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    1、Teaching Aids:1. A computer.2. A tape recorder.Teaching Procedure:Step I. Greeting T: Good morning, class. S: Good morning, Miss Chen.Step II. Lead in. T: Well, today is Tuesday. Can you tell me what the date today is? September 21st. Thats great! You see, National Day is only a few days later, righ

    2、t? Yes. So are you going to stay at home or go for traveling during this seven-day vacation? Here the word “vacation” means “holiday”, but “vacation” is often used in AmE. while “holiday” is often used in BrE. Do you understand? Now can you tell me your plan? ( Bb: vacation -holiday ) ( Some will st

    3、ay at home, and others will go for traveling.) I see, some of us are going to travel some famous places. Thats great. And boys and girls, before we go for traveling, do you think if we have to consider many things? (Screen: the usage of consider) Can you tell me what we have to consider? Yes, we hav

    4、e to take money with us. And because the weather is changeable, we have to take some clothes with us, right? And what about safety? You see, maybe some thieves will steal your wallet, right? So you have to be careful of thieves. I think you have forgotten the most important thing, that is where you

    5、are going, right? And we call it “destination”, 目的地. Can you tell me how you are getting to the destination? By car, by bus, by plane Very good. We can get to the destination in so many ways. And we call them “means of transportation”, 交通工具. (Bb: money, clothes, safety, destination, means of transpo

    6、rtation)Step III Warming up So before we go for traveling, we have to take money, take clothes and so on. Yes, these are what we have to do. And do you know when we are traveling, there are also something we couldnt do. Now Id like you to turn to page 17 and look at these 4 pictures. Please tell me

    7、if the people in the pictures are doing something wrong. You can discuss with your partner. P1: The man is driving too fast. P2: The girl is littering (throwing rubbish). But the sign says “No Littering”. P3: The man is smoking. But the sign says “No Smoking”. P4: The car is parking here. But the si

    8、gn says “No Parking” here. Yes, very good. And you know, during National Day vacation, there will be many people go for traveling. Some of them maybe travel by themselves, but most of them will go to the travel agency(旅行社). A few days ago I went to a travel agency, and it offered me 4 routes(路线) to

    9、travel:1. In Wenzhou area.2. Dalian - Qingdao3. Wenzhou - Hangzhou4. Shanghai - Paris Now lets look at the route-in Wenzhou area. Do you know some famous places in Wenzhou? Yandang Moutain, Nanxi River, Nanji Island, Jiangxin Island Yes, good. Lets enjoy these beautiful places. ( T show some picture

    10、s of these places.) So if you want to go to Yandang Moutain and Nanxi River, how are you getting there? By bus. Yes, because it is not far from here, by bus is OK. And what about Jiangxin Island and Nanji Island? Because they are islands, so we have to go there by ship. Good. Now lets look at the se

    11、cond route- from Dalian to Qingdao. How are you going to travel from Dalian to Qingdao?S: By bus or by train, because it will be cheaper. Yes, and have you noticed that Dalian and Qingdao are two cities near the sea. So we can also travel by By sea. That s right. We can travel by sea. And at the sam

    12、e time we can enjoy the beautiful scenes on the sea, such as sunrise and sunset. You know they are very beautiful on the sea. Now what about the third toute- from Wenzhou to Hangzhou? How are you going to Hangzhou? By bus, by train. Yes. We can go to Hangzhou by bus or by train. And If we want to go

    13、 to Hangzhou much quickly, then we can go there by By air. Quite good. And the travel agency offers us some famous places in Hangzhou for traveling. Lets see what are they. ( T. show some places of interests in Hangzhou, such as West Lake, Linyin Temple. Also T. shows famous tea in Hangzhou-Longjing

    14、 Tea. ) You may buy Longjing Tea for your friends. Then lets look at the last route- from Shanghai to Pairs. Do you know some famous places in Paris? 埃非尔铁塔, 凯旋门 Yes, Eiffel Tower, Arch of Triumph. Lets enjoy these places. (T. shows pictures of these places). And every year many women, especially ric

