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    1、生活大爆炸第一季第二集剧本中英文Season 1, Episode 2: The Big Bran Hypothesis-Howard: But does it have peanut oil?peanut:花生但有花生油吧?-Leonard: Im not sure.我不清楚。Everyone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up.keep an eye on sth.: 留心,注意 in case:免得,以防 swell up:肿胀你们每个人都盯着Howard,以防他突然肿胀。-Sheldon: Since its not

    2、bee season, you can have my epinephrine.since: 因为,既然 bee season: 美国的拼字大赛,有点像中国的超女比赛,成千上万个小朋友参加比赛,电视直播。拼字比赛,Spell Bee,就是评委读出一个单词,选手要把它的字母拼出来,错误即遭淘汰。用Bee这个单词生动地描绘了众人蜂拥的场景。(Bee Season:一部美国电影,中文片名)epinephrine:肾上腺素既然现在不是看 ,你可以吃我的肾上腺素。-Howard: Are there any chopsticks? chopsticks:筷子有筷子吗?-Sheldon: You dont

    3、 need chopsticks. This is Thai food.Thai:泰国人,泰国语 Thai food: 泰国菜你不需要筷子,这是泰国菜。-Leonard: Here we go.又来啦。-Sheldon: Thailand has had the fork since the latter half of the 19th Century.Thailand:泰国 fork:餐叉 since:(表示时间)从以来 Century:世纪【早期泰国人的用餐方式自由随性,只以芭蕉叶盛饭,再以手取饭菜进食。而今日的泰国餐具也十分简单,基本餐具为一只汤匙和一双筷子,以及一个圆盘。因因泰国一位

    4、名君拉瑪五世, 他看到泰国人最初吃饭受印度人影响, 要用手來吃, 极不卫生, 所以他要向西方学习, 便发明匙与刀叉, 所以日后吃泰国菜便使用刀叉。】泰国自19世纪后半期起使用餐叉。Interestingly, they dont actually put the fork in their mouth-interestingly:有趣的是 actually:实际上有趣的是,他们不直接叉食物进嘴,They use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.spoon:汤匙 goes into:进入而是叉食物进汤匙

    5、,再送进嘴里。-Leonard: Ask him for a napkin. I dare you. askfor:请求,要求 napkin:餐巾 dare:敢,激 I dare you:我打赌你不敢或我敢说你行你敢不敢找他要餐巾纸?Ill get it.我去开门。-Howard: Do I look puffy? I feel puffy. puffy:肿胀的我看起来肿吗? 我觉得有点鼓鼓的。-Penny:Hey, Leonard.嗨,Leonard -Leonard: Oh, hi, Penny.嗨,Penny-Penny:Am I interrupting?interrupt:打断 打扰

    6、到你们了? -Leonard: No.没有。-Sheldon: Youre not swelling, Howard.swelling:v. 膨胀(泡胀) a. 膨胀的(增大的)你没有肿胀,Howard。-Howard: No, no, look at my fingers. Theyre like Vienna sausages.fingers:手指 Vienna:维也纳(奥地利首都) sausage:香肠不,不,看我的手指,就像维也纳腊肠。-Penny:Sounds like you have company. sounds like:听起来像 company: n. 公司,友伴,交际【此

    7、处指朋友、客人】看起来你有客人。-Leonard: Theyre not going anywhere. anywhere:任何地方他们哪儿也不去。So, youre coming home from work. Thats great. How was work?你刚下班啊,太好了。工作怎么样?-Penny:Well, you know, its a Cheesecake Factory.cheesecake:奶酪蛋糕 factory:工厂 【Cheesecake Factory:美国著名连锁店】你知道嘛?芝士蛋糕工厂?People order cheesecake and I bring

    8、it to themorder:点(饭菜,饮料)人们购买蛋糕,我给他们就行。-Leonard: So you kind of act like a carbohydrate delivery system.act:做,行为 carbohydrate:碳水化合物 delivery:运送,投递 system:系统也就是说,你类似于是,碳水化合物的运送系统。-Penny:Yeah. Call it whatever you want, I get my minimum wage. whatever:任何,无论什么 minimum:adj. 最低的,最小的,n. 最小量,最低限度 wage:工资是啊,

    9、随便你怎么叫它,我能拿到基本工资。Yeah. Um, anyways, I was wondering if you could help me out with something. Ive kinda had. anyways:不管怎样 wonder:想知道 help sb. out:帮助好吧,不管怎么说,我在想你能不能帮我个忙?-Leonard: Yes.没问题。-Penny:Okay, great. Im having some furniture delivered tomorrow and I may not be here, so. Oh. H Hello.furniture:家

    10、具 deliver:运送太好了。明天我有些家具要运过来,我可能不在家,所以. 你.你们好Im sorry?抱歉?-Howard: Havent you ever been told how beautiful you are in flawless Russian?flawless:无暇的,完美的 Russian:俄语没人用俄语夸奖过你的绝世美貌吗?-Penny:No, I havent.不,没有 。-Howard: Get used to it.get used to:习惯于你得习惯这个。-Penny:Yeah. I probably wont.probably:大概,可能呃,我可能很难习惯

