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    1、小学六年级英语作业选择题训练100题含答案小学六年级英语作业选择题训练100题(含答案)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1_ nice music it is! ()AWhat a BWhat CHow a DHow2How _ she go to school? ()She _ to school by bus.Ado; go Bdoes; go Cdo; goes Ddoes; goes3My sister can _ well. She is a good _. ()Asing; singer Bsinging; singer Csing; singing Dsinging;

    2、sing4I want to eat some bananas. ()_AMe too. BMe neither. CI too. DMe either.5Would you like some _ for super? ()Sure.Abeef Begg Cbreads Dchickens6What time do you get up every day? ()_AIts seven oclock. BAt seven. CSeven oclock. DIts seven.7Look! There is _ map on _ wall. _ map is mine. ()Aa; the;

    3、The Ba; a; The Cthe;/: The Dthe; the; The8_ bike is blue, and _ is black. ()AHers; my BMy, her CHis; my DHis; mine9Please stand _ line! ()Ain Bto Cat10Ive got a book about China, _ I havent got a book about the US. ()Abut Band Cor11Do you often play _ your cat? ()Aon Bwith Cat12Heres the flag _ Chin

    4、a. ()Afor Bof Cin13My grandpa _ this photo long ago. ()Atake Btakes Ctook14Are there _ restaurants in Chinatown? ()Amuch Bsome Cany15He is hungry. He wants to get something _. ()Ato eat Beat Ceating16Reading, swimming and singing _ all my _. ()Ais; hobby Bare; hobbies Care; hobby17Look at the sign .

    5、 It means(意思是) “_” ()ATurn right. BDont turn left here! CDont turn right here!18Dont be late _ school. ()Ato Bat Cfor19Ive got a kite, _ I cant fly. ()Abut Bor Cand20The mice are afraid _ the cat. ()Awith Bto Cof21I often eat with a knife _ fork. ()Aand Bor Cbut22What do you do _ the Mid-Autumn Fest

    6、ival? ()Ain Bat Cof23There are lots of _ there. ()Ashop Bflower Crestaurants24Do you _ visit the UN building? ()Awants Bwant to Cwant25Have you got any picture books? ()_AYes, I have. BYes, I dont. CYes, I got.26Mike wants to be a _ in the future. So he can work on a plane. ()Acoach Bfisherman Cpilo

    7、t27_ Peter like _ books? ()ADoes; read BDoes; reading CDo; reading28Sarah feels very cold. So she should _. ()Asing a song Bcount to ten Cwear warm clothes29_ can I get to the science museum? ()By car.AWhat BHow CWhere30Usually I go to school on foot, because my home is not _. ()Afar Bnext to Cnear3

    8、1We must _ at a yellow light. ()Astop and wait Bslow down and stop Cgo32We usually _ home at 5:00 p.m. ()Acoming Bgoes Cgo33She _ a film tomorrow. ()Ais going to see Bseeing Csees34Where _ your uncle work? ()He _ at sea.Adoes; works Bdo; works Cdoes; work35If I want to send a postcard, I will go to

    9、the _.()Amuseum Bbookstore Cpost office36What are your _? ()I like _ the piano and reading books.Ahobby; playing Bhobbies; play Chobbies; playing37_ are you going to do tomorrow? ()I am going to play sports in the playground.AWhat BWhen CWhere38Does he _ in Sydney? ()No, he _ in Shanghai.Alive; live

    10、 Blives; live Clive; lives39My cousin lives in Hong Kong. Next week, I _ her. ()Avisit Bis visiting Cam going to visit40Your brother is ill. He should _. ()Acount to ten Bsee a doctor Csee a film41You must _ at a yellow light. ()Across Bslow down and stop Cgo42Lucy is going to Beijing _. ()Anext Sat

    11、urday Bevery day Clast week43My aunt is a _, and she _ at a university. ()Asinger; works Bscientist; works Creporter; work44Xiao Yu has a very _ life. ()Atell Bask Chealthy45Our cat is _ a mouse now! ()Achase Bchasing Cchases46_ go on Tuesday? ()Its half price then!AWhy isnt BWhy not CHow old47Sarah

    12、 _ Chinese and does her homework. ()Ateach Bstudy Cstudies48My brother is _. ()Aill Btravel Cjoin49Im going to buy some _. ()Adictionary Bcomic book Ccomic books50Lets go straight and _ right. ()Aturn Bcrossing Cship51He should do _ exercise. ()Aa Bmore Clot52Did you have an _ dream? ()Ainterested B

    13、interesting Cinterest53_ is your fish? ()My fish is smaller than Sarahs.AHow big BHow long CHow tall54_ ()I wear size 17.AHow big are your feet?BHow long are your feet?CHow heavy are your feet?55Line up _ shorter _ taller. ()Ago; to Bcome; to Cfrom; to56Which one is stronger? ()Aelephant Brabbit Cmo

