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    1、公共英语考试三级重点句型及考点练习2011公共英语考试三级重点句型及考点练习第四部份:Phrases and Sentences:1、He is famous for vigorously opposing the use of chemicals to kill pets.这个句子中重点解析的是 vigorously opposing 并翻译这句话。注意的词语:vigorously opposing积极反对翻译为:他因为积极反对用化学品杀宠物而出名。2、What would you recommend for a tenth-grader?这个句子中重点解析的是tenth-grader到底是

    2、十年级的学生,还是十岁的小孩?tenth-grade是“十年级”,所以tenth-grader当然是“十年纪的学生”了。十岁的小孩是:teenager3、They used Singapore as a microcosm for examining a regionwide tropical biodiversity crisis,这个句子中重点解析的是and compiled population data from the past two centuries.翻译为:他们用新加坡作为检查热带地区的区域性的生活差异危机一个缩影,并用过去两个世纪(的历史)来编纂人口数据。其中biodive

    3、rsity是由前缀bio-和diversity组合而成的,意思是生命的差异性。4、Animals that call the forest home have suffered enormously.这个句子中重点解析的是“call”在这句话的意思。call称为,当作。翻译为:以森林为家的动物们受到了巨大的灾难。5、American and Europe will pool research into hydrogen-powered fuel cells.这个句子中重点解析的是“pool”在这句话的意思。pool集中投入,pool的名词意思是“池塘”,动词本义是“汇合成塘”的意思,这里用的是

    4、比喻义,想象一下不难理解的。翻译为:美国和欧洲将集中注资到氢燃料电池的研究中。练习:On the day the World Trade Center fell, the Empire state Building once again became the tallest building in New York City. In the months that followed, six of its commercial tenants ran off. They did not want to be in the tallest anything, anywhere, anymore.

    5、 At a time when U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney was still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations, skyscrapers suddenly seemed like the most disclosed locations. For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U.S., might be one more casualty of war.Three years later, desp

    6、ite fears of terrorist attacks, big is beautiful again. On July 4, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided at the World Trade Center site. New skyscraper projects are under way once more elsewhere in the city and around the U.S. Meanwhile, outside the states, where the taste for tall building

    7、s never really faded, the skyscraper has also been poking its head up in very different ways, and not just for reasons having to do with security. Since the 1990s, tall buildings have been reshaped by a number of global architecture stars whose vision is finally beginning to penetrate the more conse

    8、rvation American market.Some of the best examples of that rethinking now fill two large galleries of the Museum of Modern Arts temporary outpost in Queens, New York. Using 25 spectacular architectural models (some of more than 4 m high), “Tall buildings”, a show that runs at MOMA through Sept.27, lo

    9、oks at the ways in which the skyscraper has eyolyed the early 1990s, at least in the hands of its most gifted practitioners, the kind who are proposing-and even producing, but usually in other nations-buildings that dont resemble the dull boxes that crowd most American downtowns.Engineering is, amon

    10、g others, a path to new kinds of beauty. Just look at Renzo pianos London Bridge Tower, a slender glass pyramid that forms a glittering stalagmite against the old citys skyline. You get a grasp of what ingenious engineering is all about from the London Headquarters of the insurance firm Swiss Re, de

    11、signed by Norman Foster. Even before it opened in April, it was known as the small cucumber because it rises against the sky like a green pickle. But the buildings single feature is the inclusion of larger interior gardens throughout. But theres a dematerializing spirit even in a building that didnt

    12、 requiring new fears of engineering-the Arcos Bosques Corporativo in Mexico City, an arched tower with a vertical slot down its center that lightens the buildings mass brings the sky itself into play.“Not only did American invent skyscraper”, says the Spanish designer Santiago Calatrava, “it invente

    13、d the skyline.” But American skylines have got a little dull. With some work, the worlds architects might bring them back to a very tall standard公共英语三级常见语法问题问题内容:你好!我想问一下“ I had known her for a few months, but meeting someone in person is a lot different than chatting over the internet, and I was wo

    14、rried it wouldnt turn out well.”你说“than“前后要用相同的形式,我想问一下”meeting”是不是动名词,因为“than“既可以做连词又可以做介词,这里是介词还是连词?比较级时一般是连词还是介词呢?麻烦你分析一下上面的句子,另外,详细说一些”than”这个词的用法,好吗?谢谢!回复:你好!在这里than 是介词,后跟动词ing形式的动名词是没错的。than 是比较级的标志。问题内容:你好!“Further to my telephone call this morning, please find enclosed a Walkman.”麻烦你翻译一下这句话

