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    轻型汽车前独立悬架的设计分析 汽车毕业设计文献翻译.docx

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    轻型汽车前独立悬架的设计分析 汽车毕业设计文献翻译.docx

    1、轻型汽车前独立悬架的设计分析 汽车毕业设计文献翻译 摘要 本文主要研究轻型汽车前独立悬架的设计分析方法以及轮胎磨损与悬架运动、前轮定位参数的关系。首先对双横臂独立悬架的各主要组成部件如减振器的选型设计、横向稳定杆的设计校核、扭杆弹簧设计以及对双横臂式和麦弗逊式独立悬架的运动进行了分析,提出了相应的计算方法,编制了一套具有一定实用价值的前独立悬架设计分析软件。并且采用前轮定位仪,进行了实验验证。 论文对双横臂独立悬架参数提出以减小轮胎磨损为优化目标,进行了优化设计。提出了通过优选、调整悬架初始位置状态,以及优化确定转向横拉杆断开点位置的方法,来减小轮胎磨损。同时采用正交实验的方法分析了双横臂独立

    2、悬架各结构参数和安装参数对悬架性能和轮胎磨损的影响,确定出最大的影响因素及次要因素。 然后从轮胎模型入手分析前轮定位参数同轮胎磨损的关系。以轮胎磨损能量作为评价指标,选取刷子轮胎模型,对轮胎在稳态纵滑状态下、稳态纵滑侧偏状态下和边界条件下的轮胎磨损进行了分析研究,确定了量化模型。并以轮胎侧偏角为中间变量,建立了前轮定位参数同轮胎磨损之间关系的数学模型,进行了计算机仿真计算。从而可对悬架进行进一步的优化设计,以减小对轮胎磨损的影响,提高车辆的行驶性能和使用经济性。关键词:汽车;独立悬架;轮胎磨损;定位参数 悬架系统原理Kaoru Aoki, Shigetaka Kuroda, Shigemasa

    3、 Kajiwara, Hiromitsu Sato and Yoshio YamamotoHonda R&D Co.,Ltd. 悬架系统虽不是汽车运行不可或缺的部件,但有了它人们可以获得更佳的驾驶感受。简单的说,它是车身与路面之见的桥梁。悬架的行程涉及到悬浮于车轮之上的车架,传动系的相对位置。就像横跨于旧金山海湾之上的金门大桥,它连接了海湾两侧。去掉汽车上的悬架就像是你做一次冷水潜泳通过海湾一样,你可以平安的渡过整个秋天,但会疼痛会持续几周之久。想想滑板吧!它直接接触路面你可以感受到每一块砖,裂隙及其撞击。这简直就是一种令人全身都为之震颤的体验。当轮子滑过路面时,就会在此产生震动,冲击,这种震

    4、动的旅程时对你的身体和勇气的检验。如果你没感到随时都有被掀翻之势,那么你或许会乐在其中吧!这就是你会在没有悬架的汽车上将会体验到的。汽车的悬架分为两种基本类型:整体和独立悬架。 整体悬架(也叫刚性梁,刚性轴)是联接车辆上下两部分的一种主要形式。正如其名,它是用一根金属材料轴,来连接两侧车轮的。钢板弹簧在车架之下;在两半轴中间装有差速器,允许两侧的轮子以不同的角速度旋转。 整体式悬架的车辆在行进中,由于两侧的车轮共用一根周因此,当某一侧车轮跳动时另一侧也会随之运动。它们的反馈结果就像是一个整体。可以想像的到,这不可能有舒适的驾驶体验的。 虽然可以借助于弹簧来衰减猛烈的震动,但仍然存在较强的震动。

