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    老友记 六人行 第九季第十集经典笔记Word格式.docx

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    老友记 六人行 第九季第十集经典笔记Word格式.docx

    1、Monica: (really excited) Mmh. this cake is amazing!Rachel: My God, get a room! I would get a room with this cake. I think I could show this cake a good time!Phoebe: If you had to, what would you give up, food or sex? (with no hesitation) Sex!Chandler: (looking at her) Seriously, answer faster! Oh, I

    2、m sorry honey, you know, but when she said sex I wasnt thinking about sex with you! (to Phoebe) Its like a giant hug.giant hug Ross, how about you. What would you give up, sex or food?Ross: Food. Ok, how about. uhm. sex or dinosaurs? Oh my God. Its like Sophies Choice.Sophies choicea forced decision

    3、 in which any and all options have equally negative outcomes/Sophies Choice is a 1982 film that tells the story of a beautiful Polish immigrant, Sophie, and her tempestuous(adj.狂暴的) lover who share a boarding house(n.公寓) with a young writer in Brooklyn. It stars Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, and Peter

    4、MacNicol. Alan J. Pakula directed the movie and wrote the script from a novel by William Styron, also called Sophies Choice.The film won the Academy Award for Best Actress (Meryl Streep) and was nominated for Best Cinematography(n.电影术) (Nstor Almendros), Costume Design (Albert Wolsky), Best Music (M

    5、arvin Hamlisch), and Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material from Another Medium (Alan J. Pakula). Oh God. What about you, Joe? What would you give up, sex or food?Joey: Uhm. oh. I dont know, its too hard. No, you gotta pick one! Oh. food. No, sex. Food! Sex! Food! Se-I dont know! Good God, I don

    6、t know, I want girls on bread!OPENING CREDITS Central Perk. Rachel and Phoebe are looking at some photos and theyre sitting next to the window. You gotta see these latest pictures of Emma. Oh, how cute! Yeah. Oh, she looks just like a little doll! Oh, no, no. That is a doll. Oh, thank God, cause tha

    7、t things really creepy! (looking outside the window) Look, theres Chandler. (hes on the street, talking to a woman) Oh. Who is the blonde? Shes pretty. OH! Hes having an affair.have an affair 有外遇s not having an affair! You know, Im always right about these things. No, youre not! Last week you though

    8、t Ross was trying to kill you! Well, Im sorry but its hard to believe that anyone would tell a story that dull just to tell it! (looking outside) See, theres something going on with them. Look, hes getting into the car with her! Oh, that doesnt mean anything. Oh yeah? Well, lets see. (she takes her

    9、mobile phone) Ok, duck down. (they both get down to hide themselves. Phoebe calls Chandler) duck vi.迅速低头 迅速弯身eg: They all ducked behind the mound(n.土丘) as they heard the explosion (picking up the phone) Hello. Oh, hi Chandler. Its Phoebe. Uhm. I know that Monica is working today so.(back to Central

    10、Perk) .I was wondering if you want to come to the movies with me and Rachel. Oh, uhm. I have to work too. Yeah, Im stuck at the office all day. (shocked) Oh, well, its a shame that you-that you miss the movie cause we were gonna see, you know, either Liar, Liar or Betrayal, or. An Affair To Remember

    11、.An Affair to Remember is a 1957 film, starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.The film is considered one of the most romantic of all time, according to the American Film Institute.It was directed by Leo McCarey and was a remake of McCareys 1939 film Love Affair, starring Irene Dunne and Charles Boyer.

