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    1、a:12:i:0;s:9578:一般过去时的构成#动词过去式的构成:#规则动词过去式的构成有四条规则:#一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。#如:#look-looked。#以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加-ed。#如:#live-lived。#动词末尾三个字母构成是 “辅音+元音+辅音”,先双写最后一个辅音字母,再加-ed。#如:#stop-stopped。#末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed。#如:#study-studied。#(2) 不规则动词过去式需特殊记忆:#如:#am/is-was,#are-were,#go-went,#come-came,#take-t

    2、ook,#have#(has)-had等。#一般过去时的几种句型:#肯定句:#主语+动词的过去式+其它。#如:#He#went#to#the#park#yesterday.#他昨天去公园了。#否定句:#主语+did#not#(didn#t)+动词原形+其它。#如:#He#didn#t#go#to#the#toy#store#yesterday.#他昨天没去玩具店。#一般疑问句:#Did+主语动词原形其它?#如:#-Did#you#go#to#Beijing#last#week?#-Yes,#we#did.#(No,#we#didn#t.)# -Did#you#meet#her#before?#

    3、-.Yes,#I#did. (No,#I#didn#t)#特殊疑问句:#疑问词did+主语动词原形其它?#如:#-What#did#you#do#last#night?#-I#did#my#homework last night.# #-Where#did#you#go#last#week?#-I#went#to#Shanghai#last week.#I. 用所给的动词的适当形式填空。#1.He#_(visit)#the#Great#Wall#last#year.#2.We_(have)#a#good#time#yesterday.#3.We#often#_(go)#to#school#by



    6、unday?#Yes,#he#_.#II.选择填空#(#)#1.#She#watered#the#flowers#_.#A#tomorrow#B#sometimes#C#yesterday#morning#(#)#2.What#_#Mike#do#last#weekend#?# A#do#B#does#C#did#(#)#3.#I#_#my#room#last#Sunday.# A#cleaned#B#clean#C#am#cleaning#(#)#4.#I#often#help#my#mother#_#housework.# A#does#B#did#C#do#(#)#5.#_#you#_#

    7、TV#last#night#.#A#Do,#watch#B#Did,#watch#C#Did,#watched#(#)#6.-Did#your#father#write#an#e-mail#yesterday#?# A#Yes,#he#did.#B#Yes,#he#does#C#No,#he#dont#(#)#7.They#_#on#a#trip#in#February#,2007.# A#are#going#B#going#C#went#(#)#8.Were#going#to#_#mountains#tomorrow#.# A#climb#B#climbed#C#climbing#(#)#9

    8、.#_#he#_#football#two#days#ago?#A#Does#,#play#B#Did#,#played#C#Did#,#play#(#)#10.-Good#afternoon,#Miss#Lee.#How#does#Mike#feel?# -Hes#tired#.#He#_#a#lot#of#work#_#.#A#does#,#this#morning#B#do#,#this#morning#C#did#,#this#morning#III连词成句。#1. #did,#what,#you,#yesterday,#do.#_#2. #watch,#John,#did,#TV,#

    9、weekend,#last.#_#3. #went,#I#,to,#by,#park,#a,#bike#_#4.#jumped,#the,#into,#lake,#he,#and,#the,#to,#swam,#kite.#_#;i:1;s:3084:#邹坞镇洪村小学#2018秋季开学第一周安全教育活动总结#小学生是祖国的未来和希望,他们能否安全、健康的成长关系到广大群众的切身利益,关系到民族的兴旺和国家的前途。#从小树立安全意识,是全社会的任务,更是学校教育的一项重要内容之一。#为了全面提高学生的安全意识,增强学生的自我保护意识,我们学校在安全周内开展了一系列的安全教育活动,取得了一定的成效

    10、。#积极制定安全教育周活动方案。#做到精密安排、形势多样、教育性强的目标。#创建了一个安全的教育教学环境,强化了学生的安全意识。#在学校形成了“安全第一,人人有责”的良好氛围。# 一、取得效果# 1、学生安全知识面更广了,安全意识更强了,对注意安全的理解更深了。# 2、学生法制观念增强了,学生能够做到知法守法,学生的自我保护意识和能力也提高了。# 3、学生对文明礼仪、讲究卫生的意识更高了,个人自理能力更强了。# 4、教学秩序更好了,学生学习行为文明了,活动更加安全了。# 5、管理机制更加完善了,教育责任到人,落实到位了。# 6、创建了安全的教学环境,形成了“树文明新风、讲安全规范”的良好氛围。

    11、# 二、活动开展# 1、9月3日安全主任周一升旗集会时对学生进行安全教育,涉及交通安全、校内外活动安全、以及防溺水、防食物中毒、防疾病流行病等安全知识教育,学生对安全知识有了更广泛的了解。# 2、9月4日班主任老师召开了开学初安全教育主题班会。#老师准备比较充分,学生积极配合,课堂气氛普遍比较活跃。#开学初的安全教育,为新学期开了一个好头,为学生学习创造了安全和谐、稳定的校园环境。# 3、9月5日各班观看了安全教育视频。#学生更直观、形象地学到了各种安全常识和自救自护的办法,安全意识增强了,为就会突发事件做了充分的准备。# 4、利用学校电子屏进行安全教育#5、我校安全领导小组人员对学校的校舍、

    12、消防、用电、活动场所等安全方面进行彻底的检查,没有发现安全隐患。#6、学校贯彻上级文件精神,成立领导小组,制定各种安全事故发生应急处置方案,并在会议上组织学习,人人明确自己的职责。# 总之,通过“安全教育周”这一契机,大力加强对学生的安全教育,努力建立起一个安全的学习环境。#在今后的工作中,我校将继往开来,与时俱进,进一步做好学校的各项安全工作。#洪村小学#2018.9.7#;i:2;s:7204:小学六年级英语下册教学工作总结 # 东曲中心校国岱小学 索瑞敏# 一个学期过去了,回顾一学期来的教学工作,心得体会和启发都很多。#首先将我的教学任务完成情况总结如下:# # 一、认真制定教学计划,注

    13、重研究教学理论,认真备课和教学积极参加科组活动和备课组活动,上好辅导课,并能经常听各老师的课从中吸取教学经验、取长补短、提高自己的教学的业务水平。# # 二、每节课都以最佳的精神状态站在讲台,以轻松、认真的形象去面对学生。#按照小学英语教学大纲进行施教让学生掌握好学科知识。#还注意以德为本结合现实生活中的现象层层善诱多方面、多角度去培养学生良好的品德和高尚的人格。# # 三、教育是爱心事业、从学生身心健康出发,根据学生的个性特点去点拔引导。#对于个别后进生利用课间多次倾谈,鼓励其确立正确的学习态度、积极面对人生、而对优秀学生、教育其戒骄戒躁努力向上、再接再厉、再创佳绩。# # 四、在课前做到认

    14、真备课、制作课件、多方面去搜集相关资料。#为提高每节课的教学质量本人除注重研究教材把握好基础、重点难点外,还采用多媒体教学如投影、PPT、动画、录音等多样形式。#通过培养学生学习英语的兴趣调动学生学习的积极性、主动性提高课堂的教学质量按时完成教学任务。# # 五、制定好复习计划、并能认真备好复习课并付诸于教学过程中,同时能够认真布置和批改课后作业,争取不让作业成为学生的一种负担。# # 六、教学中给孩子们相同的机会,提高孩子们的积极性。#用多媒体光盘授课引起学生的兴趣,并且增强了课堂生动、活泼性。#把所学知识通过趣味性活动表现出来。#这样一方面能够让孩子们增加对英语的兴趣。#另一方面使所学知识

    15、在实际中得到应用。#通过轮流课代表制鼓励每个学生都勇于承担责任并相应地对英语学习有监督作用。#将知识与实际生活联系起来。#鼓励孩子推己及人、举一反三的维方式。#一定要让孩子打好基础才会有利于后面的学习提高。#在老师眼里不应该有“坏孩子”只要他们相对自己在进步,就要表扬。# # 其次我的心得体会和启发 # 有人曾说:#“如果孩子天生就是优生,那教育还有什么功能?#”对于后进生我更应变嫌弃为喜爱,变忽视为重视,变冷漠为关注,变薄待为厚待。#我注意帮助他们找到优、缺点,以发扬优点,克服缺点。#其次是以平常的心态对待每一个孩子。#后进生也是孩子,厌恶、责骂只能适得其反,他们应享有同其它学生同样的平等和

    16、民主,也应享受到优秀学生在老师那儿得到的爱。#厚爱后进生我真正做到以情动人首先做到#真诚#二字即我在学生面前不敢有丝毫虚伪与欺哄,做到言出必行,其次做到#接受#即能感受差生在学习过程中的各种心理表现和看法如对学习的畏惧、犹豫、满足、冷漠、错误的想法和指责等。#信任学生、鼓励他们自由讨论,最后做到#理解#二字,即通过学生的眼睛看事物。#由于我能善意理解他们,高兴地接受他们,因此促进了后进生不同程度的进步和提高。# # 我认为要教好英语,关键是要制订小学英语的教学计划和工作进度,做好英语教学计划内容和丰富多彩的英语节日活动。#同时适当做好家长与学校的联系工作,有助于帮助家长督促孩子们学习英语和家长

