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    1、学校作文之学校宿舍中英文标语学校宿舍中英文标语【篇一:女生寝室英语标语】【篇二:宿舍食堂中译英文化标语】 宿舍文化标语 slogans for dormitory culture 1 文明和睦卫生,创立美妙宿舍。 to be civilized, harmonious and sanitary, and to build a sweet dorm. 2 宿舍如我家,清洁整洁靠大家。 dormitory is home and we should keep it tidy. 3 搭建心灵家园,共创和谐宿舍。 to create a spiritual home and to build a ha

    2、rmonious dorm together. 4 擦去的是一块污渍污染的是本人的灵魂。 to wipe away a spot cleans ones soul on the side. 5 晶莹清雅之居,同心同德之果。 a distinct and elegant dorm requires efforts from us all. 6 公共宿舍勿喧闹,爱惜公物惜资源。 please be quiet in the dorm and treasure the public property and resources 7 高空阳台门窗,避免坠物伤人。 take care of things

    3、 on the high balconies and windows and free them from falling off. 8 以厂为家树美德,群策群力翻新风。 to regard the factory as home and to endeavor for its development. 9 爱护共事相处情,倾献关爱互辅助 be harmonious with colleagues and to care for each other. 10 一屋不扫,何以扫天下。 keep your room in order before you can master the world

    4、11 爱护公物,人人有责。 its our moral obligation to treasure public property. 12 宿舍之文源于友好,宿舍之明源于干净。 civilization of the dorm requires harmony and tidiness. 13 同居一室是缘份,用爱润泽是天职。 to be in the same room is serendipitous, therefore, love your roommates. 14 礼貌是文明共处的金钥匙。 manners are key to civilized cohabitation. 15

    5、 无人房间灯不亮,人走灯灭成习惯。 turn off the lights when no one is in. its a good habit to extinguish the lights before leaving a room. 16 为了咱们大家的生存,请勤俭用水。 please save water because its for everyones sake. 17 恶语不出口,苟言不留耳。 do not badmouth or remember ill words of others. 18 宿舍是我家,和气相处你我他。 dormitory is our home; be

    6、 harmonious with each other. 19心美言丽宿舍留,德行礼让文化求。 a harmonious dorm calls for hearty conversations and manners. 20 一分义务 一份播种 一次善举 一份温馨。 an obligation requires an effort; and an almsdeed brings harmony. 21 用眼睛发明家的漂亮,用双手保持家的整齐。 to look for beauties at home with our eyes and to keep it tidy with our hand

    7、s. 22 用爱心庇护家的暖和,用真挚营造家的温馨。to build and to guard our harmonious home with affection. 23 明之尚美,馨德亦缘。 its our wish to be civilized and to practice morality 24 整齐并非必定,保护依附自发。 tidiness asks for efforts, and maintenance calls for spontaneity. 25 温馨小屋我的家,人人都爱它。 this sweet house is my home and we love it. 26

    8、 文明促协调提高,骄奢败道德新风。 civilization upgrades the harmony while extravagance degrades morality. 27精美环境你我创,温馨宿舍齐共享。 an elegant environment calls for efforts, and a tidy dormitory soothes all. 28 保持环境干净,做位可爱的人。 keep the lovely environment tidy and be a lovely person yourself. 29 搭建心灵家园,共创和谐宿舍。 to create a s

    9、piritual home and to build a harmonious dorm together. 30 与陋习离别,与文明握手。 get rid of bad habits and be civilized. 员工食堂文化标语 slogans for staff dining-hall 1、慢慢酌量,快快行动。 to ponder thoroughly and to act promptly. 2、一粒米,一滴汗,粒粒粮食汗珠换。 food comes from hard work. 3、药补不如食补。 its better to nourish your body with fo

    10、od than medicine. 4、相互礼让,自觉排队。 be polite and line up please 5、文明就餐,保持好心情。 to dine with manners and to keep in good mood. 6、用餐后应自觉清理剩饭残羹。 please clean up remains after meal. 7、快乐生活每一天,开心享受每一餐。 to be happy every day and to enjoy every meal. 8、自觉遵守食堂纪律,养成饮食卫生习惯。 please follow regulations of the dining

    11、hall and build good sanitary habit. 9、保持餐桌卫生,共创整洁环境。 keep the tables clean to build a tidy environment together. 10、爱护公共设施,尽你我应有责任。 its our obligation to treasure public property. 11、饭菜穿肠过,礼让心中留。 be polite when dining. 12、知青的年代已经过去,请勿再“插队”。 please do not jump the queue. 13、即使饥肠辘辘,也要风度依然。 be civilize

