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    1、毕业论文英文浅析电影肖申克的救赎中的希望与救赎ABriefAnalysisonHopeandRedemptionintheFilmTheShawshankRedemptionByA thesissubmitted to the Foreign Language and Literature Department of in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree ofBACHELOR OF ARTSinENGLISH LANGUAGEMay, 2012ABriefAnalysisonHopeandRedemptioninthe

    2、FilmTheShawshankRedemption Abstract: This paper intends to analyze the hope and redemption in the film The Shawshank Redemption. Through three main characters feeling about the prison and free, we can know their faith and different hope thoroughly. Hope and redemption is couple of opposite words. Ho

    3、pe in the film is the theme. People can not abandon the hope, and we should strive for it for all our lives. Hope like a lighthouse to light up the path ahead for everyone. Everyone will make mistake, so we should be required introspection and self-analysis. Self-analysis is a requisite procedure to

    4、 deal with some important things. We can find out the approach to solve the problem. This paper also remains the relationship between the hope and redemption. And according to the background of the movie, we can understand the social problem in that period. In a summary, this movie is a mirror of th

    5、e black part of the society, in which there are oppression and abnormal treatment, but with hope, people can be free successfully, and also can achieve the redemption. Key words: The Shawshank Redemption; hope; redemption; self-analysis; faith; friendship.浅析电影肖申克的救赎中的希望与救赎【内容提要】这篇论文旨在分析电影肖申克的救赎中的希望与

    6、救赎。通过对电影中三个具体人物的分析并简述他们在肖申克监狱中及出狱后的不同感受及心理变化,更好的了解了三人对待自由的不同理解。希望与救赎本是一对立义,希望是电影的主旨思想,只有坚守希望及自己的信念,不放弃梦想,才能最终走向成功。电影中,还有一更能令人思考的话题,便是救赎。无人能无错过完一生, 过错伴随着人的一生,怎样面对,怎样反省才更为重要。时时反省自己,就是对错误的救赎。不断的在错误中反省,更能清楚问题的所在,对事物的看法也就更清晰分明。文章更提出救赎与希望的互补关系,两者是相辅相成。通过对电影本身这面镜子,能够更清楚的看清当时社会的各种黑暗面,但是更让人们看到了想所带来的力量,它既能成全自

    7、由,又能完成自我救赎。不要放弃希望与信仰,便离成功不远。【关键词】肖申克的救赎;希望;救赎;自我反省;信仰;CONTENTSI Introduction 1II A Brief Analysis on The Shawshank Redemption 12.1 The Social Background of the Movie 22.2 The Main Characters in the Movie 2III The Best Explanation of Hope 33.1 Hope can Set You Free 33.2 Hope is A Good Thing 43.3 Take

    8、 A Firm Conviction 4IV The Best Interpretation of Redemption 54.1 The Original Meaning of Redemption 54.2 Andys Redemption in the Shawshank 5V The Complementary Relationship Between Hope and Redemption 6VI Hope and Redemption in Reality Life 66.1 Hope on Peoples Practical Significance 76.2 Self Rede

    9、mption in Modern Society. 7VII Conclusion 7References 9Acknowledgements 10ABriefAnalysisonHopeandRedemptionintheFilmTheShawshankRedemptionIIntroductionThe shawshank redemption is an American film written and directed by Frank Darabont and starring Tim Robbins and Morgan freeman. And this film was ad

    10、apted from the Stephen king novella Rita Hayworth and shawshank redemption. Many people hold on the view that this film was about the hope, the friendship and the faith, they think that it is an allegory for maintaining ones feeling of self-worth when placed in a hopeless situation, but there also h

    11、ave a very important argument, that is the redemption. Redemption is a significant part in the film; it can be the complementary of another part hope. Every one may watch this movie, the story may be simple, but the truth behind the words is profound. The majority of people are in favor of the opini

    12、on that Andy Dufresne is a brave and wise man, and he raises the hopes or spirits of the person in the prison. I just remember the very impressive words, “Fear can hold you prisoner, and hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself; a great man can save another.” (King, 1983:118). This sente

    13、nce says that if we conquered our fears and then we will get the final hope and free. Freedom in prison is a precious gift for those prisoners, and we should understand this freedom means their inner resources, the guilty man should save themselves and they should be repentant of things they did. So

    14、 hope and redemption are much more important for characters in the shawshank prison, and also for every person. Auto-criticism is a foundation of hope. People cannot do without hope. A firm belief can prop up the hope, and then it can only take you so far. This article is mainly talk about the hope

