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    1、浙江省台州市椒江区学年九年级上学期期末英语试题浙江省台州市椒江区2020-2021学年九年级上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、完型填空 Once upon a time, there was a poor fisherman. He always dreamed of becoming 1 , and so did his wife.One day, while he was sitting on the boat, he 2 felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a 3 object.He excitedl

    2、y 4 hard at it and what he saw made him cry. “Wow!A big 5 gold chain!” He tried to get the gold chain into the boat, but there seemed to be no 6 to it. His boat started to get over-loaded and the sea water filled his boat. It was really 7 . However, he had begun dreaming of a big house, a big piece

    3、of land and buying many horses and cows. He kept pulling the chain 8 the boat kept sinking. The boat finally went under the surface of the sea and he tried to swim. 9 , his feet were trapped(陷入) in the gold chain and at last he 10 in the sea.In fact, there are many people like the fisherman in our l

    4、ife. They always want to get the fortune(财富) 11 hard work. The truth is that desire(欲望) is 12 . Only through hard work can we achieve our dreams and live a better life. You may 13 at times and others will think you are crazy at times. But if you 14 that you can succeed, you finally will. Always reme

    5、mber that the bright future can only be created by 15 .1Afamous Brich Clucky Dhealthy2Aquickly Bcarefully Csuccessfully Dsuddenly3Aheavy Bshort Csmall Dhard4Apulled Bdropped Cpicked Dlooked5Aold Bdirty Cshiny Dsoft6Away Bhead Csound Dend7Adangerous Bimportant Cdifficult Dnecessary8Aunless Bthough Cb

    6、ecause Dbefore9AActually BFinally CUnluckily DEspecially10Adied Bmoved Cswam Dcried11Aby Bwithout Cthrough Dwith12Ahelpless Bcareless Chopeless Dendless13Atry Bsucceed Cchange Dwin14Aforget Bwonder Cbelieve Dpromise15Ahimself Bherself Citself Dyourselves二、阅读单选Aged between 18 and 40?Can you work 8 ho

    7、urs a dayto help sort parcels(分拣包裹)from late January to the end of February?Pay rates(付费标准)7:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. ¥12/hour6:00 p.m.7:00 a.m. ¥15/hourIf you are careful and can work well with others,please join us.For more information, call 400 889 5543.16If Wang Qiang works from 9:00 a.m. to 5 p.m., how

    8、 much can he get a day?A¥60. B¥75. C¥96. D¥120.17Which of the following is TRUE?APeople working at night get more money. BAny person under 45 can apply for the job.CPeople have to start to work at the end of February. DThe job is to get parcels to Sto Express.18The material may be from a_ .Abook Bdi

    9、ctionary Cdiary Dnewspaper When youre spending time with family and friends, fishing is a great way to enjoy the outdoors. Here are some tips before you start fishing.Go where the fish are.(1)Talk to other fishermen to get some tips on places for fishing. Public lakes, rivers and ponds are usually y

    10、our best choice.(2)If you live on the coast, ocean fishing is a choice. Youll need a license for ocean fishing.Find out what people fish for in your area.(1)Many newspapers have local fishing reports that will list locations and tell you what people fish.(2)In the south, gars(雀鳝) and bowfins(弓鳍鱼) ar

    11、e pretty common.(3)In the northwest, you can find rainbow trouts(虹鳟鱼) easily.(4)If you want to find out what kind of fish are around, throw in some food and wait a few minutes. Most freshwater fish come out to eat at dawn and at dusk. Make sunrise and sunset the best fishing hours.19Fishermen need t

    12、o_ for ocean fishing.Alive on the coast Bget a license Cgo fishing with others Dlive near rivers20In the US, which kind of fish is common in the northwest?AGars. BBowfins. CRainbow trouts. DSharks.21Youd better fish in freshwater_ .Aat noon Bat dawn Cin the evening Dat midnight22Which title is suita

    13、ble for the blank?AChoose the best fishing place. BHow to get a fishing license.CEnjoy your fishing hours. DFish at the right time of the day. A man named Sun is in the hot seat for taking a womans seat on a high-speed train on August 21.In a video posted on Sina Weibo, the man can be seen slouching

    14、(懒散地坐) in a seat. When the woman asked him to give her seat back, he refused and said, “You have three choicesstand, take my seat or go to the dining coach(车厢).”A staff person then came to try to persuade him to give the seat back. Sun said he wasnt able to stand on his own and asked for a wheelchai

    15、r. Left with no other choices, the staff led the female passenger to another seat.The video quickly caused arguments online. Many have expressed anger at the mans behavior and some think he should be punished for his behaving poorly.23Where did this story happen?AOn a bus. BOn a plane. COn a subway.

