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    1、全国联考英语试题2007年在职攻读硕士学位全国联考英语试题Paper OnePart I Dialogue Communication (15 minutes, 15 points)Section A Dialogue CompletionDirections:In this section, you will read five short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best suit

    2、s the situation to complete the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.1 Speaker A: Id like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new plan. Are you free tomorrow?Speaker B: AI couldnt agree more.BIm quite sure of it.CIf only I hadnt had a prior engagement.

    3、DIm afraid Im not available until Friday.2 Speaker A: Professor Lee, can I come to see you about my presentation this evening?Speaker B: AYes. Is 8 oclock a convenient time?BFine. Please come by bus No.2.CNo. Never mind.DOh. Thats my pleasure.3 Speaker A: Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner.

    4、Tom and I really enjoyed it.Speaker B: AIm glad you made it.BYoure quite welcome.CI like to share with others.DYoure always my best friends.4 Speaker A: Well, I have to get back to the office now. Its been really nice talking to you.Speaker B: AGlad to meet you. BNice talking to you.CIll be right ba

    5、ck.DYou shouldnt leave.5 Speaker A: Im afraid I failed the math exam.Speaker B: , its not really that bad, is it?AOh, yeah BNo wonderCThere now DNo goodSection B Dialogue ComprehensionDirections: In this section, you will read five short conversations between a man and a woman At the end of each con

    6、ver sation there is a question followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to the question from the four choices given and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.6 Man: David really has an eye for beauty.Woman: You can say that again.Ques

    7、tion: What does the woman mean?ADavid has good eyesight.BShe agrees with the man.CThe man should praise David more.DThe man has said too much about David.7 Man: Why do you want to move out? You really have a happy life. I do envy you.Woman: You dont know that I have been over-protected by my mother

    8、these years. I want to spread my own wings.Question: What does the woman mean?AShe doesnt love her mother.BShe wants to be independent.CShe actually envies the man.DShe doesnt like family life.8 Woman: Bill, I want to have a few words with you about your performance in class lately.Man: I know Ive g

    9、one down. I just havent been studying as much as I ought to.Question: What is Bills problem?AHe doesnt like to perform in class.BHe doesnt work hard enough.CHe has gone away lately.DHe feels depressed.9 Woman: Are you prepared for the exam tomorrow?Man: Oh, yeah, the exam will be a piece of cake.Que

    10、stion: What does the man mean?AThe woman should take the exam.BThe woman shouldnt be concerned.CHe is not worried about the exam.DHe enjoys taking exams.10Man: Are you sure Bob and Tim will come to help today?Woman: No problem. Theyre men of their words.Question: What does the woman want to tell the

    11、 man?ABob and Tim will keep their promise.BBob and Tim are good speakers.CBob and Tim will be on the womans side.DBob and Tim are very helpful.Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20 minutes, 10 points)Directions:There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choice

    12、s marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.11We debated the advantages and disadvantages of filming famous works intended for the theater.Aabsolutely Bconventionally Cregularly Doriginally 12He s

    13、aid that the medicine the doctor gave him brought to his headache.Aretreat Brecovery Crelief Drelaxation13Sociologists have long recognized that social tensions are elements of group life.Aaverage Broutine Cnormal Dstandard14In the National Zoo, we can find animals that range from large beasts to sm

    14、all birds.Aa species of Ba group of Ca variety of Dan amount of 15Mary had taken pains to that her guests had everything they could possibly want.Asee Bknow Cfeel Dlearn16Most people in the business world were told, when they began their careers, not to let their resume one page.Aexpand Bexceed Cexp

    15、ose Dextend17A reply will be sent within the next few days along with apology. Aan honest Ban innocent Ca generous Da sincere18The destruction of these treasures was a loss for mankind that no amount of money could .Akeep up with Bstand up for Cput up with Dmake up for19Long-term use of the drug can