    17、们对小学英语的认识。#教好英语的关键是家校联合,让英语与数学、语文取得相等的科目地位。# # 以上是我一点微薄的看法与感受,希望各位领导和同事能够多多指导,多提宝贵意见,以提高我的专业水平,最终提高孩子们的英语水平。# # #小学四年级下册科学教学工作总结# 东曲中心校国岱小学 李文和#回顾本学期里所做的工作,能够感觉到自己又在很多方面有了提高,可能我在很多方面还有很多不足,但我知道,只有给我时间,我一定会成为一名优秀的科学课教师.#社会、家庭把一个个天真活泼,充满朝气的孩子送到学校,交给我们老师,这是对我们当教师的多大信任啊,那么我们就应该懂得如何去爱我们的教育事业,乃至于爱我们眼前的每一位

    18、学生。#我想,只有认真做好自己所任学科的教学工作,有了对班级、对学生的爱,才能凭着认真负责的工作态度,深入、细致地开展工作,用恰当、灵活的工作方法教育好、培养好学生,尤其是后进生。# 在这一个学期的科学教学工作中,我虚心向他人学习,努力积累教育教学经验。#经常阅读教育教学杂志报刊,学习新课标,积极参加校本培训,认真备课,教法力求灵活有实效,让学生自主性地参与学习,培养他们创新意识、探究精神。#在上好课的同时,细致地批阅作业,并帮助学生及时订正。#课外对学习有困难的学生进行辅导。#一、教学#教学工作,我立足课堂。#为了更好地在课堂阵地上发挥最大的功效,我努力学习。#尽管工作很忙,我还是挤出时间去


    20、人学习,同时到网上搜集一些有用的资料在教学中应用,收到了一定的效果.#三、科研#勤于学习和积累,勤于调查和研究,勤于思考,并能积极投入到教改中。#在学校开展的教改实验中,主动撰写实验方案。#总之,我忠诚于党的教育事业,能全面贯彻教育方针。#爱岗敬业,工作专心致志。#工作求真、求实、求新。#;i:3;s:27573:西安市灞桥区东城第一小学信息技术六年级下教案#教 学 计 划 #1、学生情况分析:#A、学生整体对信息课表现出很大的兴趣,学习热情高。#B、六年级的学生理论知识理解较强,动手能力不强,学生比较浮躁。#2、改进或提高措施:# 本学期将继续采用“任务驱动,激趣导航”主导教学的方式,通过“

    21、任务”的提出、讲解和上机操作,培养学生良好的信息素养,把信息技术作为支持终身学习和合作学习的手段,为适应信息社会的学习、工作和生活打下良好的基础,真正适应新课标的要求,把课堂的主动权就交给学生支配,老师指点,把课堂教学变得有序轻松。#充分利用网络环境下的多媒体技术,使教学和练习有机的结合,从而了解培养和开发学生自主思考和实践操作能力,完成本学期的教学目标。#3、教材分析# 本册共13课。#内容可分为两个部分,(1)控制与传感。#(2)综合应用。#第一单元:#(控制与传感):#第1课第11课#第二单元:#(综合应用)第12课第13课#4、总体教学目标:#德育目标:#A、热爱科学,自主钻研学习。#

    22、B、互相帮助,勇于探索。#C、学以致用,为现在的学习和今后的学习、工作打基础。#知识目标:#A、熟练掌握机器人的程序设置,参数设定。#B、进行机器人实践操作。#C、学会编写程序,设计各种流程图 。#D、发挥自己的想象力,提高动手能力。#能力目标:#A、培养学生的创新精神和实践能力。#B、培养学生发现问题和解决问题的能力。#C、培养学生的信息意思以及获取、分析、处理、传递、运用信息的技能。#D、培养学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。#E、让学生认识到机器人的作用。#课时计划#第一单元#第1课#2.21-3.2.25#理论上机(1课时)#第2课#2.28-3.4#理论上机(1课时)#第3课#3. 7-

    23、3.11#理论上机(1课时)#第4课#3.14-3.18#理论上机(1课时)#第5课#3.21-3.25#理论上机(1课时)#第6课#3.28-4.1#理论上机(1课时)#第7课#4.4 -4.8#理论上机(1课时)#第8课#4.11-4.15#理论上机(1课时)#第9课#4.18-4.22#理论上机(1课时)#第10课#4.25-4.29#理论上机(1课时)#第11课#5.9-5.13#理论上机(1课时)#第二单元#第12课#5.16-5.27#理论上机(2课时)#第13课#5.30-6.10#理论上机(2课时)#第1课 走花样的机器人#教学内容:# 机器人走五边形、六边形等图形的参数设置。

    24、#教学目标:#1、 学生理解程序的循环结构和顺序结构。#2、 学会设置机器人走各种正边图形的参数#教学重点:#1、训练程序的编程。#2、学会设置各种正边图形的参数。#教学难点:# 机器人转过角度与速度和角度有关,学生如何进行调整。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。#教学过程:#一、 导入:#教师:#前面我们的小机器人已经能走正方形了, 还记得是怎么实现的吗?#打开保存的程序, 回顾一下. #学生:#进行发言。#学生回忆走正方形的流程:# 开始直行转向直行转向直行转向直行转向结束#在编程语言中,我们把这种步骤一步一步地实现流程的结构叫做顺序结构。#但这种过程很繁琐。#可以使用循环结构,其中多次

    25、循环模块中的循环次数为4次。#开始#转向#结束#多次循环#直行#2、在程序编制中,把多个相同的步骤用一个代表循环的模块表示,我们把这样的结构叫做循环结构。#循环结构,可以帮助我们简化程序, 让程序看起来更简洁.#二、 能走五边形的机器人#1、教师演示将程序设置机器人完成五边形的参数。#我们对“直行”和“转向” 两个模块设定了“值”:#直行:#速度5,时间3#转向:#速度8,角度90# #教师讲解:#机器人行走的快慢、远近,与电机转速的大小和运动时间的长短有关系。#学生:#调整直行模块中速度和时间的值,在仿真环境中运行并观察变化。#试一试#1、改变直行模块的“值”, 模拟运行,观察并记录结果。#

    26、(1)、速度不变,改变时间;#(2)、时间不变,改变速度。#教师引导学生回答:#(1)、原来可以通过“速度” 和“时间”的值,来影响我行走的速度和远近!#(2)、机器人转过的角度,与它转动的速度和转弯的角度有关。#调整转向模块中的速度和角度值,在仿真环境中运行并观察变化。#2、改变转向模块的“值”,模拟运行,观察并记录结果。#(1)速度不变,改变角度;#(2)角度不变,改变速度。#学生思考:#速度会影响机器人转过的角度吗?#教师引导学生回答:#原来我的转动受到了转向模块中“速度”和“角度”值的影响!#三、 机器人走正六边形#教师:#我们知道了程序中模块的“值”可以影响机器人行走的快慢和转动的角

    27、度,那我们来试试让机器人走正六边形。#学生思考:#机器人走完每一条边后,转过的角度是多大?#想一想,机器人转过的角度是角1还是角2?#教师引导学生:#我们可以用这样的一个公式来计算角度:#机器人转向角度=360#正多边形边数#学生实践:#分组完成设置走六边形的参数并进行交流经验。#教师:#你还能让机器人走出什么样的形状?#学生:#正三角形、正八变形等#小知识:#程序中的角度、速度等对机器人的运行状况有重要影响,我们管它们叫做“参数”,而参数的具体取值,称为“参数值”。#四、 学生上机实践:# 完成本课的参数设置,仿真运行。# 五、课后小结:#第2课 转圈的机器人#教学内容:# 机器人画圆和苹果

    28、图形的参数设置。#教学目标:#1、 学生利用高速电机模块、延时模块、电机停止模块设置参数。#2、 学会设置机器人走圆形或其他带弧线图形的参数#教学重点:#1、理解模块的含义。#2、学会设置画圆形的参数。#教学难点:# 机器人转过角度与速度和角度有关,学生如何进行调整。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。#教学过程:# 一、导入:# 教师:# #小机器人能转弯了!#这回, 我们让它画圆圈好不好?# 学生:#跃跃欲试,积极发言。# 二、能画圆的机器人# 1、教师讲解新知:#学生机器人左、右两侧的轮子,由两个电机分别带动,“转速”是电机的一个参数,它影响轮子转动的快慢:#电机的转速越大,轮子的转动越

