shades of deeper meaning . Flowers was nearly singing when she read A Tale of Two Cities . It sounded beautiful . Her reading made me realize the wonder of language. Mrs. Flowers gave me novels and poems . I learned value of

    18、life from these books and realized how beautiful the language of literature works was . 9People have a short attention span . So in order to capture the viewers attention , television must provide constant stimulation through variety , novelty , action and movement . The result of doing so is that n

    19、ews is too brief and results in inefficient communication . Many news programs are like “ machine gunning with scraps “and fight coherence of appeal to the short attention span will decivilize as well. To avoid complexity means to give up thinking . The “ functionally illiterates “ among adult Ameri

    20、cans are continually increasing . They even do not know how to answer the want ad. Or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle . At least television should be responsible for part of it . 10One night , two German military officers were murdered by Frenchmen . The next day , a German officer

    21、declared to thirty French prisoners , “ My order is that one man in every ten shall be selected and shot tomorrow . That is to say , three of you thirty people will die tomorrow . We are indifferent as to which three . You can choose for yourselves .”The prisoners had a heated discussion about who s

    22、hould die. Someone said the old people should go first . This was the way of nature . Some people said the unmarried should go first because they had no responsibilities . At last , all consented to drawing lots to decide which three went to die . A rich lawyer unfortunately got the death draw . He

    23、said , “ I ll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who will die for me . “11 Some people will fall asleep as soon as their heads touch the pillows . Some people cant go to sleep although they have been lying in bed several hours . The more he wants to go to sleep , the more wakeful he is . I bel

    24、ong to the latter . When I write an essay , I feel an overpowering desire for sleep . But when I go to bed , I can do anything but sleep . I can compose grand symphonies , paint magnificent pictures and write good essays . The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion , but they are of no avail .

    25、 When I cant go to sleep at night , I imagine a dialogue with a friend till I either laugh or fall asleep . I find this is a good way to go to sleep .12As a very small child , I made up my mind to become a writer in future . When I become a writer , what I have most wanted to do is to make political

    26、 writing into a work of art . The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is wrong . Writing is exposing lies , protecting truth and also an aesthetic experience . Animal Farm was the book in which I tried to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole . Writing shoul

    27、d serve the society and the public . This is the principle I must follow . I f a writer lacks political purpose , he will only write some purple passages , even some humbug . 13The first thing Russell thinks is the most ordinary function of work , namely the relief o ftedium. He thinks even the dull

    28、est work is less painful than idleness to most people . Then he talks about how the work can provide the people with opportunities for their ambitions. Man, as a member of the society , hopes that he can procure more and more social achievements . He points out that most women are so unfortunate that they can not work outside their homes . They are deprived of this chance . It seems that different kinds of work give people satisfaction to different degrees . Russell studies the concerning two chief elements , that is the exercise of skill and construction .When he analyzes the latter , Russel


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