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    1、新目标人教版初中英语九年级英语总复习精品学案八九年级2017年新目标人教版初中英语九年级英语总复习精品学案【八九年级】新目标英语八年级上册复习学案Units1-2: How often do you exercise?基础知识过关1.记住下列单词:active(名词) health (adj.) two (序数词) different(名词/反义词) dive (物名) (人名) luck (adj) (adv.) Olympic (名词) swim (现在分词) (人名) stop (现在分词) _ Greece (adj.) win(过去式、过去分词) will not (缩写) prou

    2、d (n.) good (比较级) (最高级) _ China (adj.) America (adj.) make (过去式) 2.记住下列短语:some times on weekends go to the movies twice a week surf the Internet the results of try to do _the student activity survey as for _want sb to do sth of course look after healthy lifestyle get good grades help sb (to) do sth

    3、the same as kind of one healthy habit_most students have a sore throat have a stomachache have a sore back have a toothache have a fever_ have a headache_lie down _ see a dentist_hot tea with honey_drink a lots of water_feel better_ a balance of_for example_be good for traditional Chinese doctors Ch

    4、inese medicine its important to do _ a balanced diet _ get tired_ stay healthy be/get stressed out_ at the moment_need some conversations _ host family be sorry to do listen to music go to bed early ask sb for sth 2.理解下列句子1) What do you usually do on weekends? _ 2) How often does Cheng watch TV _ 3)

    5、 Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School. _ 4) How many hours do you sleep every night? _ 5) Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? 6) Good food and exercise help me to study better. 7) Whats the matter/ the trouble/ wrong with you? 3.掌握下列易混淆知识点1)little/a l

    6、ittle和 few/a few的区别从所修饰的名词来看:(a) few后接可数名词,且要用复数形式;(a) little后接不可数名词。从汉语意思上来看:little和few 含有否定意义,表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调“少, a little和a few含有肯定意义,表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调“有”。比较:We had _time to do it. 我们没什么时间做此事。He has_ friends. 他朋友很少。Theres only _soup left. 只剩下一点儿汤了。Ill only be away _minutes. 我只离开几分钟。2) sometimes(有时,常用

    7、于一般现在时), sometime(某个时候,多用于将来时), some times(好几次), some time(一段时间)。eg. He goes to school_. I want to go to Tibet _in the future. It took me_to finish the homework. I told you_ , but you still forgot it.3) a lot of/lots of+可数名词复数或不可数名词,many/too many+可数名词的复数, much/ too much+不可数名词. eg. a lot of students=

    8、many/too many students a lot of fruit=much/too much fruit4)everyday(形容词,意为每日的,日常的), every day(名词短语,意为每天) eg. Lets learn some everyday English. We speak English every day.5) kind的用法kind of=a little 有些,有点, a kind of+名词 一种all kind of+名词. 各种各样的,different kinds of+名词. 不同各类的eg. There are _animals in the z

    9、oo. Apples are _fruit. He felt_ tired. There are _ flowers in the park.达标检测题.根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。1.Drinking milk every day is good for our h_.2.A lot of v_ make us keep in good health.3.On Valentines Day boys often send c_to their girlfriends.4.J_ food id not good for ones health.5.-Which do you think is

    10、 the most diffcult s_? -I think its math.6.My healthy lifestyle helps me get godd g_.7.There are a lot of animals in the z_.8. Its important for you to eat a b_ diet.9.The Spring Festival is a t_ festival in China.10.He is very busy at the m_. You can come to see him an hour later.11.My English is v

    11、ery w_. I always fail the exam.12.I was late for school. My teacher was a _ about this.13.You did quite well in the exam. Youve made f_ mistakes.14.He lost his b_ and fell off the bike.15.Your uncle doesnt feel very well at the m_.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Does your brother often go _(swim) in summer?2.Look! So

    12、me students _(climb) the hill.3. His mother often _(have) lunch at her workplace.4.He _(do) his homework on weekends.5.My mother often _(watch) TV after supper. 6.The little girl enjoys_(sing) English songs.7.They were_(stress) out after they finished doing the farm work.8.You need _(eat) lots of fr

    13、uits and vegetables.9.“Dont make a noese!” He said_(angry).10._(do) eye exercises is good for our eyes.选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的一项。1.Life is interesting. We dont know what will happen at times.A.sometimes B.sometime C.some times D.some time2.He speaks English pretty well.A.too B.lot C.very much D.quite.3.The

    14、boys are interested in playing footbal.A.like B.hates C.is like D.liking.4.On weekends, I usually go out to play with my friends .A.All the week B.From Monday to Friday, C.From Monday to Sunday D.On Saturdays and Sunday5.My brothers new bag is not the same as mine.A.different as B.different from C.d

    15、ifferent with D.different for单选题( )1._ do you write to your penfriend? -Once a month. A. How often B. How long C. How old D. How much( )2.Her mother often _to the shops on weekends. A.go B.going C.goes D.to go( )3.-Will your friend come from America? -In two weeks.A.How often B.How many C.How long D