    29、快。#在仿真环境中,我们利用“高速电机”模块来设置电机的参数。#在画弧线或圆圈的程序中,要配合使用“秒级延时”和“电机停止”两个模块。#2、学生观察:#高速电机对话框中,可以分别设置“左电机转速” 和“右电机转速”来控制机器人的左右两个轮子。#秒级延时模块中延时参数用于设置机器人保持前一个状态的时间。#3、学生实践:#(1) 如下改变高速电机模块中左右电机转速参数和秒级延时模块中的延时参数值,在模拟环境中观察效果并记录:# 左右电机转速相同;#左右电机转速不同;#秒级延时时间长短#(2)调整参数值,让机器人在仿真环境中画一个圆。#想一想参数值和画出来的圆有什么关系。#三、 画苹果#教师:#小机

    30、器人能借助转弯来画弧线了,让它画个苹果怎么样?#教师讲解:#机器人画苹果,依次要完成两个相等的弧的一段小弧。#1、 画右半圆弧#用“高速电机”、“秒级延时”和“电机停止”模块画弧。#“高速电机”模块中的左右电机转速分别设置为“20”和“9”:#“延时等待” 模块中时间设置为“3”。#2、画左半圆弧# 在右半圆弧和左半圆相接的地方用转向模块来形成角度,模块中参数设置如:#速度- 8;#角度90# 添加“高速电机”、“秒级延时”、“电机停止”模块,参数设置与步骤1相同。# 学生实践:#1、 画一段小弧#添加“高速电机”、“0.1秒延时”、“电机停止”模块。#“高速电机”模块中的左右电机转速 分别设

    31、置为“20”、“15”。#2、 仿真环境中运行#小机器人画出的苹果可能是歪着的,怎么让它“立”起来?#我们可以通过设置机器人起始转角,使机器人画一个端正的苹果!#在角度对话框中输入角度值,这就是机器人起始运行的角度。#特别提醒:#程序运行成功后,记得保存辛苦编写的程序!#四、 学生上机实践:# 完成本课的参数设置,仿真运行。# 五、课后小结:#第3课 机器人走走看看#教学内容:# 将计算机上编辑好的程序下载到机器人主板上。#教学目标:#1、 学生利用下载程序将程序下载到机器人主板上。#2、 学生理解软硬件之间的连接。#教学重点:#1、下载程序的使用。#2、机器人硬件与计算机如何连接。#教学难点

    32、:# 如何使用下载程序。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。#教学过程:# 一、导入:# 教师:#要将在计算机上编辑好的程序“告诉”机器人,让机器人知道怎么做,可以通过“下载程序”来实现。# 教师讲解:#“串口连接线”(简称“串口线”)用来连接计算机和机器人。#它可以将程序传递到机器人的“大脑”里。# 受程序控制的机器人的“大脑”就是“主控板”,也称为“主控系统。#主控板实际上一个承担特殊任务的电路板,下载的程序被存储在它上面,当机器人运行时,命令就由它发出,指挥机器人行动。#学生加以理解。#二、下载程序 #教师进行示范:#1、打开程序 # 运行学生机器人编程软件,打开以前保存的程序“走正方形

    33、”。# 2、下载程序#(1)把串口线的一端连在计算机的串口上,另一端插入学生机器人的“下载口”。#(2)打开机器人的开关,接通电源。# 主控板上的小红灯亮起来。#这时,如果主控板上已经有以前下载的程序,机器人就会运行起来。#所以要注意拿稳机器人。#(3)、单击“编译下载”按钮,开始下载“走正方形 ”程序。# 下载完毕后,将弹出对话框,提示下载成功。#关上开关。#小提示 :#如果下载不成功,对话框中会提示“下载失败”。#通常情况下,我们需要:#1、 检查串口线与电脑和下载口是否连接正常:#2、 是否接有其他电路板,若有,将其拔掉;# #3、 确认下载时开关处于打开状态。# 学生进行实践模仿。#三

    34、、运行机器人# 教师进行演示:# 程序正确下载后,将机器人带到场地中,打开开关使其运行,观察并记录它的运行情况。#学生实践活动:# 下载并运行“走正六边形”、“画圆圈”、“画苹果”三个程序中的一个或多个,观察它们和模拟环境中的运行效果是否相同,你能自己找出来原因吗?#四、教学小结:#第4课 声音传感器#教学内容:# 声音传感器的应用#教学目标:#1、 学生了解声音传感器的原理和构成。#2、 学会控制流程的组成部分。#教学重点:#1、机器人的声音传感器硬件。#2、手动控制与自动控制。#教学难点:# 学会控制流程的组成部分。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。#教学过程:# 一、导入:# 教师:#

    35、你一定听过阿里巴巴和四是大道的故事吧,你只要高喊“芝麻开门”,宝库的大门就会打开。#现在有了机器人技术,这样的神奇的现象到处可见。#学生:#自学课本。#二、声音的魔力# 教师讲解:#报警器、音乐喷泉、声控灯之所以能听到声音,是因为它们都有只神奇的“耳朵” 声音传感器。#三、 仿真“耳朵”声音传感器#教师:#下面我们要学习一种新型“耳朵”声音传感器,并和我们自已的耳朵做个比较吧。#1、 声音传感器的“模样”#右图是学生机器人上的声音传感器,看清楚它的模样了吗?#它的外形虽然与小朋友自己的耳朵相差很大,可是它的功能却不比我们的耳朵逊色多少!#2、 声音传感器的功能#声音传感器就像人的耳朵,它的主要

    36、功能就是感知声音,并把声音转换成电信号。#声音转换为电信号后,声音传感器还要负责把它送到“总司令部”控制部分。#四、 揭开“控制”的奥秘#教师讲解:#1、 什么是控制 #控制就是想办法让其他的东西听我们的话,比如我们按开关将灯打开时,我们就是在对灯进行控制;#小朋友在开玩具车时,就是在玩具车进行控制。#2、 手动控制和自动控制#(1) 手动控制#当你在拧水龙头放水时,你就是在对水龙头进行手动控制。#生活中常见的手动控制还有用手打开电风扇、骑自行车、开汽车等。#(2) 自动控制# 生活中常见的自动感应门和自动感应水龙头等可以根椐外界条件的变化自动作出反应,它们就是采用了自动控制。#学生实践:#3

    37、、 控制的流程#下面我们就以路灯为例,学习控制的流程。# 在我们爸爸妈妈小的时候,我们国家的科技还不发达,很多路灯都采用手动控制,控制过程如下图所示:#教师讲解:#天黑/亮了#眼睛将信息转换为另一种形式#大脑对信息进行检验,并根据检验结果发出打开/关秘路灯的命令#手按照大脑的要求,打开/关秘路灯#近些年来,我们国家的科技水平发展很快,很多路灯的开关都是自动控制的,控制过程如下:#天黑/亮了#输入部分将信息转换成电信号#控制部分对电信号进行检验,并根据检验结果发出打开/关秘路灯的命令#输出部分按照控制部分的要求,打开/关秘路灯# 小活动#1、 同学们说出生活中常见的控制,并说出控制的流程。#2、

    38、 老师向同学们展示已经做好的声控灯,让同学们用声音 对声控灯进行控制,体验控制的感觉。# 五、教学小结:# 第5课 “听话”的机器人#教学内容:# 编写控制机器人运动的程序#教学目标:#1、 学生了解程序结构组成。#2、 学会在仿真环境下的设置。#教学重点:#程序的编写#教学难点:# 理解循环结构中的永久循环。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。#教学过程:# 一、导入:#教师:#这节课我们一起来看声音传感器是如何在学生机器人身上作用的。#教师指导学生:#二、 分析任务#我们要自己编写一个小程序,让学生机器人在没有听到我们的声音时一动不动,在听到声音后立刻朝前跑。#三、 编写程序 #教师指导学

    39、生进行讨论:#编写思路:# 要想让学生机器人听到声音,需要为它装上声音传感器,在程序中,用“声音”模块来表示声音传感器。#要想让机器人一直竖起耳朵听是否有声音,需要用到循环结构中的一种“永久循环”。#机器人还要根椐是否有声音决定跑或不跑,这时就需要用到“选择结构”。#教师指导学生进行练习:#下面我们就来编写程序吧。#1、 打开学生机器人编程软件,进入编程界面,将“永久循环”模块加入程序中。#这一步我们用到了“永久循环”。#“永久循环”是循环结构的一种,它可以使程序无条件地反复执行。#这样学生机器人就可以一直竖起耳朵听是否有声音。#2、 将“声音”模块加入程序中。# 这一步我们给学生机器人装上了

    40、“耳朵”,这样它就可以听到我们的声音了。#3、 将“条件判断”模块加入程序中,并设置声音变量的值。#这里我们用到了程序设计中一个新的结构:#选择结构。#还记得前面我们讲过的过马路的例子吗?#要先看是不是绿灯,如果是,就可以过马路:#如果不是,就要等待。#在程序设计中,我们也会遇到类似的情况,就像本程序,当有声音时,机器人前进,当没声音时, 机器人停止,这时我们就要用到选择结构。#4、 将“高速电机”模块添加到“条件判断”模块左侧的输出框里,并设置电机转速。#将“电机停止”模块添加到“条件判断”模块右侧的输出框里。#要想让仿真机器人动起来。#我们必须在仿真环境中设置声音。#四、 在仿真环境中设置