    14、nkey57The boy is 45 kg. The girl is 40 kg. Which one is wrong?()AThe boy is bigger than the girl.BThe girl is stronger than the boy.CThe boy is heavier than the girl.58The Great Wall is 5,000 _ long. ()Acm Bm Ckm59 You are 35 _.()Ag Btons Ckg60Im 5 _ older than you. ()Ayears Bcm Cyear61A pencil is 1

    15、5 _. ()Acm Bm Cmm62My hands are bigger than _. ()Ayou Byour Cyours63Im _ than you. ()Astrong Bthin Cthinner64What did you do last week? ()I _.Aam reading Bplayed basketball Cgo shopping Dtake pictures65Are you _? ()Yes, we are.Apostman Bpostmen Cthe postman Dthe postmen66_ chase the ducks! ()ACant B

    16、dont CDont Dcant67Its late. Lets _. ()Ago to home Bgo home Cgo to the home Dgoes to home68We cant eat _ drink in class. ()Aand Bbut Cor Din69_ are his football clothes? ()Under the bed.AWhere BWho Cwhose DWhat70They often play _ football after school. ()Aan Ba Cthe D不填71Let me _ you. ()Ahelped Bhelp

    17、 Chelps Dto help72Where did you buy it? ()I _ it in the supermarket.Abought Bbuy Cbuys Dto buy73We are going to play basketball _. ()Aafternoon Bthis afternoon Cmorning Din this morning74Its too expensive. Please give me _ one. ()Acheap Bempty Cstrong Dbeautiful75Thank you very much! ()_.AYoure righ

    18、t BAll right CYoure welcome DOK76The coat _ the wall isnt Lindas. Its _. ()Aon; his Bto; mine Cin; he Dunder; him77What did you do yesterday? ()I _ skiing.Ago Bgoes Cwent Dto go78There are so many people in the shop. You must _ your thing. ()Alook at Blook after Cput away Dput on79Its raining outsid

    19、e. Tom _ bored. ()Afeel Bdoes Cfeels Dfeeling80_ isnt easy to learn, you know. ()AChinese BChina CEngland81Do you want to go _? ()Ainside Bto inside Cthe inside82Its too cold. _, please. ()AOpen the door BClose the window COpen the window83Excuse me, _ do I get to the park? ()By bus.Awhere Bwhat Cho

    20、w84Im going to take some _ in Beijing. ()Aphotos Bclass Csnowman85He always _ his grandma on Sunday. ()Avisit Bvisiting Cvisits二、语音选择题找出划线部分读音与所给的单词划线部分读音相同的一项。86sand ()Ahave Blate Cbanana Dwater87milk ()Astrict Blike Ctime Dfine88nurse ()Athose Bnose Cmeters Dskirt89today ()Apilot Blove Csorry Ddog

    21、90pretty ()Ayellow Beleven Cpresent Dcinema读单词,选出画线部分读音不同的一项。91Abus Bmuseum Csubway92Acomic Btrip Chiking93Aafraid Bangry Cfactory94Ahospital Bstop Cpostcard95Aevening Bleft Cnext三、情景选择96你想知道联合国有多少成员国,你会问:_ ()AHow many member states are there in the UK?BHow many member states are there in the UN?CHo

    22、w many member states are there in the US?97你想问“你有一本关于中国的书还是一本关于美国的书?”,你说:_ ()AHave you got a stamp from China or a stamp from Canada?BHave you got a book about China or a book about the US?CIve got a book about China, but I havent got a book about the US.98当你马路上遇到红灯时,应该对同行的人说:_ ()APlease stand in li

    23、ne! BStop! Dont go! CGo straight on!99在班级活动中,你说了一段绕口令,你想知道Tom会不会说,你会问他:_ ()ACan you say what I can say? BWhat can you do? CCan you do what I can do?100Mike的汉语很好,老师会这样夸他:_ ()AYou can speak some French. BYou speak very good English. CYou speak very good Chinese.四、词汇选择题选出每组单词中不同类的一项。101Asomething Bdanc

    24、ing Crunning102Anorth Baddress Csouth103Arule Bquiet Cbeautiful104AEnglish BChina CFrench105Aspeak Balways Csometimes从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个单词中,找出不是同一类的单词。106Ateacher Blibrarian Cactor Dchopsticks107Amap BChinese CFrench DJapanese108Abicycle Bbus Ccar Dbamboo109Athousand Bcamera Cmillion Dhundred110Aluck

    25、y Bdifficult Cshop Dspecial找出下列每组中不同类的单词。111Atall Blong Ckilometre112Asome Briver Clake113Achess Bwrite Csing114Adinner Blunch Chobby115Aage Baddress Cfly选出各组单词中不同类的一项。116Asad Bangry Chappy Dafraid117Ahospital Bcinema Cbookstore Dstraight118Aplane Bdesk Cbus Dsubway119Afactory Bactive Cbroken Ddifferent120Atoday Bto


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