    15、h women go to Paris, do you know the reason? ( Show pictures of perfumes) Yes, they want to buy perfumes. You know Paris is famous for perfumes, and also the clothes here are also very fashionable. So if you have a chance to go to Paris, Which means of transportation will you take to go there? Step

    16、IV Listening Part I. Yes, very good. If we go to Paris by air, it will be much faster, right? And when we are waiting in the airport, do you know what we have to pay attention to? Yes, we have to take care of our luggage, be careful of thief, and most important is the Boarding Call (登机广播). Usually w

    17、e will hear Boarding Calls 30 minutes before the plane takes off. Now look at the screen. Here is a short Boarding Call. Id like you to read it quickly and try to find the flight number, the gate, the time and the destination, are you clear?Screen:Ladies and gentlemen, attention please. Flight SE 11

    18、11 from Shanghai to Paris will depart from Gate D5 on 9 oclock a.m. Good, now you have known some basic information about Boarding Call. Now lets listen to more Boarding Calls. During the first time, try to write down the Flight Number and Gate. And during the second time, try to write down the dest

    19、ination. Are you clear? Part II Next, well hear 4 travelers talking about their trips. And on the screen we can see that there are some missing words. Id like you to listen to the tape, and try to complete the passage. Are you clear? ( After listening to the first traveler, T. check the missing word

    20、s. ) So from these words, can you guess where is the traveler? And tell me the reason. Beijing. Because there is Tiananmen Square, Great Wall, the forbidden city. Yes, very good. (T shows the pictures of these three famous places.) ( The next three places are also easily guessed according to the mis

    21、sing words. They are Paris, South Pole, the Moon.) Well, Im so glad that you have done a good job. Since time is up, see you tomorrow. See you.Period 2 Speaking and Integrating Skills1. Do some speaking and talk about traveling to the past or the future.2. Express good wishes.3. Do some reading and

    22、learn about eco-travel.1. Improve the students speaking ability by talks and making dialogues.2. Help the students to understand the importance of eco-travel and improve the reading ability.1. Making simple dialogue to practice the students speaking ability. 2. Fast reading to go through the reading

    23、 material. a computerStep I. Greeting Good morning, students.Step II Lead in First, Id like to show you a new phrase: cartoon film-动画片. So have you seen any cartoon films? Can you tell me what your favorite cartoon film is? 海底总动员, 灌篮高手, 足球小子 Yes, I see. All these cartoon films are very good. I like

    24、them too. And do you know what my favorite cartoon film is? (Guess) Well, Id like to show you a picture. Im sure all of you have seen this cartoon film. (T. shows a picture of 机器猫) 机器猫 Yes, its机器猫. When I was a child, I really wanted he to come to my home, do you know why? Yes, because机器猫 has many u

    25、seful things. We can use“随意门” to go to any places wed like to . and if we want to fly, we can use “竹蜻蜓”. Well, thats great! Do you think so?Step III Speaking Good. Now please look at this picture ( another picture of机器猫). You see, he is getting out of the drawer. Can you guess what it is in the draw

    26、er? 时光机器 Very good. Its a time machine. With it , 机器猫 can go to the past or the future, that is he can travel in time. And what about you? If you have such a time machine, which year and where would you like to go? Well, you can discuss with your partner. ( discuss) T (ask a student): S1, if you hav

    27、e a time machine, are you going to the future or to the past? S1: To the past. Which year would you like to go? Id like to go to the year when I was 13 years old. Where would you go? Shanghai. Why would you go there? I want to see myself there. Really? Then I wish you a good journey! Thank you. Very

    28、 good. Boys and girls, have you noticed some useful expressions and sentences in our dialogue? Just look at the screen. You see, we can ask questions such as:When would you like to go?Which year would you like to go to ?Why would you go to And when somebody goes for traveling, we have to say something to him, right? In Chinese, we usually say “一路顺风”, “旅途愉快”, “祝你好运” and so on. But how can we express these wishes in English? Good luck! Good journey! . Yes, go


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