    41、声源 #1、 单击仿真界面工具栏中的“添加”按钮,弹出添加对话框。#然后再单击“传感源”,就会出现右图所示对话框。#2、 选择“声源”,单击“添加”按钮,在绿色区域单击,就会出现一个小喇叭,即声源。#3、 右键单击小喇叭,弹出如图所示对话框。#你可以通过设置圆心坐标来改变声源的颜色或者删除声源。#声源添加好以后,我们就可以在仿真环境中对程序进行检验了。#检验通过的程序,我们先进持保存,我们先进行保存,之后再把它下载到学生机器人的主控板上,一个“听话”的机器人就“诞生”了。#想一想 :# 如果想让学生机器人听到声音就走正方形,声音停止它就立即停下。#程序应该怎样编写呢?#动手试一试吧!#教学小结

    42、:# 第6课 红外传感器#教学内容:# 学生认识红外传感器的功能与用途。#教学目标:#1、 学生认识红外传感器的功能。#2、 提高学生的动手能力。#教学重点:#自制防盗器。#教学难点:# 红外传感器的功能。#教学准备:# 防盗器的部件、喇叭等。#教学过程:#一、 导入:#教师:# 自动感应门是怎么“看”到我们,然后主动开门迎接我们的呢?#想知道就跟我学吧!#二、 神奇的 “眼睛”红外传感器#教师:#前面我们已经学过了一种仿真的耳朵,还记得它吗?#现在我们又要学到一种神奇的“眼睛”红外传感器,它的功能也很强大。# 红外线是什么呀?#和我们看到的光线有什么不同呢?#学生自学课本:#1、 看不见的新

    43、朋友红外线 #你对七彩的光线肯再熟悉不过了,可你知道自然界还存在着一种看不见的光线吗?#它的名字叫红外线,几乎所有物体都可以发出红外线,它像我们可以看到的光线一样,可以前进,遇到障碍物又会被反射回来。#我们就利用它的这个特性制成了红外传感器。#2、 红外传感器的“模样”#右图是学生机器人上的红外传感器,它由一个红外线发射器和一个红外线接收器组成。#3、 红外传感器的功能#学生机器人红外传感器的功能是识别前方是否有障碍物。#三、 自制防盗器#教师;# 下面我们就通过一个小制作来检验一下红外传感器是否真的称得上“神奇的眼睛”吧!# 教师指导学生动手操作:#1、 分析任务#我们将要做的防盗器应该具有

    44、的本领是:#当有人靠近时,防盗器的小喇叭会自动响起以提醒主人。#2、 准备材料#3、 组装防盗器#(1) 将电池盒与主控板连接起来。#(2) 将小喇叭与主控板连接起来。#(3) 将红外传感器与主控板连接起来。# #(4) 用胶带将各个部分固定,这样我们的防盗器的身体就做好了。#(5) 将已经编好的程序下载到主控板上,有兴趣的同学也可以自己编写程序。# 这一步我们的目的是告诉主控板该如何工作,这样我们的防盗器就由什么都不懂的“小傻瓜”变成聪明的“小卫士”了。# 到此为止,我们不仅给了防盗器强壮的“身体”,还给了它聪明的“头脑”,现在防盗器可以正式上任工作了。#让我们来检验一下它是否称职吧!# 开

    45、眼界# 两种红外传感器# 同学们,你们有没有发现,现在很多小朋友都是近视眼,主要原因就是他们看书眼睛离书太近。#你能发明一件既能帮他们养成看书时眼睛与书本保持适当距离的好习惯,又不会打扰别的小朋友学习的小东西吗?#大家一起想想办法,帮帮他们吧!#同学们可以分成几个小组分别进行设计,看看哪个小组的发明最好。#四、教学小结:#第7课 机器人快躲开#教学内容:# 如何赋予机器人“眼睛”和“指挥”。#教学目标:#1、 学生认识红外传感器的功能。#2、 提高学生的编程能力。#教学重点:#编写避障程序。#教学难点:# 如何编写实施程序。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。#教学过程:#一、 导入:#教师:

    46、#这节课我们要为学生机器人装上一双神奇的“眼睛”,使它能够灵活地躲开障碍物。#二、分析任务 :#学生机器人看不到东西,很可怜,下面我们就赋予学生机器人“眼睛”和“智慧”,让它不会撞上前面的障碍物。#教师指导学生编写程序:#编写思路:#要想让学生机器人能够看到障碍物,需要为它装上红外传感器,在程序中,用“避障”模块来表示红外传感器。#要想让机器人不停地监测前方是否有障碍物,需要用到“永久循环”结构。#机器人还需要根椐监测结果决定是继续前进还是转向,这就需要用到选择结构。#下面我们就来编写程序吧。#1、 打开学生机器人编程软件,进入编程界面,将“永久循环”模块加入程序中。#2、 将“避障”模块加入

    47、程序中并选择变量。#3、 将“条件判断”模块加入程序中,并输入进行条件判断的条件。#4、 将“转向”模块添加到“条件判断”模块左侧的输出框里并设置转动的角度。#5、 将“高速电机”模块添加到“条件判断”模块右侧的输出框里,并设置电机转速。#教师:#这样,我们就为学生机器人编好了程序,在将它下载到学生机器人的主控板之前,我们要在仿真环境中测试它一下,那就先添加几个障碍物,为难一下它吧。# 教师指导学生:# 还记得我们是如何在仿真环境中设置声源的吗?#设置障碍物和设置声源的过程十分相似,你可以设置矩形和圆形两种障碍物,也可以设置障碍物属性和删除障碍物。# 如果程序通过了仿真环境的检验并做了保存,下

    48、一步就可以 将它下载到学生机器人的主控板上,在真实环境中对学生机器人进行考验。#这样我们才能确定它真的变得聪明能干。# 小活动:# 我们原来已经见识过学生机器人有了“耳朵”是多么厉害,这节课我们又知道它有了“眼睛”是多么能干,如果学生机器人同时拥有“眼睛”和“耳朵”会有多厉害呢?#那就让我们自己动手编写一个程序逻辑试试吧。#三、 教学小结:#第8课 轨迹识别传感#教学内容:# 导盲机器人使用轨迹识别传感器。#教学目标:#1、 学生认识轨迹识别传感器的功能。#3、 提高学生的对机器人课程的喜欢程度。#教学重点:#认识轨迹识别传感器。#教学难点:# 怎样走盲道。#教学准备:# 学生机器人编程软件。

    49、#教学过程:#一、 导入:#教师:# 你知道导盲机器人吗?#想知道他为什么能为盲人带路吗?#这节课我就告诉你。#二、 一双“眼睛”的威力# 教师指导学生:# 你一定还记得红外传感器吧,如果我们称它为“一只眼睛”的话,那么我们将要学习的轨迹识别传感器就是“一双眼睛”。#就是因为有了这双“眼睛 ”,导盲机器人才会那么能干。# #1、 轨迹识别传感器的“模样”#右图是学生机器人上的轨迹识别传感器,它由两组红外发射器和红外接收器组成,白色的是发射器,黑色的是接收器。#2、 轨迹识别传感器的功能#学生机器人上的轨迹识别传感器的功能就是根据颜色的差别来判断地面的轨迹。#三、怎样走盲道#导盲机器人为什么能一

    50、直沿着盲道走呢?#学生讨论:#导盲机器人之所以能一直沿着盲道走,是它的两只眼睛默契配合的结果,下面我们就来看一下导盲机器人的两只眼睛是怎样合作从而出色完成导盲任务的吧。# 导盲机器人在为盲人带路的时候,会遇到四种情况,看看它是如何处理的。#学生总结:#情况一:#导盲机器人位于盲道的左边缘。# 这时导盲机器人的“右眼睛”右侧的红传感器有信号,它就会向右转,走到盲道上然后直行。#情况二:#导盲机器人位于盲道的右边缘# 这时导盲机器人的“左眼睛”左;i:4;s:4314:2016-2017学年度第二学期#英语学困生转化总结#转化学困生是班主任义不容辞的职责。#每个班在不同程度上都有学困生,分析学困生


    52、进行耐心的教育,使他们时时感到老师的爱护与关心,使其逐步改正错误和缺点。#要作好转化学困生的转化工作,就得深入了解,全面分析学困生的特点和形成原因,坚持在了解中教育,在教育中了解。#每接一个新的班级,我首先在原班主任那里了解学生的情况,特别是学困生的情况:#双差生是哪些?#家庭教育如何?#主要问题是什么?#单差生是哪些?#家庭教育如何?#主要问题是什么?#在新的学期开学前,做到心中有数。#实践证明,只有全面了解学困生的情况,才能有的放矢,作好转化学困生的工作。# 分层次教学,分层次作业,分层次考试。#对学困生平时取得的点滴进步,要大力表扬,必要时给予物质奖励,使他们保持学习的热情。# 组成学习