    15、,并分析一下句子成份谢谢!回复:你好!这句话的意思是:续我今早的电话再说一句:请看随附的一个随身听。问题内容:你好!“These include irritation on the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue.”这包括眼睛、鼻子和喉咙发炎,头疼,眩晕和疲惫。这里irritation有发炎的意思吗?因为字典上的意思是“刺激”并没有“发炎” 的意思。回复:有,词典上的意思并不完全,另外可以根据全文的意思猜出这个单词的意思。问题内容:你好!在讲义上的两句话”Your early reply will be hig

    16、hly appreciated.“Expecting to hear from as soon as possible.”你都解释为“希望很能收到你的来信”难道这两句话没什么不同吗?回复:这两句都是信件的常用表达法,意思一样,只是表达方法不一样问题内容:你好!我想问一下这两句话的意思“I enclose my resume which shows details of my qualification, experience, present salary and hobbies”“I graduated from - with a Bachelor of Science/ Art degre

    17、e in,”谢谢!回复:我附上包含我资格证书、经历、目前薪金和业余爱好的简历。我毕业时获得了理学/文学学士学位。问题内容:你好!“This is one of the worlds greatest resort playgrounds, featuring some of the most beautiful beaches and hotels in the world. ”这是世界上最伟大的旅游胜地之一,以世界上最漂亮的海滩和旅馆为特色。后面的“featuring some of the most beautiful beaches and hotels in the world. ”是

    18、作伴随状语上面这句话是不是相当于”This is one of the worlds greatest resort playgrounds, and features some of the most beautiful beaches and hotels in the world. ”我想问一下表示“伴随情况、行为方式或补充说明时的分词短语一般不能用状语从句来代替而相当于一个并列句”,是吗?请赐教,谢谢!回复:This is one of the worlds greatest resort playgrounds, and features some of the most beaut

    19、iful beaches and hotels in the world. 这句话不和语法。两句主语不一致,无法形成并列句。问题内容:你好!“在这一讲中ill sign up for tomorrow mornings tour, anyway, is there still room?无论如何,我将签约明天早晨的旅行。还有位置吗?“我想问一下”anyway,“是副词解释为无论如何,在这里是不是作插入语?谢谢!回复:any way在此句中意思为“无论无何”,可以理解为插入语 。问题内容:你好!在18讲对话中”Its 15, including lunch.一共是15英镑,包括午餐。”这里的“i

    20、ncluding”是不是分词介词,与后面的“ lunch”构成介宾短语起补充说明的作用。谢谢!回复:你好!其实这里的including是动词include的ing分词形式,针对前半句构成伴随, 以补充说明。祝学习快乐!问题内容:你好!我问过你很多次有关独立主格结构,我最想知道的是带“with“的几种独立主格结构,麻烦你详细讲一下,好吗?谢谢!回复:分词的独立结构前可用with/without, eg. Without any money left, he had to borrow some from his friends. With him sitting next to her, she

    21、 felt safe. With John leading us,we managed to get out of the forest. Without anyone noticing,he came in. He came back with a basket filled with eggs.问题内容:你好!“that urban people no longer do”no longer我知道是“不再”的意思,是什么短语,做句中做什么成份麻烦你详细讲一下,好吗?另外,你把“be joking.”念成“be joken”,谢谢!回复:你好!no longer 是个副词短语,在句中充当状语

    22、。另外,我的发音错误请原谅,我以后会注意的,谢谢建议。祝学习快乐!问题内容:你好!我想问一下书上的句子“I guess people in the countryside must still follow some traditional ways to celebrate Spring Festival that urban people no longer do.“我猜想乡村的人们仍然按照传统的方式来庆祝春节,而城市的人们已经不这样做了。我知道to celebrate Spring Festival 是做目的状语,that urban people no longer do在句子中做什么

    23、成份呢?请分析一下句子成份,谢谢!对了,老师discount可以读成/disknt/吗?回复:你好!that后面引导的是个限定性定语从句,that是关系代词, 先行词比较特殊,是:follow some traditional ways to celebrate Spring Festival。 另外,discount的发音是:diskaunt。听力理解是诸多语言技能的综合运用,涉及到语音、语调、语法、词汇、语言和非语言等方面的知识。考生要想提高听力能力,要从以下几个方面努力:一、语言基础1.语音和语调(1)正确辨别音素。正确辨别音素是听力的根本基础。现举几个常见的发音错误:/?/发成/e/;