    11、。Hey,Sheldon. Hi 嘿 Sheldon 。 嗨Hey, Raj.嘿 Raj。Still not talking to me, huh?still:仍然,还是还是不理我,嗯?-Sheldon: Dont take it personally, its his pathology. He cant talk to women.dont take it : 别放在心上。【take此处引申为介意】 personally:ad. 自己,亲自地,以个人 pathology:病状,反常别放在心上。这是他的病状,他没法和女人说话。-Howard: He cant talk to attracti

    12、ve women or in your case, a cheesecake scented goddess.attractive:迷人的,有吸引力的 scented:有香味的,有气味的 goddess:女神没法和迷人的女人说话,而你是芝士蛋糕香气逼人的女神。-Leonard: So theres going to be some furniture delivered?那么,有家具要搬过来?-Penny:Yeah, yeah. If it gets here and Im not here tomorrow, could you just sign for it,sign for:签收对。如

    13、果明天送来时我不在,你能帮我签收一下吗?and have them put it in my apartment?apartment:一套房间【have something done让别人做某事这是个很重要的表达方式此处put是过去分词意思是让送家具的人把家具搬进屋里】然后搬进我的房间?-Leonard: No problem.没问题。-Penny:Great. Heres my spare key. Thank you.spare:多余的,备用的太好了,这是我的备用钥匙,谢谢!Penny, wait.Penny,等等。-Penny:Yeah?怎么?-Leonard: Uh.If you do

    14、nt have any other plans,plan:计划,打算呃. 如果你没别的计划,do you want to join us for Thai food and a Superman movie marathon?join:加入,参加 Thai:泰国 superman:超人 marathon:马拉松要不来和我们一起吃泰国菜,还有超人电影马拉松?-Penny:A marathon? Wow. How many Superman movies are there?马拉松? 哇噢,你们那儿有多少部超人电影?-Sheldon: Youre kidding, right?kid:戏弄,取消你

    15、开玩笑,对吧?-Penny:I do like the one where Lois Lane falls from the helicopterfall from:落下,跌落 helicopter:直升机我超喜欢那部,路易丝莱恩从直升机上坠下。and Superman swooshes down and catches her.swoosh:读swu:, swu,n. 嗖的一声(涡动),vt. 嗖的一声(涡动)超人嗖地一下过去接住她。Which one was that?那是哪一部?One(其他人齐声说)就一部。-Sheldon: You realize that scene was rif

    16、e with scientific inaccuracy.realize:了解,认识到 scene:(电影,电视的)一个镜头 be rife with:充满scientific:科学的 inaccuracy:不准确,误差你知道那场景里,充斥着科学错误吧?-Penny:Yes, I know, men cant fly.是啊,我知道,人类不能飞。-Sheldon: No, no. Lets assume that they can.assume:假设,猜想不,不,让我们假设人类可以。Lois Lane is falling, accelerating at an initial of 32 fe

    17、et per second per second.accelerating:加速 initial:最初的 rate(运动,变化等的)速度 feet:英尺 per:每 second:秒路易丝莱恩以32英尺/秒平方的初始加速度急速坠落,Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel.swoop:俯冲,猛冲 save:挽救,拯救 reach out:伸出 steel:钢,钢铁超人突然下降,用钢铁般的手臂接住她。Miss Lane, who is now traveling at approximately 120

    18、miles an hour,traveling:移动,滑动 approximately:近似的,大约 mile:英里莱恩小姐此时大约速度在120英里/时,hits them and is immediately slice into three equal pieces.hit:碰撞 immediately:立即,马上 slice into:切开,切成 equal:相等的猛撞上超人的手臂后,她会马上被切成三等分。-Leonard: Unless Superman matches her speed and decelerates.unless:除非 match:(使)相称 decelerate

    19、:(使)减速【反义词:accelerate:加速】除非超人赶上她的速度并减速。-Sheldon: In what space, sir? In what space?space:n. 位置,空间,距离;v. 隔开,分隔【此处引申为“一段时间”】哪还有时间,先生? 哪有时间?Shes two feet above the ground.她离地面只有两英尺。Frankly, if he really loved her, hed let her hit the pavement.frankly:直率的,坦率的 pavement:硬路面坦白讲,如果他真的爱她,就应该让她直接撞地。Itd be a m

    20、ore merciful death.merciful:仁慈的,宽恕的那会是种更仁慈的死法。-Leonard: Excuse me, your entire argument is predicated on the assumptionentire:全部的 argument:论据,论点 predicate on:以为基础【predicate :读predikit,n. 述语;a. 述语的;v. 断定为,意味】 assumption:假定抱歉,你全部的争论,都只是建立在一个假设上,that Supermans flight is a feat of strength.flight:飞行 fea

    21、t:n. 壮举,功绩,技艺表演【此处指技艺】 strength:力,力量假设超人的飞行能力,是一种力量的特技。-Sheldon: Are you listening to yourself?listen to: 听你知道自己说什么吗?It is well established that Supermans flight is a feat of strength.established:确定的【well established 相当于 well-known】这一点是毋庸置疑的啊。It is an extension of his ability to leap tall buildings.