    16、 the patients personality.Aalter Bswitch Cexchange Dsubstitute20The volleyball team has had five victories in the last three years.Asuccessive Bexcessive Csubsequent Deventual 21A series of attempts made, he came to a successful solution of the problem.Ato be Bhad been Cwere Dhaving been22Manufactur

    17、ing is Canadas most important economic activity, 17 percent of the workforce.Ato engage Bbeing engaged Cengaging Dengaged23Her remarks left me wondering she could have changed so suddenly.Awhen Bhow Cwhether Dwhat24Caroline could do but leave although she would have liked to stay and continue talkin

    18、g with him.Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing25The boy regretted having spent so much time playing when he .Ashould have studied Bhad studiedCwas to study Dmust study26It was during the morning rush hour the bomb exploded.Athat Bwhen Cwhile Dbefore27Ive attached my contact information in the

    19、recommendation letter you have further questions. Afor good Bin order Cfor fear Din case28The boss realized the importance of qualified staff, and urged all to participate in the training seminar.Aconcerning Bthe concerning Cconcerned Dthe concerned 29As computer systems become even more sophisticat

    20、ed, the methods of those who exploit the technology.Aso too do Bas well as Clikewise Dtherefore30I was annoyed by my friend who came late for our appointment but did not bother to ask how long I .Awaited Bwas waiting Chave waited Dhad been waitingPart III Reading Comprehension (0 minutes, 40 points)

    21、Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each of the passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage One“C

    22、lean your plate!” and “Be a member of the clean-plate club!” Just about every kid in the US has heard this from a parent or grandparent. Often, its accompanied by an appeal: “Just think about those starving orphans(孤儿)in Africa!”Sure, we should be grateful for every bite of food. Unfortunately, many

    23、 people in the US take a few too many bites. Instead of saying “clean the plate”, perhaps we should save some food for tomorrow.According to news reports, US restaurants are partly to blame for the growing bellies(肚子). A waiter puts a plate of food in front of each customer, with two to four times t

    24、he amount recommended by the government, according to a USA Today story.Americans traditionally associate quantity with value and most restaurants try to give them that. They serve large portions to stand apart from competitors and to give the customers value. They prefer to have customers complain

    25、about too much food rather than too little.Barbara Rolls, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University, told USA Today that restaurant portion sizes began to grow in the 1970s, the same time that the American waistline began to expand.Health experts have tried to get many restaurants to se

    26、rve smaller portions. Now, apparently, some customers are calling for this too. A restaurant industry trade magazine reported last month that 57 percent of more than 4,000 people surveyed believed that restaurants serve portions are too large; 23 percent had no opinion; 20 percent disagreed.But a cl

    27、oser look at the survey indicates that many Americans who cant afford fine dining still prefer large portions. Seventy percent of those earning at least $150,000 per year prefer smaller portions. But only 45 percent of those earning less than $25,000 want smaller.Its not that working class Americans

    28、 dont want to eat healthy. Its just that after long hours at low-paying jobs, getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good deal. They live from paycheck to paycheck, happy to save a little money for next years Christmas presents.31By saying “Be a member of the clean-plate-club!” (Para.1) a p

    29、arent or grandparent is asking the children to .Awash dishes after mealsBeat all the food on their plateCsave food for the starving AfricansDreserve food for the future32According to news reports, US restaurants .Aare partly responsible for the overweight problemBignore the government regulations on

    30、 food amountCserve two to four times the amount the customers wantDare partly to blame for the waste of food in America33US restaurants provide large portions of food because .Amost customers are calling for that Bthey want to win in severe competitionCthe American waistline in expanding Dit is the

    31、regulation of the restaurant industry34According to the passage, working class Americans dining in restaurants .Aeat less to save moneyBget less on their plateCwant to get their moneys value backDdo not care about their health35A proper title of the passage is .AWhy Restaurants Serve Large Portions BIncome and Food Portion SizesCClean Your PlateDLess Food on the Plate Is HealthierPassage TwoIts a typical Snoopy card: cheerf


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