    53、小组。#每组人数不同,三人四人不等,成员有优有差,可以互相帮助,并把成绩进步的小组树立为成功的典型。#以此带动全体学生的进步。# 每次在检查作业时发现学困生出现的问题,并加以整理、分析,采取对应措施,解决问题,从而取得良好效果。# 注意反弹,学困生的转化往往不是一帆风顺的,时常会出现反复,这是正常的事情,不能认为是教育的失败。#作为教育者绝不能丧失信心,更不能放任自流,一定要持之以恒。#要正确对待学生的反复,打好反复的持久战。#学困生的缺点较多,也较突出,容易被大家发现。#但他们也有优点和长处,只不过不太明显和突出,时常被大家忽视。#我认为,作为一个班主任就应该注意发现学困生的微小进步,坚持一


    55、,金石为开。#总之,通过自己的努力,我班需要帮助的学生们的英语成绩都有了很大地进步。#虽然取得了一定的成绩,但也还存在着一些问题,如教育、教学方法、手段还有些不得法,还有待改进。#我坚信只要为师者能晓之以理,持之以恒,教学得法,自己不丧失信心,相信需要帮助的学生会越少。#我会继续努力,争取把工作做得更好。#1# #陈少红#二一七年六月#;i:5;s:10161:香港朗文英语5A复习及习题#香港朗文英语5A复习及习题#1. Nobody says a word about the incident, _?# #A. is he B. doesn#t he C. do they D. don#t

    56、they 2. She doesn#t care for a car, _?# #A. is she B. does she C. doesn#t she D. did she 3. She has a brother, _?# #A. doesn#t she B. has she C. don#t she D. does she 4. She will have lunch at school, _?# #A. doesn#t she B. won#t she C. is she D. will she #5. We do morning exercises in the morning,

    57、_?# #A. do we B. did we C. didn#t we D. don#t we 6. His sister had a bad cough, _ she?# #A. wasn#t B. doesn#t C. hadn#t D. didn#t #7. He was late for school that morning, _?# #A. wasn#t he B. was he C. did he D. didn#t he #8. Nothing he did was right, _?# #A. did he B. was it C. didn#t it D. was he

    58、#9. There is not much news in today#s paper, _?# #A. isn#t it B. are there C. is there D. aren#t there 10. You never told me why you were late for the class, _?# # A. weren#t you B. didn#t you C. had you D. did you 11. He must be in the library now, _?# # A. doesn#t he B. mustn#t he C. needn#t he D.

    59、 isn#t he 12. She must have arrived there yesterday, _?# #A. have she B. must she C. didn#t she D. mustn#t she 13. There used to be a church behind the cemetery, _?# #A. didn#t there B. used there C. usedn#t it D. didn#t it #14. My sister often needs help with her study, _?# # A. need she B. needn#t

    60、 she C. does she D. doesn#t she 15. They dare not call you a fool, _?# #A. would they B. dared they C. dares they D. dare they 16.What alovely day, _?# A. doesn#t it B. isn#t it C. didn#t it D. hasn#t it 17. Let me do it, _?# #A. shall I B. shall we C. will you D. will I #18. He dislikes the two sub

    61、jects, _ he?# #A. does B. doesn#t C. is D. isn#t 19. Let#s go there by bus, _?# #A. will you B. shall we C. don#t you D. will you 20. Let us go to play football, _?# #A. will you B. shall we C. do we D. are we 21. Don#t forget to give Polly some food and change her water, _?# A. will you B. shall we

    62、 C. won#t you D. do you #1. _ fast the boy ran!#A. How# # B. How an C. What# #D. What an#2. _ well you sing but _ badly he dances!#A. How, how#B. What, what#C. How, what#D. What, how#3. _ delicious the soup is!# Id like some more.#A. How# #B. How an C. What# D. What an #4. _ fools they were!# They b

    63、elieved what the man said. #A. How# #B. How an C. What# #D. What an#5. _ foolish they were!# They believed what the man said.# A. How#B. How an C. What#D. What an#6. _ difficult questions they are!# I cant answer them.#A. How# B. How an C. What# #D. What an#7. I miss my friend very much. _ I want to

    64、 see her!#A. How# #B. How an C. What# #D. What an#8. _ lovely weather we are having these days!#A. How# #B. How an C. What# #D. What an#9. _ beautiful your new dress is!#A. How# B. How an C. What# #D. What an#10. _ interesting work it is to teach children!# #A. How# B. How an C. What# D. What an#动词不

    65、定式 动名词用法区别精练#1 He stopped _(talk) when his teacher went out.#2 I hope _ (protect) the innocent as well as find the guilty.#3 The teacher told me _(not be late ) again.#4 The man was too angry _(say) anything.#5 He promised _(come) ,but he has not appeared yet.#6 I agreed _(go) with them.#7 He tired

    66、_ (climb ) the mountain.#8 They arrenged _ (rent ) me a house at last.#9 parents often wish us _ (study ) hard all the time.#10 I have decided _(not go )out at night.#11 Would you mind _ (open ) the door for me?#12 I remember _ (pay ) him for the book,but he said he had not got it.#13 The rich man e

    67、njoy _ (collect ) things.#14 They both denied _ (steal ) the vase.#15 He admitted _ (steal ) his own vase.#16 She practise _ (play ) the piano every morning.#17 All of us suggested _ (go ) to the museum.#18 Listen !# Can you hear the girl _ (sing ) in the next room.#19 Children should be stop from _

    68、 (smoke ).#20 It#s time for class,stop _(talk ).#21 You shouldn#t make him _(copy ) the words 50 times.#22 If you need help, please let me _ (know ).#23 Don#t _ ( read ) in the sun. It#s bad for your eyes.#24 Did you see the accident?# Yes ,I saw it _ (happen ) with my own eyes.#25 I heard you _ (sh

    69、out )so I came in#.#英语系动词专项练习#1. My brother _ a teacher. He _ his pupils very much.#A. is, likeB. is, likesC. are, likesD. are, like#2. A:# How many days _ there in a week?#B:# There _ seven.#A. is, isB. are, areC. is, areD. are, is#3. I _ tired last night.#A. becameB. feltC. lookedD. am#4. Her face

    70、 _ pale(苍白)when she heard the bad news.#A. gotB. isC. turnedD. was#5. You _ pale. What#s wrong with you?#A. turnB. seemC. lookD. become#6. The boy _ ill today.#A. areB. isC. beD. am#7. Which _ bigger, the sun or the moon?#A. areB. isC. beD. #8. Neither she nor I _ a doctor.#A. am notB. amC. areD. is

    71、#9. I _ a worker next year.#A. amB. will beC. beD. will#10. Her voice _ like my mother#s.#A. soundsB. soundC. looksD. look#11. It often rains and the crops _ fast.#A. getB. turnC. growD. become#12. A:# How are you _ now?#B:# Much better, thank you.#A. gettingB. feelingC. makingD. turning#13. The tea

    72、cher#s smile made me _ better.#A. feelB. to feelC. feelingD. felt#14. My English teacher _.#A. all look youngB. looks young#C. look youngD. all looks young#15. I _ busy now, but I _ free next week.#A. am, amB. am, willC. am, will beD. being, will be#16. I _ at this school for about two months.#A. am

    73、B. will beC. have beenD. was#17. My brother _ in the League for about five years.#A. have beenB. has beenC. wasD. is#18. Come to my office if you _ free tomorrow.#A. areB. will beC. wasD. is#19. If water _ heated, it will be _ into vapour (蒸气).#A. was, turnedB. is, turnedC. is. getD. was, got#20. If

    74、 you don#t take back what you just said, Mother _ angry.#A. isB. will beC. getD. feels#21. Neither of us _ a doctor.#A. amB. areC. isD. were#22. He _ a famous writer.#A. turnsB. becomeC. has becomeD. has turned#23. The girl#s face _ red.#A. turnedB. gotC. feelD. look#24. He _ very glad.#A. lookedB.

    75、turnedC. feelD. looks#25. The flowers _ fragrant (芳香).#A. getB. smellsC. smellD. feels#26. The table _ very smooth.#A. lookB. turnC. feelsD. smell#27. Jack _ younger than Tom.#A. lookB. feelC. feelsD. looks#28. She looks _.#A. happyB. to be happyC. happilyD. that she is happy#1. BBBC C 6. B BBBA11.

