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    1、Photo姓名 Name 性别Sex 出生日期Date of Birth 国籍Nationality 现住址Address 电话Tel 手机Mobile Phone 电子邮件E-Mail 填表说明一、填写本手册要严肃认真,实事求是。一律用钢笔填写。二、实习小结由本人按实习收获、体会、存在的问题及建议等内容填写。三、本表内容应及时按规定的项目和要求准确记录。由主管实习的教师进行成绩考核及出勤情况统计。四、每科实习结束时,有教研室汇总考核手册,教研室主任签字,然后送交医院主管教学办公室。全部实习结束后,有由教学办公室汇总考核手册。五、本手册应妥善保存,不得遗失,毕业实习结束后存入学生档案。Inst

    2、ruction1.The Record must be filled out in ink and seriously based on facts.2.The Internship Report must be written by the student by him/herselfon his/her own and involves the knowledge, experience and suggestion to the existing problems.3.The records and reports of intership must be made on time ac

    3、cording to the given items. The internship grade and the attendance record must be completed by teachers in charge of internship.4.Upon the completion of the internship, the record should be signed by the director of department and handed in to the office of teaching affairs of the teaching hospital

    4、.5.The record should be kept by the international college after intership as a part of students archives.毕业实习目的须知一、实习目的毕业实习是医学生在完成医学基础理论和专业知识的学习以后,通过病房、门诊、急诊等各项医疗实践活动,在上级医师的指导下,通过接诊、处治病人,学会对常见病、多发病的诊断和处理原则,正确掌握临床工作中的常用诊疗技术,培养临床思维和独立工作能力。 同时还要了解医院的组织形式、工作常规、工作方法、工作制度和医疗法规。在工作中,树立以病人为中心的服务意识,学会正确处理医患关


    6、、门诊、急诊及值班等工作。工作中须服从上级医师的统一安排,不得争抢、推委。7、着装整齐,举止端庄,作风正派,礼貌待人,团结互助,不搞无原则纠纷和闹矛盾。Information for Internship.Purpose of Internship After completing basic science courses and professional knowledge courses, interns will learn how to diagnose common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases as well as clin

    7、ical principle through practical activities in the inpatients room, outpatients department and emergency room. Under the guidance of higher level doctors, interns will master clinical techniques and develop their clinical thought and ability to work on their own in the course of saving patients live

    8、s and treating diseases. At the same time interns should also learn to know the form of organization and every working regulation, method, system and medical statutes of the hospital. Interns should increase the consciousness of service and take priority over patients. They will know how to deal wit

    9、h the relationship between patients and doctors, improve their professional skills and try to become ethical doctors. .Notice to Interns1、Observe the relevant policies of China and the regulations worked out by the hospital authorities. Respect the leaders, doctors, nurses, and other staff members w

    10、orking in the hospital.2、Take part in different activities of the hospital as well as departments in which you are working. Concern yourselves with affairs of state. 3、“Patients-First”take priority for patients. Look after every patient with great care. Treat every patient equally without discrimina

    11、tion. Dont say and do anything to hurt /harm the patient. Refuse any gift from patients or their relatives. Dont explain the patients condition to their relatives at random.4、Complete clinical practice in strict accordance with the outline and plan so as to strengthen the basic knowledge and clinica

    12、l skills. 5、Form the serious style of work. Keep close watch over every patient and abide by operating rules and regulations. Guard against any unskilful and faulty medical or surgical treatment.6、Practise in relevant departments in the hospital according to requirements. Join in the different work

    13、in the patients room, outpatients department, emergency room as well as being on duty under the guidance of higher level doctors. Interns must obey the unified arrangement and avoid scrambling for treatment or shirking responsibility.7、Dress neatly and keep your behavior dignified. Treat patients in

    14、 an honest and polite manner. Help each other and avoid unprincipled disputes and trouble.毕业实习规定一毕业实习为48周。其中内科12周、外科实习12周、妇产科实习6周、儿科实习6周、神经内科实习4周、影像医学2周、眼科2周、皮肤科2周、耳鼻喉科2周。实习时间为在本年7月开始至次年6月完成。实习安排在本校的大学医院和教学医院中进行。二医院对学生实习采取三级管理方式,即:教学处教研室带教教师。教学处在各教研室均聘请一名主治医师以上的人员为班主任导师负责学生的实习管理工作。三入科教育:学生分组入科学习,第一天



