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    1、新目标九年级一模中山一中2013-2014学年度(上)初三统测一英语科试题说明: 1、本试卷共六大题, 85小题;试卷共10页; 2、考试时间100分钟,共120分;3、将答案做在答题卷上。4.、出题人:陈敏华 审题人:赵小红第一卷 语言知识与技能(共四大题, 85分)一. 听力理解 (本大题共3部分, 20分)1) 听句子,选择符合题意的图片,每小题听一遍(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分) ( )1. What was Ben doing when the phone rang? ( )2. What does the woman buy for Bill?( )3. Whats the

    2、date today?( )4. Where did the woman want to go?( )5. Which picture are they talking about?2) 听对话,选择正确答案,每段对话听两遍(本题10小题, 每小题1分,共10分)听第一段对话,回答第6题。( ) 6. When will they meet? A. This afternoon. B. Tomorrow morning. C. The day after tomorrow.听第二段对话,回答第7题。( ) 7. Where are they talking? A. In the library

    3、. B. On a bus. C. At the street.听第三段对话,回答第8题。( )8.Whats the matter with Sams mother? A. She has a headache. B. She has a rest. C. She has a bad cold.听第四段对话,回答第9题。( )9.What is Betty doing? A. Practicing the piano. B. Playing a CD. C. Singing a song.听第五段对话,回答第10题。( )10.Who is in hospital? A. Jack. B.

    4、Mr. Li. C. The woman.听第六段对话,回答第11-12题。( )11.What are they talking about? A. About traveling. B. About spoken English. C. About the holiday.( )12.Is the boy going to travel or join in a summer school? A. Join in a summer school. B. Yes, he is. C. He didnt tell us.听第七段对话,回答第13-15题。( )13.What the name

    5、of the manned spaceship?A. Shenzhou Four B. Shenzhou Five. C. Shenzhou Six.( )14.How was the spaceship sent into space?A. By Long March rocket. B. By itself. C. By two spacemen.( )15.When were the spacemen excited? A. They left the earth in the spaceship. B. They flew over China. C. They saw the Gre

    6、at Wall.3) 听短文, 选择正确的答案, 短文听两遍(本题共5小题, 每小题1分,共5分) ( )16How old is Yuan Yuan? A.18. B. 8. C. 10.( )17What happened to her parents?A. Arguing B. Crying C. Sleeping.( )18Who saved her parents?A. Yuan Yuan. B. Doctor. C. Policemen.( )19How did she save her parents?A. Turned off the gas. B. Opened the wi

    7、ndow. C. Both A and B.( )20What can we learn from the story?A. Win a prize. B. Be quick to save people. C. Use what we have learned to solve problems in life.二单项填空(本题共25小题, 每小题1分,共25分).在每小题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. Should students _ wear their own clothes to school?A. allow B. be allowed C. be al

    8、low to D. be allowed to( )22. If I _ you, I _ take part in the contest.A. am, will B. were, will C. was, would D. were, would( )23. Too many computer games got _ of his schoolwork.A. in the way B. on the way C. by the way D. to the way( )24. _ do you usually study English? _ reading in English.A. Wh

    9、at, In B. How, In C. How, By D. How often, By( )25. _ movies in English _ good for our study.A. Watching, are B. Watching, is C. To watch, are D. Watch, are( )26. They dont know how _ the computer.A. use B. using C. to use D. to using( )27. Look, thats our new school building. There _be old and low

    10、houses.A. is going to B. used to C. will D. use to( )28.Both Tom and Kent _stay in the dark. A. is afraid of B. are afraid of C. is afraid to D. are afraid to ( )29.David has trouble _ English words.A. to spell B. spelled C. spells D. spelling( )30. We have to stay at school _Saturday morning this t

    11、erm.A. on B. in C. at D. for( )31. I spend about three hours _ my homework every day.A. doing B. to do C. on doing D. in( )32.He gave up _ soccer because of his bad leg.A. play B. to play C. playing D. not to play( )33.- I have a lot of rules at my house. - _.A. So he does. B. So does he. C. So he i

    12、s. D. So is he.( )34._, he was not at home.A. In our surprise B. To our surprised C. To our surprise D. To our surprises( )35. The other day, I _ him in the street.A. meet B. am going to meet C. have met D. met( )36.What if nobody _ the bell?A. listen B. listen to C. hear D. hears ( )37.I was so shy

    13、 that I _ want to speak in public_. A. not, at all B. not, in the slightest C. dont, at all D. didnt, in the slightest( )38. I worked so hard to achieve my dream because I dont want to _ my parents _. A. let, down B. get, down C. put, down D. make, down ( )39. The book gives very good advice _ campi