    76、CBABC C BABB21. CCADC CDA#第 7 页 共 7 页#;i:6;s:9505:冠词(一)#一、在空格内填上a或an#_ear #_actor # _elephant# _umbrella #_hour#_ honest boy# _interesting book# _easy question#_orange #_apple _ice cream #二、用a,an,the或“/”填空#1._Beijing is _capital of _China#2.There is _”A” on his paper.# #3. I ate _apple .Its _red app

    77、le.#4._tall man over there is my teacher.# #5._earth moves around# sun.#6.Do you have #breakfast this morning?# #7.I visited# Great Wall?#8.They often play# football after school.#9.By #way,do you know# old woman?# #10.Are there any birds in# sky?#11.She is# tallest in our class.#12.Mom tells me# ol

    78、d story every night.# #三、选择填空#( )1.Can you tell me# nearest bookshop?# Turn right at_third crossing.# A. the, a#B. the, the#C. a, the# D. the, /#( )2.# computer on the table is Susans.#A. A# B. An# C. The# D. /#( )3.There is# map of the world on# wall.# #map is mine.#A. a, a, A# B. a, the, The#C. th

    79、e, the, The#D. the, the, A#( )4.# Whites live on# floor.# # A. /, three#B. A, third# C. The, third# D.The, the third#( )5.# Spring comes after# winter.# # A. /, /# B.The, /# C.The, the# D.A, the#( )6.I bought# shoes yesterday.# #shoes are very beautiful.#A. a, The#B. a pair of, The# C. the, The# D.

    80、a pair, The pair#( )7.She can play# and# .# A. the tennis, the guitar# B. tennis, guitar# # C. the tennis, guitar# D. tennis, the guitar#( )8.I can see# moon and# clouds in the sky.# A. the, a# B. a, a# C. the, /# D. the, the#( )9.# “c” is in “cat.”# “s” is in “sat.”# # A. An, An# B. An, A# C. A, A#

    81、 D. A, An#( )10.# Tiananmen Square is in# #Beijing.# # A. /, /# B. A, /# C. The, /# D. /, the#冠词(二)#I. 在下列句子的空格中填上适当的冠词,不需要的地方用“/”表示:# #1. This is _ old map. It is _ useful map. #2. We have four classes in _ afternoon on _ Saturday. #3. Beijing is _ capital of _ China. It is _ beautiful city. #4.The

    82、re is _ interesting picture on _ wall. #5. Which is _ biggest, _ sun, _ moon, or _ earth?# #6.Which picture is more beautiful?# - _one on _ left, I think. #7. Which is _ way to _ hospital?# # Turn left on _ second crossing. #8. _ more, _ better. #9. After _ breakfast he went to _ school on _ foot. #

    83、10. He likes playing _ football. # His sister likes playing _ piano. #二、翻译下列词组 #1. 上学_ 2. 住院 _ 3. 此刻_ #4. 在地球上_ 5. 步行_ 6.在家 _#7. 乘公共汽车_8. 在工作_#9. 上床睡觉 _ 10. 感冒_ #11. 玩得痛快_12. 事实上_ #三、单项选择 #( )1. There is _ old woman in the car. # A. / B. the C. a D. an #( )2. Shanghai is in _ east of China. # A. / B

    84、. an C. the D. a #( )3. Bill is _ English teacher.# He likes playing _ football. # A. a, the B. an, the C. a, / D. /, / #( )4. Lets go for _ walk, shall we?# # A. a B. an C. the D. / #( )5. This is _interesting book and it is also _ useful one. A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an #( )6. _ woman over

    85、 there is _ teacher in our school. # A. A, an B. The, a C. The , the D. A, the #( )7. Australia is _ English-speaking country. # A. a B. an C. the D. / #( )8. Dont play _ basketball here. Its dangerous. # A. a B. an C. / D. the #( )9. This is _ apple. Its _ big apple. # A. an, a B. a, the C. a, an D

    86、. an, the #( )10. I have _ blue coat. # A. a B. an C. the D. some #冠词(三)#( )1.There is _ apple on the desk.# A. a B .the C. an D./#( )2.The girl under _ tree is my sister.# A. a B .the C .an D./#( )3.Mary is from _ USA.# A. a B. the C. an D./#( )4.He met _ friend of his on the road.# A. a B .the C .

    87、an D./#( )5.Mr Black will go back to England_.# A .by air B .by a plane C. by trains D. at a train#( )7.There is “h” in the word “hour”, but “h”doesnt make a sound.#A. a, a B. a, the C. the, an D .an. the#( )8.Im going to see my mother. She is ill _.# A. in hospital B. in the hospital# C. in a hospi

    88、tal D. at a hospital#( )9.I want to try again. please give me third chance.# A .a B. the C. an D. /#( )10. Whats the matter with you?# I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed.#A. a;# / B. a;# the C. a;# a D. the;# the#( )11. sun is shining brightly.#A. a B. an C. the D. /#( )12. This is _ orange. _

    89、 orange is on the table. # A. a, The B. an, The C. an, An D. the, An #( )13. After _ supper, he stayed at home and played _ violin. #A. the, the B. /, the C. /, a D. /, / #( )14. There is _ apple on the plate. #A. a B. an C. the D. / #( )15. English is _ useful language in _ world. #A. an, the B. a,

    90、 the C. the, the D. an, an #( )16. Li Dan can play _ piano very well. # A. / B. a C. an D. the #( )17. What _ interesting film it is!# # I like _ film very much. # A. a, the B. a, a C. an, the D. The, / #( )18. _ tall man over there is our _ English teacher. # A. A, the B. The, a C. A, an D. The, /

    91、#7#;i:7;s:6028:#小学六年级英语作文:#My Family Members范文#I am student of Southwest Weiyu Middle School. I am in Class Two Grade Six. Im a girl. Im twelve years old. Im tall and thin. I like to sing and dance. I can sing POP music very well. I like to eat meat, because I think its very delicious. I good at Eng

    92、lish, because I like it very much. I like to write a composition and I like to read many nice books. I think its good for me. I like drawing, but I cant draw very well. I like cats very much, but I cant have them, because my mother doesnt like them, she think theyre very dirty. I want to travel arou

    93、nd the world, but I havent enough money. But Im happy, because I have many friends and a happy family.# My mother is a shop assistant. Shes thirty-six years old. Shes tall and thin too. Shes pretty. Her hair is short and straight. She likes to sing and she likes Zhang Xueyous songs and English songs

    94、. She likes to eat crabs. She always goes shopping with me. Shes good at Maths. When I have problems with Maths she will help me. She doesnt like pets;# because she thinks they are dirty. I like my mother very much.#My father is a manager. Hes forty-six years old. But he looks like very young and ha

    95、ndsome. He always goes to park with me. He likes to smoke. But I think smoke is bad for himself. He likes English songs. Hes good at Chinese. He sometimes helps me to write a composition. My father likes pets very much. I like my father very much.#My grandmother and my sister live together. My grand

    96、ma is sixty-three years old. Shes retiring. My sister is a student of fourteen years old. She has two big eyes and long straight hair. Shes a small famous singer in her city. She likes to sing and dance. She can sing very well. She joins in many competitions and she always be champion.#My family#I h

    97、ave a warm family. There are five people in my family, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother and I. Do you know them, now let me introduce them to you one by one.# My mother has long hair. Shes very kind. She is an accountant. She likes listening to music and watching TV. She goes to work by car.

    98、 My dad is tall and fat. he ahs two big eyes. He is very strict but sometimes funny. He is a manager. He goes to work by car, too. He likes swimming. My grandpa is very old, but he is still strong. He likes playing chess very much. He often goes to play chess with his friends. My grandma is short. S

    99、he is very kind to us. Her hobby is watching TV and cooking. We like her food. Its delicious. I like drawing pictures and listening to music. I go to school by school bus every week. I have to study hard at school every day because I am in Grade Six now. I hope I can enter Shunde No. 1 Middle School

    100、 next year.#自我介绍#Hello,my name#s xxx.I#m thirteen years old.I live in xxx.I have long hair and two small ears.I have a piar of big eyes.And I have a small nose and a small mouth.I#m very tall and thin.I#m in Class One Grade Six.My birthday is on January the first.I like dogs.I have a dog,its name is

    101、 Bobo.It is very lovely and it is white.I often play with it.I like sport.My favourite sport is play tennis.I can play tennis very well.My favourite subject is Chinese.I often help my classmates.I#m a sunny girl.# My name is xxx. Don#t you think the name is wonderful?# When I was born on a Sunday tw

    102、elve years ago, the sun was shining brightly. We all know that we don#t often see such fine weather in February. So my mum said my coming to the world brought everyone happiness. # I also have an English name, #Sunday#. I gave it to myself alter I studied English for a year. #My parents hope that my

    103、 life will be full of sunshine.#最喜欢的书#I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but #Harry Porter# is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies.#His Z-shaped scar and magic stick brought me

    104、 into a magical world. In fact, the fiction story is so meaningful that I can learn a lot from it.#I think it#s the best book I#ve ever read. #Every Sunday morning, I get up at five in order to find a seat in the library. I like the quiet atmosphere in the library, which makes me deeply absorbed in

    105、my study. Besides, there are reference books in the library which provide ready guidance to help me solve my problems. At home people come and gosome talking, others working. Inevitably, there are often noises around the house which make me nervous and unable to concentrate on my study. For the reas

