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    酒店日常英语口语Hotel English.docx

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    酒店日常英语口语Hotel English.docx

    1、酒店日常英语口语Hotel EnglishHotel EnglishPart 1 Greetings问候1. Welcome to Shanxi World Trade Hotel . Im., what should I call you, please?欢迎光临山西国贸大饭店。我是.,请问我该怎么称呼你呢?2. Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam. What can I do for you?先生/女士,你好!请问我能为您做点什么?3. My name is ., is there anything else I can do for you

    2、, just let me know.我叫.,如果需要我为您做些什么,请告诉我。4.If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us .如果你有任何需要,请随时联系我们。5.Have you make a reservation ?Have you booked the room?Are you the vip?请问有预订吗?请问你是会员吗?6.What kind of room would you like ?请问您需要什么类型的房间。7.Sorry ,I dont quite understand .对不起,我不是很明白。8.

    3、Im afraid weve fully booked for that time .抱歉,我们那个时段已给订满了。9.Its the hot /peak/busy season ,you know ?这是酒店业的旺季。10.Excuse me ,How do spell it ,please ?打扰一下,您能拼写一下您的名字吗?11.We can only keep your table /room till 我们能保留您的房间直到.12.Let me show you to your room ,this way please .让我带您到房间,这边请。_Part 2 Helping to

    4、 Check-in帮助入住1.Please have a seat for a while, Ill help you with the check-in procedure.请在那边稍坐一会儿,我将会为您办理入住手续。2. Would you please give me your passport or ID card and credit card ?, Ill help you to fill in the form.请把您的护照和信用卡交给我,我帮您办理入住手续。3. How many nights will you stay this time?这次入住您会住多少天?4. Whic

    5、h room would you like, we have these kinds of rooms.?您是要哪种房间?5. Excuse me, Sir/Madame. How would you like to pay the deposit, cash or credit card(together or separately)?先生/女士,不好意思,打搅一下。请问您是要付现金还是刷卡(分开付押金还是一起付)呢? 6.Here is your room key and the breakfast coupon. Would you please sign here?这是您的房卡和早餐券

    6、。请您在这里签个名好吗?7. Here are your passport and the credit card . You can go up to the room now I hope you enjoy your stay with us.这是给回您的护照和信用卡。现在您可以上房间了。希望您在这里居住愉快。_Part3 Providing Service During Staying居住期间服务1.Regular Service常规服务(1) Please wait a second. Ill transfer it for you. .请稍等一下,马上为你转接过去。(2) Beca

    7、use you are checking out two days early, You need to give us two cash vouchers back.您比原定退房的时间提前了两天,所以我们需要收回二张现金券。(3) There is a great garden and pond behind the hotel, which is suitable for exercise and having a walk酒店后面有很漂亮的花园和水塘,那里是非常适合跑步和散步的地方。(4) This money is damaged .Im afraid we cant change i

    8、t, this is according to the hotel rules.您的钱(纸币)上有裂口(污迹),按酒店的规定,我们不能为您兑换。(5) Im sorry that you could not get cash by credit card here . I can book a car take you to the bank to get some cash.不好意思,酒店规定不可以用信用卡来套取现金,如果您需要,我可以安排车送您去银行(ATM 机)上提取现金。(6) What denominations would you like?你想要什么面值的人民币呢?(7)Im s

    9、orry, but we do not accept the dollars with CB.对不起,我们这里不收CB版的美金。(8)Can I fax this paper?我可以传真这份文件吗?-Certainly, sir. Where do you want to fax it to?当然可以,先生。请问是传真到哪里的?-How would you like to pay for it, sir?你打算怎样付款呢,先生?-Could you charge it to my room bill?可记在我的客房账单内吗?-Sure. Here is your fax record, Sir

    10、. Would you please sign here?当然。这是你的传真记录,先生,麻烦你在这里签名好吗?(9)Could you please send a car to the airport to pick me up?你能安排一辆车到机场接我吗?(10)Could you please give us your flight No.?你能告诉我您的航班号吗?2. Reminder提醒(1) Its better for you to wear more clothes, because its pretty cold outside.外面天气很冷,你最好穿多些衣服。 (2) Tod

