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    1、中国石油大学英语在线作业参考中国石油大学英语在线作业参考一、单选题 答题要求 :每题只有一个正确的选项。窗体顶端1(5.0分)This flower smells _. I like it a lot.A) bad B) badly C) well D) good 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分)Dont talk so loudly. Your father _.A) sleeps B) slept C) is sleeping D) has slept 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分)I have been feeling ill

    2、 _.A) late B) latest C) lately D) later 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分)The mother together with her sons _ asked to go to the court.A) are B) have C) were D) was 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分)My aunt has lived in New York _ 1995.A) for B) during C) in D) since 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分)I agree

    3、 with him to some _, but not entirely.A) expand B) extent C) express D) expensive 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分)Reporters should _ investigating the facts.A) such as B) no matter how C) to some extent D) stick to 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分)_ joyful he was to meet his father again!A) What B) How

    4、 C) How a D) What a 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分) Have you finished your housework_? Yes. I have_ finisheA) yet, already B) already, yet C) ever, never D) still, just 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分)Both you and I _ finished the work in time.A) am B) have C) are D) is 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.

    5、0分) How are you? _A) I am quite good. B) I am very sorry. C) How are you? D) Fine, thank you. 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分)Johns father _ maths in this school ever since he graduatedA) taught B) teaches C) has taught D) is teaching 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分)Our team _ every match so far thi

    6、s year, but we still have tA) was winning B) has won C) had won D) wins 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分)Nothing can stop him from _.A) come B) coming C) to come D) comes 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端15(5.0分)Do I have to take this medicine? It _ so terrible.A) tastes B) is tasting C) is tasted D) has tast

    7、ed 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端16(5.0分)If it _ tomorrow, well go swimming.A) isnt raining B) dont rain C) isnt to rain D) doesnt rain 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端17(5.0分)Jerry didnt tell the story to _ students in the class.A) another B) others C) both D) other 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端18(5.0分)Eating _ is ba

    8、d for your health.A) many B) many much C) too much D) much too 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端19(5.0分)The word “recently” means _.A) 昨天 B) 直播的 C) 最近 D) 结构 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端20(5.0分)He learned to speak English _ months.A) within B) from C) on D) at 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:窗体底端一、单选题 答题要求 :每题只有一个正确的选项。窗体顶端1(5.0分

    9、)The new English dictionary I bought yesterday _ me almost twenty yuan.A) spent B) paid C) cost D) took 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分)I went home, _ she stayed at the station.A) but B) or C) so D) and 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分)I will go and get some milk, since there is _ left.A) a few B) few

    10、C) a little D) little 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分)_ he is only 8 years old, he knows more about science than his father.A) But B) Though C) So D) Because 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分)I _ him yesterday.A) meet B) am meeting C) met D) meted 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分)We find _ difficult that

    11、we should finish the work on time.A) that B) them C) us D) it 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分)_ we need more practice is quite clear.A) If B) What C) That D) / 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分)Do you think _ he should go to the music club or not?Sorry, I have no idea.A) that B) what C) when D) whether

    12、参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分)Study hard, _ you will fail in the exam.A) still B) also C) or D) therefore 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分)By the end of 2020, China _ much stronger and richer.A) will become B) would become C) is becoming D) will have become 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.0分) I usually

    13、 go there by train. Why not _ by boat for a change?A) try to go B) try going C) try go D) go to try 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分)We have a growing population and _ we need more food.A) therefore B) but C) and D) when 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分)She chose to learn the violin in _ to the piano.

    14、A) limitation B) relaxation C) preference D) recreation 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分)Youre _ too heavy. You have to eat less food.A) a few B) a little C) some D) any 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端15(5.0分)He as well as his students _ interested in sports.A) are B) is C) were D) was 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗

    15、体顶端16(5.0分)It _ them three years to build this road.A) cost B) spent C) took D) paid 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端17(5.0分)If you study hard, you _ the examination.A) has passed B) are passing C) have passed D) will pass 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端18(5.0分)I am _ to cycle to school because my bicycle is broke

    16、n.A) able B) disable C) enable D) unable 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端19(5.0分)He has two daughters. One is a nurse, _ is a teacher.A) others B) the others C) other D) the other 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端20(5.0分)“Where is Mary?” “She _ to school.”A) will go B) has been C) has gone D) went 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:窗体底

    17、端一、单选题 答题要求 :每题只有一个正确的选项。窗体顶端1(5.0分)People who wont work should be made _.A) to work B) work C) working D) to be working 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端2(5.0分)Was it during the Second World War _ he died?A) that B) while C) which D) then 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端3(5.0分)_ the temperature, _ water turns into

    18、steam.A) The high, the fast B) Higher, faster C) The more high, the faster D) The higher, the faster 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端4(5.0分)We were deeply impressed by her important _ to the success of the project.A) work B) determination C) improvement D) contribution 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端5(5.0分)They di

    19、scussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no_.A) end B) conclusion C) result D) judgment 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端6(5.0分)What a lovely card! Where did you buy it?I made it by_.A) me B) himself C) myself D) itself 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端7(5.0分)I bought these books at a discount and h

    20、ad two hundred dollars _. A) saving B) saved C) to save D) save 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端8(5.0分)Everybody is _ of the importance of the Four Modernizations. A) aware B) ware C) awareness D) awake 参考答案: A 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端9(5.0分)He was too excited _. A) speak B) not to speak C) to speak D) speaking 参

    21、考答案: C 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端10(5.0分)It was an _ hunt, but the fox escaped. A) excited B) exciting C) excite D) excites 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端11(5.0分)My watch needs _. A) repair B) repaired C) repairing D) to repair 参考答案: C 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端12(5.0分)She did nothing _ at the photo. A) but looking B) but

    22、 to look C) except to look D) but look 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端13(5.0分) _, could you tell me the way to the bank? Yes. Go straight and youll find it.A) Hello B) Excuse me C) Hi D) Sorry 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无窗体底端窗体顶端14(5.0分)The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, _ it more difficult. A) not

    23、 making B) not make C) nor to make D) not to make 参考答案: D 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端15(5.0分)She feels strongly that each of us should have a role _ in making the earth a better place to live in. A) to have played B) to play C) to be played D) to be playing 参考答案: B 收起解析解析:无 窗体底端窗体顶端16(5.0分)I saw him _ out of the room. A) go B) had gone C) has gone D)


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