    5、那么,既然如此为什么还要用这种悬架呢?第一,它很坚固,由于采用了一体化的结构,固定轴式悬架系统具有着其他方式悬架不可替代的承载能力。它们经常应用于行驶于较差路况的车辆。你可以在卡车和重载车辆上见到它。 一种由固定轴式悬架变形系统叫做TIB悬架系统(或叫半固定轴式)。在这种结构中,有两根刚性轴而非一根。这种设计可兼得较大的刚性和较好的韧性,通常用于轻卡的前悬。 另外一种基本结构是叫做独立悬架的系统。想它的名字一样,它是由两个独立存在的“桥”分别连接两侧的车轮。到目前为止,这种结构可以提供最舒适的乘坐环境,多见于乘用车,小型货车和其他的小型车辆。这是目前较为流行的一种悬架系统。如果你喜欢较软的悬架

    6、,那么独立悬架无疑是最佳选择。除了轴,车轮,轮胎,今天的悬架系统使用的两个重要部件是弹簧和减震器,以增强车辆的安全和舒适性。弹簧: 在一辆车上弹簧是悬架系统的主要部件。有集中不同的弹簧,比如扭杆弹簧,但几乎所有的车辆都采用螺旋弹簧来构成四轮独立悬架系统。许多卡车也用螺旋弹簧,而重载卡车则使用 弹簧安装于其后悬。 弹簧可以减缓和储存来自路面的振动,冲击等能量。它通过压缩和伸展来衰减振动。当一辆车子的某一个轮子遇到一个凸起而向上跳动时,弹簧就会衰减额外的能量。以此来保证能量传递的连贯性,在此过程中确保车轮始终与路面保持接触。 弹簧压缩或伸展量的大小是由“弹簧刚度”决定的。弹簧刚度以每英寸的变形量是

    7、由多少载荷所引起来表示的。比如,1 inch/pound,所以200磅的负荷可以产生2 inch的变形量。弹簧变形量是由很多的因素决定的。对于螺旋弹簧而言,包括有效圈数,弹簧中径,弹簧钢丝直径。有效圈数越少,刚度越小。弹簧的设计影响到车辆的舒适性与操纵稳定性。由于弹簧衰减了大部分的能量,因而可以提供较好的驾驶环境。毕竟它可以衰减由于路面产生的能量。但总会有工程交换的。这种弹簧会使车辆的重心较高,从而在轮子跳动时导致不稳定工况。这种工况的产生是由于弹簧的压缩和伸展的量不同而引起的。车身的“翻滚”大都发生在悬架之上。这种“翻滚”叫做载荷转移,是由于某一车轮跳动是汽车的重心偏移的离心力所引起的。载荷

    8、转移可能导致某一车轮承受较大的附加载荷,这将会产生有害的拖拽力,不利于操纵稳定性。减振器: 悬架的另外一个重要部件是减震器。减震器在悬架系统中扮演着衰减振动最后防线的角色,而这本是弹簧的职责。减振器可以衰减由于路面致使弹簧上下跳动而产生的振动的影响。人们不喜欢限程减振器;他们更喜欢阻尼器。如果不加处理就是被你,我叫做振动衰减器东西。减振器工作中有两个行程压缩和伸张。压缩行程发生在活塞向下运动,在活塞套筒密闭的内室向下挤压液压油。伸张行程发生在活塞向上方的套筒顶部运动时,此时被压缩的液体将向上充满套筒。 如果没有减振器,弹簧衰减的能量将会以不可控制的速率释放。弹簧的惯性将导致它猛烈的弹回和扩张。

    9、这时弹簧还可以再次被压缩,但是又会被压缩过量。此后,弹簧仍旧会以其自然频率被弹回直至它的能量被摩擦力损耗完。这种作用十分不利于车辆稳定性。 迷惑了吧? 下面是个模型(来阐释这个概念)。如果你有一个绷带 并且近日又没用它,你可以用它做个试验。用手拿着它在空中使他压缩。现在,拿着一端放开另一端,绷带就会衰减由于地心引力而产生的潜在能量。(就像车上的弹簧衰减路面的振动那样),它会上上下下的持续很长时间。如果一辆车没有减振器的协作它就会像这样。你可能听过“支撑杆”这个单词,或者更平常点的麦弗逊支撑杆。这个杆通常是作为减震器的主要结构部件。对于支撑杆,减振器是安装在螺旋弹簧内圈的。如此也可减少空间,成本