    106、ons mentioned above, I like to study in the library.#电视节目# The News Report has always been my favorite TV program. Almost everyday I turn on the TV at 6:#30 p.m. and wait for the news program. This has become a part of my life. # The News Report contains a large amount of information C from the inte

    107、rnational political situation to the latest foot-ball game. And the most important character is its fast pace. Because of this fast pace, news programs can contain much information in a short time. # In my opinion, the News Report is more than a TV program. It is a way of communication. From this pr

    108、ogram, people can know and understand world affairs. The world thus becomes smaller and smaller. I especially appreciate this benefit of watching the news.#My favourite TV programme) In TV ,there are a lot of TV programmes every day. Usually ,i can#t choose what should i see.TO tell you true,though

    109、so ,i have a favourite TV promme - Happy camping. It lives on every Saturaday evening .Ande it has five hosters.i like them very much. Especially HeJiong .They are always binging happyness to you. When you see it,you will forget the unhapply and have a good weekend.now i introduce this programme to

    110、you .I hope you can enjoy yourselves.#;i:8;s:9250: 新版PEP四年级英语下学期Unit 4测试题#听力部分(40分)#一、听录音,选出所听到的单词、词组或句子,本题读两遍。#(10分)#( ) 1. A. twenty B. eleven C. twelve #( ) 2. A.cat B.lamb C. sheep #( ) 3. A. tomato B.potato C. photo#( ) 4. A.this B.these C.those#( ) 5. A. how much B. how many C.how about#( ) 6.

    111、 A.farm B. car C.father#( ) 7. A. how B.cow C.now#( ) 8. A. ten B.hen C.pen #( ) 9. A. twenty sheep B. twelve potatoes C. thirty goats #( ) 10. What are these?# B.What are those?# C. What are they?#二、听录音,给下列各图标号,本题读两遍(10分)X k B 1 . c o m# # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )# # ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )#三、听录音,把句子补充完整。#(

    112、10分)#1.Mr MacDonald ten on the farm.#2. lambs are there?# Twenty.#3.What are ?# Theyre .#4.You a of animals.#5. Are these ?# No, they . 新|课 |标| 第 |一| 网#四、听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语。#(5分)#( )1、A、Yes, they are. B、No,those are. C、Yes,there are.#( )2、A、There are ten. B、They are green beans. C、This is a carro

    113、t.#( )3、A、Theyre sheep. B、Those are horses. C、It#s a panda.#( )4、A、It#s so cute. B、Theyre so cute. C、Yes.#( )5、A、Wow!# Its big. B、Yes, it is. C、This is a farm.#五、听录音,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。#(5分)#( )1、My aunt has a big farm.#( )2、There are twelve horses.#( )3、The tomatoes are yellow.#( )4、My aunt likes p

    114、otatoes very much. w W w .x K b 1.c o M#( )5、It#s sunny on the farm today. #笔试部分(60分)#六、选择填空,把编号写在括号里。#(10分)#( ) 1. -Are they ?# -Yes,they are.#A. horse B. sheeps C. goats#( ) 2. horses are there on the farm?# #A. How much B. How many C. How about#( ) 3. - What are those?#They are .#A. tomatos B. po

    115、tatoes C. white#( ) 4. 你想知道那是不是洋葱,你说:#A. Are these onion?# B. Are those onions C. Theyre onions#( ) 5. _ cows can you see?# -I can see 100.#A. How many B. How much C. What colour#( ) 6. A:# How many cows do you have?# B:# I have five .#A. cows B. cow C. a cow#( ) 7. Look, I have ten _.# A. oclock B.

    116、 clock C. clocks#( ) 8. A:# How many bears are there?# B:# There one.#A. are B. is C. am#( ) 9. They love carrots.#A. eat B. to eat C. eating#( )10. This is .#A. vegetable garden B. vegetable gardens C. the vegetable garden#七、根据图意,把句子补充完整。#(5分)# #My uncle has a . Its very big. On the farm, you can s

    117、ee a #lot of . There are (六只)cows on the farm. My uncle #(有)many . I like them. http:#/w w w.xkb1. com#八、改错题(10分)#( ) 1、Are those potatos?#A B C#( ) 2、 John is for the farm.#A B C #( ) 3、Try some apples. Its good.#A B C#( ) 4、I like they.#A B C#( ) 5、I love onion.#A B C#九、根据所给的图片书面回答所提的问题(10分)。#w W

    118、w .X k b 1. c O m#1.What are these ?# # #2.Are they potatoes?# # #3.Are those turkeys?# #4.What can you see ?# # #5.How many carrots do you have ?# #十、连词成句。#(10分)#1.these , are, lambs (?#)# #2. goats, how, are, many, there (?#)X k B 1 . c o m # #3. potatoes, the, big, are(.)# #4. those, there, are,

    119、hens, over (.)# #5. has, the, two, Amy, horses, on, farm(.)# #十一、补全对话。#(用所给出的句子把对话补充完整,把编号填在横线上。#)(5分)#A、How many lambs are there?#B、What colour are they?#C、Are those horses?#D、What are those?#E、Yes, they are.# A:#Oh, this farm is so big. #B:# They#re lambs.# A:# #B:#There are nine.# A:# #B:#No, the

    120、y arent. Theyre cows. Theyre fat.#A:# #B:#Theyre white and black.#A:#Look, are those hens?# X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m#B:# #十二、根据A栏所给的内容在B栏中找出合适的答句。#(5分) # (A) (B)#( ) 1. How many hens do you have?# A. There are many.#( ) 2. Are these your sheep?# B. They are vegetables.#( ) 3. What are these?# C. No, they

    121、 arent.#( ) 4. Is it windy today?# D. Seventeen.#( ) 5. How many cows are there?# E. Yes, it is.#十三、阅读理解。#(5分)#This is my uncles farm. Its very big. There are fifteen cows on it. They are very fat. There are twenty goats and forty hens. There are some vegetables on his farm. Look, these are green be

    122、ans. They are green and long. And those are carrots. They are oranges. I often(经常) play with my sister and brother on the farm. We like my uncle and the farm very much. Welcome to my uncles farm, I will show you around(带你到处看看).#根据上面短文的内容选择正确答案。#( ) 1. My uncles farm is _.# A. small B. big C. long#(

    123、) 2、The green beans are _.# A. small B. long C.yum#( ) 3、The cows are very _.# A. thin B. fat C. short#( ) 4、The carrots are _. http:#/w w w.xkb1. com# A. red B. orange C. green#( ) 5、I often(经常) play with _ on the farm.# A. my uncle B. my father and mother # C. my sister and brother#听力材料#一、听录音,选出所听

    124、到的单词、词组或句子,本题读两遍。#(10分)#1. twenty #2. lamb #3. potato #4. those#5. how about#6. farm #7. now#8. ten #9. thirty goats #10. What are they?# X K b 1. C om#二、听录音,给下列各图标号,本题读两遍(10分)#1. Look!# This is my farm.#2. Is this a sheep?# No, it isnt. Its a goat.#3. I love to eat green beans.#4. How many tomatoes

    125、 do you have?# Eight.#5. The onions are so big.#6. What are these?# They are potatoes.#7. Mr Jones has two horses.#8. They like carrots. #9. Those are sheep over there.# Theyre so cute.#10.Look at the cows. Theyre black and white.#三、听录音,把句子补充完整。#(10分)#1.Mr MacDonald has ten hens on the farm.#2. How

    126、many lambs are there?# Twenty.#3.What are those?# Theyre sheep.#4.You have a lot of animals.#5. Are these goats?# No, they arent.#四、听录音,根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语。#(5分)#1. What are those?#2. How many hens are there?#3.Whats that?#4. Look at the lambs.#5. This is my farm.#五、听录音,判断对错,对的打“T”,错的打“F”。#(5分)# It#s

    127、a sunny day on the farm today. My aunt has a farm. The farm is very small. There are twelve horses, sixteen cows and fifty hens. My aunt likes tomatoes very much. So she has many tomatoes on the farm. Look!# The tomatoes and red. They are very beautiful.#新课 标第 一 网 #;i:9;s:6745:更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂#五年级下册英语

    128、期末考试卷及答案#(共100分)#一、选出不同类的单词。#(16分)#( ) 1. A. hot B. feel C. pale D. cold# ( ) 2. A. pain B. play C. work D. walk# ( ) 3. A. sweet B. coke C. milk D. water# ( ) 4. A. take B. get C. wake D. quickly# ( ) 5. A. often B. never C. fever D. seldom# ( ) 6. A. headache B. medicine C. toothache D. stomachach

    129、e# ( ) 7. A. pear B. cabbage C. grape D. apple# ( ) 8. A. dinner B. full C. strange D. beautiful#二、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级。#(12分)#1. hot_ _ 2. thin_ _#3. big_ _ 4. good_ _#5. important_ _ 6. delicious_ _#三、选择最佳答案填空。#(20分)# ( ) 1. Elephants are the _animals on land. # A. biggest B. big C. bigger# ( ) 2. Fish

    130、 live _water# A. on B. to C. in# ( ) 3. Which is bigger, a blue whale _an elephant?#A. or B. to C. with # ( ) 4. It never _in Hainan. # A. snow B. snows C. snowing# ( ) 5. Look!# The children are making_. # A. snowmen B. snowman C. snowmans# ( ) 6. Which _do you like better, English or Chinese?# A.

