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    1、lent借给loselost失去sendsent送spendspent分 类 记 忆 表(3)其他paypaid支付laylaid下蛋saysaid说bringbrought带来buybought买thinkthought想sleepslept睡keepkept保持sweepswept扫standstood站understandunderstood明白winwon赢shineshone发光shined擦亮catchcaught抓住teachtaught教feedfed喂feelfelt觉得fightfought战斗findfound发现getgotgot / gotten得到hanghange

    2、d绞死hung挂havehad有holdheld握leaveleft离开makemade制造meetmet遇见sellsold卖shootshot射击telltold告诉smellsmelt闻smelledsitsat坐digdug挖4. A-B-A 型comecame来becomebecame变得runran跑5.A-B-C 型(1)在动词原形后加n或en构成过去分词eatateeaten吃fallfellfallen落下stealstolestolen偷givegavegiven给freezefrozefrozen冻结taketooktaken拿mistakemistookmistaken

    3、弄错seesawseen看见shakeshookshaken摇动hidehidhidden隐藏writewrotewritten写rideroderidden骑riseroserisen上升drivedrovedriven驾驶throwthrewthrown抛,扔blowblewblown吹growgrewgrown生长knowknewknown知道flyflewflown飞drawdrewdrawn绘画showshowedshown展示(2) 过去式加n或en构成过去分词speakspokespoken说话breakbrokebroken破碎,折断wakewaked醒wokewokencho

    4、osechosechosen选择forgetforgotforgotten忘记(3) 变单词在重读音节中的元音字母 i 分别为 a(过去式)和u(过去分词)beginbeganbegun开始ringrangrung按铃singsangsung唱sinksunk下沉swimswamswum游泳drinkdrankdrunk饮(4) 其他不规则动词的变化be (am, is)wasbeen是be (are)weredodiddone做gowentgone去lielain躺lied说谎wearworeworn穿6. 没有过去分词cancould能maymight可以must必须shallshould

    5、将要willwould愿初中英语常用不规则动词分类表 填写以下动词的过去式和过去分词cost _ _ 花费 cut _ _ 割,切 hit _ 打 let _ _ 让 put _ _ 放下 read _ _ 读 hurt _ _ 伤 beat _ _ 打 come _ _ _ 来 run _ _ 跑become _ _ 变 burn _ _ 燃烧 learn_ _学习 mean _ _ 意思 hear _ _ _ 听见 build _建筑 lend _ _ _ 借给 lose _ _ 失去 send _ _ 送 spend _ _ 花费 pay _ _ 付 lay _ _ 下蛋 say _ _

    6、 _ 说 bring _ _ _ 带来 buy _ _ 买 think _ _ 想 sleep _ _ _ 睡 keep _ _ 保持 sweep _ _ 扫stand _ _ _ 站 understand _ _ _ _ 明白win _ _ 得胜 shine _ /_ _ /_ 发光 catch _ _ _ _ 抓住 teach _ _ _ _ 教 feel _ _ 觉得 fight _ _ 战斗 find _ _ 发现 get _ _ 得到 hang / hung / hung 绞死,挂 have _ _ 有 hold _ _ 盛,握 leave _ _ 离开 make_ _ 制造 mee

    7、t _ _ 遇见 sell _ _ 卖 shoot _ _ 射击 tell _ _ 告诉 smell _ /_ _ /_ 嗅,闻 sit _ _ 坐 dig _ _ 挖 eat _ _ 吃 fall _ _ 落下 steal _ _ 偷 give _ _ 给 freeze _ _ 冻结 take _ _ 拿 see _ _ 看见 write_ _ 写 ride _ _ 骑 drive _ _ 驾驶 throw _ _ 抛,扔 blow _ _ 吹 grow _ _ 生长 know _ _ 知道 fly _ _ 飞 draw _ _ 拉,绘画 show 展示 speak 说话 break 破碎,

    8、折断wake / woke / waken 醒 choose _ _ 选择 forget _ _ 忘记 。 begin _ _ 开始 ring _ _ 按铃 sing _ _ 唱 sink _ _ 沉 swim _ _ 游泳 drink _ _ 饮 be(am, is) _ / _ _ 是 be(are) _ _ 是 do _ _ 做 go_ 去 lie _ _ 躺 wear _ _ 穿非延续性动词和延续性动词。非延续性动词延续性动词BuyBorrowOpenbe openClosebe closedbegin/startbe onComebe herego/leavebe awayFinis

    9、hbe overDiedbe deadcatch a coldhave a coldPut on get upbe upwake upba awakefall asleepbe asleepLoseBe lostJoinbe(in)Leavebe away fromarrive/reachbe1. Buy-haveTom bought the book a week ago.Tom has had the book for a week.2. borrow-keepI borrowed the book the day before yesterdayI have kept the book

    10、for two days.3. open-be openThe factory opened in 1988The factory has been open since 1988.4. close-be closedThe shop closed last yearThe shop has been closed for 3 years5. begin-be onThe film began three minutes ago The film has been on for 3 minutes.6. come-be hereI came here in 2006I have been he

    11、re for ten years 7. go/leave - be awayHe left at seven oclock.He has been away for 3 hours.8. finish-be overI finished the work the day before yesterday.The work has been over for 3 days9. died-be dead The old man died 4 years ago. The old man has been dead for 4 years.10. catch a cold-have a coldHe

    12、 caught a cold yesterdayHe has had a cold since morning11. Put on-wearMiss Kitty put on her own dressMiss Kitty has already worn her own dress12. get upbe upHe got up at 7oclock yesterday.He has been up for 7hours13. wake up-be awakeThe noise woke up the babyThe baby has been awake for an hour14. fa

    13、ll asleep-be asleep All the students fell asleep All the students have been asleep.15. lose-be lostYou lost a good chance yesterdayThe chance has been lost for a day.16. joinbe(in)I joined the army in 2009I have been in the army for 3 years. 或I have been a soldier for 3 years.17. leave-be away fromAlice left Bejing last yearAlice has been away fromBeijing for a year18. arrive/reach-bewe arrived at the World Park 5 minute agowe have been at the World Park for 5 minute 非延续性动词和延续性动词。不 规 则 动 词


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