    16、.How soon( )4.My uncle is _ healthy because he _ every morning.A.pretty, exercise. B. pretty, exercises C.good, exercise D.good, exercises( )5.My mother is ill, I have to stay at home and look_her. A.out B.in C.at D.after( )6.Eating less meat_ good for your health. A.be B.is C.are D.am( )7.Unit one

    17、is different _Unit Two. A.to B.for C.from D.in( )8.I like _ very much, but I dont like _ tonight.A.running, running B.to run, to run C.to run, running D.running, to run( )9._ its very late, _Mr Green is still working in the office.A.Although, but B.But, although C.Although, / D./,although( )10.The m

    18、an was so tired that he could_ go on with his work.A.easily. B.hardly C.nearly D.almost( )11.She eats _ food, so she is _fat.A.much too,too much B.much too, much too C.too much, much too D.too much, too much( )12.Balanced food can make us_.A.keep health B.to keep health C.keep healthy D. to keep hea

    19、lthy( )13.Must Paul go skating at five today? -No, .A.he cant B.he mustnt C. he neednt D.he may not( )14.Do you think football is as as basketball in America ?A.the most popular B.more popular C.popular D.popularer( )15.You must be very tired. Why not a rest.A.to stop to have B.to stop having C.stop

    20、 to have D.stop having( )16.As students, we should always be ready to help _ where they are in trouble. A.others B.the other C.the others D.another( )17.My cousin_ down under the tree now. A.lies B.is lieing C.is lying D.lay.句型转换。1.Xiao Ming often gets on-line at home. (改为一般疑问句) _ Xiao Ming often_ o

    21、n-line at home?2.Her sister goes to work five days a week.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ her sister _ to work?3.Mr Yao does some shopping on Saturday afternoon.(否定句)Mr Yao_ _ _ shopping on Saturday afternoon.4.Whats wrong with you?(同义句)Whats _ _ with you?Whats _ _ with you?5.I have a sore throat, I cant eat anythin

    22、g.(同义句)I have a sore throat, I can eat_.Units3-4: What are you doing for vacation?基础知识过关1.记住下列单词:临时照顾(v.)_ (v.ing)_ 计划(v.)_(pt.)_(v.ing.)_意大利(n.)_(人)_ 著名的_(比较级)_(最高级)_(比较级)_(最高级)_ 忘记_(pt)_希腊(n)_(人)_ 西班牙(n.)_ (人)_ 欧洲(n.)_ (adj.) (人) 大自然(n.)_ (adj.)_ popular(比较级) (最高级) _ many/much(比较级) (最高级) 二十 _ 三十 _

    23、 四十 五十 六十 七十 八十 九十 一百 分钟 远的 (比较级) _ / _ (最高级) / 生病的 / (n.) / 担心(v.) (adj.) 2.短语翻译玩的高兴 / / 去露营 与不同 离开,离家外出 离远 回到学校 把某物寄/展示给某人 = 去度假 因著名 作为著名 动身去 做完 多长时间 考虑做 忘记做过 忘了去做 散步 度过一个轻松的假期 决定做 = 迫不及待地做 一个观光旅行的好地方 要求/告诉某人(不)做某事 询问/告诉某人关于某事 计划干某事 = = 一百个学生 成百的学生 多远 从家到学校 为而担心 = 干某事的方式 = 世界各地 = 大量的 .的数量 到达某地 = =

    24、 步行去学校 = 骑车去 = = 乘飞机去 = = = 乘出租车去 = = 某人认为怎么样? = for example_ at the moment_ be sorry to do sth_depend on_ ask sb about sth_ the day after tomorrow_ go to the doctor=see a doctor _ look the same in common_ keep quiet /be quiet_ 3.掌握下列知识点1.decide 的用法1).decide (not) to do sth 决定(不)干某事 2).decide on doi

    25、ng sth 决定干某事3).同义词组make a decision to do sth = make up ones mind to do sth = decide to do sth He has decided to leave for Wuhan .= He has _ a _ to leave for Wuhan.= He has _up his_ to leave for Wuhan. 2.句型: Its + adj +for /of sb to do sth 同义句:1).Its +adj +for sb +to do sth = To do sth + be +adj 3.It

    26、s +adj +of sb +to do sth = Sb +be +adj + to do sth It is very friendly of you to help me . =_ _ friendly to help me . Its very hard for you to work out the math problem .= _ _ out the math problem is very hard for you . 4.有关花费时间的句型:1).It +takes +sb.+时间+to do sth 2).sb. +spend +时间+on sth (in doing st

    27、h ). It took me half an hour to work it out . I_ half an hour _ it out .5.表示两地相距有多远:A +be +距离+from +B = Its +距离+from A+ to B. It is five minutes walk from my home to school. = It _ me five minutes to _to school . 6.leave ,leave for , leave for 1).leave +地点“离开某地” 2).leave for +地点“前往某地”=go to +某地3).leave +某地+for +某地“离开某地前往某地”Mr Wang are going to Beijing tomorrow .= M


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