    12、 An Affair to Remember was almost identical to Love Affair on a scene to scene basis. McCarey used the same screenplay(n.电影剧本) as the original film, which was penned(v.写) by Delmer Daves and Donald Ogden Stewart.Contributing to the success of the 1957 film is its theme song An Affair to Remember (Ou

    13、r Love Affair) composed by Harry Warren with lyrics by Leo McCarey and Harold Adamson. The song is sung by Vic Damone during the opening credits and then sung later by Deborah Kerrs character, a nightclub singer. Kerrs singing was dubbed(v.配音) by Marni Nixon, who also dubbed for Kerr in the film The

    14、 King and I. Those are all really old! Ok, then maybe itll be, uhm. (whispering) Dude, Wheres My Car? (glancing at her) What? Theyre in a caaar. (to Chandler at the phone) Okay, we-well talk to you later. Okay, bye. Geez! Ok. Quick. We gotta find a cab and follow them. Oh, yeah, ok. Let me just grab

    15、 my night vision goggles and my stun gun.night vision n.夜视/goggles n.护目镜night vision gogglesstun gun n.震撼枪(使中弹者震惊 昏迷却不致受伤的手枪) (patting her bag) I got them! Monicas apartment. Chandler enters the door. Hi! Hey Sweetie! Hey! You smell like perfume and cigarettes. I was in the car with Nancy all day. N

    16、ancy doesns smoke! Well, at least the perfume is not mine, be thankful for that! So? What do you think of the house? Its perfect. Its everything were been looking for. Isns it? Then what about the amazing wainscoting and the crown molding and the dormer windows in the attic?wainscoting n.护墙板crown mo

    17、ldingdormer window n.屋顶窗/attic n.阁楼 And the wiggle worms and the zip zorps? (pause) What were the things you said?wiggle worms Dons you love the huge yard?huge yard And the fireplace in the bedroom.fireplace n.壁炉 And Nancy said that its really underprice, because the guy lost his job and has to move

    18、 in with his parents!underprice vt.削价抢生意 This is bringing out a lovely color in you! Do you think we should get it? I dons know. What do you think? I think we should. I do too. This is huge! I know. How bad you wanna smoke, right now. I dons know what you mean, giant talking cigarette! Oh, by the wa

    19、y, Phoebe called just as I was getting into Nancys car, so if she asks you, I was at work all day. Gotcha. When do we tell them about this? We dons. Not until its a hundred percent. I mean, why upset everybody over nothing? Okay. Right. Oh my God! That is gonna be so hard. I know. Gooooood luck with

    20、 it. Joeys apartment. Everybody except Monica and Chandler is there. I just cans see Chandler cheating! Im telling you guys, we followed them out to a house in Westchester, they went in for like forty-five minutes and then they came out looking pretty happy!Westchester County is a primarily(adv.主要地)

    21、 suburban county located in the U.S. state of New York with about 950,000 residents. It is part of the New York Metropolitan Area. It was named after Chester, in England, and the county seat(n.郡政府所在地) is White Plains.Westchester has a reported per capita personal income of $58,592, the eighth highes

    22、t in the United States. Chandler? Forty-five minutes? Well, something is not right. I just cant believe he would do this to Monica! I know, and with the baby coming? So, should we tell her? I dons know. Phoebe, if one of us saw Mike with another woman, would you want us to tell you? Why? Whod you se

    23、en him with? No one, Im just saying if. (Phoebe starts pinching him in his neck) TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW!(pinches his ears) (yelling in pain) I know nothing! Mikes a great guy, it was hypothetical!hypothetical adj.假定的 All right. (she releases him). He is a good guy. Youre right, he wouldns cheat. Beli

    24、eve me, if I did see with someone, theres no way I. (Phoebe starts pinching him again)Phoebe : WHO DID YOU SEE HIM WITH? Monicas apartment. Monica is cleaning with a vacuum and then she cleans it with a dustbuster. The guys enter the room.vacuum n.真空吸尘器dustbuster Oh, look at her, so happy! If only t

    25、here were a smaller one to clean this one! Hey, is uhm. is Chandler here? No, hes picking up dinner, why, whats up? Well, look, whatever happens, were here for you and we love you. (puzzled)All right. We think Chandler might be having an affair. What? Phoebe and I saw Chandler with a blonde woman to

    26、day outside on the street and then we followed them to a house in Westchester. They went in together. So sorry. Oh my God! Oh my God thats awful! What did you think of the house?(they all look confused and sorry for her) (walking towards her to hold her and support her) Monica, you understand what we are saying, right? Yeah, sure. uhm, Im devastated, obviously. (to the rest) Did you think the neighborhood was home


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