    131、food B. subject C. school# ( ) 7. This is your bag. _is over there. # A. Mine B. My C. I# ( ) 8. He gives _a book. # A. she B. her C. hers # ( ) 9. _ your mother _ in the factory?# A. Do, work B. Does, work C. Does, working# ( ) 10. We should hand _our homework _time. # A. on, on B. on, in C. in, on

    132、#四、看图,根据图意完成句子。#(首字母已给出)(10分)#1. The boy has a f_ today. #2. The girl h_ breakfast at h_. #3. The girl s _at Rose S_. #4. The man on the right is t_ than the boy on the left. #5. The boy looks w_. #五、用所给单词的适当形式填空,将对话补充完整。#(10分)#(whos, tired, worried, see, may, with, help, sleep, much, late)#A:# Hell

    133、o. _I speak to Miss White?#B:# This is Miss White speaking. _that, please?#A:# It#s Sally#s mother here. I#m _about Sally#s study. She can#t catch up _others now. #B:# Does she go to bed very late?# She looks _and sometimes she _in class. #A:# Yes. She always works in her bedroom after dinner. And s

    134、he always goes to bed _than me. Does she have a lot of homework?#B:# I don#t think so. I think she plays computer games too_. #A:# Oh, I_.#B:# Don#t worry. Let#s _him together. #A:# Thank you, Miss White. #B:# Bye!#A:# Bye!#六、根据实际情况回答问题。#(10分)#1. Are you the tallest in your family?#2. Who is fatter,

    135、 your father or your mother?#3. Do you study hardest in your class?#4. What are the biggest animals in the world?#5. Can a horse run faster than a turtle?#七、阅读短文,判断以下句子是否符合对话内容,如相符请写“T”,否则写“F”。# (12分)# Lions, tigers, leopards and cheetahs are big animals. All of them are dangerous animals. They kill

    136、 other animals and eat them. # Cheetahs live in Africa. They are good at running. They are the fastest animals. They can run 95 kilometers an hour. # Leopards look like cheetahs. They live in much of Asia and Africa. Their heads look bigger than cheetahs#. They are good at climbing trees and often r

    137、est up in the trees. They often live alone. #( )1. lions, leopards and cheetahs are small. #( )2. The lions are not dangerous. #( )3. Leopards kill animals, but don#t eat them. #( )4. Cheetahs live in much of Asia and Africa. #( )5. Leopards are the fastest animals.#( )6. Leopards# are good at climb

    138、ing trees. #八、阅读对话,根据对话内容选择正确答案。#(10分)#Mum:# Ken!# Time for breakfast. #Ken:# OK!# Mum, may I have the rice noodles?# I don#t like bread at all. #Mum:# Of course, you can. #Ken:# What#s the weather like today, Mum?# Will it rain?#Mum:# I don#t think so. It#s sunny today. #Ken:# That#s great. We are

    139、going to the new school this morning. #Mum:# Is your new school better than the old one?#Ken:# Yes, it is. It#s larger than the old one. And there are more buildings in it. #Mum:# What are the new buildings?#Ken:# We have a new gym, and a new swimming pool. The swimming pool is much bigger than the

    140、old one. And it#s inside the gym. We can swim. #Mum:# Really?#Ken:# Yes, the water is warm. #( ) 1. Ken and his mother are_. # A. having lunch B. having dinner C. having breakfast#( ) 2. Ken prefers_. # A. rice B. bread C. rice noodles#( ) 3. Ken is going to _this morning. # A. the zoo B. swim C. sc

    141、hool#( ) 4. What#s the weather like today?# It#s a _today. # A. windy B. sunny C. cloudy#( ) 5. Where#s the new swimming pool?# _. # A. It#s in the gym. B. It#s beside the gym. C. It#s behind the gym. #【参考答案】#一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A #二、1. hotter, hottest 2. thinner, thinnest# 3. bi

    142、gger, biggest 4. better, best# 5. more important, most important 6. more delicious, most delicious#三、1. A 2. C 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. C#四、1. fever 2. has;# home 3. studies;# School 4. taller 5. worried#五、May, Who#s, worried, with, tired, sleeps, later, much, see, help#六、1. No, I am n

    143、ot. 2. My father. 3. Yes, I do. 4. Blue whales. 5. Yes, it can. #七、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T #八、1. C 2. C 3. C 4. B 5. A#4#更多试题、学习资源在春知学堂#;i:10;s:3811:湘少版六年级下册英语期中测试#笔 试 部 分#四、把下列单词大写的改为小写,小写的改为大写。#(10分)# 1、picture_ 2、learn_ #3、straight_ 4、ENOUGH_ #5、DIFFERENT_#五、写出下列词相应的形式。#(10分)# 1、swim(现在分词)_

    144、 2、want(过去式)_# 3、little (比较级)_ 4、have(过去式)_# 5、try (过去式)_#六、找出不同类的选项,将其序号填入提前括号内。#(10分)# ( )1、A.sea B.enough C.land D.river# ( )2、A.different B.same C.similar D.dragon# ( )3、A.want B.went C.skate D.watch# ( )4、A.more B.less C.fewer D.little# ( )5、A.interested B.helped C.asked D.tried#七、选词填空。#(10分)(m

    145、ore , skate, drawing, went, got)# 1、Youre good at _,peter.# 2、She tried to _ but she fell over.# 3、Last Sunday,Peter and his mother _ to the Space Museum.# 4、There are _ shops in Picture One.# 5、Have you _ enough money ?#八、单项选择。#(10分)# ( )1、Peter wants to skate outside,but he isnt good at _.# A.skat

    146、e B.skating C.skated# ( )2、There is _ milk in Mrs.Lins fridge.# A.fewer B.few C.less# ( )3、The dictionary is _ small. I dont like it.# A.enough B.too C.in# ( )4、Anne was very interested _ the film.# A.on B in C.above# ( )5、-Did Lingling buy the book?# -No,she _.# A.isnt B.didnt C.wasnt# ( )6、This is

    147、 _ orange.That is _ earth.# A.an, an B.a, the C.an, the # ( )7、Tingting _ cycle in the park.# A.wants to B.want to C.wants# ( )8、He is not tall _ to reach the book.# A.enough B.to C.too# ( )9、This cloud _ a dog.# A.look like B.looks like C.looks# ( )10、I dont like skating, I want _.# A.run B.running

    148、 C.to run#九、情景交际。#从栏中选出与栏中相对应的答语。#(10分)# #( )1、Have you got enough money?# A. He likes skating#( )2、What does he like doing?# B.Never mind#( )3、Im sorry. C.She is good at swimming.#( )4、What is Anne good at ?# D.No,I havent.#( )5、Where did you go yesterday?# E.I went to the library.#十、阅读理解。#(10分)# L

    149、ast Sunday, Mary and Lily went to the park by bus. There were many people and cars on the road. The bus was very slow. At ten they got to the park. They looked at the animals and took some pictures. They had lunch and played together. When it was dark they went home. They had a good time.# ( )1、When

    150、 did they go to the park?# A.On Saturday. B. On Monday. C.On Sunday# ( )2、How did they go there ?# A.On foot B. By bus C.By car# ( )3、Was the bus very slow ?# A.Yes, it is B.Yes,it does C.No,it was# ( )4、When did they get to the park ?# A. At 9:#00 B. At 10:#00 C. At 11:#00# ( )5、Did they have a goo

    151、d time ?# A.No, they didnt B.Yes, they did C.Yes, they have#;i:11;s:1039:表3:#贵贵州州省省基基础础教教育育课课程程改改革革义义务务教教育育课课程程计计划划(修修订订)年级一二三四五六总课时数总课比例品德品德与生活332109.10%品德与社会3333420思想品德0语文887666143520.50%数学44455594515.30%外语22222807.30%科学22222807.20%体育与健康4433336309.90%艺术音乐22222242011%美术222222420综合实践活动333342016.10%地方课程与 学校课程332222560周总课时2626303030306020学年总课时9109101050105010501050210700说明:#1、本义务教育课程安排,系我省各地、校安排课程时的依据。#须遵照执行。#2、一至九年级可以设置综合课程艺术课,也可以分科设置音乐、美术课,若选择综合课程,其相应周课时数为音乐、美术课课时数注注明明:#20122012年年1111月月1212日日县县教教育育局局杨杨再再成成局局长长到到我我校校检检查查工工作作,陈陈亮亮校校长长拿拿样样表表来来看看。#;


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