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    1、Selected Readings in American Literature Unit 21,Ralph Ellison,1914 1994,1.Was the protagonist considered an example of desired conduct?Yes,he was.,2)What was the protagonists speech on his graduation day about?It was about humility as the essence of progress.,3)What was the occasion for the protago

    2、nists second presentation of his graduation speech?It was the occasion of a smoker(a party for men only(or one considered suitable for men only).,4)What did the Negro boys do to entertain the white people at the smoker?They fought the battle royal(a noisy riotous fight)混战;激战;激烈的争论.,5)Were the Negro

    3、boys forced to watch a naked girl dancing?Yes,they were.,6)Was the naked girl white or black?White.,7)What were the Negro boys made to do after the battle royal?They were made to scramble for money on an electrified rug.,8)What was the prize the protagonist got for his speech?A calfskin brief case a

    4、nd a scholarship to the state college for Negroes.,9)What was the protagonists dream one night after his prize-winning speech?He dreamed he was with his grandfather and opening an envelop in his brief case.,10)What was the message contained in the engraved document?To Whom It May Concern,Keep This N

    5、egro-Boy Running.,1)Why do you think the protagonist is invited to make his graduation speech before the towns big shots?2)When making the speech,the protagonist inadvertently utters social equality where social responsibility is intended,thus causing an explosive silence and displeasure.Do you thin

    6、k this is merely a slip of tongue?Why?(Why not?)3)How do you understand the message Keep This Nigger-Boy Running?,1)Richard Wright was Ellisons _.A)friend and mentorB)college palC)relative a,2)The invisible mans grandfather _.A)was once a spy in the enemys countryB)once put his head in a lions mouth

    7、C)acted meek温顺的;谦恭的;驯服的 all his life c,3)When the storys protagonist was praised for his conduct in the pre-invisible days,he felt _.A)annoyedB)happyC)guilty c,4)The black boys came to the smoker to _.A)have funB)earn moneyC)be entertained by a girls dance b,5)When the protagonist was fighting the b

    8、attle royal,he wanted to _.A)win the fight and get the prize for itB)get it over with as soon as possible so that he could give his speechC)show his courage to the leading citizens present then b,6)The black boys were made to pick up coins,bills and gold pieces on an electrified rug,and the protagon

    9、ist _.A)snatched some gold pieces for himselfB)found the gold pieces he had grabbed were brass tokensC)couldnt get anything in the fierce scramble b,7)The protagonists speech is about _.A)social equality among racesB)social responsibility of the white peopleC)the wisdom in making friends with white

    10、men c,8)When the protagonist uttered social equality mistakenly,the audience _.A)was amusedB)laughedC)displeased c,9)The protagonist was overjoyed on receiving the prize for his speech because _.A)the calfskin brief case was very valuableB)he was praised for knowing more big words than a pocket-sized dictionaryC)he would be able to attend college c,10)After the prize-winning event,the protagonists grandfathers deathbed curse _.A)continued to haunt himB)never returned to bother him againC)immediately made sense to him a,the end Thank you,


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