    16、 DOn a train.24What does the underlined phrase “in the hot seat” probably mean?ABeing in the center of a room. BFacing others judgment.CSitting on an uncomfortable seat. DBeing popular.25What do we know from the video posted on Sina Weibo?ASun stole a passengers purse. BSun was sitting in someone el

    17、ses seat.CSun was inviting a woman to dinner. DSun wanted to sit in a wheelchair.26How did other people respond to Suns behavior?AThey showed their understanding. BThey started to take others seats too.CThey felt angry about what he did. DThey gave their seats to him.How funny would it be to see mem

    18、es(表情包) in our textbooks? Fourteen high school students have made it come true.They wrote a set of creative textbooks that include five subjects: Chinese, English, maths, chemistry and physics. They share their notes and experiences to help you prepare for high school entrance exams. You can see fun

    19、ny memes almost everywhere in their text-books. The language they use is not too serious. Each textbook has its own style, too. The English textbook introduces movies, TV series and so on. The chemistry textbook has wuxia characters. There is a boy named Shangguan Huaxue in the book. He meets a girl

    20、 and they learn chemistry together. It has ancient poems and wuxia-style descriptions.Yan Zuhuai, a 15-year-old top student at Chengdu No. 7 High School, is the textbooks editor-in-chief(主编). He got the idea to create the books in June. “Many underclassmen wanted me to share my notes with them. When

    21、 I saw people sharing bikes, I thought I could share knowledge as well,” Yan said.But when he put all of his notes together, he found them boring. Realizing that his classmates enjoy online novels and memes, he decided to add these things and invited 13 students to join him in creating them.Their fi

    22、rst drafts(草稿) came out in August. Students and teachers praised them. But Yan felt the books needed to be improved. In October, he and his team learned how to use the design software to improve the books. The final versions came out at the end of December in 2018.27What subjects are included in the

    23、 set of creative textbooks?AChinese, maths and history. BEnglish, chemistry and Chinese.CEnglish, maths and history. DChinese, computer and physics.28What do the students share in the textbooks?ATheir experiences and memes. BTheir notes and poems.CTheir notes and experiences. DTheir memes and poems.

    24、29Which is NOT true according to the passage?AThe language in the textbooks is not too serious.BThe English textbook introduces movies, TV series and so on.CThe chemistry textbook introduces a girl named Shangguan Huaxue.DYan Zuhuai is the editor-in-chief of the textbooks.30Which is the right order

    25、about how Yan Zuhuai and his friends completed the textbooks?He put all of his notes together but found they were boring.Their first drafts came out.The final versions came out.He got the idea to create the books.He invited 13 students to join him in creating them.A B C D三、用所给单词的正确形式填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填

    26、空。每词限用一次。pride wide nearly produce sleep31It took_ 6 hours to finish the job.32I felt very_ because I stayed up late last night.33My parents are always_ of me.34Anxi and Hangzhou are_ known for their tea.35Where are these race cars_?四、单词填空根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。When I was young, my paren

    27、ts were very strict with me in my36(日常的) life. There were a lot of rules. I 37(过去常常) to hate them and thought they always brought me trouble. For example, I was never allowed to put off things till the next day. I was supposed to be 38(礼貌的) when talking with old people. I should also be 39(耐心的) when

    28、 dealing with problems. I was taught to 40(依靠) on myself when facing any challenge.However, as time went by, I 41(意识到) how rules helped me get good habits. To be 42(诚实的), few things could be achieved without them. Now I work for a big company and those rules still have a deep 43(影响) on me. I believe

    29、 keeping good habits will be very 44(有帮助的) in my development. Without doubt, it will be a 45(秘诀) to my success.五、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的词或括号中所给单词的正确形式,每空不多于三个词。Tofu is46 kind of popular food in China. Here is one of the 47(story) about how it was invented.In the Han Dynasty, there was a man48 loved his

    30、 parents very much. But they were 49 old that they could only eat soft food, so the man decided50(cook) some soybeans(大豆) for them. He mashed the soybeans and made them into soup.The soybean soup didnt taste very 51(good) in the beginning because there were too many soybean crumbs(碎屑) in it. The man

    31、 took the crumbs away, 52 his parents still didnt like it. He thought and thought many times. At last he 53(add) some salt and heated it again. When the soup cooled down, it turned 54 a piece of jelly(胶状物).The man was55(surprise) by its taste and his parents loved it very much. Finally, people around the country all learned how to make tofu. And this is how tofu was invent


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