    22、extension:延伸,扩展 leap:跳过,跃过 building:建筑物,楼房这是他跳跃高楼能力的延伸,an ability he derives from exposure to Earths yellow sun.ability:能量,力量 derive from:由而来,源于 exposure:暴露,显露是他从太阳光中获取的能力。-Howard:And you dont have a problem with that? How does he fly at night?have a problem with:在方面有问题或困难你没发现问题吗? 那他在夜里怎么飞行?-Sheldon

    23、: Oh, a combination of the moons solar reflectioncombination:结合,组合 solar:太阳的,日光的 reflection:反映,反射哦,结合月球的日光反射,and the energy-storage capacity of Kryptonian skin cells.storage:储存 Krypton:氪 cells:细胞以及氪星人皮肤细胞中贮存的能量。-Penny:Im just gonna go wash up.gonna= going to wash up:洗脸和手【还有洗餐具的意思】我要回去洗个手先。-Leonard:

    24、I have 2,600 comic books in ic :n. 连环图画,杂耍滑稽演员;adj. 滑稽的,有趣的,喜剧的 comic book:连环漫画册我那儿有2600本连环画册。I challenge you to find a single reference to Kryptonian skin cells.challenge:n. 挑战;v. 向.挑战 reference:参考书目你敢不敢去找出,所谓的氪星人皮肤细胞的内容?-Sheldon: Challenge accepted.accept:接受接受挑战。Were locked out.locked out:把关在外面我们被

    25、锁在外面了。-Raj:Also, the pretty girl left.pretty:漂亮的还有,漂亮女孩也走了。-Leonard: Ok, her apartments on the fourth floor but the elevators broken,apartment:一套房间 fourth floor :四楼【此处为美英说法,英英译为五楼;因为英式:ground floor: 一楼 first floor:二楼美式:first floor:一楼 second floor:二楼】 elevator:电梯 broken:adj. 坏掉的,打破的,断掉的房间在四楼,可是电梯坏了,s

    26、o youre gonna have to.gonna(美俚)=going to所以你们得.Oh, youre just gonna be done? Okay. Cool. Thanks.cool:【此处指“好”,表示赞同】你们就这么走了? 好吧,没事,谢谢。I guess well just bring it up ourselves.我们自己搬上去吧。-Sheldon: I hardly think so.hardly:几乎不,表否定 I hardly think so:【表示不赞同的方式】我不这么想。-Leonard: Why not?为什么不?-Sheldon: Well, we d

    27、ont have a dolly,dolly:手推车呃,我们没有手推车,or lifting belts or any measurable upper-body strength.lifting belt:升运带 measurable:明显的,重大的没有升降运送带,也没有那么强悍的上肢力量。-Leonard: We dont need strength- were physicists.physicist:物理学家我们不需要靠蛮力,我们是物理学家。We are the intellectual descendants of Archimedes.intellectual:智力的 descen

    28、dant:后代 Archimedes:阿基米德(古希腊数学家、物理学家、发明家)我们是阿基米德的精英后代。Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the Earth.fulcrum:支点 lever:杠杆给我一个杠杆,一个支点,我就能撬动地球。Its just a matter of. I dont have this.可问题是.我没有。I dont have this! I do not have this!我没有! 我没有!-Sheldon: Archimedes would be so proud.Archimedes:阿基米德阿基米德会

    29、为你骄傲的。-Leonard: Do you have any ideas?你有办法吗?-Sheldon: Yes, but they all involve a green lantern and a power ring.involve:(使)参与,牵涉 green lantern:绿灯侠【绿灯侠与超人同为DC旗下的经典漫画,问世于上世纪40年代,据说这是一群实力不亚于超人的英雄。在地球上每一批绿灯都会有一个继承者,可以说除了超人之外,绿灯侠是外星来客帮助地球人的典型代表。】 power ring:能量指环。都是美国漫画超级英雄有,但都需要绿灯侠和能量指环 (美国漫画超级英雄)。-Leon

    30、ard: Easy. easy.慢点.慢点Okay. Now weve got an inclined plane.inclined:倾斜的 plane:平面 inclined plane:斜面很好,现在我们弄成了斜面。The force required to lift is reduced by the sine of the angle of the stairs,require:需要 lift:抬起,举起 reduce:减少 sine:正弦 angle:角度 stairs:楼梯,阶梯图运上去所需的力度,按梯角的正弦值减少,call it 30 degrees, so, about half.degree:度,度数30度角的话,就减少一半力气。-Sheldon: Exactly half.正好一半。-Leonard: Exactly half.正好一半。Lets push.push:推来推吧。Okay. See, its moving, this is easy.看,推动了,很容易。Its all in the math.一切都是数学原理。-Sheldon: Whats your formula for the corner?formula:公式,方程式 corner:角,拐角遇到转角,你用什么公


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