    10、也不高。许多车都用麦弗逊式的结构。振动和支撑杆可以帮助控制悬架在允许的范围内快速运动。这对于保持轮胎与地面接触是很重要的。大多数的减振器在设计时更多的考虑增加弹簧伸展循环的阻力。这是因为扩张行程决定着汽车弹簧的重量(通常为悬架重量的50100%)。另一方面,压缩行程决定着车辆的非悬架质量(车轮,轮胎,刹车,一半的悬架质量)。很明显,簧上质量要远大于簧下质量。所有现代汽车的减振动器都是快速反映类型的悬架系统运动的越快,则减振器产生的阻尼力越大。这样就使车辆适应不同的道路状况,且可使在运动行的车辆里不希望发生的运动得以控制。包括,振动,左右摇摆,制动前倾,和加速后倾。横向稳定杆 横向稳定杆(也叫作


    12、切都随着BOSE公司的悬架品牌的引入而发生改变-就是那个在声学因发明创造引以为名的公司。一些专家已经在说BOSE的悬架是自汽车技术引入全独立悬架以来在汽车悬架的最重大的进步。 它是怎么工作的呢?BOSE的系统是在每一个车轮上装一个线控电磁马达(LEM)以控制一组减振器和弹性元件的状态。功率放大器提供电力对马达在这种情况下他们的力量再生以系统的各压缩。 马达的主要好处是, 他们因具有惯性,不限制于固有的在常规基于流体的阻尼特性。所以,一个LEM可以在任何的速度伸张和压缩,自然它可衰减乘员舱体的所有振动。轮子的运动可以被很好的控制,因而,在轮子的任何运动状态车体都可以保持可以接受的状态。LEM同样

    13、可以在汽车加、减速,转弯时产生的倾角较小,让驾驶员以更好的状态驾驶汽车。不幸的是,当它通常都是出现在高端,甚至是超豪华的车上时,2009年之前是不可能有这种具有理想变换特性的悬架系统在普通车上见到的。在那以前,驾驶员所能体验到的仍旧是几个世纪以来的对付不平路面的方法。如果更深入的学习你会接触到更加专业的知识,看看特殊的弹簧和悬架的安装了解一下它们的优,缺点。 多注意路上跑(的车子),并且留心那些悬架的结构,那样你会学到不少的东西。其实,在我们生活中有许多值得学习的,我们应该做的就是注意观察。AbstractThe method of independem suspension design i

    14、s studied in detail andthe relation among suspension movement,front wheel alignment parametersand tyre wear is analysed in this paperFirstly,the big indpendent designmethods of main components of double-linksindependent suspension,including shock absorberchoosing,antiroU barscalculation,torque bar s

    15、prings design,are presented and movement ofdoublelinks indpendent suspension is analysedSo a soRware which isused to design optimal and analyse independent suspension is programmedMeanwhile,me experiment to Verifythe result is made with the equipment ofthe front wheel alignmentThen an optimal design

    16、 t0 mjnimize tyre、vear is perfonlled,whichbrings forward me way to reduce tyre wear throu optimal choosing andmodulating origina ldenpention cture of double-1ink independent suspension andoptimizjng the cut point of track rodillFuturemore,the memod oformogonal experiment is used to analyse t11e effe

    17、ct that tlle-stn cture a11d fixparameters of double-1ink indendent suspension have on me suspension performance and tyre wear.And the most impotent factor and the second important factor are confiemed.KEY WoRDS: automobile,independent suspension,tyre wear, alignment paraeterSuspension Basics Kaoru A