    12、d even when you are hungry 14、相互谦让,亲如一家。 be polite with each other like we were brothers and sisters.15、节约用水一点滴,珍惜粮食一粒粒。 please save every drop of water and every piece of rice. 爱护环境标语 slogans for the environment 1、废物不乱扔,举止显文明。 please do not litter and be civilized. 2、善待环境,关爱自然。 care for the environ

    13、ment and love the nature. 3、除了足迹和微笑,什么都不要留下。 please leave nothing but your footprints and laughters. 4、请把您的垃圾带走,请将您的美德留下。 put away your trash and leave me your excellence. 5、美丽正在绽放,请勿随意打扰。 beauty is blooming, please do not disturb. 6、留下一路洁净,带走一身快乐。 keep the road clean; it will give you pleasure in r

    14、eturn. 7、脚下留情,草坪留青。 mind your steps and save the green, please. 8、一花一草皆生命,一枝一叶总关情。 flower and grass breathe, and they need love too. 9、落花未必有意,摘花一定无情。 we know flowers wither in time but defloration is forbidden. 10、爱护绿化,关心未来。 to protect the virescence and to care for the future.【篇三:标语(中英文对照)】 标语(slog

    15、ans) 标语是指用简短文字写出来的具有宣传激励作用的口号,句末一般不加标点符号。例如: 1) seize the opportunity, deepen the reform 抓住机遇,深化改革 2) do away with the egalitarism in the system of foreign trade废除外贸体制中的平均主义(其中:egalitarism = equalitarism) 3) one child per couple 一对夫妻生一个孩子 4) put reform at the center of all our undertakings 把改革放在一切工作

    16、的中心 5) have the law and discipline abided by and strictly enforced and ensure law breakers duely punished加强和遵守法纪,确保违法者得到应有的惩罚 6) to be new socialist builders who have lofty ideals and moral integrity, who are well educated and have a strong sense of discipline 做有理想、有道德、有文化、守纪律的社会主义新建设者 7) take the r

    17、oad to socialism with chinese characteristics 走有中国特色的社会主义道路 8) improve the economic environment, rectify the economic order and deepen the reform in an all-round way 优化经济环境,整顿经济秩序,全面深化改革 9) order leads to prosperity and chaos to decline安定带来繁荣,混乱导致衰败 10) follow chinas own road of industrial developme

    18、nt 走中国自己工业发展之路 标识(public signs) 这里所说的标识是指用于公共场所的各种警语和标牌。标识的目的在于引起人们对某件事情的注意与警惕。 标识语的写法要求语言简炼,立意明确,使人一目了然。英语标识语,通常每个词的首字母须大写,结尾无标点。 一、用于货物包装的标识语通常单词各字母均大写。 bottom 底部 caution 小心 center of gravity 重心 compressed gas 压缩气体 corrosives 腐蚀品 cut straps first and remove top 先开顼部 do not crush 切勿挤压 do not drop /

    19、 no dropping 切勿坠落 do not load near inflammables oxidizers and explosives 载时不得同易燃品、氧化物和爆炸品靠近 do not stack on top勿放顶上 do not stow in damp place 勿放湿处 explosives 爆炸物品 (下同) 二、常用标识用语(common signs) admission by invitation card only (alone) 凭请柬入场 admission by ticket only 凭票入场 admission free 敞门入场(免费入场)admitt

    20、ance free免费入场(敞门入场) all are welcome 欢迎光临 all books for reference, not to be taken out of the room 仅供参考,不得带出 all reserved (房间或票)全部订完 all sold out 货已售完(票已售完) air-conditioned area, please keep the doors and windows closed内装空调,请关门窗 beware of fire 当心火烛 beware of furious dogs 小心凶犬 bike for hire 自行车出租 busi

    21、ness as usual 照常营业 business hours: 8:30 am. - 8:30 pm. 营业时间:上午8:30 -下午8:30 business temporarily suspended 暂停营业 cameras forbidden 禁止拍照 cheek all weapons before entering检查武器后方可入内 check (checking) with nurse before entering 经护士允许,方可入内 cheek tickets before going out检票后出站 children admitted free 儿童免费入场 ch