    15、and redemption in the film The shawshank redemption, and hope and salvation in our modern society. (Rogers, 2010:131)IIA Brief Analysis on The Shawshank RedemptionThe Shawshank Redemption was a film acted by Tim Robbins and Morgan freeman. Tim Robbins stars as Andy Dufresne and Morgan freeman as Ell

    16、is Boyd red Redding. Andys experience in prison and the rare friendship with Red is main clue; his self-security and what he did in prison also give rise to the attention. All these things are just signs, the internal factors are intricate. For instance, the society and the institution of law at tha

    17、t time and so on. Social background is the foremost section. And different people have different character. So it also plays an important role in the film. II.1 The Social Background of the MovieThis story mainly talked about that the smart banker Andy Dufresne, who is falsely accused and convicted

    18、of the murder of his wife and her lover. Andy was sent to shawshank prison in 1940, he met many fellows in the prison, also including Red, his important friend. In prison, he did many things and his persistence cheers others up. How about the life in prison? “First you hate them, then you get used t

    19、o, enough time passesyou get so you depend on them. This is institutionalized.”(King, 1983:126) Red said. Institutionalized is terrible for every person. And Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine. When people adapted to the environment, they will be stereotyped. Even they left priso

    20、n, they cannot adapt to the new life, and it is so lamentable. So society has a great influence on people. The story took place in an age without belief. The society never are lacking of the degeneration and corruption. (Studs, 1980:217) Although we are in a bad circumstance, we also should hold on

    21、and take action optimistic.II.2 The Main Characters in the MovieI am impressed by the three men; they are Andy, Red and Brooks. Andy is the soul in the movie. He is an optimistic, tolerant and rational man. Although he was put in to prison undeserved, he never gave up, and tried his best to escape f

    22、rom the prison, just like his friend Red said that he had a quiet way about him, he just like a man in the park without a care or a worry in the world. From a banker to a prisoner, what makes him so calm and carefree? I think it is an attitude toward life, though this role, the movie convey the hope

    23、. Other prisoners can get the hope and the inner redemption from Andy. He used his knowledge to help others, to get the beers from the jailer; he played the music back to everyone: he rebuilt the library and so on. These things indicated that he never abandon his hope, he want to free. This image is

    24、 a redeemer for the inmates and for himself. The second man is Red. The Irish man in the movie, but in progenitor original work, he is an Irish American. With the change of thought, Red got free finally. To some extent, it own into Andy. Andys thought exerted an influence on Red. So his attitude tow

    25、ard parole rejection has changed and approved finally. Red said to Andy that hope is a dangerous thing; hope can drive a man insane. But he said that there are places in the world that arent made out of stone; there is something inside that they can get to that they cannot touch. (Chen, 2010:97)It i

    26、s yours, which is hope. These words cheer him up. And then he did not like Brooks, another man in the prison. Brooks is an old man who lived in shawshank several decades. And he was institutionalized by the prison. After he left the prison, he also could not live. It was a tragedy. If someone has ho

    27、pe he will free. Hope maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.IIIThe Best Explanation of HopeWhat is hope? Why we should have or manifest hope? Hope is the emotional state, the opposite of which is despair, which promotes the belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstan

    28、ces in ones life. It is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best. This is a general definition in the dictionary. And what is your hope? Different people have different hope. In a word, hope is always good. In the film, Andys hope is free, so he chose self

    29、-redeem. He wanted to go to Zihuatanejo, is a little place on the Pacific Ocean. There has no memory. It is a warm place with no memory, a beautiful hope. Hope can set you free. (Wang, 2006:195)Everyone wants to free. The hope can be flowers in our dreams.III.1 Hope can Set You FreeFear can hold you

    30、 prisoner, hope can set you free. No one can get the entire their ideal freedom. But if we have hope, we will have the courage to live. People should grasp at hopes. In the shawshank, prisoners did not have the hope, they are living without aims. But Andy brought the sunshine to them. They know what

    31、 the real life is. Like Red, he picked up the little hope, and then he saw the hope: a promise. Hope let Andy and Red free. Our bodies can be fettered by the prison, and maybe our mind can be shackled by the institutionalized things. But only we should not gave up the hope. Life will become colorles

    32、sness, without hope. When the music Canzonetta sullaria rang out in the playground, the music like a bright sunshine to penetrate peoples heart. No one can understand the meaning of the music, but every prisoner in the shawshank felt the freedom at that time.III.2 Hope is A Good ThingHope is a good thing. If you have a dream, you will have hope. No matter what circumstances we have, we also should hold on the dreams. We must believe in ourselves. But there is also have an exception. It is


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