    24、/ai/发成/ ?/;/r/发成/ l /;/v/发成/w/;/?/发成/s/不正确的发音必然会造成误解,从而干扰正常的思维判断。(2)弱读。通常句子中除了有重要意义的词必须重读之外,其他词往往弱读,如介词、助动词、人称代词、连词等。(3)连读。在一个意群中,如果前-个词的尾音是辅音,则可以与后一个词词首的元音连起来读。连读使意群或句子听起来比较连贯、流畅。(4)句子重音。讲话者用来表达意思、态度、感情的一种语音手段,在听力考试中是考生理解话语的一个重要依据。(5)语调。语调与句子重音一样,影响到说话人所要表达的意思。有时同样一句话用不同的语调说出可以表示说话人不同的意图、情感与态度。2.语法

    25、考生要正确理解所听到的信息,必须要掌握一定的语法知识。在听力测试中,有些题还直接涉及语法知识,如说话者用了虚拟语气、强调句型、比较结构等等。3.词汇听力需要相当的词汇量作后盾,尤其是口语中常见的词汇,要掌握其在不同语境中的不同意义。此外考生还需熟悉一些常见短语。4.功能意念表达听力测试中,尤其是第一部分(小对话部分涉及生活中的各种场景),人们通过话语表达各种功能意念。如:征求意见:Could you work overtime tonight?劝告与建议:Why not get a taxi?If I were you,Id go on a diet.同意和不同意:I couldnt aGRE

    26、e more.抱怨:Im sorry to have to say this,but its too noisy here.熟悉各种场景及人们表达的各种功能意念的句型,可以帮考生提高捕捉信息的能力,对所听到的内容情景做出快速反应,有利于理解与记忆。二、丰富自身知识听懂听力材料有时要借助一些常识与文化背景知识,特别是英美国家文化、习惯、风俗等,才能正确做出判断。在听力考试中考生有时似乎听懂了意思,但却找不着答案,这跟不熟悉文化背景知识有很大关系。考生可通过平时泛听、泛读、看电视、听广播等来丰富自身的知识。三、培养听力技能1. 多听多听是提高听力水平的前提。通过多听,我们可以熟悉各种讲话人的语音,

    27、并使自己的思维反应能力跟上。只有这样,才能听懂材料内容并快速做出正确的选择判断。2.听重点,分主次听力测试要求考生能分清主次,边听边思考,抓住重要信息,排除次要信息。一般情况下重要信息会出现在篇首或篇末。另外,在录音中某些词的重读、音量的提高、语调的变化都暗示这些是重要信息。考生在此基础上做综合归纳、判断推理。3.短期记忆能力的培养听力考试要求考生在很短的时间内记住听到的重要信息,这需要很强的短期记忆能力。为加强短期记忆,考生可掌握一些速记的方法。比如利用缩略词、符号、首字母等记下重要的数字、时间、地点、中心词等。如:New YorkNY dollar$ BECause therefore考生

    28、也可自己拟定一些记忆符号,但要记清、记熟,以免用时混淆搞错。四、应试技巧1. 树立信心,沉着冷静一些考生在考试中带有恐惧心理。紧张心情使精神不能集中,甚至使原来很熟悉的信息都变得陌生,影响正常水平的发挥。因此考生务必保持沉着冷静,使自己充满信心,排除一切心理负担,积极主动地迎接考试。2.浏览题目,预见内容考生在拿到试卷后,要利用正式放音前的一段时间和录音间的停顿,迅速浏览问题和选项,找出关键词,预见一下录音的内容,确定要听的重点。通过浏览试卷上的问题和选项,考生划出关键词,并预见一下对话内容,从而确定了要听的重点。3.当机立断,勇敢选择听力考试中录音只能听一次,答题时间都很短,需要考生迅速做出


    30、和推理十分重要。在此基础上,个别词句的遗漏或费解对听力理解不会造成太大的障碍。在听的过程中一定要心态平和,不急不燥,集中精力,这是做好听力理解的心理基础!公共英语(PETS)写作中常见的逻辑词汇汇总PETS作文几类逻辑词汇下面是全国公共英语等级考试PETS写作中可以用到的逻辑词汇,大家在写作的时候可以有选择性的采用,只要得当使用相信对提高作文分数还是有一定帮助的!1. 并列关系and, furthermore, more than that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for examp

    31、le2. 转折关系although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, nevertheless, yet, otherwise, despite3. 顺序关系first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next4. 因果关系as a result, for, thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since, consequently, on account of5. 归纳关系as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word6.几个用得比较多的句子:As far as I am concerned, the advantages of outweigh its disadvantages。Nevertheless, the disadvantages of is undeniable。To sum


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