    22、ildren and women admitted free 妇幼免费入场 children and women first 妇幼优先 children not admitted 儿童谢绝入场 children under one meter admitted free 一米以下儿童免费 closed今日休息(停业)(或此门不通) closed during (for) repairs店内整修,暂停营业 closed for holiday假日休息,暂停营业 closed for meeting会务时间,暂停营业 closed for month end stock-taking 月底盘存,暂

    23、不营业 closed for stock-taking今日盘存,营业暂停 commit no nuisance 禁止小便 criticism suggestions welcome 欢迎提出批评与建议 customers please refrain from entering this area 旅客止步 visitors please refrain from entering this area 游客止步out of bounds 游客止步 danger, keep out危险,请勿入内 do not proceed beyond rail 请勿跨越栏杆 dont dump rubbis

    24、h here 不得在此倒垃圾 dont litter the floor with fruit skins or waste paper请勿在地上乱扔果皮废纸 dont pick flowers or fruit 请勿攀摘花果 dont spit on the floor请勿随地吐痰 dont tease (feed) the animal 请勿戏弄动物 dont touch high-tension wire 莫触高压线 dont trample on grass 勿踏草坪 downstairs 由此下楼 dumping here 垃圾倒此 early closing today 提前打烊

    25、engaged (taken) 有人占用five yuan for throwing trash on the street 乱扔垃圾者罚款5元 flush the toilet after using it 便后冲洗 footpath only, no cycling allowed人行通道,不得骑车 for (changsha, xiangtan, zhuzhou) 开往(长沙、湘潭、株洲) for display (show) 展品 for inspection only 仅供参观 for use only in case of fire 灭火专用 the manual brake fo

    26、r use only in case of emergence 非紧急情况,请勿触碰手刹装置 forbidden to injure flowers and trees 禁止攀摘花技 fragile 易碎物品 fragile, dont drop 易碎物品,不得乱扔 fresh paint (varnish) 油漆未干 = wet paint full (or: all full, full house, full up) 满员 glass, attention 当心玻璃 glass (with care) 小心玻璃 guard against damp 防潮 guard against fi

    27、re 小心着火 handle with care / no rough handling 小心轻放 hazardous goods / dangerous cargo 危险品 hold on handrail 握住扶手 house to let 房屋出租 if leaking, no inhale fume 如遇渗漏,勿吸气体 in家中有人 in case of fire ring the alarm bell 如遇火警,请按电铃 inflammable 易燃物品 inflammable compressed gas 易燃压缩气体 inflammables-keep away from fir

    28、e 易燃物品,远离火烛 inspections declined 谢绝参观 inspections welcome 欢迎参观 keep away 请勿靠近 keep away from feed or food 勿近饲料食品 keep away from fire (heat, moisture) 切忌近火(受热、受潮) keep cool冷藏 keep dry 保持干燥 keep flat / stow level 必须平放 keep in dark place 暗藏 keep in dry place 干处绦存 keep in hold 仓内装运 keep on deck 甲板装运 kee

    29、p off the grass (lawn) 勿践草坪 keep order请守秩痔 keep out 闲人免进 staff members only非工作人员,不得入内keep out of reach of children 儿童不宜靠近 keep beyond the reach of children 存放在儿童拿不到的地方 keep quiet (silent) 肃静 keep this doorway free of obstruction 不得在此门口堆放障碍物 keep this passage (intersection) clear 请勿在此通道处堆放物品 keep top

    30、 side up请勿倒立 keep upright 切勿倒置 knock进前敲门 late comers will not be ushered in until the interval 演出进行时, 不得入场 leaking package must be removed to a safe place 破漏包装须移至安全处 lift here 由此起吊 line up for tickets 排队购票 liquid液体物品 littering subject to five yuan fine 随地吐痰罚款5元 mind your head 小心碰头 mind your step 小心地

    31、滑 night bell夜间有事,请按此铃 no admission未经允许,不得人内 no admittance 闲人免进 no admittance except on business 非公莫入 staff members only y非工作人员,不得入内 no admittance without a pass 无证莫入 no bike riding此处不得骑车 no bills (circulars) 不准张贴 no-business today今不营业 no cycling double 骑自行车不得带人 no entry for unauthorized vehicles 车辆未经批准不得进入 no hawkers 不得在此叫卖 no refunds or exchanges without complete factory packing and sales slip 凭完整包装和出售发票退换 no scribbling请勿乱涂 no smoking禁止吸烟 no spitting请勿随地吐痰


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