    17、外或国外医院实习,应选择在大学教学医院或医疗中心级医院、规模须具备500张床位以上,具有较强教学能力的综合性医院中进行。须本人提出申请并有接收医院开具同意接受该生实习的证明,同时出具该医院具备接受能力的资质证明。九无论在本校进行毕业实习还是在校外或国外医院进行毕业实习,学生在完成各科实习后须回本校参加毕业实习综合能力考试。(考试内容为内科、外科、妇科、儿科的临床理论部分和实际操作能力部分)考试合格者方能准予毕业。考试时间安排再次年的6月份进行。附:实习考核标准Internship Regulations 1.The Internship in Clinical Medicine is 48 w

    18、eeks from July in anyyear to next June of the following year, in which 12 weeks for Internal Medicine18 weeks for Gynecology & Obstetrics, 6 weeks for Pediatrics, 6 weeks Neurology (including 2-week internship for Radiology), 2 weeks for The internship is arranged at the teaching hospitals of Tianji

    19、n Medical University according to the internship schedule.2.The students are under the supervision of the Teaching Affairs Department, Teaching and Research Office and the tutors. One attending doctor or above from each Teaching and Research Office will be put in charge of internship management resp

    20、ectively.3.Students should be arranged to do the internship in groups. On the first day of the internship, the vice director and the teacher in charge will give the students the basic introduction to the sectors, the regulations, the sequences of working in different sectors, the programme for inter

    21、nship, schedule for going around the ward for inquiry and the arrangement for internship instruction.4.The interns shall be given an assessment after internship in each sector by an evaluation team formed by the tutors and the teacher in charge. The eight assessment results are based on both oral an

    22、d writing tests, operation skills, comprehensive operations, overall behaviors of the internship and evaluation result.5.The internship should be carried out strictly according to Internship Outline. Experts from the supervision team will give evaluation and instruction to each subject and the teach

    23、ing office will also ask for the advice and feedback of the tutors and students. In accordance with the above, a comprehensive evaluation will be performed monthly.6.Students must abide by the regulations of internship and they are not allowed to ask leave without special permission. If they have on

    24、e day off, they should ask their tutors for leaving; two days, ask the teaching and research office of the department; three days, ask the director of the department and the teaching office of hospital. More than two weeks leave, they have to report to the students management department for authoriz

    25、ation. Anyone will be regarded as absence if they take leave without permission from relevant department. If students ask for sick leave, they need to present the medical diagnosis record from the hospital and get the permission of the internship hospital. If the students suffer from serious sicknes

    26、s, they need to get the approval of the university authorities and then go through the probation procedure.7.The students will be subject to make up for the lost period if his absence accounts for one fourth in the internship of internal medicine and surgery, one third in the other subjects. Student

    27、s need to repeat the internship with the next grade if he is absent from the practice for over one third because of illness or any other reason. 8.Students who want to do the internship aboard or out of our university should select a comprehensive hospital or medical center, with over 500 patient be

    28、ds and with medical teaching competence. The student is also required to submit an admission letter from the hospital and a certification indicating the qualification of the hospital.9.Wherever the students perform internship work, at our university or aboard, they must return to the university to a

    29、ttend the general examination after the internship. The examination involves clinical theory and clinical ractice of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology and Paediatrics. Those who pass the exam are qualified to graduate and obtain diplomas. The examination is scheduled to be held next June. Encls

    30、: Evaluation Criteria for internship实习成绩考核记录GRADE RECORD OF INTERNSHIP 考核项目要求标准扣分标准 statement得分教师签字itemsrequirementstandardmarksignature病历书写字迹清楚 语言通顺 层次分明 重点突出10字迹不清楚1-5分;语言不通扣1-5分;层次不分,重点不突出扣1-5分. clarity:1-5; fluency: emphases:1-5writing medical record clear,fluent, make the key points stand out查体姿势正确 顺序正规 手法熟练 完整准确15姿势不正规扣1-5分;无顺序,手法不熟练扣1-5分;有遗漏不准确扣1-5分. posture: sequence: correct:physical examinationcorrect posture, regular sequence, skillful performance病历分析表达清楚 分析有序 抓住重点 诊断处理正确表达分析层次不清扣1-8分;抓不住重点扣1-8分;诊断处理欠正确扣2-10分.perspicuity:1-8; diagnosis and treatment;2-10analysis of m


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