    18、oki, Shigetaka Kuroda, Shigemasa Kajiwara, Hiromitsu Sato and Yoshio YamamotoHonda R&D Co.,Ltd. The suspension system, while not absolutely essential to the operation of a motor vehicle, makes a big difference in the amount of pleasure experienced while driving. Essentially, it acts as a bridge betw

    19、een the occupants of the vehicle and the road they ride on. The term suspension refers to the ability of this bridge to suspend a vehicles frame, body and powertrain above the wheels. Like the Golden Gate Bridge hovering over San Francisco Bay, it separates the two and keeps them apart. To remove th

    20、is suspension would be like taking a cool dive from the Golden Gate: you might survive the fall, but the impact would leave you sore for weeks. Think of a skateboard. It has direct contact with the road. You feel every brick, crack, crevice and bump. Its almost a visceral experience. As the wheels g

    21、rowl across the pavement, picking up a bump here, a crack there, the vibration travels up your legs and settles in your gut. You could almost admit you were having fun, if you didnt feel like you were gonna toss your tacos at any second.This is what your car would feel like without a suspension syst

    22、em.Before we get into the individual components that make up a vehicles ride support, lets take a look at a basic principle of design: solid axle vs. independent suspension. Solid axle suspension (also known as rigid beam, or rigid axle) is the most elementary form of connecting the upper and lower

    23、halves of a vehicle. As the name implies, it utilizes a single piece of metal - a common axle for both wheels - sprung beneath the cars undercarriage. Pivots located between the axle and the wheel spindles allow the wheels to swivel on each end. In solid axle suspension, because both wheels share th

    24、e same axle, the up or down movement of one wheel causes a like movement in the other wheel. They respond as one unit. As you can imagine, this doesnt make for the most comfortable ride. Even though solid axle designs utilize springs to soften their inherently harsh ride characteristics (more on dif

    25、ferent spring setups below), they still bump along like a brick outhouse. So why use them at all? Well, strength, for one. Because of the unitized construction, solid axle suspension systems offer incredible load bearing capacity. They also handle uneven roads superbly. Youll find them in trucks and

    26、 offroad vehicles1. A modified form of the solid axle design is called Twin-I-beam suspension, or semi-rigid axle. In this setup, two rigid axles - one for each wheel - take the place of a single axle. This design offers many of the strengths of the solid axle design, with a slightly softer ride. Yo

    27、ull find it used primarily in the front end of light trucks. The other main design is called independent suspension. As the name suggests, independent suspension assemblies offer a separate bridge for each wheel. They deliver the best ride characteristics by far, and are found most frequently in pas

    28、senger cars, minivans, and other street vehicles. This is the most popular kind of suspension system in use today. If you like the smoothness of your cars ride, we can almost guarantee it has independent suspension. In addition to axles, wheels and tires, todays suspension systems utilize two other

    29、components that are critical to safe and comfortable driving: springs and shock absorbers. Springs A cars springs are the central part of the suspension. There are different designs of springs, such as torsion bars and leaf springs, but nearly all of todays passenger cars use coil springs at all fou

    30、r corners. A lot of trucks use coil springs too, with leaf springs for heavier load capacity typically found on a trucks rear suspension system. Springs absorb and store road shock caused by bumps, dips, cracks, and so forth (remember the skateboard analogy). They absorb this shock by either compres

    31、sing or extending. When a cars wheel goes over a bump and gets pushed upward, the spring absorbs that additional load, keeps the road shock from reaching the chassis, and makes sure the tire maintains contact with the pavement3. ng compresses or extends is determined by its spring rate. Spring rate

    32、is measured in pounds per inch of deflection; for example, 100 pounds per inch. So, say a load of 200 pounds is applied, the spring will deflect 2 inches. Spring rate comes from various factors. For a coil spring, this includes the number of active coils, the diameter of the coils, and the diameter of the spring wire. The fewer coils a spring has, the higher the spring rate it will have. The design of a spring affects how well the vehicle will ride and handle. A spring that absorbs lots of ene


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