    11、ay is a rainy day and the floor is slippery so please be careful.今天外面在下雨,地面很滑走路时请多加小心。 3.Internet Service网络服务(1) There is free broadband Internet access in every room , connector plug is on the desk.写字台上有宽带插头,您可以随便使用。(2) There is a little trouble in the computer service center, so the Internet is di

    12、sconnected temporarily. Please wait a while, Itll be recovered soon.对不起,酒店的电脑服务中心出现了一点小故障,房间暂时不上了网,请稍候一下就会恢复正常。(3) Ok, Ill arrange a computer engineer to help you.好的,我马上安排电脑员上去帮您。2.About the Laundry关于洗衣(1)The laundry collected between 8am to 6pm will be returned at midnight on the same day ;while th

    13、e one collected between 6pm to 8 am will be returned at 2pm on the next day.上午八点到下午两点接洗衣将会在当天午夜前送回;而下午两点到次日八点的洗衣将会在第二日下午两点之前送回。(2)For the laundry, the regular service is within 8 hours and the express service is within 5hours.普洗服务是八小时内送回,而快洗是5小时。(3) There is a stain on your clothes, and well try our

    14、 best to get rid of it . However, I cant guarantee that we can remove it totally.您的衣服上有很难洗掉的污迹,我们会尽最大的努力去处理,但不能保证一定可以处理掉。(4)Could you send someone up for my laundry, please?请派人到我房间取要洗的衣服,好吗?-Certainly, sir. Our room attendant will be up in a minute.好的,我们的服务员马上到。5.Medical Service医疗服务(1) You dont look

    15、 very well today. What seems to be wrong ?你看上去有些不舒服, 还好吧 ?(2) I feel dizzy and have a sore throat besides , I can not sleep well recently?我感到头晕,喉咙痛。 还有,最近都睡不好。(3) Dont worry , I will arrange a doctor to look after you .不要担心,我将立即安排医生照顾你。(4) Any other symptoms? Like stomach ache, coughing, or nausea?还

    16、有其他症状吗?比如胃痛、咳嗽或者恶心?(5) The doctor said you have got the flu. Shell prescribe some medicine for you .take two tablets at a time, three times a day. Youd better stay in bed for one or two days.医生说你感冒了。她会给你开药。这药每次吃两片,每天三次,并建议你最好在床上休息一两天。(6) -Are they strong?-Yes. They may make you a little drowsy. By t

    17、he way, you should be sure to take them after you eat.药性强吗?是的,会让你犯困。还有,你得在用餐完毕后才能吃药。(7) Can you give me some medicine for heartburn?你可以给点胃药给我吗?(8) Im afraid the doctor cant give you medicine for that unless you tell her about your history of stomach ache? 如果你不告诉医生你是否有胃病史,恐怕他不能随便给你胃药。(9) Well, I do h

    18、ave gastritis for two years.恩,我确实有两年的胃病。(10) Since your blood pressure is higher than normal, could you tell the doctor whether you have diabetes?你的血压偏高,请问你是否有糖尿病?(11)How is the acid in your stomach? Is the acid feeling very strong?胃酸的强度怎么样?你是否感觉十分强烈?(12) Are you taking other medicine at present? Pl

    19、ease let us know just in case of chemical reaction. .你最近有没有服用其它药物?为了防止药品之间产生不好的化学反应请告诉我们。(13) Are you feeling better now, Sir?先生,你好些了吗?(14)What happened to your leg, Sir?先生,你的腿怎么呢 ?-I tripped and fell in the bathroom.我不小心在浴室摔倒了。-Please dont worry, Ill ask the doctor to go to see you right away.请不要担心

    20、,我马上叫医生过去。_Part 4 Apologize道歉1. Im very sorry. There could have been a mistake, and I do apologize for that.很抱歉。出了错误,我应当道歉。2. I assure you it wont happen again.我保证此类事情不会在发生。3. I do apologize for inconvenience on behalf of our hotel.对您造成的不便,我谨代表酒店向您道歉。4. Im sorry to tell you that your medicine bottle

