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    1、被动语态语态是动词的一种形式,用来表明主语与谓语动词之间的关系。英语的语态分为主动语态和被动语态。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者,被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者。学习被动语态,除了要熟练掌握各种时态的被动语态构成外,还要注意哪些动词没有被动语态,避免将一些不及物动词,如happen, occur, belong, remain等,误当作及物动词而用在被动结构之中。另外,一些特殊现象,如主动形式表示被动意义与被动形式表示主动意义等,也是学习中应注意的问题。主动语态变为被动语态时,通常采用如下步骤: 主动语态 被动语态1. 宾语 主语(若为宾格须变为主格);2. 谓语动词 be + 过去分词(注意

    2、be有人称、数和时态的变化);3. 主语 (根据句意需要)by + 主动语态句子的主语(若为主格须变为宾格);4. 其余部分 其余部分。 e.g.主动语态: We speak English every day. 主语 谓动 宾语 状语(其余部分) 被动语态: English is spoken (by us) every day.考点一 被动语态的构成 被动语态由【be+过去分词】构成,be动词有人称、数和时态的变化。被动语态常见的时态变化:时态被动语态的构成be动词人称、数和时态的形式变化主语谓语状语be动词过去分词一般现在时The workis doneevery day.am/is/a

    3、re done一般过去时wasyesterday.was/were done现在进行时The workis beingdoneat the moment.am/is/are being done过去进行时was beinglast week.was/were being done一般将来时The workwill bedonenext week.will/shall be done过去将来时would bebefore you came.would be done现在完成时The workhas beendonesince you left.has/have been done过去完成时had

    4、 beenbefore your arrival.had been done将来完成时The workwill have beendoneby the end of next term.will/shall have been done主动语态变被动语态的5种特殊变化1.跟双宾语动词的被动语态可接两个宾语(即sb. sth.)的动词如give, send, teach, show, tell, pay, offer, promise, make等变为被动语态时 sb. be done sth. sth. be done to sb. (表动作“向谁做”) for sb. (表动作“为谁做”)

    5、They offered him a position.He was offered a position by them.A position was offered to him by them. My mom made me a pair of pants.I was made a pair of pants by my mom.A pair of pants was made for me by my mom.2.【5看3使2听1感觉】跟复合宾语(宾语+宾补)的被动语态5看:see, look at, watch, notice, observe3使:let, make, have2听

    6、:hear, listen to1感觉:feel+ sb. do变为被动语态时,作宾补的动词原形do前须加to,即:V + sb. do sb. be V-ed to do I saw her enter the room.She was seen to enter the room (by me). 3.动词短语的被动语态动词短语变为被动语态时,要注意动词短语的完整性,动词后面的介词或副词不可遗漏。【动词+名词+介词】构成的动词短语变为被动语态时有两种变化形式。常见的此类短语有:take care of,pay attention to,put an end to,make use of等。

    7、 They sent for the doctor .The doctor was sent for (by them).People paid no attention to me.I was paid no attention to.No attention was paid to me.4.含情态动词的被动语态情态动词+ be + 过去分词一些不定式结构,如be going to, have to, be to, be about to, be likely to, seem to在变为被动语态时也有类似变化。 The computer might be repaired by tomo

    8、rrow.The plan is going to be carried out next week. These difficulties are sure to be overcome.5.谓动为say, report, believe, think, know, consider等带有宾从的句子的被动语态通常用it做形式主语,真正的主语在后面用主语从句来表示。此结构有时可改为【主语+be+过去分词+不定式】的形式。 People say that he has got the first place in the exam.It is said that he has got the f

    9、irst place in the exam.He is said to have got the first place in the exam. People think he is a smart boy.It is thought that he is a smart boy.he is thought to be a smart boy.考点二 被动语态的适用范围1. 强调或突出动作的承受者,将承受者作为谈话的中心时,e.g. Immediate action should be taken to protect the environment.2. 不知道或无需说出动作的执行者时,

    10、e.g. -Have you heard about that fire in the market? -Yes, fortunately no one was hurt. Many buildings will be built in our city.3. 动作的执行者是无声民的事物时,e.g. The window glass was broken by a stone.考点三 主动形式表示被动意义1. 谓语动词的主动形式表被动意义 系动词+ adj.构成系表结构时,系动词主动形式表被动意义。 be动词:am/is/are/was/were感官系动词:look/sound/smell/t

    11、aste/feel系动词 表“像”系动词:seem/appear表“保持”系动词:keep/stay/remain表“变化”系动词:become/go/get/turn/grow/fall (asleep)/come (true)表“结果”系动词:prove/turn out (to be) e.g. These flowers smells very nice.The story sounds true. His dream has come true. Einsteins theory proved (to be) correct. 一些由及物动词转化成的不及物动词,如sell, wash

