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    1、学年山东淄博六中高二上第一周自主训练英语卷含答案及解析2019学年山东淄博六中高二上第一周自主训练英语卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六总分得分一、阅读理解1. Sailors used to speak of a “Jack”when they meant a flag which was set near the bow of a sailing ship. The flag showed the country to which the ship belonged. The Union Jack became the flag of Great Britain. A

    2、ustralias flag has the Union Jack in the top left hand corner together with the stars of the Southern Cross. They have kept this small part of Britain on their flag because their country was first settled by people from Britain. Australias flag is the same color as the Union Jack red, white and blue

    3、. The act of joining together is called a “Union”. The Union Jack was the name of the flag made when England, Scotland and Ireland joined together to make one country. It all began in 1707 when England and Scotland joined together to become one nation. A flag was made using two crosses one for the p

    4、atron saint of each country. The word “patron” means protector. Many centuries before the English had taken St George as their patron saint, his emblem (标志) was a red cross on a white background. The Scottish patron saint was St Andrew. In memory of him, they used a white cross on a blue background.

    5、 This cross was shaped like the letter “X”. The new flag was a mixture of both flags with two sets of crosses. When Ireland joined England and Scotland in 1800, another cross was added. St Patrichs cross of Ireland was red and also shaped like an “X”. All three flags now made up the Union Jack. 1.Th

    6、e Union Jack is a kind of _ and contains _. A. flag; three crosses B. ship; four crosses C. flag; two crosses D. ship; three crosses 2.Why does Australia have the Union Jack in its flag? A. Because Australians respect the English. B. Because the Union Jack is colorful. C. Because people from Britain

    7、 settled in Australia first. D. Because people from Britain brought the Union Jack to Australia. 3.Which of the following is not true? A. The emblem of the English was a red cross on a white background. B. The Scottish used a white cross on a blue background in memory of St Andrew. C. Australias fla

    8、g is the same color as the Union Jack. D. The Irish used a red cross on a blue background in memory of St George. 4.The colors of the flag of Great Britain now are _. A. red, black and blue B. white, yellow and blue C. red, whiteand black D. red, white and blue 2. The BBC was founded in 1922, includ

    9、ing radio and television services. It is based at Broadcasting House in London. The BBC is controlled by some governors chosen by the government, but these people have freedom and the government cant interfere(干扰). That is, the BBC is supposed not to be the mouthpiece(代言人) of the government. It has

    10、to be as fair as possible in giving radio and television time to, for example, political parties and religious groups. There is a kind of interesting service in British-rental services. Many people prefer to rent their television sets instead of buying them. The rent for a black and white set is abo

    11、ut 80 pence a week. The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. If the sets go wrong, people can have them repaired free of charge or replaced immediately. Everyone has to buy a yearly license, since there is no advertising on BBC radio or television. It is from the sal

    12、e of licenses that the BBC gets most of its money. A license for a black and white set costs 8 pounds, and for a colour set 18 pounds a year. There are four specialized radio channels, which broadcast different kinds of programmes. Radio I is mainly pop musicRadio 2 deals with light music, sports an

    13、d other programmes. Radio 3 broadcasts serious music, talks on serious subjects etcNews broadcasts are mainly given by Radio 4. There are special programmes for Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and certain parts of EnglandIt also broadcasts programmes about Britainin many different languages as we

    14、ll as in English to all parts of the world . 1.The officials in charge of the BBC _. Amust say what the government wants to say Bshould give more time to political parties than to religious groups Care elected by the citizens from all over the country Dcan decide things without the permission of the

    15、 government 2.If he wants to watch TV at home, everyone _. Ahas to buy a television set of his own Bmust rent a TV set Chas to buy a license once a year Dcan change his damaged TV set for a new one without payment 3.How does BBC get most of its money? AIt gets money from all kinds of advertisements.