    14、ng. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )40.Soft music can help people _. A. relax B. relaxing C. relaxed D. with relax( )41.I am too tired to work any longer. I want to have tomorrow _. A. on B. off C. out D. away( )42. Its not easy _ Chinese students _ learn English grammar. A. for, to B. for, at C. of, to

    15、D. of , at( )43. You will never know the taste _ you try it yourself. A. if B. when C. unless D. because( )44. Dont _ the people in trouble. They are sad and need help. A. worry about B. complain about C. care about D. laugh at( )45. You should cover the cut _ a clean cloth. A. by B. in C. with D. u

    16、se三、完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)通读下面短文,然后在各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for coming to this concert. I hope that you will enjoy the music. The purpose of the concert is to raise 46 for children in Africa. Every day hundreds of children in Africa die 47 they have d

    17、iseases(疾病) or dont have enough 48 . There are two main reasons. First, there are no jobs for the childrens parents, so they have no money to buy food or 49 . Second, the governments in many African countries do not have the money to take care of the poor people. Most African countries are 50 . The

    18、land is not good for 51 food and the weather is also bad for farming. The organization we are trying to help, the Feed Africa Fund, 52 a lot of money every year on food for poor people in Africa. The money comes from people like you, kind and generous(慷慨的) people who do not want to see children die

    19、from hunger. Just one dollar can buy 53 rice or corn to feed a family of four for three days. How much do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little 54 on your own food so that you have a few dollars for the Feed Africa Fund. Ladies and gentlemen, we w

    20、ill now take a collection. Please be 55 . Thank you.( )46. A. books B. food C. money D. drinks ( )47. A. because B. though C. while D. so ( )48. A. to eat B. to sleep C. to play D. to learn ( )49. A. toys B. medicine C. houses D. shoes( )50. A. rich B. big C. great D. poor ( )51. A. eating B. invent

    21、ing C. growing D. buying ( )52. A. costs B. spends C. lends D. pays( )53. A. enough B. little C. many D. a lot ( )54. A. more B. few C. less D. least ( )55. A. happy B. generous C. sad D. lucky四 阅读理解. (本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,并做每篇短文后的题目。在各小题所给选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其字母编号写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。(A)Xiao Shenyang will

    22、 present a comedy in May. Youll enjoy errenzhuan, a local folk dance from Northeast China.Time: 8 p.m. May 10Tickets: 280 800 yuanVenue: Shenzhen Sports CenterBooking: 11185 Liu Qian, a well-known magician from Taiwan, is performing wonderful magic tricks.Time: 3 p.m. June 20Tickets: 500 yuan (5% of

    23、f if you buy online)Venue: Shenzhen Childrens PalaceBooking: 89812344Rubina Ali, the young actress who played Lakita in “Slumdog Millionaire”(贫民窟的百万富翁), is performing in a musical named “Sleeping Beauty”.Time: 7:30 p.m. June 1Tickets: 280 yuanVenue: Shenzhen Poly TheaterBooking: 86371698Britains sin

    24、ging sensation Susan Boyle is coming! You may enjoy her angelic voice in her concert.Time: 8 p.m. July 25Tickets: 380 700 yuanVenue: Shenzhen Grand TheaterBooking: 82337625( )56. According to the ad, you can dial to book a concert ticket. A.82337625 B. 86371698 C. 89812344 D. 11185( )57.If you want

    25、to go to a musical, you should go to . A. Shenzhen Grand Theater B. Shenzhen Sports Center C. Shenzhen Poly Theater D. Shenzhen Childrens Palace( )58.Xiao Shenyang will present . A. a musical B. a concert C. a magic show D. a local folk dance( )59. How much can you save if you buy two tickets to Liu

    26、 Qians show online? A. 950 yuan B. 50 yuan C. 25 yuan D. 1000 yuan( )60.You can go to in your summer holiday. A. Xiao Shenyangs folk dance B. Rubina Alis musicalC. Susan Boyles concert D. Liu Qians magic show(B) What are you going to do if you are in a burning house?How will you escape(逃走)?Do you kn

    27、ow how to save yourself?Please read the following passage.Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family,such as stairways and fire escapes,but not lifts.From the lower flo

    28、ors of the buildings,escaping through windows is possible. Learn the best way of leaving through windows with the least chance of serious injury.The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An adult,hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It

    29、is about the height of an adult. Of course,it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed, or smoke and fire may go into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air

    30、rather than smoke that may go into the room.On the second or third floor,the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof(屋顶). From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes and grass can help to break a fall.( )61. Accordin

    31、g to the passage, it is important to _. A. put out the fire in the burning house B. jump off a burning house C. know the ways to escape the fire D. keep the window closed( )62. It is possible to escape through the windows _. A. if there are some bushes on the groundB. if you are strong enough C. if you live on a lower floor D. If you have a long rope( )63. Which


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