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    1、3. A. He wants to have his car repaired, B. He wants to find the nearest car-park.C. He wants to hire a car on a tour. D. He wants to look round in a taxi.4. A. At a butcher shop, B. In a McDonalds.C. In a grocery. D. At a buffet.5. A. Young lovers. B, Bride and bridegroom.C. A married couple. D. Di

    2、vorced parents.6. A. His jacket doesnt match his pants. B. He is wearing a dark jacket.C. His jacket doesnt fit him well. D. He has gone to work in a jackets7. A. The critic has a very funny comment on the musical.B. The woman agrees with the mans opinion of the musical.C. The woman has a very posit

    3、ive comment on the musical.D. The man and the woman differ in their opinion of the musical.8. A. He no longer buys souvenirs like toys for his children.B. He doesnt send cards to his children as he did before.C. He still sends cards to all his children except Tod.D. Toys are still his children favor

    4、ites though they are grown up.9. A. The book reports can be handed in after November 13*B. November 13 is the deadline for handing in the book reports.C. The book reports can be handed in any time they are finished.D. November 13 is the date when the book reports are handed in.10. A. He became the c

    5、lub champion though his leg muscles tightened.B. He lost to the club champion because his leg muscles badly hurt.C. He failed to win the club championship for his leg muscle pain.D. He had to quit the match because of sudden pain in his leg muscles.Section BDirections : In Part B, you will hear two

    6、short passages and a longer conversation, and you will be asked some questions on the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide whi

    7、ch one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. 20 hours* B. 22 hours. C. 24 hours. D. 18 hours.12. A. People can live in New Yorks most attractive residential area.B. It serves as a transport system from Roosevelt to Manhatt

    8、an.C. Roosevelt Islanders now can have a view of Manhattans skylines.D. The cable car has created more jobs for Roosevelt Islanders.13. A. It ferries just across the East River every 15 minutes.B. It carries Roosevelt Islanders to Manhattan every 15 minutes.C. It ferries to and fro between Roosevelt

    9、 Island and Manhattan.D. It operates only in morning and evening rush hours.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. It can identify different flowers through its built-in sensors,B. It can record various smells digitally and reproduce them,C. It can make sweet smells by mix

    10、ing flowers with vapour,D. It can create smells and give them off to any scenes.15. A. It helps shoppers locate the right brand of perfume.B. It helps shoppers check out the perfumes before they buy,C. It helps make sure that perfumes are truly genuine.D. It can recommend right perfumes to shoppers*

    11、16. A. The device is made small enough to be easily carried.B. The device is sensitive to any smell the human nose can detect.C. Smells are programmed to accompany movie scenes.D. The device has recreated the smells of fish and gasoline.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation

    12、.17. A. Mens good manners on public occasions.B. Traditional views of married life.C. The equality of husband and wife.D. The dictionary definition of equality.18. A. Sharing housework. B. Keeping house.C. Earning money. D. Waiting on husband.19. A. A woman should support her family financially afte

    13、r marriage.B. Women should be treated politely on all social occasions.C. Men should have more household responsibilities than women.D. Men should treat women like babies in their family life.20. A. Men should observe the rule of lady first strictly.B. Husband and wife should pay their own way.C. Ma

    14、ns and womans roles are different in a family,D. Husband should treat his wife like a good friend.Grammar and Vocabulary After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper fo

    15、rm of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank. I teach a course in marine biology at a college in central Maine. In order to give each student the individualized attention he or she (21)_(deserve) , I cap the class size at 15. Someyears back,while calling out nam

    16、es from the roster (花名册)on the first day,I noticed a gray-haired woman of about 70. She (22)_(hang) about at the door, with her new bookslike a schoolgirl. Im not on the roster, she volunteered, clearly self-conscious about all the (23 )_(seat) 18-year-olds looking her over. But I was wondering if I

    17、 (24) just sit in on the first class,to see what its about. ” There were already 15 in the class, but this womans eagerness impressed me,so I invited her to have a seat. I began by chatting informally with the class to get a feel for how much knowledge they were bringing to (25)_course. The result o

    18、f open admissions is that professors are faced with very uneven crops of students, many of (26) _ know relatively little about the world around them. In marine biology I like to see if they know the difference between fishes and seagoing mammals (哺乳动物).I often hold up a (海绵)in the hope (27)_ someone

    19、 will recognize it as an animal rather than a plant. I talk about the difference between a sea and an ocean. (28)_ I questioned,most of my new students remained silent. But Natalie, the older woman, was on the edge of her seat, (29)_( volunteer) answers with the quickness of a game show contestant.

    20、In time, I felt as if it were just she and I engaged in a private conversation. At the end of class,she came up to me and apologized for being the “extra” student. “I certainly wish I could take this course, she said. “Will you offer it next week?” Alarmed at the prospect of losing her, I acted quic

    21、kly to relieve (30)_ concern.“Ill see you next class,” T said. Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. removable B. functional C. restrictions D. alter E. break F, reportedlyG. overload H. channel I

    22、. access J. track K. handling The Trunkster, a bag with built-in smart features might just challenge the standard roller bag. The main security feature: Its zipperless(无拉链). A sliding roll top-door design allows for easy 31_by the owner, but reduces the risk of theft or accidental opening during bag

    23、gage32_. If airport security has to search the bag, there is a TSA-approved combination lock. Need to juice up your phone? A 33_battery can charge portable devices through a USB connection. Perhaps the coolest part especially if your holiday shopping habits put you at risk of going beyond baggage we

    24、ight 34_- is a built-in digital scale. Want to know how much stuff you,re pulling? Lift the bag and the display on 出e handle shows weight in pounds or kilograms. Trunkster co-founder Jesse Potash said he and his co-founder, based in New York, created the luggage in 2014, after finding nothing they b

    25、elieved prioritized accessibility. They wanted to “completely 35_” the classic case with zippers for “the modem minimal (极简的)traveler,” Polash says. He adds that they didnt want to 36_the user with “as manyfeatures as possible because that would not be required. One more feature you can add on? Trac

    26、king. Airlines are 37_ doing a better job these days of not losing bags. But for those who want to 38_ their cases there are stand-alone gadgets(精巧的装置)like the Trakdot or Pocket-Finder Luggage Tracker. For an extra $40, you can add a subscription-free, removable GPS to the Trunksler. But smarting up

    27、 a 39 object comes with a problem. When you have this much technology in a suitcase . there are more things to break, says George Hobica, a world traveler. Besides, the Trunkster is all black, and we all know that finding a black-colored bag in a sea of suitcases is like searching for a blade of gra

    28、ss on a football field. Attention, luggage manufacturers looking to 40 the typical pattern: Go bolder with unusual colors and designs. Reading Comprehension Section A For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phr

    29、ase that best fits the context. Most of the time, people are well aware of the circumstances of exchange: they exchange this for that. But in the rare circumstances when theyve not prepared with gift-giving in return, they can be 41_ with feelings of guilt. Receiving a gift, Jacques Derrida, a French thinker, thought, could make one feel like a 42 trapped in a cycle of economic exchange. People don like the feeling of being under obligat


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