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    1、2000-2016年高考题倒装句试题汇编1. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _ so happy! (2000北京春季)A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt 2. _can you expect to get a pay rise. (01北京春季)AWith hard work BAlthough work hard COnly with hard work DNow that he works hard3. The old couple

    2、 have been married for 40 years and never once_with each other. (03全国卷)Athey had quarreled Bthey have quarreledChave they quarreled Dhad they quarreled4. I failed in the final examination last term and only then_the importance of studies.(04重庆)A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did

    3、 I realize5. Of the making of good books there is no end; neither _ any end to their influence mans lives. (04广东)A. there is B. there are C. is there D. are there 6. Maybe you have been to many countries , but nowhere else_such a beautiful palace . (04辽宁) Acan you find Byou could find Cyou can find

    4、Dcould you find 7. _ snacks and drinks, but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest. (04上海)A. Not only they brought B. Not only did they bringC. Not only brought they D. Not only they did bring 8.In the dark forests_,some large enough to hold several English to

    5、wns.(2005辽宁,35)A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand9._by keeping down costs will Power Data hold its advantage over companies.(2006浙江,9)A. Only B. Just C. Still D. Yet10.Only then _how much damage had been caused.(2006陕西,16)A. had she realized B. she realized C

    6、. did she realize D. she had realized11.I failed in the final examination last term and only then _the importance of studies.(2004重庆,34)A.I realized B.I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize12._homework did we have to do that we had no time to take a rest.(2006福建,30)A. So much B. Too much

    7、C.Too little D. So little13.So difficult _it to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice.(2006广东,33)A.I did find B. did I find C.I have found D. have I found14._about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.(2005江苏,35)A. So curious the couple

    8、was B. So curious were the coupleC. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious15.Ive tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means _with my progress.(2006重庆24)A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfiedC. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfi

    9、ed16.Never before _in greater need of modern public transport than it is today.(2005上海,39)A. has this city been B. this city has been C. was this city D. thiscity was17.-I reminded you not to forget the appointment.(2006江西,31)-_.A. So you did B. So I do not C. So did you D. So do I18.-Father,you pro

    10、mised!(2005湖北,34) -Well,_.But it was you who didnt keep your word first.A. so was I B. so did I C. so I was D. so I did19.-Well.I do think the rabbit is a beautiful,gentle animal which can run very fast. -_. (2005辽宁,32)A. So it is B. So is it C. So does it D. So it does20.Mary never does any reading

    11、 in the evening,_.(2005NMET,16)A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesnt too D. nor does John21.-I would never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible!-_.(2004NMET,32)A. Nor am I B. Neither would I C. Same with me D . So do I22._,he talks a lot about his favorite singers after clas

    12、s.(2005重庆,27)A. A quiet student as he may be B. Quiet student as he may beC. Be a quiet student as he may be D. Quiet as he may be a student23._,Carolina couldnt get the door open.(2005广东,23)A. Try as she might B. As she might try C. She might as try D. Might she as try24. If Joes wife wont go to th

    13、e party,_.(2007全国,11)A. he will either B. neither will he C. he neither will D. either he will25. Little _ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his own way in this business.(2007安徽,22)A. he realized B. he didnt realized C. didnt he realize D. did he realize26. _,his idea wa

    14、s accepted by all the people at the meeting.(2007重庆,34)A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange C.As strange it might sound D.Strange as it might sound 27.- My room gets very cold at night. -_.(2007江苏,31)A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine does28. _ that Marie was

    15、 able to set up new branches elsewhere. (2007陕西,10)A. So successful her business was B.So successful was her business C. So her business was successful D.So was her successful business 29.I have been living in the United States for twenty years, but seldom _ so lonely as now.(2007辽宁,23)A. have I fel

    16、t B. I had felt C. I have felt D. had I felt302. So much of interest _ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all. (2008上海,39)A. offers Beijing B.Beijing offers C. does Beijing offer D.Beijing does offer31. Not until the motorbike looked almost new _ repairing and cleaning it. (2

    17、008陕西,7)A. he stopped B. did he stop C. stopped he D. he did stop32. Only when I left my parents for Italy _ how much I loved them. (2008重庆,26)A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realize 33. _ you eat the correct foods _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy. (2008江苏,32)A. only

    18、 if; will you B. Only if; you will C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will34. Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and _.(2008辽宁,35)A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I35. It was announced that only when the fire was under control _ permitted to retur

    19、n to their homes. (2008江西,31)A. the residents would be B. had the residents beenC. would the residents be D. the residents had been36. (09福建) For a moment nothing happened. Then _-all shouting together.A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come37. (09海南) 8. The compute

    20、r was used in teaching. As a result, not only_ , but students became more interested in the lessons.A. saved was teachers energy B. was teachers energy savedC. teachers energy was saved D. was saved teachers energy38. (09山东) So sudden _that the enemy had no time to escape.A. did the attack B. the at

    21、tack did C. was the attack D. the attack was39. (09陕西)11. Little _about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care40. (09四川)14. Not until I came home last night _ to bed.A. Mum did go B. did Mum go C. went Mum D. Mum w

    22、ent41. (09重庆)16. Unsatisfied _ with the payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A. though was he B. though he was C. he was though D. was he though42. (10 江西) Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him.A did he begin B had he begun C he began D he had

    23、 begun43(10四川)We laugh at jokes,but seldom about how they work Awe think Bthink we Cwe do think Ddo we think44. (10江苏)Is everyone here? Not yet. Look , there_ the rest of our guests!A. come B. comes C. is coming D. are coming45. (10 重庆)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_

    24、, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing lies C. does lie ChongqingD. does Chongqing lie46(2011全国卷I) 22. Try_ she might, Sue couldnt get the door open.A. if B. when C. sine D.as B. 47(2011全国卷I) 28. Only when he reached the tea-house _it was the same place hed been in l

    25、ast year. A. he realized B. he did realize C. realized he D.did he realize 48(2011福建卷)29.-Its nice. Never before_ such a special drink!-Im glad you like it. A.I have had B. I had C.have i had D. had I49. (2011湖南卷)Only after they had discussed the matte for a few hours _ a decision.A they reached B d

    26、id they reach C they reached D do they reach 50.(重庆高考,33)The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor _ it a thought.A. does he even give B. he even gives C. will he even give D. he will even give51.(天津高考,6)Only after Mary read her composition the second time _ the spelling mistake.A

    27、. did she notice B. she noticed C. does she notice D. she has noticed52.(江西高考,32)Never before _ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert.A. had she B. she had C. has she D. she has53.(四川高考,5)This is not my story, nor _ the whole story. My story plays out differently.A. is there B. there is

    28、 C. is it D. it is54.(辽宁高考,)Not until he retired from teaching three years ago _ having a holiday abroad.A. he had considered B. had he considered C. he considered D. did he consider55.(上海高考,29)Only with the greatest of luck _to escape from the rising flood waters.A. managed she B. she managed C. di

    29、d she manage D. she did manage56【2013福建】34. Not until he went through real hardship _ the love we have for our families is important.A. had he realized B. did he realize C. he realized D. he had realized57【2013湖南】35. Not once _ to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.A. occurred itB. it did


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