    16、 BThe BBC depends on the rent of TV sets. CThe BBC gets money mainly by selling licenses and TV sets. DIt gets its money mainly by selling licenses. 3. Maybe ten - year - old Elizabeth put it best when she said to her father,“But,Dad,you-cant-be-healthy-if-youre-dead.”Dad,in a hurry to get home befo

    17、re dark so he could go for a run,had forgotten to wear his safety belta mistake 75% of the US population makes every day.The big question is why. There have been many myths about safety belts ever since their first appearance in cars some forty years ago.The following are three of the most common. M

    18、yth Number One:Its best to be “thrown clear” of a serious accident. Truth:Sorry,but any accident serious enough to “throw you clear”is also going to be serious enough to give you a very bad landing.And chances are youll have traveled through a windshield(挡风玻璃) or door to do it.Studies show that chan

    19、ces of dying after a car accident are twenty - five times greater in cases where people are “thrown clear” Myth Number Two:Safety belts “trap” people in cars that are burning or sinking in water. Truth:Sorry again,but studies show that people knocked unconscious(无知觉的) due to not wearing safety belts

    20、 have a greater chance of dying in these accidents.People wearing safety belts are usually protected to the point of having a clear head to free themselves from such dangerous situation,not to be trapped in them. Myth Number Three:Safety belts arent needed at speeds of less than 30 miles per hour(mp

    21、h) . Truth:When two cars traveling at 30 mph hit each other,an unbelted driver would meet the windshield with a force equal to diving head first into the ground from a height of 10 meters. 1.Why did Elizabeth say to her father , “But,Dad,you cant be healthy if youre dead.”? AHe was driving at great

    22、speed. BHe was running across the street. CHe didnt have his safety belt on. DHe didnt take his medicine on time. 2.The reason Father was in a hurry to get home was that he _ . Awasnt feeling very well Bhated to drive in the dark Cwanted to take some exercise Ddidnt want to be caught by the police 3

    23、.According to the text , to be “thrown clear” of a serious accident is very dangerous because you _ . Amay be knocked down by other cars Bmay get seriously hurt being thrown out of the car Cmay find it impossible to get away from the seat Dmay get caught in the car door 4.Some people prefer to drive

    24、 without wearing a safety belt because they believe _. Athe belt prevents them from escaping in an accident Bthey will be unable to think clearly in an accident Cthey will be caught when help comes Dcars catch fire easily 4. Is there something that youve always wanted to try but just never had the t

    25、ime ? Well , make plans to try it now since you are on summer vacation. Not all vacations call for taking a tour bus to take photos of famous landmarks. Some vacations allow you plenty of opportunities to learn. The most difficult aspect of a learning vacation may be choosing one because the possibi

    26、lities are endless. If you enjoy cooking,various companies can take you to Italy,France,Spain,Mexico or even Peru. Once there,you can learn to prepare the local cuisine(烹饪)Trips are often planned to fit in with local food festivals or special events. The term “learning vacation” often brings languag

    27、e to mind.The best way to learn a language is in an environment where its spoken. Study Spanish,French or English. Or attempt a more unusual language like Polish,Estonian or Thai. Youll be able to learn about the country and absorb the culture at the same time. If you are fond of sports,you can poli

    28、sh your skills or learn new ones.Golf and tennis schools welcome players of all levels.If you want a bigger thrill,you can learn to surf,go climbing or race cars.It s even possible to learn the art and techniques of bull fighting while on vacation! You can also discover our inner artist.Many places

    29、offer painting classes in different mediums.The scenic locations of the schools offer plenty of subjects that provide inspiration for practice. If you prefer capturing the world on film,take a photography vacation.Travel with a small group to photograph beautiful animals or scenery. You can also pra

    30、ctise your technique on people or at historical sights. Once you decide on a vacation,choose a company carefully.Request names of recent customers you can contact,and then ask them for an evaluation.The more you know before you go,the better prepared youll be. Then go out and learn something! 1.Why

    31、is it hard for you to decide on a learning vacation? ABecause it is hard for you to make plans. BBecause the possibilities are unlimited. CBecause there are many good foods from abroad. DBecause therere too many food festivals or events. 2.The advantage of learning a language in its native country is that _. Athe environment is fit for you to use the language Byou are able to learn the original foreign language Cnative speakers offer you a lot of chances to practise Dyou can learn the language and experience its culture 3.Which of the following sports suits you if you dont like thrills?


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