    21、 (cosmetic bottle) was broken by accident . I sincerely apologize for that.非常抱歉,服务员在为您清理房间时,不小心打碎了你的药瓶(化妆品瓶子)。5. Im sorry to hear that. Thats unusual. Ill look into the matter at once.很抱歉,这很不寻常,我立刻去调查一下。6. Im very sorry .I hope youre not hurt Please forgive me.对不起,你没事吧,请原谅我。7. I deeply apologize Mad

    22、am, would you care to send this dress for dry-cleaning? No charge of course.我们深感抱歉,小姐。请你把衣服拿去干洗,一切费用,由酒店负担。8.Im terribly sorry Please do accept our apology. Well do our best.请接受我们的道歉,我们会尽快想办法。9. Im sorry for that. I will ask the repairman to fix it now.真是抱歉,我马上安排人去修理。_Part 5 The Damage赔 偿1.Im afraid

    23、 youll have to pay for the damage.恐怕您得赔偿损失。2.Im afraid you have to pay for the broken chair according to the hotel policy.根据酒店规定,恐怕你要对弄坏的椅子做出赔偿。3.The indemnity for the burned carpet is 100 Yuan.损坏地毯的赔偿是人民币100元。4.Im sorry to inform you that we have to charge you 100 Yuan for the bloodstainson your be

    24、d linen.我很遗憾地告诉你对于床单上的血迹我们要收取100元特别洗涤费。_Part6 Expressing Appreciation道谢1. Thank you for your kind understanding.谢谢您的理解。2. I would like to thank you for your great support for our hotel.非常感谢您对我们酒店的大力支持。_Part 7 Say Goodbye道别1. Wish you a pleasant journey! 祝您旅途愉快!2. On the house Sir, .I assure you that

    25、 everything will be right next time you come.这是免费的。我保证你下次光临时,一切都会妥妥当当。3. Im looking forward to seeing you again. Good luck!我期盼再次见到你,祝你好运!4.Good Bye, and hope to see you again.再见,希望再见到您_预定部日常用语1What kind of room would you like to reserve?请问需要预订哪一类型的房间?2What kind of room do you have?请问贵酒店有什么房间类型?3We h

    26、ave standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There is also one presidential suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms.我们酒店有标准房,高级房,豪华房,行政房。除此之外还有总统套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房。4How about your hotels location?Where is your hotel?请问贵酒店位于哪里?5W

    27、ell, our hotel located in No.69 Fuxi Street, Taiyuan City. The Crown Prince hotel is only 45 minutes from Wusu International Airport and 15 minutes to Taiyuan Railway Station, by car. 我们酒店位于太原市府西街69号,本酒店离武宿国际机场45分钟车程,到太原火车站15分钟车程。 6Whats the level of your hotel?请问贵酒店是几星级的?7Our hotel is a five-star h

    28、otel.本酒店是五星级的酒店。8How about your hotels facilities?请问贵酒店有什么设施?9We have four kinds of restaurant, lobby bar, conference room, health center, swimming pool, shop prince and KTV equipment。.本酒店有四种类型餐馆,大堂吧,会议室,健身会所,游泳池,商场及KTV设施。10Which dates would you like to book? When will you check in and check out?请问您

    29、需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房?11How long will you stay in our hotel?请问您打算逗留多长时间?12Does your hotel have pick-up service?请问贵酒店有接车服务吗?13Yes, please contact the concierge for details .有的,详细内容请联系礼宾台。14Can I get har bour view in your hotel?我可以看到海景吗?15I am sorry, you cant. But you can have a nice view of a large pool surrounded by beautiful landscaping.很抱歉,不可以。但您可以看到周围美丽的泳池景。16What is your hotels website and email address?请问贵酒店的网址及邮址?17Our hotels website is xxx and our email address is xxx. To reserve a room or give feedback to us.我们酒店的网址是xxx而我们的邮址是xxx预订房间或有任何建议可与我


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