    12、, burn, cook, clean, cut,read, write, open, lock, shut, keep(保存)等,当他们与well, easily等副词连用,说明主语的某种属性特征时,常用主动形式表被动意义。 e.g. This pen writes smoothly. The knife cuts well. My coat washes easily. The book sells well. (书本身很好) The book is sold well. (销售人员卖的好,与书本身好坏无关) The door cant lock.(锁子坏了) The door isnt

    13、locked. (有人没锁门) 表开始、结束的词(如begin, start, finish, end等),当主语为事物且不强调动作的执行者时,可用主动形式表被动意义。 e.g. Class begins at eight every day. This term will end on July 2nd.2. 谓语动词的主动形式表被动意义 1)动名词的主表被 need/want/require doing(= to be done) 需要被做 deserve doing (= to be done) 应该/值得被做 be (well) worth doing 值得被做 be worthy o

    14、f being done to be donee.g. The children need/want/require looking after. to be looked after. This report is well worth listening to. = This report is worthy of being listened to. / to be listened to.2)不定式的主表被 be to blame(应受责备),be to rent/ let(出租) e.g. He is to blame for the accident. The house is t

    15、o rent.主语 + 系动词 + adj. + to do 逻辑上的动宾关系 此时不定式主动形式表被动意义,不定式中的动词须为vt.;若为vi.,须在vi.后加适当介词。 e.g. The question is easy to answer. Good medicine is bitter to taste. The problem seems difficult to settle. The picture is pleasant to look at. The chair is comfortable to sit on.(使)makethink(认为) find + 名词/代词+ a

    16、dj. + to dofeel 逻辑上 的动宾关系consider 此时不定式主动形式表被动意义,不定式中的动词须为vt.;若为vi.,须在vi.后加适当介词。 e.g. I found his lecture difficult to understand. I think the man easy to get along with. 逻辑上的主谓关系sb. have sth. to do. 逻辑上的动宾关系 此时不定式主动形式表被动意义,不定式中的动词若为vi.,须在vi.后加适当介词。 e.g. 试比较 I have a letter to type, so I cant go out

    17、 for a walk. I have no more letters to be typed. Thanks. She has a lot of house work to do after work. Ill go shopping. Do you have anything to be bought?考点4 【get + 过去分词】【get +过去分词】则多用于表示动作的结果或动作变化的逐渐性;而【be +过去分词】多用来表示一般的动作或情况。能够用于get后构成被语态的过去分词不多,常见的有arrested, broken, caught, cheated, confused, del

    18、ayed, divorced, dressed, drowned, drunk, elected, engaged, hit, killed, lost, married, stuck等。这类结构的主要用法如下:Igot dressedas quickly as I could.我尽快穿好衣服。I got caught in the deluge on the way home.我在回家的路上遇到倾盆大雨。I got drunk for the first time in my life last night.昨晚我有生以来第一次喝醉了。She nearly got hit by a car.

    19、她差点被汽车撞上了。Dont play with knives.You might get hurt.不要玩刀子,说不定会伤着自己。Happily none got killed in that accident.幸亏那起车祸没有造成死亡。I gave you a map so you wouldnt get lost.我给你一张地图这样你就不会迷路了。They were walking out for years before they got married.他们恋爱多年才结婚。【夯实基础 巩固提升】 把下列句子变为被动语态1. They are repairing the bike. _

    20、 2. We saw him sitting there without doing anything. _3. We must prevent him from going. _4. She heard him sing a song just now. _5. People still look down upon women in some countries. _6. My sister made me a dol. _7. They had finished the work when we got there. _8. Dr. Smith will give a lecture t

    21、omorrow. _用所给动词的适当形式填空9. She should _ (work) for her work.10. By the time you come back, the lecture _ (finish).11. I _ (tell) that the sports meet is put off.12. The policy _ (prove) effective.13. This museum is well worth _ (visit).14. The rock is hard _ (break).15. The shop _ (close) at 6 p.m. ev

    22、ery day.16. Officials believe that more than one person may be _ (blame) for the fire.【滚动练习 熟能生巧】 1. Cristiano Ronaldo with 2013FIFA Golden Globe Award _ (regard) to be the best player today in football by many young fans.2. 28 billion dollars _ (give) away by the charitable organization set up by B

    23、ill Gates and his wife so far.3. The wet weather will continue tomorrow, when a cold front _ (expect) to arrive.4. The road _ (build) and it will be finished by the end of next year.5. A lot of people often forget that oral exams _ (design) to test our communicative ability.6. In the last few years,

    24、 thousands of films _ (produce) all over the world.7. The room is very dirty. I know. It _ (not clean) for several weeks.8. Kathy told me that all the doors and windows _ (clean) when she arrived this morning.9. The woman moved about outside the operation room, because her son _ (operate) on.10. Thanks to Pierre de Coubertin, the Olympic Games _ (revive) in 1896.11. Why does your brother look so happy today?He told me that he _ (offer) a good position in his company.12. It is announced that the most delicious cake in the world _ (make) this Sunday. Would you please come and enjoy it then.


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